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Christmas – Jesus is the reason for the season

Master of Ceremony – by Steve Brainerd and Ilakkiya

Steve: Good morning everybody! It’s my pleasure to stand before you for this day of celebration. Today
we’re going to celebrate ….. celebrate…… celebrate what?! Oh My God! I forgot it. Wait, let me get my
helping hand Ilakkiya from my class. Ilakkiya! … Pls join me friend.

Ilakkiya: Hi Steve! What’s your problem man?

Steve: (In a secret voice) What is our today’s celebration?

Ilakkiya: Ha,ha ha… I’ll help you to find. Today is a celebration as you said. This is all about this season.

Steve: Season?! It’s winter. What to celebrate?

Ilakkiya: Hey! come on Steve… It’s a winter…and we’re in the month of December… then we’re going to
celebrate… combine all these ….and

Steve: Hey! Wait, wait ….. I got it . It’s the celebration of (singing)“Joy to the world….ta da da da da….”

Ilakkiya: Yes! It’s Christmas celebration in our school. Finally you got it.

Steve: Yes Ilakkiya. Wait! Let me tell it formally.

Once again , Good morning to one and all present here… It’s my pleasure to stand before you
for this celebration of Christmas. As we called each other this is Ilakkiya….

Ilakkiya: And this is Steve

Steve: of 7th B. And we’re going to present this beautiful event today. So now, celebration mode ON!......

Ilakkiya: Wait, wait. Before that we have to do one important thing.

Steve: What it is?

Ilakkiya: What you’ll do every day morning first you woke up?

Steve: bathing? (In action)

Ilakkiya: No…before that

Steve: brushing? (With action)

Ilakkiya: No…before to that

Steve: 1,2(only in action)

Ilakkiya: (with smile) No … even before that…

Steve: (Thinking a while) Oh! Its Prayer(in action)

Ilakkiya: Yes! It is.

Without God’s blessings we cannot do anything in our life. God says, ‘Seek and ye shall find’. So
we are going to seek for his heavenly blessings now. Opening prayer by “Kathirvel”.


Steve: Thank you Kathir, for your prayers and Amen to it. Ilakkiya, do you know that through prayer we
are speaking to God?

Ilakkiya: (Nods)

Steve: Likewise God will speak to us through his words.

Ilakkiya: Yes Steve! You are right. So now, we are going to hear the word of God. Bible reading by

(Bible Reading)

Ilakkiya: Thank you Anto. Steve, Are we not celebrating today?

Steve: Yes we are celebrating.

Ilakkiya: But, didn’t seems like that.

Steve: Why Ilakkiya? What happened?

Ilakkiya: There is no festive spirit in the air. Do something for that.

Steve: Yeah sure. (Thinking for a while).Ok… tell me, what we are celebrating?

Ilakkiya: Birth of Jesus Christ…… that is Christmas…

Steve: When we say ‘Christmas’ what will come into your mind first?

Ilakkiya: Cake….

Steve: (with smile)Then?...

Ilakkiya: Stars?...

Steve: Ok, then?...

Ilakkiya: Then what?... (To crowd) What you will think, friends?

(Get some answers from crowd and repeat to Steve till you get the answer ‘Songs / Carols’ )
Steve: Yes its Songs/Carols. Without Songs/Carols you cannot think about Christmas. So our class choir
is joining us on stage to present you a beautiful song of Christmas.

(Song : ‘Away in a Manger’)

Ilakkiya: Wow! What a pleasant song? It is very soothing to our ears. Thank you friends! Can we give a
one more round of applause to the choir?

Steve, now I feel that we are really celebrating.

Steve: I’m happy for you , Ilakkiya. Tell me when is Christmas?

Ilakkiya: Ha, its on 25th December. So what?

Steve: What is today’s date?

Ilakkiya: twenty …first… so……?

Steve: mm… we’re celebrating 4 days before. Nothing wrong in it. Can you tell me when this festive
season starts?

Ilakkiya: May be from the 1st of December?...

Steve: Even before… Many countries start their Christmas celebration from November itself.

Ilakkiya: Oh my goodness! Almost this whole winter season?

Steve: Yes… Even they call this winter season not as winter but as ‘Christmas Season’ or ‘Season of Joy’.

Ilakkiya: Oh! Super. But what is the reason for that?

Steve: Want to know that?

Ilakkiya: (Nods heavily)

Steve: For that I am calling our friends to perform on a stage to tell the reason.

(Skit : ‘Jesus – The reason for the season’)

Thanks for the skit and Intro for the special song

Steve: Ilakkiya, you told me that a special guest is coming to celebrate the Christmas with us . Did he
Ilakkiya: Yes. He is eagerly waiting to see all of us. Guess who is that?

Steve: Go yaar… I’m already too tired to think.

Ilakkiya: Ha… Don’t lie. Say that you don’t have anything here (pointing head) to think. That I believe.

Steve: Hey!(showing angry face) , don’t under estimate me. Wait I’ll guess….

Who it could be? (Mind voice)

Ilakkiya: He will sing….

Steve: (Thinking) Pratheesh sir?...

Ilakkiya: He will dance…

Steve: Albert sir?... no singing and dancing… Jabez sir?...  no can’t be… she said he is a guest….

Ilakkiya: He will bless us…

Steve: He can sing… dance… bless… An angel from heaven? No no. Angels will never tell and come.

(to crowd) Any guess?

Steve: Hey! Its Santa. Am I right?

Ilakkiya: Yes he is. Without Santa the Christmas celebration won’t complete. Now we are welcoming
Santa on the stage.

(Santa Claus appearance)

Ilakkiya: Steve, hope we came to the end of celebration. Shall we finish it off?

Steve: Wait Ilakkiya. Calm and come down from the air.

Ilakkiya: why?

Steve: With the celebration you forgot our regular routine. We celebrated the birth of Jesus. Likewise
we’ve to wish the birthday kids.

Ilakkiya: (With the shy face) Yes I forgot…

Steve: mm… I would like to call upon the people those who celebrate their birthdays today.

(Birthday Song)

Ilakkiya: Once again my special wishes to you all friends.(To steve) At last we really at the end of the
Steve: Yes we are. I thank everyone for giving us this opportunity. To the most I thank Almighty God for
enabling us to do this work. (Vote of thanks if any)

Ilakkiya: It’s a time to finish. I request everyone to stand for National Anthem.

(National Anthem)

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