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Exam: Golden Test Maximum marks: 50 Time: 3hrs

Part-I (Long Answer Questions) Answer any four 4 × 5 = 20

1. Discuss the characteristics of exponential and logistic population growth. Explain with the
help of graphs?
2. What do we mean by ecosystem stability? Differentiate between Resistance stability and
Resilience stability of ecosystems?
3. Define Air pollution? Give sources of natural and anthropogenic air pollution?
4. What are the various method to control particulate and gaseous air pollution? Discuss any
two methods to control particulate air pollutants?
5. What is Demographic Transition theory of population growth? What are various population
control methods?
6. Differentiate between renewable and non-renewable energy sources, with examples?
Limitations of non-renewable energy sources?

Part-II (Short Answer Questions) Answer any Five

5 × 3 = 15
1. Explain the phenomena of genetic erosion and biodiversity loss?
2. Briefly explain factors affecting population growth?
3. What is in-situ and ex-situ conservation? Give examples of each type of conservation
4. Define Ecological succession? What is primary and secondary succession?
5. Give few applications of biotechnology?
6. Effects of dams on environment?
7. Describe harmful effects of ozone depletion?
8. Explain with examples, communicable and non-communicable diseases?

Part-III (Very short Answer Questions) Answer any five

5 × 2 = 10
1. Name two types of composting toilets? What does ECOSAN stands for?
2. Give any four applications of solar energy?
3. What are water-borne diseases? Examples?
4. What is Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)?
5. Explain Environmentally Sound technology (EST)?
6. What is mutualism?
7. What is biomass energy?

Part-IV (Multiple Choice Questions) Attempt all questions

1. Causes of malaria do not include:
a. Poor sanitation
b. Unclean water
c. Genetic disorder
d. Infectious pathogens

2. Viruses do not cause:

a. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS)
b. Malaria
c. Measles
d. Smallpox

3. Which of the following is a non-renewable source of energy?

a. Wood
b. Sun
c. Fossil fuels
d. Wind

4. What is the total forest cover in India?

a. 39.12%
b. 41.53%
c. 14.54%
d. 21.54%

5. In EIA the baseline data describes:

a. The environmental consequences by mapping
b. Existing environmental status of the identified study area
c. Assessment of risk on the basis of proposal
d. Demographic and socioeconomic data

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