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The notion of God is also associated with this.

For Aristotle, god is pure actuality, for, up being

can only be a pure act when it has no potency yet to be realised. It is perfection itself, such a
being would be God.
From the above view, we can guess how Aristotle has developed correlation in his theories of
potentiality and actuality notion of God , and teleological theory of causation. Aristotle maintains
that “matter exists in potential state, just because it may come to its form; and when it exists
actually, then it is in its form.” Form or actuality is the end toward which natural processes are
directed. The end of world process , is when everything is actualized, which is potentially there.

Aristotle gives us the stages of world process according to this , associating this notion with
God. He explains the process in the following way:

1.In the beginning there was bare matter

2.As it came in contact with god it became matter with potentiality
3.The four elements were composed and,
4. Combinations of form and matter preceded in forming substance
5. In this way the world was formed and is still forming
6. The world will come to an end or the end of process will be there when everything that is
potentially there will be actualized.

Problem of change and teleological view of causation

“Why the world is the way it is?”

Aristotle is attempting to answer the question ‘why the world is the way it is’ just like the
Philosophers prior to him. He answers the question in quite a teleological approach , by
maintaining that the world is the way it is because it has some purpose that is the end
for Aristotle there is explanation for every single thing that happens in the world and that
is the only human tendency to seek the answer to the question why i e the cause. By
saying this Aristotle is rejecting the mechanical view of world that world is an arbitrary
process he claims that behind the world there is some rational element which is

Four-fold scheme of causes

Aristotle gives 4 kinds of causes as answer to every cause these causes are,
1.Material cause 2. Formal cause.
3. Efficient cause. 4. Final cause

These causes are not only applied to the human world but also metaphysical Quest
mainly why the world is the way i is Aristotle explains the causes as
Material cause : it is that out of which something is made for example would of a table.
In the case of world process the material cause of the world becomes matter as it is the
basic element out of which word is made

Formal cause: it is that which makes a thing to be what it is for example the form of
would that is of table or chair to be wood in this case formal cause of the world is the
idea of the world that is to be actualized.

Efficient cause: it is the one who makes or initiate the effect for example the Carpenter
who makes the table out of wood the efficient cause of the world is god as he is the
creator of world as he has the potential it and is an actualized being.

Final cause: it is the reason for which the product is produced that is the actualization of
the table of wood from Idea table this is the final actualization of the potential form the
actualization of that potential form of the world.

Teleological approach of world in accordance with potentiality and actuality.

By explaining the four fold scheme of causes Aristotle points out that all the worldly
objects or processes are a part of a way toward and towards actualization. He elaborate
how the potential form of the world is being actualized and that the process of becoming
is only of manifestation. When all which is potentially bear is actualized the process of
world will end hence the end is predetermined.
By the four causes not only Aristotle gives kinds of causes but the sequential process of
the world and worldly objects. Actuality is determined in the potentiality of objects ; is
the teleological approach that he holds.

Notion of self or soul

Sole for Aristotle is the principle of life and consciousness in a living organism. Similar
to form and matter soul and body cannot be separated.
He gives us the hierarchy of kinds of solar cell that is vegetative, animal and human.
Vegetative : it is the lowest at the chain consisting only the principle of nourishment.
Animal: above vegetative, consisting Nourishment and sense experience.
Human: highest in the hierarchy, consisting nourishment since experience and

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