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The Question today is that is Shakespeare still relevant today and should it be taught in

schools. I believe that Shakespeare is still relevant today and should still be taught in schools. I

believe this because the issues that Shakespeare's plays adrese are still around today.

One Othello log that supports my claim is Othello log #3. The prompt for Othello log #3

is have you ever resented someone who received an honor you were hoping to get. This supports

my claim because Iago resented Cassio and Othello because Othello give Cassio the position as

lieutenant, which Iago wanted. This is shown by Iago saying “In personal suit to make me his

lieutenant,” (1.1.10). This evidence works because it explains that Iago had made it his personal

sute to become Othello's lieutenant. This is relevant today because there are plenty of people

who do stupid thing because someone has something that they want.

Another Othello log that supports my claim is Othello log #4. The prompt for Othello log

#4 is a person's reputation. This supports my claim because after Iago ruined Cassio's reputation

Cassio acted like it was all over. This is shown by Cassio saying that “Reputation, reputation,

reputation! O, I have lost my reputation! I have lost the immortal part of myself, and what

remains is bestial. My reputation, Iago, my reputation!” (2.3.281-284). This evidence works

because Cassio is crying about how he lost his reputation. This is relevant today because many

people judge other based off their reputations, weather it is true or not.

Another Othello log that supports my claim is Othello log #5. The prompt of Othello log

#5 is gullibleness. This supports my claim because othello was gullible because he fell for Iago's

tricks. This is shown when “He hath confessed.” (5.2.85). This evidence works because Othello

is convinced that Cassio confessed to cheating on him with Desdemona after seeing Iago's trick
of switching the topick. This is relevant today because people are still gullible because people

fall for scams and things like that.

I believe that Shakespeare should be taught in schools today because it is still relevant,

because the issues that are addressed in his plays still happen today. These days people still get

jealous, people still care about their or others reputation, and are gullible to tricks.

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