Class 3 Summer Task 2019

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Summer Task Class 3rd Page 1

Write Capital Alphabets ( A to Z ) 2 Time

Summer Task Class 3rd Page 2

Write Small Alphabets ( a to z ) 2 Time

Summer Task Class 3rd Page 3

Write, read and memories it ‫ڑپںیھ اهرایھچرطحایدرکںی‬،‫ںیھکل‬

Write vowels letters 3 times.

Summer Task Class 3rd Page 4

Write, read and translate in Urdu. ‫ڑپںیھ اردهںیمرتہمجرکںی‬،‫ںیھکل‬

Summer Task Class 3rd Page 5

Write, read and translate in Urdu. ‫ڑپںیھ اردهںیمرتہمجرکںی‬،‫ںیھکل‬

Write, read and translate in Urdu. ‫ڑپںیھ اردهںیمرتہمجرکںی‬،‫ںیھکل‬

Summer Task Class 3rd Page 6

Summer Task Class 3rd Page 7
Action Word for Spoken English
Write 3 times, read and memories it. ‫ڑپںیھ اهرایھچرطحایدرکںی‬،‫ دفعہ ںیھکل‬3

1. Come ‫آؤ‬ 2. Stand ‫ڑھکےوہاجؤ‬

3. go ‫اجؤ‬ 4. See ‫دوھکی‬

5. Play ‫ولیھک‬ 6. Help ‫دمدرکه‬

7. ride ‫وساریرکه‬ 8. Cut ‫اکوٹ‬

9. drink ‫ویپ‬ 10. make ‫انبؤ‬

11. eat ‫اھکؤ‬ 12. give ‫دےده‬

Summer Task Class 3rd Page 8

13. run ‫اھبوگ‬ 14. Take ‫ےلول‬

15. jump ‫وکده‬ 16. Talk ‫ابترکه‬

17. read ‫ڑپوھ‬ 18. test ‫کیچرکه‬

19. tell ‫اتبؤ‬ 20. Bring ‫الؤ‬

21. teach ‫ڑپاھؤ‬ 22. Leave ‫وھچڑه‬

23. stop ‫رهوک‬ 24. Buy ‫رخدیه‬

25. Sell ‫وچیب‬ 26. Speak ‫وبول‬

Summer Task Class 3rd Page 9

27. Write ‫وھکل‬ 28. Throw ‫وکنیھپ‬

29. Listen ‫ونس‬ 30. Accept ‫وبقكرکه‬

31. Invite ‫دوعتده‬ 32. Sit ‫وھٹیب‬

Unit 1(Roger’s Bow and Arrow)

A. Answer the following question.

1. Where did the pear tree grow?

2. How did Roger pick a juicy and ripe pear?

Summer Task Class 3rd Page 10

3. What will Roger do for his Gran?

4. What promise did Gran keep?

5. How did the fruit fall into apron?

B. Make sentences using the phrase “instead of”.

The arrow has a sucker instead of a sharp tip.
The boy has a cap instead of a hat.
A pen
bat a
a jacket
short hair
a motorbike
1. The girl has a pencil ------------------------------------------.

2. The boy has a bicycle--------------------------------------------.

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3. The player has a club---------------------------------------------.

4. The woman has a sweater----------------------------------------.

5. The child has long hair --------------------------------------------

C. Translate the sentences into your national language.

1. If the fruit was ready he would pick a juicy ripe pear.

2. If my friend left I would be sad.

I would buy a mobile
3. If I had money
she would give me
4. If I went to my gran
5. If it rained you would get wet.

D. Make sentences as in the example.

1. She is far too kind. = She is very kind.
2. They are far too brave. = They are very brave.
3. He is far too lazy. = He is very lazy.
E. Use the following adverb of frequency and complete the sentences.
Sometime (50%) never (0%) always (100%) often (70%) usually (90%)
I_________ speak the truth.
I_________ tell jokes to my friend.
I_________ visit my garden.
I_________ swim in the swimming pool.
I_________ tell a lie.
F. Lean the word and their meaning.
Word Meaning

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Complete the sentences with short form.
1. We_________ two sisters.
2. You_________ blue eyes.
3. They_________ a holiday tomorrow.
4. He___________ a football.
5. She__________ a brother.
6. It___________ a long tail.
7. The girl__________ green bangles.
Unit 2 (Getting lost)
A. Answer the questions
1. What did Mum say to Anne to remember?

2. Why did Anne stop?

3. What did Anne do when her parents had gone?

4. What did Anne try to remember?

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5. What did Mum say to Anne when she was cross?

B. Translate the sentences into your national language.

1. Stay right where you say me last.

2. When did you see Suzy last?

3. When did you phone your sister last?

4. When did you last take medicine?

5. When did they last win the match?

6. When did you last eat the ice

C. Tick the correct option.

1. When he woke up, everyone had finished / finished breakfast.

2. When he arrived/ arrives, Robert had just left the house.

3. When he met/meets them, they had bought dresses for the house.

4. When I say him, he had jumped/jump off the bridge.

5. When we reached home, Mum have/had cooked meal.

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6. When Clinton died/ dies, he had been married for ten years.

D. Learn the use of, what else.

1. What else had Mom told her?

2. What else did she say?

3. What else do you think about it?

4. What else can I do?

5. What else can I say?

Change the following sentences into negative and then into interrogative.

Sentences negative interrogative

1. I have finished my
2. We have eaten your
3. You have hurt me.
4. They have apologized to
5. She has knitted a sweater.

6. He has won the match.

7. It has jumped over a wall

8. The students have
completed their essays.
Unit 3(Buzzing in the Ears)
A. Answer the following questions.
Q1 What did Mum say to Dad one morning?

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Q2 What did Dad ask Paul?

Q3 Who would be able to tell the cause of buzzing?

Q4 It is all very strange. Who said these words?

Q5 What did the doctor find near the window?

B. Match.

Isn’t up Can be harmful

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Quite still To make a person healthy after an illness

Cure Isn’t awake

Can be serious Quite silent

Workmen Fully open

Wide Persons employed to be manual labour

C. Who say these words?

1., I don’t know, said------------------------.

2., Then I, d better call the doctor, said----------------------------------.

3., you don’t have a temperature, said------------------------------.
4., They will cure you much quicker than me, said-------------------------.

D. Write the long form of the following contracted forms.

I’m not

You’re not

He isn’t

You aren’t

He,s not

E. Translate the following sentences into your national language.

Can you see if there is anyone in the room?


Can you tell me if here is anyone in the garden?


Can you see if there is any one in the backyard?


Can you tell me if there is any one in the class?

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F. Write the three degrees of the following words.

Fast Big
Fat White
Strange Cold
Warm Wide

A. Change the possessive adjectives into possessive pronouns.

1. These are my shoes.

2. These are our pets.

3. These are your trousers.

4. These are their buckets.

5. These are his glasses.

6. These are her ear-rings.

B. Write sentences about you and your friends as in the examples.

My eyes are green. Hers are blue.

Her hair is golden. Mine is black.


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Unit 4 (Bunny and Bingo)
A. Answer the questions

Q1. What is bunny’s friend like?

Q2. Why was Bingo groaning?

Q3.What was the first thing Bingo had to do?

Q4.How did Bingo walk round the tree?

Q5.What did Mrs. fat-body throw?

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C. Change the following sentences into present simple tense.

1. He liked to play tricks on his friend.

2. He lay down on the grass.
3. Bunny hid behind a tree and
4. He saw some red flowers in a pot.

C. Tick the true and cross the false statement.

1. Bingo was a very intelligent monkey.

2. You must do four things to cure your head.

3. You must walk on your hands.

4. Mrs. Fat-Body threw a flowerpot at them.

5. Pick the flowers and put them on your head.

E. Use the following phrasal verbs in the blanks.
Go away Rushed out Ran away Lay down

1. Every one __________ of the room at the same time.

2. She______________ on the bed.
3. Your pain will______________after rest.
4. He____________ from home.
5. He __________ the pole.

F. Add “not” to the following sentences.

1. Monkey was groaning with pain.

2. You must do three things.

3. He looked very funny.

4. Then your headache will go away.

5. There are a lot of flowers in her

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G. Underline the nouns. (A noun is the name of something.)
1) Bingo was a very stupid monkey.
2) Bunny hid behind a tree.
3) There are a lot of flowers in her garden.
4) Mrs. Fat-Body threw a flowerpot at them.

Unit no 5 (A new friend)

A. Answers the following Questions.
1. Who did Mr brown introduce?

2. Where did Mr brown ask Anna to get an exercise book from?

3. What did Mr brown do durimg the lesson?

4. is james always ready to help others?

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5. Who gets the first position?

B. From the adverbs by adding “ ly ”?

Quick quickly silent __________
Kind _______ neat __________
Sudden _______ safe __________
Glad _______ open __________
Slight _______ mad __________
Adverbs of frequency

Always, Often, Never, usually, are ‘adverbs of frequency’

C. Translate the sentences into your national language.

1. He Often visits his grandmother.


2. She Always get up early in the morning.


3. James never spits on the floor.


4. My father usually takes tea in the afternoon.


5. My son always speaks the truth .


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6. We usually go fishing on Sundays.


7. I will never tell a lie.


8. They often visit their relatives.


A. Complete the sentences with “ must “ or “ mustn’t “.

1. you _____________do your homework.

2. You _____________throw the banana peel in the bin

3. you _____________spit on the floor.

4. you _____________wash your hands before eating.

5. you _____________ go to bed late.

B. Complete the sentences in your own words.

1. You must___________________
2. you mustn’t___________________
3. You must not__________________
4. You must______________________
5. You must_________________________

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‫‪Summer Task‬‬ ‫‪Class 3rd‬‬ ‫‪Page 25‬‬

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‫رحهفیجہتیکڑبیااکشكںیھکل۔ دهدہعف۔‬

‫‪Summer Task‬‬ ‫‪Class 3rd‬‬ ‫‪Page 27‬‬

‫اماافلظوکےنھکلےکدعبلمکمرحهفیجہتوک"ا ‪ ،‬ه ‪ ،‬ی‪،‬ے" ےکاسھتںیھکل‬


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‫اعمین‬ ‫اافلظ‬ ‫اعمین‬ ‫اافلظ‬

‫اخقل‬ ‫ولجے‬
‫رب‬ ‫رزاق‬
‫وتملظں‬ ‫وفغر‬
‫رکل‬ ‫زمغدهں‬
‫‪ .1‬اموساالتےکرصتخموجاابتدںی؟‬
‫أ دمحیکرعتفیرکںی۔‬

‫ب ہشیمہاقمئرےنہهایلیتسہسکیکےہ؟‬

‫ج امہرااخقلوکمےہ؟‬

‫د رزاقےسایکرمادےہ؟‬

‫‪Summer Task‬‬ ‫‪Class 3rd‬‬ ‫‪Page 37‬‬

‫ن اسدمحےکاشرعاکانلںیھکل؟‬

‫‪ .2‬مظنےکاطمقباافلظاگلرکرصمےعلمکمرکںی؟‬

‫دے‬ ‫زعتیکزدنیگدے‪،‬ااسحس‬ ‫داینانبےنهاےل‬ ‫ولجےریتے‬

‫داینانبےنهاےل‬ ‫ولجےریتے‬ ‫اٹُلےنهاےل‬ ‫مہوکاعُمفرکان‬

‫دے‬ ‫زعتیکزدنیگدے‪،‬ااسحس‬


‫افغر‬ ‫اٹلےن‬ ‫رکل‬ ‫اخقل‬ ‫رناےل‬


‫وساكربمن‪۵‬۔رتمادفاافلظوکآ سںیمئالںیئ۔‬

‫رتمادف‬ ‫اافلظ‬
‫اظنرہ‬ ‫رناال‬
‫زیچ‬ ‫رحب‬
‫دنمسر‬ ‫ولجہ‬
‫اوناھک‬ ‫کلف‬
‫آامسم‬ ‫ےش‬

‫‪Summer Task‬‬ ‫‪Class 3rd‬‬ ‫‪Page 38‬‬


‫‪ .2‬ددرایےئملین۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔اپیناصفاهرافشفےہ۔‬ ‫‪ .1‬اہللاعتٰیل۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔اشمبسےسرنایلےہ۔‬
‫‪ .4‬احدم۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔رھگآجدوعتےہ۔‬ ‫‪ .3‬انثےنانحوکاسرگلہ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ہفحتدای۔‬







‫اتدجار‬ ‫اٰیلع‬

‫اغیپل‬ ‫اسگمغر‬


‫وساك ربمن‪ 1‬تعنیکرعتفیںیھکل؟‬

‫وساك ربمن‪ 2‬یبنرکمیﷺ وکماساغیپلالےئ؟‬

‫‪Summer Task‬‬ ‫‪Class 3rd‬‬ ‫‪Page 39‬‬

‫وساك ربمن‪ 3‬یبنرکمیﷺ سکیکالھبیئےکےیلداینںیمرشتفیالےئ؟‬

‫وساك ربمن‪ 4‬یبنرکمیﷺ ےنسکدنییکغیلبتیک؟‬

‫وساك ربمن‪ 5‬زدنیگاهررهینشسکےکدلےسےہ؟‬


‫‪ .2‬قحاک۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔آپﷺ الےئںیہ‬ ‫‪ .1‬آپﷺ یکذاتبسےس۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ےہ‬

‫‪ .4‬زدنیگآپﷺ ےک۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ےسےہ‬ ‫‪ .3‬آپﷺےنبسیک۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔یک‬

‫‪ .5‬اے!۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ےکاتدجارالسل‬
‫وساكربمن‪۳‬۔اماافلظرپارعاب اگلںیئ۔‬

‫دمےنی‬ ‫رهینش‬ ‫دل‬ ‫دنی‬ ‫ومیتیں‬

‫عمش‬ ‫لگ‬
‫زابم‬ ‫رهنش‬
‫ملق‬ ‫کمن‬

‫‪Summer Task‬‬ ‫‪Class 3rd‬‬ ‫‪Page 40‬‬







‫قح‬ ‫زدنیگ‬ ‫رهینش‬ ‫ولخمق‬ ‫ااھچ‬ ‫اافلظ‬




‫‪Summer Task‬‬ ‫‪Class 3rd‬‬ ‫‪Page 41‬‬

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Write down counting in words one to sixty,

1 21 41

2 22 42

3 23 43

4 24 44

5 25 45

6 26 46

7 27 47

8 28 48

9 29 49

10 30 50

11 31 51

12 32 52

13 33 53

14 34 54

15 35 55

16 36 56

17 37 57

18 38 58

19 39 59

20 40 60
Write down counting in words 61 to 100.

61 81

62 82

63 83

64 84

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65 85

66 86

67 87

68 88

69 89

70 90

71 91

72 92

73 93

74 94

75 95

76 96

77 97

78 98

79 99

80 100
Counting in words 101 to 150

101 One hundred and one 126

102 127
103 128
104 129
105 130
106 131
107 132
108 133
109 134

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110 135
111 136
112 137
113 138
114 139
115 140
116 141
117 142
118 143
119 144
120 145
121 146
122 147
123 148
124 149
125 150
Write down in words 151 to 200.

151 176
152 177
153 178
154 179
155 180
156 181
157 182
158 183
159 184

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160 185
161 186
162 187
163 188
164 189
165 190
166 191
167 192
168 193
169 194
170 195
171 196
172 197
173 198
174 199
175 200
Write down counting in words. 201 to 250

201 226
202 227
203 228
204 229
205 230
206 231
207 232
208 233
209 234
210 235
211 236

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212 237
213 238
214 239
215 240
216 241
217 242
218 243
219 244
220 245
221 246
222 247
223 248
224 249
225 250
Write down counting in words 251 to 300.

251 276
252 277
253 278
254 279
255 280
256 281
257 282
258 283
259 284
260 285
261 286
262 287
263 288
264 289
265 290

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266 291
267 292
268 293
269 294
270 295
271 296
272 297
273 298
274 299
275 300
Write down forward counting 301 to 400


Write down counting with number name 301 to 350.

301 Three hundred and one 326 Three hundred twenty six


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325 350 Three hundred and fifty
Write down counting with number names: 351 to 400,

351 Three hundred and fifty one 376 Three hundred seventy six

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375 400 Four hundred
Write down counting 401 to 500.

401 491



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Write down 401 to 450 with numbers and number name also.

401 Four hundred and one 426

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425 450 Four hundred and fifty.

Write down 451 to 500 with numbers and number name also.


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Add the following Questions

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UNIT 1 (The five senses)
1. Make a list of ways in which people protect their eyes.

2. What correct the Image of an object seen by the eye?

3. What two important functions do the ears perform?

4. Why is it dangerous to put any long, sharp object in to the ear canal?

5. Do all things give off a smell?

6. Why are there fine hairs in the nostrils?

7. What happens to your sense of smell when you have a cold?

8. In What ways is the sense of smell useful?

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9. How do the taste buds help us enjoy food?

10. What are the different kinds of tastes?

11. Can you touch your nose with the tip of your tongue?

12. Is the top layer of the skin dead or alive?

13. What are receptors? What job do they do?

B. Select the correct answer from the choices listed.

1. The taste buds help us to recognize

a) Shapes b) flavors c) healthy food

2. The eyes lie in sockets in the

a) Joints b) nostrils c) Skull

3. Our--------------- gets messages from our senses to tell us what we see, smell,
taste, hear, or feel.

a) Heart b) brain c) stomach

4. The five senses are ……………………

a) Sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell

. b) Bones, muscles, brain, heart, and hands.

c) Reading, math, spelling, running, and writing.

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C: Use your five senses to explore what is around you. Walk around and find one

Thing that you can hear, smell, taste, touch, and see .Spend some time using your

senses to learn more about them.

What you can…. Description

UNIT 2(Food chain)
Q1. Complete the following sentences:

a) Decomposers feed on------------------------------------------------------------------

b) Only producers can make ------------------------------------------------------------

c) Consumers are those living things that cannot ---------------------------------

d) A food chain shows ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Q2. Read the food chain below.

Cabbage----------caterpillar---------- sparrow------------eagle
Which of the above is a producer and which are consumers?

Q3. Draw or glue a picture of a herbivore, a carnivore and an omnivore in your book. Write
a sentence about what they eat.
Q4. Which is the correct food chain?
a. Grass deer lion

b. Lion grass deer

c. Deer lion grass

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Q5. Which animal might complete this food chain?

UNIT 3(Insects)
Q1. Explain one different between the honeybee and the locust?

Q2. What is the difference between an insect and a bird?

Q3. The human body is supported and protected by the skeleton. What protects and
supports an insect’s body?

4. Fill in the blank using words from the box below.

wings Colony Chitin kinds diseases bones Locusts

a) Species of insects means ------------------- of insect.
b) Most insects have -------------------- attached to them that help them to fly.
c) A--------------is a large group of insects living together?
d) Insects such as -------------- can destroy crops.
e) Flies and mosquitoes can cause --------------.
f) Insects do not have---------------, but are covered and supported by-------------.

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Q5. Make a fact file on insects like one below:
Some Insects
What all
Common Causing Insects diet
Insects have
insects harm

Activity 3. Find all of these insects in the grid below:

Ant Bee Beetle Butterfly

dragonfly fly grasshopper cockroach

Unit 4(What plants produced)
Q1. Match the following.

a) Tomato Root

b) Carrot Leaf bud

c) Pea Flower bud

d) lettuce Seed

e) cauliflower fruit
Q2. Why are tomato and chili both considered to be fruits?

Q3. In a table write one example for each of the following:

Summer Task Class 3rd Page 65

Leaf Flower
leaf root stem tuber seed Fruit bulb
bud bud

Q4. Fill in the blank using the correct word from the brackets.

a) ----------------- make food from the plant. (flower, leaves)

b) (Seeds, roots)
c) Roots absorb---------------------. (soil, water)
d) Stems move water and nutrients to the -----------------. (seeds, leaves)
e) Fruits grow from------------------ (stem, flowers) and contain------------------.

Unit 5 (The life cycle of plants)

1. Fill in the blank Using correct word from the box.

Wind, animals, germinates, water, seed, fruit, sun

a) Every plants start life as a_______________.

b) A seed_______________ when it begins to grow into a plant.

c) The seed is inside the plant’s_______________.

d) Seed are spread by the___________,___________ and ________.

e) Plants make their own foods using energy from the____________.

2. How does photosynthesis help plants?

3. Explain the functions of roots and leaves?

4. How do some animals help plants?

5. Order the steps of the life cycle of a plant by numbering them correctly

The plant flowers.

The fruit releases seed.
The plant grows.
A new life cycle .

The flowers produces fruits.

The seed germinates.

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Q1. How many geographical regions of land are in Pakistan?

Q2. In which part of Pakistan are high mountain ranges?

Q3. Name the highest peak in Pakistan?

Q4. Name the highest trade route in the world?

Q5.Which area is called Indus plain?

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A. Fill in the blanks.

1. Pakistan is a land of high………..,…………,…………,………….

2. The high mountains are covered with………..and……….....

3. Low mountains and hilly areas have lush green …………and beautiful…………..

4. The Karakorum highway is the highest…………… route in the world.

5. Some low mountains and hilly areas are …………. And ……………

6. There are large salt mines in…………..and………….in Punjab.

7. Pakistan has the world’s largest canal………… system.

B. Tick the correct and cross the incorrect statement.

1. Pakistan is a land of deserts and forest only.

2. Pakistan has four major geographical regions.

3. The Himalayas and Karakoram mountains are not covered with no snow
and glaciers.
4. The snow on mountains is a major source of water.

5. Some low mountains and hills are barren and rocky.

6. Punjab and Sindh plains are in high mountains ranges.

UNIT 2(Asia)
Q1. Name the seven continents.

Q2. How much land surface is occupied by Asia?

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Q3. What do “flora” and “fauna” denote?

Q4. Write about agriculture in Asia.

Q5. How many countries are there in Asia?

Q6. Is only one language spoken by the Asians?

A. Tick the correct options.

1. Australia is the largest /smallest continent.
2. The oceans are big bodies of land /water.
3. Three –fourths of Asia’s total area consists of mountains/ gardens plateaus.
4. The world’s highest mountain, Mount Everest/ K-2 is in Asia.

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5. The Dead sea water is so sweet/ salty that people can stay on its surface.

B. Match the following.

Seven Oceans

Five Mount Everest

Highest mountain Continent

The largest continent The whole animal group

The smallest continent All the plants

Flora The smallest continent

Fauna Asia

Australia The Muslims

temple Australia

mosque The Hindus

C. Fill in the blanks.

1. Asia is……………time larger than Australia.

2. Asia produces almost 90% of the world’s total supply of…………..

3. The…………..are big bodies of water on the earth.

4. There are approximately………………countries in Asia.

5. The Buddhists worship in…………..

Unit 3 (People of Pakistan)

Q1. How many languages are spoken in Pakistan?

Q2. What is the staple food of Pakistani people?

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Q3. Write about the favorite food of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan?

Q4. What is the national dress of Pakistan?

Q5. How many games are played in Pakistan?

A. Fill in the blanks:

1. The people of Pakistan love their ----------------- and traditions.

2. Pakistan is --------------and warm------------------

3. Some of the people living in big cities can also speak----------------

4. Women cover their heads with --------------- and -------------------

5. Wheat is our ------------------ food.

Summer Task Class 3rd Page 72

B. Match the two parts to make meaningful sentences.

History of the people of Pakistan Speak different languages.

People living in different areas People wear dhoti kurta.

Regional languages are Agricultural country.

In the rural area of Pakistan Vegetable, pulses, or meat

Pakistan is an favourite dishes of Sindh

Curry made with Spoken in the provinces

Haleem and biryani are Goes back to 5,000 year

C. Tick the correct option.

1. The history of the people of Pakistan goes back to 150/5,000 years.

2. People of Pakistan are non-religious/religious
3. Our national language is Arabic/Urdu
4. Our national dress is Shalwar kameez / trousers and shirt
5. Women cover their heads with hats / dupattas (scarfs) and shawls.
6. Pakistan is an agricultural / industrial country.
7. Hockey /cricket is our national game.
8. Haleem and biryani /kebab are favorite dishes in Sindh.
9. People of Baluchistan and the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa are vegetables /meat
10. Pathans like eat Chapple kabab/Haleem
D. writes these food items in the relevant provinces.

Dish name Province name



Chapple kebab

Haleem and biryani

Summer Task Class 3rd Page 73

Unit 4(Our Neighboring Countries)
Q1 Name the neighboring countries of Pakistan.

Q2 Which is biggest populated country in the world?

Q3 Which is the largest film industry in the world?

Q4 Who was the first Supreme Leader of Iran?

Q5 What type of a country is Afghanistan?

A. Complete the sentences.

1. The name of the Chinese currency is ………...

2 Rice is a …………. diet in china.

3 Indian National dress is ……….. for the woman.

4 Iran is the most popular countries for the …………

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5 Almost all the items Afghanistan exports pass through …………….

B. Draw a line to match the country to its capital.

Chaina Kabul

India Tehran

Iran New Delhi

Afghanistan Beijing
C. Mark “T” for the true statement and “F” for the false statement.

1) China has no official religion.

2) Iran practices Islam.
3) Afghanis follow the teaching of Christianity.
4) Pakistan has five neighboring countries.
D. Can you recognize the flags of your neighboring countries? Write the name of
the country under its flag

E. Tick the correct option.

1. The most populated country:

a) Afghanistan b) Iran c) India d) China

2. Balochistan has common border with:

a) China b) India c) Iran d) Afghanistan

3. Staple food of the people of China:

a) wheat b) tea c)rice d) sugar cane

F. Give one word answers.

1. Our film industry is the largest in the world. I am an ---------------------.

2. I like to eat tikkas and kebabs, I am an -----------------.
3. Allama Iqbal wrote poetry in my language, I am an ------------------.
4. I am an Indian, I worship in a temple because I am a ---------------.

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‫‪ ‬ہملکہبیط‪,‬ہملکاہشدتاهرہملکدیجمتہملکوتدیحعمبرتہمجزابینایدرکںی۔‬
‫‪ ‬لمکمامنزاتکبزابینایدرکںی۔‬
‫‪ ‬ااحدثی‪ :‬یلہپ‪11‬ااحدثیزابینایدرکںی۔‬
‫‪ ‬ونسمماذاکراهرداعںیئ‪:‬امتلونسمماذاکراهرداعںیئ زابینایدرکںی۔‬

‫‪Summer Task‬‬ ‫‪Class 3rd‬‬ ‫‪Page 76‬‬

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