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Teacher Education Program

Elementary Lesson Plan Template

Name: Amanda Hust Date of implementation:

Key Content Standards and CA ELD Standards (Integrated ELD): List the complete text of only the relevant parts of each content and ELD
standard. (TPE 3)
Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve one- and two-step word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting
together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown
number to represent the problem.
Cross-Disciplinary Connection: (TPE 3,4) Incorporating Visual and Performing Arts: (TPE 1,3)
Reading Comprehension N/A

Lesson Objective: What do you want students to know and be able to do? (TPE 3)
Students will:
 Solve a word problem involving dividends
 Use their own strategy to solve the problem
 Share their strategy with a partner and/or the class

Lesson Goals: What have you learned about students’ abilities that has informed the direction of your lesson (based on assessments, learning
experiences, IEPs)? (TPE 1,3,4,5)
Students can solve math problems involving three addends numbers using skip-counting or the standard algorithm. Students can also use direct
modeling and come up with their own strategies to solve word problems.
Prerequisite Skills: What do students need to know and be able to do in order to engage in the lesson? (TPE 3,5)
Students need to be able to:


Comprehend what the story is about

 Understand that they need to divide the number of each type of candy by 24 in order to solve the problem
 Explain their reasoning for how they solved the problem
Pre-Assessment Strategies: How might you gain insight into students’ readiness for the lesson? (TPE 5)
I will gain insight by eliciting responses that reveal comprehension of the story (i.e. What is this story about? What are we trying to do? How many
students are in the class?
Backward Planning: What evidence will the students produce to show they have met the learning objective? (TPE 5)
They will have used a strategy to solve the word problem, found a correct solution, and explained how they solved the problem .
Checking for Understanding: How will you monitor student learning to make modifications during the lesson? (TPE 1,2,3,4,5)

I will conference with students as they solve the problem to see how they are approaching the problem. If the student is finding this problem
challenging I will suggest direct modeling by either skip-counting or by adding until they have reached the correct number. If a student is only
finding the problem slightly challenging I will ask comprehensive questions, ask them how they think they should approach the problem, and
guide them from there.
Self-Assessment & Reflection: How will you involve students in assessing their own learning? (TPE 5)
Students will share their strategy with a partner and subsequently share the strategy with the class. Students will have the opportunity to ask their
peers questions during this time as well.
Connections Engaging All Learners
Connections to Students’ Lives (TPE 1,2) & Culturally Responsive Strategies to Support Wide Range of Learners (UDL, MTSS, etc. – TPE
Practices (TPE 2,4): 1,2,4):

 The story problem is about students getting M&Ms. Students love I will read the story problem out loud, leave the problem up on the
to solve “real life” story problems projector screen for students to see, and conference with those who
need extra support.
 Students have solved a story problem similar to this one before
 Approaches to Support English Language Learners & Standard
English Learners (TPE 1,3):
 Connections to Real Life Contexts (TPE 1,2):
 Pair-share their strategies, re-read story problem, re-voice student
Promoting Multiple Perspectives (TPE 2): Range of Communication Strategies & Activity Modes (TPE 3,4):
 I will have a few students share their strategy with the class. The  Re-voice student responses
students I choose will have solved the problem using a different  Allow students to hear and read story problem
strategy so the class can see how the problem can be solved in
multiple ways.  Reiterate instructions in different ways.

Accommodations and Modifications: How will you differentiate content, process, and/or product? (TPE 1,3,4)
Provide support based on ability:
 Beginning: Suggest and/or provide different strategies to use
 Developing/Proficient: Elicit comprehension-based responses and ask student how they think they should solve it
 Mastery: Instruct student to solve the problem a different way. After this, help other students.

Technology: How will technology be used to facilitate students’ equitable access to content? (TPE 1,3,4)
Projector used to project story problem as well as student strategies.
Academic Language (Integrated ELD): What CA ELD Standards, content-specific vocabulary, skill-specific vocabulary, text structures, and
stylistic or grammatical features will be explicitly taught? (TPE 3)
A. Collaborative
1. Exchanging information and ideas with others through oral collaborative conversations on a range of social and academic topics. (SL.1.1, 6;
L.1.1, 6)
Name: Amanda Hust Date of implementation: 4-11-19

Instructional Learning Strategies to Support Student Learning: (TPE 1,2,3,4,5):

What will the teacher do to 1) engage/motivate students by connecting the lesson to experiential backgrounds, interests and prior learning, 2)
identify learning outcomes 3) present material, guide practice, and build independent learning, 4) monitor student learning during instruction, and 5)
build metacognitive understanding?

List what the teacher will be doing and what the students will be doing.
Time Teacher Student Resources / Materials
2 min Announce what we’re doing:  Print out of story
 I’m going to read the read the problem, ask Students listen to the run-down of the problem (1 per student)
you a few questions to gage understanding, lesson.  Projector
and then I will give you the story problem
 Pencils
for you to glue in your math notebooks.
 After this, you can get started on the math
 You may solve the problem any way you’d
like and use any strategy you prefer.
 When we’re done, you will share your
strategy with a partner and then three
students will share their strategy the class.
 I will be coming around and helping those
who need support
Launch story problem:
2 min
 Read 2X: “Mrs. Hust has 30 M&Ms and
Students listen to the story problem
she wants to share them with her students.
being read.
If there are 15 students in the class and she
passes out an equal amount to each student,
how many M&Ms will each student get?”
Ask class the following:
 What is this story about?
 What are we trying to figure out? Students answer questions about story
2 min problem.
 Ask further questions based on student
Students work on story problem:
 After a few minutes, ask students to raise
their hand if they need help and conference
with them.
 Select 3-4 students to share their strategy
10-15 min and explain their reasoning with the class.
Students work independently on story
 Depending on time: have students share problem.
strategies with a partner.
Strategy share:
 3-4 Students come to the front of the class,
project their strategy on the screen, share Students pair-share their strategies
their strategy, and explain their idea.
 Ask students in audience to re-explain the
5-7 min sharer’s idea. Students share strategies with the class
 Give students opportunity to ask questions
about the strategy being shared.
 Summarize the strategies that were shared Students have opportunity to ask
 Have students share their favorite strategy questions about the strategy.
or if they learned something new with a
2 min

Student pair-share their favorite strategy

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