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Alex Burris Weller

( This is the Java Script logo, which is computer programming language. )

All the languages for coding The list of directions for coding
Java and C# Java and C#
are two very similar A program is a list of
programming languages directions for the computer to
that are well-optimized follow. The computer needs
and have stricter rules to the directions to be in its
help prevent language. People who enter
programming mistakes the instructions don't want to
JavaScript. Since type a lot of words, so the
JavaScript runs in all directions are made more
browsers, it can be a good simple. The directions are put
choice of language to in "computer form" so the
learn PHP Ruby. computer can follow."A
compiler is what we call the
translator from the half-English
language to the computer
language. Some languages,
called interpreted languages,
use interpreters instead of

( Different types of languages for coding. )

Important dates software code programs
The first game was created in Video game makers use
1961.The first virus was created in several codes to create their
1983.The first computer problem was games. These include a \Visual
identified in 1947 as a dead Basic and Perl, among others.
moth.The first computer programmer
These are just some of the
was a female, named Ada Lovelace.
software code programs used
Simula, invented in the late 1960s by
to create video games
Nygaard and Dahl as a superset of
Algol 60, was the first language
like"Guitar Hero" and "Mario
designed to support object-oriented Kart."
programming. C, an early systems
programming language, was
developed by Dennis Ritchie and Ken
Thompson at Bell Labs between
1969 and 1973.

( This is Mario Kart, one of the types of games
people code. )

This book has described how a programing

number of important data
technologies work and it has
provided guidelines on the Programming is telling a
right way to use those computer how to do certain
technologies. things by giving it instructions.
We have covered technologies These instructions are called
programs. A person who writes
for storing data, accessing data,
instructions is a computer
processing data, and publishing
programmer. These
data on the web. We have also
instructions come in different
focused on writing computer
languages; they are called
programming languages. A
We have looked at the computer program is a
advantages and disadvantages collection of instructions that
of different storage options, we performs a specific task when
have looked at how to design executed by a computer.
data storage efficiently, and we Mostcomputer devices require
have discussed how to write programs to function properly.
good computer code. A computer program is usually
written by a computer
programmer in a programming

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