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What Are the 5 Love Languages?

The Five Love Languages is an ideology developed by Dr. Gary Chapman that discusses
relationships between couples. He stresses to his audience in his book that all people
express their love for one another in various ways and it is essential for couples to identify
how they communicate their love to one another so that they are able to improve upon
their relationship.

Words of Affirmation Language

The first way, according to Dr. Chapman, that people express love is through verbal
affirmation. Love is expressed by simply telling one another the positive aspects that are
found within the couple and their relationship. For example, words of affirmation can
include statements such as, "You are a beautiful person," and "You are my best friend."
Quality Time Language
Couples share their love for one another by spending quality time together. This aspect
requires the individuals to focus their attention on one another in ways such as open
communication, both listening and speaking, and spending time with one another doing
activities that are enjoyed by both individuals.
Receiving Gifts Language
Another language of love that individuals can share is the concept of receiving gifts. Some
individuals see the act of providing one another with material objects, regardless of their
cost, as an act of love. Without these acts of giving and receiving individuals who use this
type of love language will feel deprived of their relationship.
Acts of Service Language
Individuals who express love via the acts of service language are prone to seeing such tasks,
like chores and various household tasks, as acts of love. In order for two individuals to
experience the acts of service language together, both individuals need to be willing to step
outside of their typical household routines and perform one another's tasks for the sole
purpose of being kind to one another.
Physical Touch Language
The physical touch language is simply the idea that individuals feel loved and comforted by
being in close physical contact with one another in various ways, such as holding hands,
hugging, kissing and sexual intercourse. Physical touch between couples can vary
depending upon what each individual in the relationship is comfortable with.

The Love Language Quiz

Not so sure what your Love Language is? That’s okay, I didn’t know for the longest time. I
mean, I suspected, but I wasn’t entirely sure. If you’re in the same boat as me, or if
perhaps you can’t decide between two (or three), a quiz might be the right next step for you!

Below is a quiz adapted from Gary Chapman’s book, “The Five Love Languages.” It is
designed to help you to understand the in which you best receive (and give) love.
The Love Language Quiz consists of 30 pairs of statements. Choose ONE statement in
each pair - the one that best represents your desire. Keep track of your answers: write down
the letter of each statement you choose. (Make sure you’re only choosing one!)
The Love Language Quiz: WIFE

I like to receive love notes from my husband. A

I like to be hugged by my husband. E

I like to spend one-to-one time with my husband. B

I feel loved when my husband gives practical help to me. D

I like it when my husband gives me gifts. C

I like leisurely visits and long trips with my husband. B

I feel loved when my husband does things to help me. D

I feel loved when my husband touches me. E

I feel loved when my husband puts his arm around me. E

I feel loved when my husband surprises me with a gift. C

I like to go almost anywhere with my husband. B

I like to hold hands with my husband. E

Visible symbols of love (gifts) are very important to me. C

I feel loved when my husband tells me he loves me. A

I like to sit close to my husband. E

I like for my husband to tell me I am attractive. A

I like to spend time with my husband. B

I like to receive little gifts from my husband. C

Words of acceptance, especially from my husband, are important to me. A

I know my husband loves me when he helps me. D

I like being together and doing things with my husband. B

I like it when my husband speaks kind words to me. A

What my husband does affect me more than what he says. D

Hugs make me feel connected to and valued by my husband. E

I value praise from my husband. A

Small, meaningful gifts from my husband show me how much he cares. C

I feel close to my husband when we are talking or doing something together. B

I feel closer to my husband when he touches me often. E
I like for my husband to compliment my achievements.
15 A
I know my husband loves me when he helps me with something he hates.

I like to be touched as my husband walks by. E

I like it when my husband shows genuine interest in what I am saying. B

I feel loved when my husband helps me with jobs or projects. D

I really enjoy receiving gifts from my husband. C

I like for my husband to compliment my appearance. A

I feel loved when my husband takes time to understand my feelings. B

I feel secure when my husband is touching me. E

When my husband runs errands for me, it makes me feel loved. D

I appreciate the many things that my husband does for me. D

I like the thoughtful gifts that my husband makes for me. C

I really enjoy the feeling I get when my husband gives me undivided attention. B
I really enjoy the feeling I get when my husband cleans the house for me. D

I feel loved when my husband celebrates my birthday with a gift. C

I feel loved when my husband tells me how important I am to him. A

I know my husband is thinking of me when he gives me a gift. C

I feel loved when my husband helps with my chores. D

I appreciate it when my husband listens patiently and doesn’t interrupt me. B

I never get tired of receiving gifts from my husband. C

I like knowing my husband is concerned enough to help with my daily tasks. D

I enjoy taking trips with my husband, no matter where we go. B

I enjoy kissing & cuddling with my husband. E

I enjoy surprise gifts from my husband. C

My husband’s encouraging words give me confidence. A

I like to watch movies with my husband. B

Gifts from my husband are always special to me. C

I love it when my husband can’t keep his hands off me. E

I feel loved when my husband enthusiastically helps me despite being busy. D

I feel loved when my husband tells me how much I am appreciated. A
I love hugging and kissing my husband after we’ve been apart for a while.
30 E
I love hearing my husband tell me that he missed me.
The Love Language Quiz: HUSBAND
1. My wife’s love notes make me feel good.
I love my wife’s hugs.
2. My wife’s love notes make me feel good.
I love my wife’s hugs.
3. I like to be alone with my wife.
I feel loved when my wife helps me do yard work.
4. Receiving special gifts from my wife makes me happy.
I enjoy long trips with my wife.
5. I feel loved when my wife does my laundry.
I like it when my wife touches me.
6. I feel loved when my wife puts her arm around me.
I know my wife loves me because she surprises me with gifts
7. I like going most anywhere with my wife.
I like to hold my wife’s hand.
8. I value the gifts my wife gives to me.
I love to hear my wife say she loves me.
9. I like for my wife to sit close to me.
My wife tells me I look good and I like that.
10. Spending time with my wife makes me happy.
Even the smallest gift from my wife is important to me.
11. I feel loved when my wife tells me she is proud of me.
When my wife cooks a meal for me, I know that she loves me.
12. No matter what we do, I love doing things with my wife.
Supportive comments from my wife make me feel good.
13. My wife lets me know she loves me by giving me gifts.
My wife shows her love by helping me catch up on projects around the house.
14. My wife doesn’t interrupt me when I am talking, and I like that.
I never get tired of receiving gifts from my wife.
15. My wife can tell when I’m tired, and she’s good about asking how she can help.
It doesn’t matter where we go; I just like going places with my wife.
16. My wife’s encouraging words give me confidence.
I love to watch movies with my wife.
17.I couldn’t ask for any better gifts than the ones my wife gives me.
I just can’t keep my hands off my wife.
18.It means a lot to me when my wife helps me despite having other things to do.
It makes me feel really good when my wife tells me she appreciates me.
19.I love hugging and kissing my wife after we’ve been apart for a while.
I love hearing my wife tell me that she believes in me.
20. I love hearing my wife tell me that he missed me.
I like to spend one-to-one time with my wife.
21. I feel loved when my wife gives practical help to me.
I like leisurely visits and long trips with my wife.
22. I feel loved when my wife does things to help me.
I love my wife when she touches me.
23. I love my wife when she surprises me with gifts.
I love my wife when she embraces me.
24. I like to go almost anywhere with my wife.
I like to hold hands with my wife.
25. I like to sit close to my wife.
I feel loved when my wife tells me she loves me.
26. I like when my wife tells me I am attractive.
I know my wife is thinking of me when she gives me gift.
27. I appreciate it when my wife listens patiently and doesn’t interrupt me.
I never get tired of receiving gift from my wife.
28. I enjoy kissing and cuddling my wife.
I like to watch movies with my wife.
29. I love it when my wife enthusiastically helps me despite being busy.
I feel loved when my wife tells me how much I am appreciated.
30. I like having a walk with my wife.
I like to see her smile everyday when we wake up.

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