FOM Project Questionnaire Yasir Ihsan Javeria Begum Jalal Anwar Usama Saleem Saad Tariq Version II 13-05-2019

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Capital University of Science and Technology

Project: Visiting and Meeting “Murree Brewery” officials to fill the Questionnaire
regarding their Organization Management Process


1. Company Vision, Mission, Structure and Culture

2. Project Life Cycle,
SWOT Analysis
3. Team management and
4. Gap Analysis and Communication management
5. Company’s Competitive Edge and Effective
Business management


1. Yasir Ihsan
2. Javeria Begum
3. Jalal Anwar
4. Usama Saleem
5. Saad Tariq

Course Coordinator
Mr. Omar Ijaz

1. Yasir Ihsan:

Questionnaire on Company Vision, Mission, Structure and Culture:

Mission and Vision statement articulate the organization value and goals. The mission statement
is also called the statement of purpose or mandate is focused on the organization is doing in the
present. Vision statement is focused on what the organization is doing in the future.

1. What is the difference between vision and mission?

Ans: A mission statement states what the organization is currently doing, while a vision
statement is about company goals in future to be achieved.
2. How do you write a mission and vision statement?
Ans: It should be aspirational, inspirational and motivational.
3. What is a business vision of your company?
4. Ans: To fulfill the customer requirements & expectations.
5. Why are you interested in working for this company?
Ans: My aptitude and interest are as per my job description of Murree Brewery.
6. Why a company need a vision and mission statement?
Ans: Well-written vision and mission statements ensure that each element of the strategic
management process is aligned to the company's long-term goals. Managers use clear
and concise vision and mission statements to communicate their aspirations to
7. What makes a good vision statement?
Ans: Vision statement should be motivational and clear to all workers.

8. How do you agree your mission statement?

Ans: The Mission statement of Murree brewery is as per the customer needs and it fulfill
the company’s objectives of Sales.

9. What draws you to this organization?

Ans: Murree Brewery Provides long term carrier and good working environment.
10. What is your company organization structure and how many departments are there?
Ans: Company is under leadership of CEO, Two GMs, Manager Technical, Manager HR,
and Factory Manager. There are 5 departments in the company:

I. Admin and Security
II. HR Department
III. Quality Control and Safety Department
IV. Mechanical and Electrical department
V. Sales and Marketing

11. What are the 4 types of organizational structures?

Ans: Administrative Structures, Functional Structure, Divisional Structure, Matrix
Structure. In our Murree brewery there is Functional Structure.

12. What does company structure mean?

Ans: Hierarchy of control .It means who is leading specific department and who have to

13. What makes your workplace culture unique?

Ans: In Murree brewery Company the Culture is:
I. Employees are given feedback frequently
II. There’s frequent and appropriate communication from management and HR
III. Real teamwork is encouraged
IV. Employee morale is high
V. Workload expectations are appropriate
VI. Consideration is given to work/life balance
VII. Employees are given the tools they need to succeed
VIII. Employees are given feedback frequently.

14. How does Organizational culture affect performance?

Ans: It provide mental relaxation to the employees with job security which results increase
in Productivity and of the employee’s performance.
15. How is organizational culture created and maintained?
Ans: Organizational culture is created and maintained by the beliefs values and
behaviors of higher management.

16. Why is a strong culture important for organizational success?

Ans: A strong culture impacts the values and norms of an organization. It creates and
supports the mission, vision and values of a company.
17. Why does culture matter in the workplace?
Ans: It either strengthens or undermines the objective of the company.

18. How can culture be transmitted to employees?

Ans: Culture is transmitted to employees through stories, rituals, material

symbols, and language

19. How do you maintain company culture?

Ans: One of the best ways to preserve company culture is to hire carefully,
Develop and Maintain Traditions, Keep Lines of Communication Open.

20. What is a culture of success?

Ans: A culture that values innovation across all parts of the business.

21. How can organizational culture be improved?

Ans: The best ways for improving workplace culture is to open communication
channels to everyone in the company.

22. What role does culture play in an organization?

Ans: It creates the brand image of the organization. The work culture gives an identity
to the organization.
23. How does communication affect the behavior of individuals in an organization?
Ans: The more effective the communication, the more efficient and productive the
activities will be.
24. What makes an organizational culture strong?
Ans: Clear Mission, Solid Communication, and respect among the employee makes the
organizational structure strong.
25. How do you keep a company culture alive?

Ans: To Keep alive the culture, it should be clearly defined, capacity building of culture,
issue reward, introduce leadership.

2. Javeria Begum:

Questionnaire on Project Life Cycle and SWOT Analysis:

The Project Life Cycle refers to the some step process that is followed by nearly all project
managers when moving through stages of project completion. This is the standard project life
cycle most people are familiar with. The Project Life Cycle provides a framework for managing
any type of project within a business

1. How you define the problem to do project?
2. How you make project charter?
3. Will the development of a project solve that problem?
4. What are the specific goals of the project?
5. How you measure enough resources to create and support the project?
6. Explain the creation of the statement of work (SOW)?
7. How you present the business case.
8. W hat are the project’s success criteria?
9. W hat are the constraints?
10.W hat is in scope?
11.How you measure the time, cost, resources etc.?

1. Can you adequately schedule and budget high level milestones?
2. How you determine resource availability?
3. Creating a project budget?
4. How you allocate tasks to certain resources?
5. Development a statement of work (SOW)?
6. How you identify the project tasks?
7. How you create a work breakdown structure (WBS)?

8. How you estimate effort/duration of each task?
9. How you create the project schedule?

1. Are all resources being tracked?
2. Is the project on budget and on time?
3. Can resource planning be optimized?

Monitoring & Controlling

1. How determine the status of plan parameters?
2. How you Prepare report?
3. Develop alternative plans for corrective action?
4. How to monitor activities and make corrections?
5. How you manage regular meetings with the team? Is it necessary?
6. Explain the decision making and authority?

1. How to ensure the project has met expectations?
2. How measure the formal acceptance by client?
3. How you prepare the document lessons learned?
4. How to improve estimates for future projects?
5. How to valuate staff performance and release?
6. How you ensure client and stakeholder satisfaction?
7. Are the project’s completion criteria met?

SWOT Analysis
A SWOT analysis is a high-level strategic planning model that helps organizations identify where
they’re doing well and where they can improve, both from an internal and external perspective. It
is an acronym for “Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.”


Strengths are internal, positive attributes of your company. These are things that are within your

1. Financial Strengths: What is Murree Brewery’s most reliable source of financial growth? Is
it current customers? A particular product? Your service fee structure?
2. Customer Strengths: Where is your customer growth coming from? Why are your customers
choosing you over your competitors?
3. Internal Strengths: What do you do very well as an organization? Are you the first to innovate
products in your industry? Do you have strong customer relationships or partnerships?
4. Learning & Growth Strengths: Where do you excel insofar as your employees are
concerned? Is it your compensation model? Your culture?
5. What business processes are successful?
6. What assets do you have in your team, such as knowledge, education, network, skills, and
7. What physical assets do you have, such as customers, equipment, technology, cash, and
8. What competitive advantages do you have over your competition?
9. What does your company do better than other companies in your industry?
10. What are your most positive brand attributes?
11. What’s your unique selling proposition?
12. How is your business different from other competitors?
13. What is our unique selling proposition?
14. What skills do your employees have that other competitors’ employees don’t have?
15. What things do your customers say we do really well?
16. What are the conditions that are more prominent and not available with other organizations?
17. What are the strong product brands?
18. What is the capability to be flexible and accept changes?
19. Is the company making best use of information technology?
20. Is the company's culture innovative?
21. Is the organization capable to be competitive locally and internationally?
22. How does the organization manage cultural differences?
23. What are the special resources available?

Weaknesses are negative factors that detract from your strengths. These are things that you
might need to improve on to be competitive.
1. Financial Weaknesses: What is your biggest financial weakness?
2. Customer Weaknesses: Where do your customers think you need to improve? This could
be your investment products, locations, loan origination, or competitive prices for interest
3. Internal Weaknesses: What do you do poorly? Do you have opportunities to improve in
project management for opening new branches??
4. Learning & Growth Weaknesses: What are your biggest challenges with employees?
5. Are there things that your business needs to be competitive?
6. What business processes need improvement?
7. Are there tangible assets that your company needs, such as money or equipment?
8. What problems or complaints are often mentioned in your negative reviews?
9. What are your most negative brand attributes?
10. What resources do your competitors have that you do not?
11. In what areas do you need to improve?
12. Do you have any technology or equipment that needs to be updated?

13. Can the organization meet challenges from competitors?
14. What are the areas in which the costs have not been recovered?
15. What are the largest expenditures of the company?

Opportunities are external factors in your business environment that are likely to contribute to
your success.
1. Financial Opportunities: What is your biggest opportunity to improve your finances? This
might be starting a new product line, increasing customer retention, or going after a new
geographical area.
2. Customer Opportunities: Where could you dramatically improve with your customers?
Could you improve your online interface?
3. Internal Opportunities: What processes will drive you well into the future if you could
improve upon them?
4. Learning & Growth Opportunities: What opportunities do you have to leverage staff?
5. Are there upcoming changes to regulations that might impact your company positively?
6. Are we allocating departmental resources effectively?
7. What trends might positively affect our industry?
8. Are there any indicators to be beneficial for the industry?
9. What are the emerging market trends that are in accordance with strengths of the
10. Can the organization make best use of the modern technology?
11. What are the national and international changes that are favorable for the organization?
12. What are the government policies regarding the industry?
13. What are the social and economic conditions?
14. What sources are available for research and development?
15. What is the influence of the seasons and weather?

After identifying opportunities, zero in on your biggest threats by asking, “What do we see on the
horizon as being potentially harmful to our organization?”

1. What threats could seriously impact your financial health? This could be low-cost
competitors, a partner entering the banking space.
2. What is your biggest concern about your customers?
3. What current areas of your business might harm you later? Do you have a new product
rollout soon that could potentially fail?
4. What threatens the people within your organization?
5. Do you have potential competitors who may enter your market?
6. Is consumer behavior changing in a way that could negatively impact your business?
7. Are there market trends that could become a threat?
8. What if a natural disaster strikes?
9. Is our website secure, or do we run the risk of being hacked?
10. Are the product specifications changing too rapidly?
11. Are there any other external threats that may affect the organization?
12. Are there serious internal financial, human resources, or technological threats?
13. Are the company products changing due to other innovative emerging solutions?

14. How will the national economic condition affect the project?

3. Jalal Anwar:

Questionnaire on Team management and Strength:

1. What do your customers love about your products?

2. What are you doing that no one else Is?
3. What are you known for?
4. What Technique have you used to motivate a team?
5. What are your preferred methods of communication?
6. Do you use any tools to support you in leading a team?

4. Usman Saleem:
Questionnaire on Gap Analysis and Communication Management:

1. How do you write a gap analysis report?

2. How long does a gap analysis take?
3. How do you facilitate a gap analysis?
4. What is the purpose of sharing information?
5. Why is it important to share knowledge with colleagues?
6. How do you share information in the workplace?
7. Which software you used for sharing information?

5. Saad Tariq:
Questionnaire on Company’s Competitive Edge and Effective Business management:

1. How do you prioritize the execution plans?

2. What are main steps for affective execution?
3. How do you make it possible to communicate well between different departments?
4. How do you identify, mitigate and reassess risk?
5. How do you define project management procedures to all concerns? For example skilled
6. How do you stay vigilant over budget and schedule concerns?
7. How do you adjust yours plans to meet project demands?
8. What is your main competitive edge?
9. How did you identify your competitive edge?
10. How did you create your competitive edge?
11. What were your strategic moves to build a competitive advantage?
12. Do you work on improving competitive positioning?


Lecture Slides


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