Meryman 1959

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Sublimation Freeze-Drying without Vacuum

Author(s): H. T. Meryman
Source: Science, New Series, Vol. 130, No. 3376 (Sep. 11, 1959), pp. 628-629
Published by: American Association for the Advancement of Science
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Sublimation Freeze-Drying of the dried layer, and (iii) wat :er-vapor through the dried specimen shell is con-
pressure at the specimen surfac :e. Since trolled primarily by water-vapor pres-
without Vacuum
specimen temperature and size ; are fixed sure at the surface of the specimen
Abstract. Analysis of the freeze-drying by other considerations, the primary rather than by total gas pressure, prompt
procedure shows that the passage of water goal in freeze-drying is the effi cient re- removal of water vapor once it reaches
vapor from the drying boundary through moval of water vapor from the s Ipecimen the specimen surface is mandatory for
the dried shell is facilitated primarily by surface. efficient drying. The vacuum system is
the vapor pressure gradient rather than by In a system employing a cold I trap or useful only to facilitate the transfer of
the absolute pressure of the system. This desiccant, the purpose of the vacuum vapor to a vapor trap.
is experimentally confirmed, and a device
is to facilitate the passage c )f water From the foregoing discussion it is
for freeze-drying at atmospheric pressure
is described. vapor from the specimen surfac :e to the clear that any means of removing water
trap by reducing the number of gas col- vapor from the specimen surface should
The conventional freeze-drying appa- lisions made en route. Ideally, the trap be nearly as satisfactory as the high-
ratus embodies a specimen chamber should surround the specimen, and the vacuum approach. To this end we have
with some means of maintaining con- mean free path should be long , enough employed dry air blown past the speci-
stant specimen temperature, a pumping so that most vapor molecules c; an travel men to sweep away water-vapor mole-
system to produce a high vacuum in the directly to the trap without collision. cules as they reach the surface of the
specimen chamber, and either a cold Since the rate of passage of wat :er vapor specimen. A similar approach has been
trap or a desiccant to remove water reported by Treffenberg (2), who em-
vapor evolved from the specimen. The ployed a slow transfer through the speci-
maintenance of a predetermined speci- men chamber but in conjunction with
men temperature is necessary to insure
that the specimen receives sufficient L reduced pressure. At atmospheric pres-
sure efficiency of the system is improved
heat to support sublimation but that its I by increasing the rate of air transfer past
temperature does not rise sufficiently to the specimen to reduce the thickness of
permit ice-crystal growth or even melt-
the boundary layer, which will be rich
ing. The purpose of the cold trap or in water vapor.
desiccant is to remove from the system The apparatus employed is a recircu-
water vapor released by the specimen lating system in which air is blown se-
and to prevent the condensation of water quentially through a desiccant and across
in the vacuum pump. However, the func- the specimen. The details of construc-
tion of the high vacuum is not as self- tion are shown in Fig. 1. The apparatus
evident as it might at first appear to be, is basically a cylinder with a tube run-
and studies of the mechanism of freeze- ning down its center. The specimen is
drying have led us to means by which located in a basket G, inserted through
the vacuum system may be altogether a port into the central tube. After inser-
eliminated. " -I tion the system is sealed by stopper H.
When a biological specimen freezes, rrl A conventional squirrel-cage blower E
most of the water is removed from solu- draws air through the central tube past
tion and isolated in ice crystals, the size the specimen and back through the
of which depends on the rate of freez- desiccant D, which fills the annular
ing. The purpose of subsequent freeze- space surrounding the central tube. The
drying is to remove the water from these motor M drives the blower through a
crystals without permitting further sealed bearing N so that the entire sys-
changes in the specimen. The rate at tem, once assembled, is completely air-
which water molecules leave the crystal - tight. The desiccant, retained by screens
is dependent solely on their tempera- _ J ~ at C and B, is a material of very low
ture. The proportion which return to the 0 -
vapor pressure and high water capacity,
crystal depends on the concentration of properties essential for this purpose (3).
the surrounding vapor. The net removal The apparatus can either be placed in a
of water from the crystal thus depends
a y 'D ~cold chamber or wrapped with tubing
on the effectiveness with which vapor is and cooled by a conventional refrigera-
prevented from returning to the crystal. tion system. A thermocouple at F per-
There are two major obstacles to the mits accurate control of air temperature.
removal of water vapor: the resistance Our standard specimen for the evalu-
of the already dried shell of the speci- ation of freeze-drying techniques is a

men and any impediment to the trans- _-- cube of mouse kidney measuring 2 mm
fer of vapor molecules from the speci- on a side, fresh-frozen by immersion in
men surface to the vapor trap. Both
liquid propane at- 195?C and dried at
theoretically (1), and as shown by the -30?C. A higher temperature of drying
experiments described below, the resist- permits excessive ice-crystal growth,
ance to diffusion created by the dried which impairs the histological integrity
specimen shell is very great-so great, of the specimen. From our experience
in fact, that the presence or absence of and that of others (4), such a specimen
gas molecules in the spaces vacated by i requires a minimum of 6 hours' drying

i LL?
ice crystals is of secondary importance. time in an efficiently designed vacuum
freeze-drying system; a shorter period
The factors determining the rate of dif-
fusion of water vapor through this shell of time leaves the specimen undried at
are then, (i) rate of vapor production Fig. 1. Device for freeze-drying at atmos- the center. Standard specimens desic-
(specimen temperature), (ii) resistance pheric pressure. cated in the dry-air device described
628 SCIENCE, VOL. 130

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above can be dried in 8 hours. Follow- Table 1. Tissue degeneration with various Effects of Differential Infantile
ing this drying period the specimen is dyes applied to the culture.
Handling upon Weight Gain and
removed to a vacuum chamber for em-
bedding in paraffin. The quality of the
Tissue degeneration* Mortality in the Rat and Mouse
results, in terms of histological detail, Time
Abstract. Animals were handled during
of ex- Neutral Trypan Methylene
appears equivalent to that of results ob- posure No red blue blue ages 1 to 10, 11 to 20, or 1 to 20 days, or
tained by the conventional vacuum (min) (ye (1:40,000) (1:10,000) (1:10,000) were nonhandled controls. Animals han-
freeze-drying approach. The efficiency of dled for 20 days weighed the most in
0 0 0 0 0
this method compares favorably with adulthood, while the controls weighed the
2.5 0 0 t t
the best reported vacuum freeze-drying 5.0 0 0 t t least. Animals handled on days 1 to 10
and is substantially superior to that of
10 0 1 0 0 survived food and water deprivation the
20 0 3 t t longest of any group. Mice handled for
devices which do not have the cold trap 30 0 4 0 0
60 0 4 0 0 20 days died earlier than controls, while
in line of sight from the specimen. the reverse was true for the rat.
90 0 4 t t
The mechanical simplicity achieved Light filtered through trypan blue
through elimination of vacuum pumps 60 4 The general procedure followed in
Light filtered through methylene blue
and use of a vacuum-tight system is con- 60 4
studying the effects of infantile experi-
siderable. An additional advantage of Light filtered through neutral red ence upon adult behavior has been to
60 0
this approach, however, appears to be stimulate the organism from birth until
in situations where a number of speci- * Degeneration: 100 percent, 4; 50 to 75 percent,
weaning and then test for effects of the
mens are to be dried simultaneously, 3; 0 to 25 percent, 1; none, 0. stimulation later in life. Since the rat
t Not determined.
where the many specimens and their and mouse undergo tremendous devel-
supports constitute physical obstacles opmental changes during the pre-wean-
which diminish the effectiveness of the ing period, it is likely that the same
vacuum system by preventing straight- the neutral red, showed no ill effects stimulation affects the organisms differ-
line passage of vapor to the trap. Above from the exposure. Neutral red applied ently at different developmental stages.
all, these experiments (5) confirm the to the cells after exposure to the white This is suggested by Scott's critical pe-
supposition that passage of vapor light did not produce cell degeneration riod hypothesis (1) and by the work of
through the dried specimen shell is pri- and was picked up by the cytoplasm as Levine and Lewis (2). Therefore, if ani-
marily a matter of vapor pressure gradi- in unexposed cells. If the light was first mals are stimulated only during certain
ent rather than of total pressure in the passed through a solution of neutral red parts of the pre-weaning period, the
system. (1: 40,000), the particular wavelengths stimulation may interact with matura-
H. T. MERYMAN of light responsible for the damage were tional processes which are at different
Biophysics Division, Naval Medical filtered out, and damage to the cells was stages of development to differentially
Research Institute, National Naval prevented. However, when methylene modify adult behavior.
Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland blue (1:10,000) or trypan blue (1:10,- Complete litters of rats descended
000) were used as filters, damage occurred from the Harvard Wistar strain, and
References and Notes
as it did with unfiltered white light. The C57BL/10Sc mice were randomly as-
1. J. L. Stephenson, Bull. Math. Biophys. 15, results are summarized in Table 1. signed to one of the following infantile
411 (1953). The source of the white light was a
2. L. Treffenberg, Arkiv Zool. 4, 295 (1953). experience groups: handled on days 1 to
3. The material used was Molecular Sieve, a bank of three 20-watt fluorescent bulbs 10, handled on days 11 to 20, handled
product of Linde Co., a division of Union Car- at a distance of 15 cm. The light was on days 1 to 20, and nonhandled con-
bide, New York, N.Y.
4. D. Glick and D. Bloom, Exptl. Cell. Research
filtered through a 3-cm solution of trols (3). At least two litters were used
10, 687 (1956). 1-percent copper chloride, and the tem- per experimental treatment. Handling
5. I wish to acknowledge the skilled assistance of
perature of the air above the solution consisted of removing the pups from the
Raymond Long in the design and construction
of the device described in this report. did not rise above 38? to 39?C. home cage, placing them in a container
24 April 1959 It is suggested that perhaps one cause (a 1-gal can filled with sawdust for the
for the occasional degeneration of mon- rat, and a wooden mouse box for the
key kidney monolayers or for the loss in mouse) where they remained for 3 min-
plaque count (1) seen after the addi- utes, and then returning them to the
Photodynamic Inactivation of tion of the nutrient-agar-neutral-red home cage. This procedure was followed
mixture used in the Dulbecco Plaque once daily on the appropriate days. All
Monkey Kidney Cell Monolayers Technique is inadvertent exposure to animals were weaned at 21 days and
Abstract. Monkey kidney cell monolay- white light. It is evident from these find- reared thereafter with like-sexed mem-
ers exposed to white light in the presence ings that in the presence of neutral red, bers of their own litter in small groups.
of neutral red (1:40,000) undergo degen- the exposure of the tissue to white light Food and water were always available.
eration within 24 hours after exposure. should be kept to a minimm. At 69 days the rats were weighed and
This communication concerns the S. WAYNE KLEIN* placed on total food and water depriva-
effect of white light on monkey kidney SOL H. GoODnALf tion in individual cages. The same was
cell monolayer cultures in the presence Departments of Microbiology, and done with the mice at 54 days. All ani-
of the vital stain neutral red. In the Biochemistry, Johns Hopkins University mals had received 10 days of testing of
course of attempts to photoreactivate School of Hygiene, and avoidance learning just prior to this.
ultraviolet-light-inactivated monkey kid- Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland Hours until death occurred were re-
ney cell monolayers grown in 100-mm corded.
References and Notes
petri dishes, it was observed that unir- The group means for weight and mor-
1. J. E. Darnell, Jr., R. Z. Lochhart, Jr., T. K.
radiated monolayers, when exposed to Sawyer, Virology 6, 567 (1958).
tality for both species are presented in
white light in the presence of the vital * Fellow of the National Foundation for Infan- Table 1. The data were analyzed in a
tile Paralysis, Inc. 2 x 2 factorial design: presence or ab-
stain neutral red (1: 40,000), degenerate t Public Health Service senior research fellow
within 24 hours after exposure. Similar (SF-218); aided in part by an Atomic Energy sence of handling on days 1 to 10 was
plates exposed to the same light for the Commission contract. one factor, while presence or absence
same time period, but in the absence of 6 April 1959 of handling on days 11 to 20 was the
11 SEPTEMBER 1959 629

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