Lesson Plan

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Division of Batangas

Tanauan Institute

Tanauan, Batangas

Detailed Lesson Plan in Technical Drafting

Grade 11

May 16, 2019

St. Thomas Aquinas

10:30 am-11:30 am

I. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to;
1. Describe and define the term Isometric Drawing,
2. Classify the dimensions provided in Isometric Drawing,
3. Draw the Isometric view of the given drawing,
4. Value the importance of Isometric Drawing,
a. Topic: Introduction to Isometric Drawing
b. References:
c. Instructional Materials: Chalk, Blackboard, Pencil, T-Square, 30,60 Triangle, Eraser,
Bond paper, Laptop
d. Teaching Methods and Strategies: Recitation, Interactive Discussion, Inidicidual


a. Prayer
Everybody stand up and let us pray. OUR FATHER
b. Greetings
Good morning class! Good morning, Sir!
Before taking your seats, kindly arrange
your seats first and pick up those pieces of (Students will follow)
paper underneath.
c. Checking of Attendance/ Assignment
*________, who is absent? Secretary will check the attendance.

I gave you an assignment, right? Yes, Sir!

Pass your paper. (Students will follow)
d. Review of the Past Lesson
Before we proceed, let us have a short
review from our lesson yesterday. Who
can recall our last topic?
Yes, ______ Our last topic is all about several basic tools that are
Correct! needed in Isometric drawing, Sir!

What are the basic tools needed in

isometric drawing?
Yes, ______ Sir, some of the basic tools needed in isometric
drawing are T-square, ruler, pencil, eraser, 45 degree
triangle or 30x60 degree triangle, tape
Very Good!

What is the function of the pencil? Pencil is basically used to sketch different forms of
Yes, ______ lines needed in isometric drawing.

Nice recall!

What is the function of the T-square? The T-Square is used in creating horizontal lines. This
is where the triangles should rest to create vertical and
parallel lines, Sir!
Very good!

e. Motivation
To start our day great, we will be having
an individual activity. Using the tools and
equipment in Isometric drawing, create a
simple dream house that you want for
yourself in the future. Describe the things
you are going to do in order to have the
kind of simple dream house you want for
you and your family.

B. Developmental Activities
a. Presentation
Drawing is a big part of our everyday
lives most especially for you, future
engineers! In engineering, we use
drawings to communicate visual ideas that
are essential towards achieving
organizational goals.
b. Discussion
What are the things that come to your
mind when you hear the word Isometric?
Yes, ______ Iso means equal and metric means measurement.
Very good!

Isometric Drawing is a kind of drawing

which is derived from two Greek Words
ISO meaning equal and METRIC
meaning measure.

Do you have any idea how does Isometric

drawing differ from a normal drawing? Isometric drawing uses measurement. It shows the
Yes, ______ dimensions of the object.

Very Good!

Isometric drawing provides the length,

width and depth of the picture or object.

Any other ideas on how does isometric

drawing differ from a normal drawing? Sir, it is a three-dimensional representation of an
Yes, ______ object.

Very Good!

So Isometric drawing is a way of

presenting designs/ drawings in three
dimensions mainly used by engineers,
illustrators and occasionally, architects.
The three dimensions are represented as
three axes: One vertical axis and two
horizontal axes projected in 30 degrees.

For you to better understand this concept,

let us now proceed with the actual

The 1st step in isometric drawing is

sketching a horizontal line.

Who can sketch a thin horizontal on the

Yes, ______
Wonderful! Thank you! You may now
take your seat.

Next step, sketch a 2-unit vertical axis AB

perpendicular to the horizontal line XY.
Who can illustrate on the board?
Yes, ______
Nice! Thank you! You may now take your

3rd step, using your 30x60 degree triangle,

create a 2-unit line across axis AC. Who
can illustrate that?
Yes, ______
Thank you!

4th step, using your 30x60 degree triangle,

create a line across axis AD. Who can
illustrate that on the board?
Yes, ______
Thank you!

Now, I’m going to mark out distances to

represent the width, height and depth.
Step 6, using the mark outs, create 2-unit
vertical lines (DF, CE) parallel to line AB.

Step 7, connect lines E and B, B and F

and using your triangle, sketch a line from
point F which should be parallel to line
EB. Who can illustrate that on the board?
Yes, ______
Thank you!

Last step, complete the drawing.

c. Generalization
What are the 3 things which Isometric The 3 things which Isometric drawing provides are
drawing provides? height, width and depth.
Yes, ______

Very good!
Isometric is derived from the Greek words “Iso”
Who can tell me the two Greek words on which means equal and “Metric” which means
which the word isometric is derived from? measure.
Kindly give their respective meaning.
Yes, ______

Very Good!
Isometric is different from a normal drawing in a way
Last question! How is it different from a that it is a three-dimensional representation of an
typical drawing? object and it is also projected at 30 degrees.
Yes, ______

Very Good!

d. Application
Students will be grouped into 5. Using
their illustrated dream house, pick the
simplest one and create the isometric
version of their chosen drawing. The
students should use their tools and
equipment and apply the basic functions
of each in creating the drawing.
Directions: Using the basic tools and equipment in Isometric drawing, transform the given
object into its isometric view.

1. Define what an orthographic drawing is.
2. Cite 2-3 basic examples of an orthographic drawing.

Prepared by:

Laurence C. Abanilla

Practice Teacher

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