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Race, Cultural Heritage and Social Studies Pedagogy Assignment

Dr. Yonghee Suh

TLED 455/555

This assignment is designed to create an opportunity for you to reflect and re-think what you
learned at the practicum about the youth, cultures and histories of their communities, and
teaching and learning social studies. This assignment largely consists of two parts. First,
respond to four out of the following questions [minimum 400 words per question]:

[Possible talking point questions – common across all content areas]

Second, please write a proposal to present at 2019 Virginia Council for the Social Studies
Annual Conference. This presentation will be an opportunity for you to apply what you research
on the youth and their cultures and histories into your practice and share your outcomes with
colleagues in a professional setting. In this proposal, you are asked to write:

 Session title
 Session description
 Social studies strands
 Applicable grade levels
 Outcomes
 Strategies
 Available technologies

Make sure to illustrate an innovative lesson, a teaching strategy, or research results that address
the youth’s cultures and histories of their communities.

A link to the VCSSE conference proposal submission:

Tips to write a winning conference proposal offered by National Council for the Social Studies


Chandler, P. & Hawley, T. S. (Eds.), Race lessons: Using inquiry to teach about race in social
studies. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Gibson, M. T. & Reich, G. (2017). Confederate monuments: Heritage, racism and anachronism, and
who gets to decide? Social Education, 81(6), 356-362.
Levy, S. A. (2017). How Students Navigate the Construction of Heritage Narratives. Theory &
Research in Social Education, 45(2), 157–188. https://doi-

Manfra, M.M. (2008). Authentic intellectual work on school desegregation: The digital history
of Massive Resistance in Norfolk, VA. Social Education, 73(3), 131-135.

Martell, C. C. (2013). Race and histories: Examining culturally relevant teaching in the U.S.
history classroom. Theory & Research in Social Education, 41(1), 65-88.

Stiff-Williams, H. & Sturtz, J. P. (2012). Interviewing the “Lost Generation” from Prince
Edward Counties’ Closed School Era.

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