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Professional and Construction Related to Association in Indonesia

Paper by : Eklisia Hanani (171316877)

Atma Jaya Yogyakarta University

construction world has taken important role in the nation and world, either for infrastructure,
system, transportation, or commerce. Ironically, in the middle of rapid development of
construction world, unprofessional and unethical acts can still be found in the projects.
Verification of professionalism can be demonstrated by certificate of professionalism.
Associations in civil engineering world also contribute to the certification of professionalism.
This paper present the general understanding for certification of professionalism and professional
institution related to civil engineering field.

Professionalism is an important competence needed in the free market era nowadays. Lack of
professionalism resulted in failures and violation of ethics, so professional engineers are needed
in the development of nation. Formal education and practice in the field (internship, on-site
practice, etc) are part of the ways to obtain ethical and professionalism. Another way to validate
professionalism of an individual is by getting Certificate of Competence. This certificate is a
must for individual or service company in order to be able to work in certain field or project that
need professionals (especially mega projects).
Related with professionalism, there are also ethics that must be fulfilled. These code of ethics are
provided by related association in order to maintain professionalism during work and projects.
Association has the rights to revoke the certificate of competence if there are violations of the
code of ethics. The revoked certificate will not be returned.

The purpose of this paper is to present and explain about how to get certification of
professionalism, also professional associations in civil engineering field.
Associations manage and regulate each field of civil engineering. In order to obtain certification
of certain field, there will be training given by association related to the certain field.
Certification can be divided into 2 :
1. Certificate of Expertise (Sertifikat Keahlian)
Certificate of expertise is issued by professional association accredited by LPJK. The
association is responsible for verifying and validating construction experts who meet the
work competency requirements in the field of construction services.
Qualifications :
1. Young Experts :
Has a minimum engineering education background of D3 with a minimum of 2 years
experience or S1 education without work experience.
2. Madya Experts :
Has an engineering education background according to the classification of experts,
minimum D3 with 5 years more experience or S1 with a minimum of 2 years experience.
3. Main/Master Experts :
Has an engineering education background according to the classification of experts, at
least S1 with more than 8 years experience or S2 with a minimum of 5 years experience.

Business entities that will register and certify construction service business licenses must
meet the requirements of having certified / appropriate experts and company qualifications.

The expert will be determined by the business entity as the person in charge of the technique
or the person in charge of the field.

The application for registration of construction experts is addressed to LPJK through

professional associations in LPJK accreditation and has the authority to validate and verify
application for certificate of expertise, classification assessment, and qualification.
Certificate of expertise needed by the business entity adapted to the business entity and the
field of business carried out.
2. Certificate of Skill (Sertifikat Keterampilan)
Skill certificate are proof of formal recognition or proof of the competence and abilities of
the profession of individual work skills in the field of construction services.

Qualified skilled construction workers :

1. Class 1
2. Class 2
3. Class 3

Skill certificate is issued by professional associations that are accredited by LPJK.

Each field must have 2 certified experts and be designated as the technical person in charge
and the person in charge of the field.

PJT or PJB chosen by a business entity, namely skilled workers who have work experience
in the same field as the business sector being carried out.

Experts who have been selected as PJT and PJB by business entities and already have skills
certificates issued by professional associations that are accredited by LPJK will be registered
directly as PJT and PJB business entities online on the website. Even these experts
cannot concurrently serve as PJT and PJB in other construction service business entities.
Skill certificate issued by professional associations that are accredited by LPJK. Each field
must have 2 certified experts and be designated as the technical person in charge and the
person in charge of the field.PJT or PJB chosen by a business entity, namely skilled workers
who have work experience in the same field as the business sector being carried out. Experts
who have been selected as PJT and PJB by business entities and already have skill certificate
issued by professional associations that are accredited by LPJK will be registered directly as
PJT and PJB business entities online on the website. Even these experts cannot
concurrently serve as PJT and PJB in other construction service business entities.
Unethical acts that exist in developing economies can negatively affect the quality of constructed
projects, thus undermining the clients and users of those projects. The main public agencies of
developing countries are encouraged to enforce existing laws and procedures and to set a standard
code of ethics (Rahman, H Abdul, et al. 2013).

Many companies and government agencies are beginning to require certifications for their
project, program, and engineering managers (Remer, Donald S., 2014)

History shows that the engineering profession is grudgingly coming to grips with its
responsibility to the public. Experience indicates that there is greater acceptance of certification
in the science-based, engineering related practice areas and by engineering technicians
(Anderson, 1999).

Employers have legal obligation to make an effort to determine the credibility and standards
underlying a credential obtained through voluntary certification, especially when it influences
decisions on employment or promotion (Wilson, et al, 1998).
The professional association of construction services, is one or more container organizations or
associations individuals, on the basis of the knowledge of scientific discipline in the field of
construction or similarity profession in the field of construction services, in an effort to develop
expertise and fight for the aspirations of members .

Association in Indonesia are :

1. Asosiasi Tenaga Teknik Ahli Dan Terampil Indonesia (ASTTATINDO)
2. Asosiasi Tenaga Ahli Konstruksi Seluruh Indonesia (ATAKSI)
3. Himpunan Profesi Tenaga Konstruksi Indonesia (HIPTASI)
4. Himpunan Ahli Value Engineering (HAVEI)
5. Asosiasi Masyarakat Baja Indonesia (AMBI)
6. Ikatan Quantity Surveyor Indonesia (IQSI)
7. Himpunan Tenaga Ahli Konstruksi Indonesia (HITAKI)
8. Asosiasi Keselamatan Kesehatan Kerja Dan Lingkungan (AK3L)
9. Asosiasi Profesi Mekanikal Elektrikal Indonesia (APMELINDO)
10. Himpunan Ahli Konstruksi Indonesia (HAKI)
11. Himpunan Pengembangan Jalan Indonesia (HPJI)
12. Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia (IAI)
13. Asosiasi Profesionalis Elektrikal Indonesia (APEI)
14. Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia (PII)
15. Himpunan Ahli Teknik Iluminasi Indonesia (HTII)
16. Himpunan Ahli Teknik Tanah Indonesia (HATTI)
17. Ikatan Ahli Manajemen Proyek Indonesia (IAMPI)
18. Himpunan Ahli Teknik Hidraulik Indonesia (HATHI)
19. Ikatan Ahli Perencanaan Indonesia (IAP)
20. Ikatan Arsitek Lansekap Indonesia (IALI)
21. Komite Nasional Indonesia Untuk Bendungan Besar (KNIBB)
22. Himpunan Ahli Elektro Indonesia (HAEI)
23. Himpunan Desain Interior Indonesia (HDII)
24. Perhimpunan Ahli Teknik Indonesia (PATI)
25. Persatuan Insinyur Profesional Indonesia (PIPI)
26. Asosiasi Ahli Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja Konstruksi (A2K4)
27. Ikatan Ahli Teknik Ketenagalistrikan Indonesia (IATKI)
28. Himpunan Ahli Manajemen Konstruksi Indonesia (HAMKI)
29. Ikatan Ahli Fisika Bangunan Indonesia (IAFBI)
30. Ikatan Ahli Sistem Dan Konstruksi Mekanis Indonesia (IASMI)
31. Ikatan Ahli Teknik Penyehatan Dan Teknik Lingkungan Indonesia (IATPI)
32. Ikatan Surveyor Indonesia (ISI)
33. Ikatan Surveyor Kadastral Indonesia (ISKI)
34. Ikatan Ahli Pracetak Dan Prategang Indonesia (IAPPI)
35. Himpunan Ahli Perawatan Bangunan (HAPBI)
36. Asosiasi Tenaga Teknik Indonesia (ASTTI)
37. Asosiasi Tenaga Ahli Konstruksi Indonesia (ATAKI)
38. Asoiasi Profesi Perkeretaapian Indonesia (APKA)
39. Ikatan Ahli Konstruksi Indonesia (IAKI)
40. Ikatan Nasional Tenaga Ahli Konsultan Indonesia (INTAKINDO)

Since construction is an important thing nowadays for the nation and the world, professional and
ethical engineers are needed to maintain the quality of the projects itself. In order to validate
professionalism of an individual, certificate of professionalism is needed.
Each field in engineering is regulated and managed under professional associations, these
associations also provide training in order to obtain certificate of professionalism. A qualified
engineer will get a certificate indicating expertise in certain field, there are also ethics code for
engineer to obey. Certification itself divided into certificate of expertise and certificate of skill.
Anderson, William C. (1999) Certification for the professional traffic operations engineer
Wilson, et al. (1998) Certification
Rahman, H Abdul (2013) Role of Professionals' Ethics in Construction Performance and
Quality-related Issues
Remer, Donald S. (2014) review of project and engineering management certifications
offered by professional organizations

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