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Local Outreach—Global Impact

Preparing 21st-Century Nurses to Promote Health and Wellness in Our Community and Around the World

NUR 4169C: Evidence-based Practice for the Baccalaureate Prepared Nurse

CRN# NUR4169 | .053U19 | 3 credit hours

Beginning Date May 13, 2019 End Date August 2, 2019

Pre-requisites None Co-requisites
Class Meeting Days Class Meeting Time
Class Meeting Location Online Delivery Method Online
Course Website (Canvas)

Instructor Professor Diana Pitcher DNP, APRN, ANP-BC, Office

Information Name and CCRN Location
Credentials Virtual Virtual
Email Address Office
Phone (561) 248-4646 cell Fax
Preferred The preferred method of contact to reach the professor is via USF Health email.
Method of Texting is not an acceptable means of communication. E-mail the professor to
Contact set up telephone meetings times. A General Discussion Board is available in
Canvas for questions that may be of interest to other members of the class.
Please do not use the Message Board in Canvas for anything other than a
comment related to a specific assignment when you are posting the assignment.
Reply Under most circumstances students can expect a response to emails within 48
Guidelines hours, Monday through Friday. Response to emails sent on weekends and
holidays is entirely dependent upon the professor’s availability and is not a
requirement of the professor.
Technical Canvas For technical assistance (e.g., accessing course, course materials, links, video
Problems Support presentations, documents, assignment submission), call IT Help at 813-974-1222
or visit
USF Health For questions regarding Health Email, call 813-974-6288 or email
Email Support
Google Chrome is the recommended browser for both Mac and PC users.

Last updated on 6/13/2019 This syllabus may be altered and updated at any time. For the most updated and
accurate assignments please check the modules each week on Canvas.
* Section may be changed to accommodate specific course needs/practices/language
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This course provides the foundations of clinical inquiry, research methodology, and critical appraisal in the synthesis
of research findings for application in evidence-based nursing practice (EBP). We will be reviewing nursing research,
evaluating it for implementation in your clinical setting, and developing an evidence-based project that can be
implemented where you work. The College of Nursing (CON) requires 15 service learning hours (SLH) to successfully
complete the course.

How to Succeed in this Course

Specific knowledge, skills, attitudes, habits, behaviors, and resources are prerequisite to student success in the
online learning environment and, accordingly, this course. Students should review the list outlined below, assess
their own strengths and opportunities for improvement, and develop a personal plan for ensuring satisfactory
performance and achievement as a student in the online environment.
 Autonomy and independence: First and foremost, success in the online learning environment requires
self-motivation, willingness to accept responsibility, discipline, and the ability to solve problems effectively.
 Time management: Online learning provides learners with unparalleled flexibility but if you allow yourself
to fall behind in the required readings and/or activities you run the risk of not being able to catch up. It is
essential that students learn to balance multiple priorities and carve out the time required to complete
assigned readings and learning activities.
 Written communication skills: Effective reading and writing skills are imperative to your success since
most of the communication that occurs in the online environment is achieved through writing. For this
course, it is particularly important that students carefully read and follow the instructions for each
assignment, review the rubric, incorporate feedback to improve future writing assignments. APA style and
the basic rules of writing mechanics will be required.
 Technical skills: Computer skills and effective literature search skills are essential to your success.
Proficiency in the use of MS Word® is essential.
 Technology and the right study environment: Online students must have access to a reliable computer
and printer. It may not be realistic to expect that you will be able to master relevant course content by
simply reading it on a computer screen so be prepared to print necessary/required reading materials.
 Communication: Timely communication with your faculty is vital in extenuating circumstances. Review your
Health email 3-4 times per week and sign into the course.

University Course Description

This course provides the foundations of clinical inquiry, research methodology and critical appraisal in the synthesis
of research findings for application in evidence-based nursing practice.

Course Objectives
1. Discuss principles and models of evidence-based practice
2. Differentiate between evidence-based practice and the research process.
3. Utilize multiple databases to search for best-evidence that informs the PICOT.
4. Analyze ethical issues associated with research and clinical inquiry.
5. Differentiate between quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection andanalysis.
6. Synthesize quantitative and qualitative sources of evidence for clinical decision making.
7. Describe mechanisms to resolve discrepancies between current clinical practice,
clinical judgment, and best evidence in the organizational culture.
8. Apply the critical steps of the evidence-based practice process to clinical practice.
9. Synthesize service learning experiences to demonstrate collaboration with
stakeholders in planning an evidence-based practice project.

Last updated on 6/13/2019 This syllabus may be altered and updated at any time. For the most updated and
accurate assignments please check the modules each week on Canvas.
* Section may be changed to accommodate specific course needs/practices/language
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Student Learning Outcomes
1. Describe an example of evidence-based practices in the clinical setting.
2. Collaborate with stakeholders, experts and/or individuals from multiple disciplines to
understand EBP priorities
3. Compose clearly defined clinical questions that are measurable and clinically relevant.
4. Examine evidence for clinical practice using peer reviewed web-based resources.
5. Discuss key concepts of quantitative and qualitative methods.
6. Synthesize evidence to address issues affecting clinical practice in a scholarly paper.
7. Develop a plan to roll out, evaluate, and disseminate an evidence-based practice project.
8. Discuss the ethical principles that guide clinical query.
9. Discuss mechanisms to sustain an EBP change project.

Major Topics
1. Getting started in EBP
A. Overview of EBP
B. Making the case
2. Forming PICOT questions & finding associated evidence
A. Asking compelling questions
B. Finding relevant evidence: Level & strength
C. Patient concerns, choices, and clinical judgment
D. Clinical practice guidelines
3. Critically appraising the evidence
A. Appraising quantitative evidence
B. Appraising other types of evidence
4. Changing the practice environment
A. Change theories
B. Evaluating the infrastructure
C. Selected EBP models
5. Measuring the outcomes
A. Existing data bases
B. Using rates to describe the problem
C. Reporting outcomes to stakeholders
6. Ethical considerations
A. Controversial issues
B. Distinguishing research from QI
7. Disseminating results of the EBP project
A. Local, regional, national forums
8. Sustaining the EBP change

Required Texts and/or Readings and Course Materials

 Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. F. (2019). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A
guide to best practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer. ISBN-10: 1496384539
 American Psychological Association [APA]. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological
Association (6th ed.). Washington DC: Author. ISBN: 978-1-4338-0561-5

Last updated on 6/13/2019 This syllabus may be altered and updated at any time. For the most updated and
accurate assignments please check the modules each week on Canvas.
* Section may be changed to accommodate specific course needs/practices/language
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 Graff, G., & Birkenstein, C. (2018). They say, I say: The moves that matter in academic writing
 (4th ed.). New York: W.W. Norton & Company. ISBN: 0393631680 See:

Supplementary (Optional) Texts and Materials

 Fogarty, M. (2009). The grammar devotional: Daily tips for successful writing from grammar girl. New York:
Henry Holt & Company. ISBN 9780805091656

Grading Criteria
College of Nursing Grading Scale
98-100=A+ 84-86=B 70-73=C-
94-97=A 80-83=B- 67-69=D+
90-93=A- 77-79=C+ 64-66=D
87-89=B+ 74-76=C 60-63=D-
Below 60=F

Grading Guidelines: Course materials will be graded on line and available to the student in “Grades”. Instructions
and evaluation rubrics will be posted in the course for all graded assignments. Students should review both the
Instruction Information Sheet and Evaluation Rubric for each assignment carefully before preparing the assignment.
All assignment instructions and grading rubrics are posted under the Assignment link in Canvas. Final grades will be
rounded according to any percentage equal to or above 0.5. Example: 92.5 is rounded to 93, 92.49 is rounded to 92.
RN to BS students enrolled must achieve a grade of C (74) or better to pass this course.

Grading Categories and Weights

The evaluation approach for this course is based on the point system as outlined below. A total of 100 points are
possible and are weighted per point. All assignments must be turned in on time to avoid late penalty. Specific
instructions for completing assessments, exams, etc. are provided on the Canvas course website.

Assignments Percent of Final Grade

Quiz (2) C/I
Discussion Board (2) 10%
Discussion Board-PICOT (1) C/I
Discussion Board-Meet Peers (1) C/I
PICOT proposal (Formative/Summative) 30%
Synthesis of Evidence Paper (Formative/Summative) 35%
EBP Project poster (Formative/Summative) 25%
Service Learning Hours (15 hours) C/I

Total 100%

Types of Assessments
Assessments will include: readings, videos, on-line presentations, quizzes, discussion board assignments, written
assignments. In keeping with the University’s Mandatory First Week Attendance Policy, students are required to
complete the mandatory personal introduction on the Discussion Board. Students should access the Canvas
Last updated on 6/13/2019 This syllabus may be altered and updated at any time. For the most updated and
accurate assignments please check the modules each week on Canvas.
* Section may be changed to accommodate specific course needs/practices/language
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course on a regular basis and check course announcements frequently throughout the semester. The weight of
each assignment is listed above. All the assessment guidelines and rubrics are listed on the canvas course. Please
check the class schedule for specific information and deadline dates. If you are having difficulty keeping up with
assignments and the tight schedule, please discuss with your faculty immediately. There will be no assignments for
extra credit other than listed. All Assignments must be submitted by Friday, August 2nd at 5 pm, the last day of
class of this semester in order to be accepted for submission for this semester. No assignments will be accepted
for this class for the semester if submitted after this absolute submission deadline.
Please see Course Schedule for complete details about assignments.

Process Writing
The formative draft papers count toward total required word count (4500) and are required in the course.
Students are required to revise their work in this course, so failure to submit a draft for formative review will not
meet the required word count and result in a failing grade. You must use Google Chrome to view faculty feedback
in SpeedGrader and make revisions accordingly.
NOTE: When you submit the Synthesis paper (formative and summative), to the Turnitin submission area it will
automatically be reviewed by Turnitin for plagiarism. While a score of 10% or less is optimal, it is required that your
Turnitin score is in the "green zone" at the time of submission. **If your paper is not in the green zone (less than
25%), review your Turnitin summary and make revisions until the green zone is achieved. You may resubmit this
paper, within the Turnitin submission area, (before the due date) as needed. The paper submitted to the Synthesis
assignment will be reviewed/graded. Include the Turnitin score in the comment section of your Synthesis paper
submission. Plan and do not wait until the last minute to submit this assignment. Papers not in the green zone will
not be accepted and are subject to plagiarism violations, which are recorded in your permanent student record.

Service Learning Hours

The purpose of the Service Learning Hour (SLH) experience is to immerse oneself in evidence-based practice (EBP)
in the clinical setting, to identify EBP priorities, and develop an EBP question using the PICOT format that
is appropriate to the clinical setting. You will complete four online activities that should require a minimum of 15
hours of labor to complete. Throughout the semester, please log your SLHs on the Log, being sure to apply relevant
knowledge of EBP, while identifying, describing, and linking the EBP behaviors in the organization from the
respective module. Ideally, the SLHs should be completed by week 6 or 7 to facilitate understanding of critical EBP
concepts. This service learning activity is graded on a scale of “satisfactory/unsatisfactory.” A “satisfactory”
grade must be achieved to complete this course. Students must achieve a “complete” status in all parts of all
Service Learning Hour activities to successfully pass the course. An “I” (incomplete) will result in a “U”
(unsatisfactory), which becomes an “F” (failure) after grades are finalized in Oasis.

Grade Dissemination
All assignments are graded in Canvas according to the rubric posted with the instruction guidelines. Students should
review both the Instruction Guidelines Sheet and Evaluation Rubric for each assignment carefully before preparing
the assignment. Students can access feedback in the “Grades” section of their course. Feedback will be provided
upon return of the assignment within 2 weeks.
RN to BS students enrolled must achieve a grade of C (74) or better to pass this course. If you are a Masters student
enrolled in our USF Nursing Program (Bridge-NBM or RN-MS), you must achieve a grade of “B” in order to pass this
course. Grades of less than a B for any bridge course will be subject to the Graduate Master’s Progression policies
as delineated in the Graduate catalog and Graduate Handbook.

Last updated on 6/13/2019 This syllabus may be altered and updated at any time. For the most updated and
accurate assignments please check the modules each week on Canvas.
* Section may be changed to accommodate specific course needs/practices/language
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Course Copyright Information
The materials in this course may not be used outside this course. They are the property of USF, and as such, subject
to copyright law. Students may not share or post any course materials to any website or social media, because such
action would violate the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998. These actions constitute violation of the
Academic Integrity policy (link), which may result in course failure and/or expulsion from the University. For more
information regarding academic integrity please visit

Additional Course Information

General Education Statement
“This course is part of the University of South Florida’s Foundation of Knowledge and Learning (FKL) Core
Curriculum. It is certified for Writing Intensive (Capstone, Option 1) and for the following dimensions: critical
thinking, inquiry, scientific process, and written language skills. Students enrolled in this course will be asked to
participate in the General Education assessment effort. This might involve submitting copies of writing assignments
for review, responding to surveys, or participating in other measurements designed to assess the FKL Core
Curriculum learning outcomes.”

Course Policies: Grades

Late Work Policy:

All assignments are to be submitted on/before the posted due date. A penalty equal to 10% of the point
allocation for an assignment will be applied in the event the assignment is submitted after the posted due date.
Assignments late beyond one (1) week without prior authorization will receive a point penalty of 50%.
Assignments submitted two (2) weeks or more beyond the due date, without prior authorization, will not be
eligible for submission and a grade of 0 will be awarded.
In extenuating circumstances, extensions may be granted on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the professor.
Any request for the extension of a due date for an assignment must be communicated to the professor at least 48
hours prior to the assignment due date and agreed upon prior to the due date of that assignment via the USF
Health email system. Discussion Board postings should be timely in order to provide a window of opportunity for
online dialogue with other students in the class.

Students are responsible for correctly submitting their assignments. Upon submission of the assignment, students
should check the submitted assignment, to insure accuracy and correct formatting, Students who inadvertently
submit an assignment incorrectly (e.g., submit the wrong paper or submit through the wrong drop box in Canvas)
should notify the professor via email immediately and no later than the due date in order to avoid being subject to
the late submission policy.

Grades of “Incomplete”: The current university policy concerning incomplete grades will be followed in this course.
For USF Tampa undergraduate courses and USFSM undergraduate and graduate courses: An “I” grade may be
awarded to a student only when a small portion of the student’s work is incomplete and only when the student is
otherwise earning a passing grade. The time limit for removing the “I” is to be set by the instructor of the course.
For undergraduate students, this time limit may not exceed two academic semesters, whether or not the student is
in residence, and/or graduation, whichever comes first. For graduate students, this time limit may not exceed one
academic semester. “I” grades not removed by the end of the time limit will be changed to “IF” or “IU,” whichever
is appropriate.

Last updated on 6/13/2019 This syllabus may be altered and updated at any time. For the most updated and
accurate assignments please check the modules each week on Canvas.
* Section may be changed to accommodate specific course needs/practices/language
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For USF Tampa graduate courses and USFSP undergraduate and graduate courses: An Incomplete grade ("I") is
exceptional and granted at the instructor’s discretion only when students are unable to complete course
requirements due to illness or other circumstances beyond their control. The course instructor and student must
complete and sign the "I" Grade Contract Form that describes the work to be completed, the date it is due, and the
grade the student would earn factoring in a zero for all incomplete assignments. The due date can be negotiated
and extended by student/instructor as long as it does not exceed two semesters for undergraduate courses and
one semester for graduate courses from the original date grades were due for that course. An "I" grade not cleared
within the two semesters for undergraduate courses and one semester for graduate courses (including summer
semester) will revert to the grade noted on the contract.

Withdrawal Guidelines: Withdrawal Policy (approved by CON Faculty Council 12/15/06; revised 1/19/07):
Withdrawals are limited to 1 per course, with a limit of 2 per undergraduate or graduate program. Withdrawals are
defined as officially withdrawing from any class after the Drop/Add period and before the final Withdrawal date as
outlined in the Academic Calendar. Any student withdrawing in excess of stated policy may be dismissed from the
College of Nursing unless the College of Nursing has pre-approved a documented Medical and/or Emergency

Withdrawal Guidelines

Schedule Change Guidelines:

The schedule, policies, and assignments in this course are subject to change in the event of extenuating
circumstances or by mutual agreement between the faculty and students. Any changes related to the course,
assignments etc. will be communicated through announcements. A general discussion board will be used to
facilitate questions and answers among faculty and students. This discussion board will also be reviewed Monday
through Friday unless student is notified otherwise Indicate how you will communicate changes to the course
schedule, content.

What to Expect of the Instructor:

Learning is not something that can be passively acquired. Learn is an action word. Learning is best facilitated
through a collaborative and participative partnership between the student(s) and the professor. Once the
professor has provided the necessary resources, instructions and direction, the student primarily determines
student-learning outcomes. The professor will be available by email, telephone and by appointment in the Tampa
office. Email will be considered the communication method of choice through health email not canvas. Please email
with suggested dates and times for Tampa in-office appointments – confirmation will be sent. Phone appointments,
skype, and FaceTime may also be arranged using the same email method. Emails will be reviewed daily Monday
through Friday. If an email message requires a response, the student should receive that response within 24 hours.
If the student has not received that response within the 24-hour time frame, please email again. The ONLY
accepted email will be the USF Health email account. If email is sent from AOL, yahoo, gmail, etc., it typically goes
to spam and there will not be a response to the email. If the student is having problems with the USF email account,
he/she is expected to contact IT to have it repaired (813-974-6288).

Permission to use Lecture(s):

The use or further distribution of the learning materials provided within Canvas, beyond that normally associated
with student learning, are prohibited. Participation in this course may involve access to and/or the use of
copyrighted materials that are used in compliance with US Copyright Law. Under that law, materials may not be

Last updated on 6/13/2019 This syllabus may be altered and updated at any time. For the most updated and
accurate assignments please check the modules each week on Canvas.
* Section may be changed to accommodate specific course needs/practices/language
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copied or distributed without permission. Within the context of this course, they are to be used solely in support of
instructional activities and their use shall be limited to the duration of the course unless otherwise specified by the
instructor or owner of the material

Course Policies: Student Expectations

Student Expectations:
It is expected that the learners will demonstrate initiative in seeking learning experiences that will enable them to
achieve the course objectives. This includes reviewing all modules, reading required readings, participating in on-
line discussions and completing all requirements by the assigned dates. Each student is responsible for notifying
faculty if unable to meet any of these requirements.
Assignments are due on or before the posted due date for summative evaluation. If you are having difficulty
keeping up with assignments and the tight schedule, please discuss with your faculty immediately. There will be no
assignments for extra credit. Timely communication with your faculty is vital in extenuating circumstances. Review
your Health email 3-4 times per week and sign into the course 3-4 times per week.

Attendance Policy:
Students must complete First Day Attendance requirements. Additional details regarding assignment information
can be found on the course schedule and specific instructions for complete can be found in the Canvas course
under the Assignments Link. Students should participate in the course 3-4 times per week, approximately every
other day. Students should communicate with faculty if they cannot meet these requirements due to travel or
other circumstances.

Professionalism Policy:
Communication should always be professional: The ONLY accepted email is the USF Health email account. It is
expected the student will communicate with faculty and classmates in a civil and respectful manner. Students must
obtain a USF Health email account immediately in order to send and receive communication from faculty. It is
suggested that students check their USF Health email 3-4 times per week. Emails generated through other systems
will not be accepted. If the student is having problems with the USF Health email account, he/she is expected to
contact IT to resolve. There will be no exceptions.

End of Semester Student Evaluations: Each student is asked to complete an end of the semester evaluation in
order to provide feedback to the University regarding the course. These surveys will be made available at the end of
the semester, and the University will notify you by email when the response window opens. Your participation is
highly encouraged and valued and all responses are collected anonymously. The University of South Florida has an account with an automated plagiarism detection service
(Turnitin), which allows instructors and students to submit student assignments to be checked for plagiarism. I (the
instructor) reserve the right to 1) request that assignments be submitted as electronic files and 2) submit students’
assignments to Turnitin, or 3) request students to submit their assignments to Turnitin through myUSF.
Assignments are compared automatically with a database of journal articles, web articles, the internet and
previously submitted papers. The instructor receives a report showing exactly how a student’s paper was
plagiarized. For a more detailed look at this process visit
Plagiarism will not be tolerated and is grounds for failure. For more information about Plagiarism visit:
Plagiarism tutorials:

The Writing Studio: The Writing Studio is a free resource for USF undergraduate and graduate students. At the
Writing Studio, a trained writing consultant will work individually with you, at any point in the writing process from
Last updated on 6/13/2019 This syllabus may be altered and updated at any time. For the most updated and
accurate assignments please check the modules each week on Canvas.
* Section may be changed to accommodate specific course needs/practices/language
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brainstorming to editing. Appointments are recommended, but not required. For more information or to make an
appointment, visit, stop by LIB 2nd Floor, or call 813-974-8293. **Writing
assistance is available in person on the USF Tampa campus or by telephone appointments.

Institutional Policies
Policies about disability access, religious observances, academic integrity, academic grievances,
academic misconduct, sexual harassment and several other topics are governed by a central set of
policies, which apply to all classes at USF:

Other Policies and Resources

Download other Institutional Policies and Resources at:

USF Graduate Catalog

USF Undergraduate
Baccalaureate Student
Handbook eate_Handbook-8-10-18.ashx?la=en
Clinical Graduate
Programs (Master’s & and-DNP-Clinical-Graduate-Programs-Student-Handbook-2018.ashx?la=en
DNP) Handbook
MS Nurse Anesthesia
Handbook Handbook.ashx?la=en
PhD Handbook
USF Student Rights &
USF Student Code of

Course Policies: Technology and Media (as applicable)

Students must obtain a USF Health email account immediately in order to send and receive communication from
faculty. It is suggested that students check their USF Health email 3-4 times per week. Emails generated through
other systems will not be accepted. If the student is having problems with the USF Health email account, he/she is
expected to contact IT to resolve. If you have not received a response to your email or phone call within 48 hours
Monday through Friday, please feel free to email or call again.

Canvas: Describe how you will use Canvas in the course, how often students should expect to login, how team
activities will be organized, due dates, policies on late participation, etc.

Last updated on 6/13/2019 This syllabus may be altered and updated at any time. For the most updated and
accurate assignments please check the modules each week on Canvas.
* Section may be changed to accommodate specific course needs/practices/language
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Example: This course will be offered via USF's learning management system (LMS), Canvas. If you need help
learning how to perform various tasks related to this course or other courses being offered in Canvas, please view
the following videos or consult the Canvas help guides. You may also contact USF's IT department at (813) 974-1222

Online Proctoring, Proctorio: (This only works in Google Chrome.)

All students must review the syllabus and the requirements including the online terms and video testing
requirements to determine if they wish to remain in the course. Enrollment in the course is an agreement to abide
by and accept all terms. Any student may elect to drop or withdraw from this course before the end of the
drop/add period.

Online exams and quizzes within this course may require online proctoring. Therefore, students will be required to
have a webcam (USB or internal) with a microphone when taking an exam or quiz. Students understand that this
remote recording device is purchased and controlled by the student and that recordings from any private residence
must be done with the permission of any person residing in the residence. To avoid any concerns in this regard,
students should select private spaces for the testing. The University library and other academic sites at the
University offer secure private settings for recordings and students with concerns may discuss location of an
appropriate space for the recordings with their instructor or advisor. Students must ensure that any recordings do
not invade any third-party privacy rights and accept all responsibility and liability for violations of any third-party
privacy concerns. Setup information will be provided prior to taking the proctored exam. For additional
information about online proctoring you can visit the online proctoring student FAQ.

Resources for Students

The Center for Victim Advocacy and Violence Prevention: The Center for Victim Advocacy and Violence Prevention
at USF is a confidential resource where you can talk about such situations and receive assistance in confidence.
Additional confidential resources on the Tampa campus are the Counseling Center and Student Health Services.
These confidential resources can help you without having to report your situation to either OSSR or DIEO, unless
you request that they make a report. The centers can be reached at:

Center for Victim Advocacy (813) 974-5757

and Violence Prevention

Counseling Center (813) 974-2831

Student Health Services (813) 974-2331

Last updated on 6/13/2019 This syllabus may be altered and updated at any time. For the most updated and
accurate assignments please check the modules each week on Canvas.
* Section may be changed to accommodate specific course needs/practices/language
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Library Resources

USF Library Resources and Services:

Shimberg Health Sciences Library:

Shimberg Health Sciences Library Tutorials:

Citing Sources
APA Style
The Owl at Purdue
APA Guidelines ml

Sample Paper


Course Schedule

Due Dates


Topic Assignments Points

Formative Summative

 Read They Say, I Say: The Moves That
Matter in Academic Writing
Getting Started  Discussion Board (DB): Meet Your Peers! 5/17/19 C/I
1 in EBP
 Review of Syllabus Quiz 5/19/19 C/I
 APA Quiz 5/19/19 C/I
I  PubMed & CINAHL Quiz 5/19/19 C/I
Begin Service Learning Hours (SLH)

Read Ch 1-3
Forming a Lecture
PICOT and  SLH Activity, (Part 1 & 2) 5/26/19 C/I
2 Finding 5/26/19 C/I
Associated  DB: What is Your PICOT Question?
Evidence Begin literature search for PICOT
Begin Literature Table
Read Ch 4-8
Critically Lecture
3 Appraising the  SLH Activity 2 (Part 1 & 2)
Evidence 6/2/19 C/I
II  DB: RCT Appraisal
6/2/19 5
Begin PICOT proposal formative review

Last updated on 6/13/2019 This syllabus may be altered and updated at any time. For the most updated and
accurate assignments please check the modules each week on Canvas.
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4  SLH Activity 3 (Part 1 & 2) 6/9/19 C/I
 PICOT Proposal for Formative review 6/9/19 0

5 Revise PICOT Proposal

 PICOT Proposal for Summative evaluation 6/23/19 25
III 6 Begin synthesis paper
Continue SLH
Last Day to Withdraw, and receive a “W” is 6/29/19
Read Ch 10
IV Measuring Lecture
7 Outcomes  SLH Activity 4 (Part 1 & 2) 6/30/19 C/I
 SLH Log for formative review 6/30/19 C/I
6/30/19 0
 Synthesis Paper for Formative review

Read Ch 23
8 Ethical Lecture
Considerations  DB-Ethics Case Study 7/7/19 5
V Revise synthesis paper
 Synthesis Paper for Summative
9 Begin EBP Project Poster 7/14/19 35

Read Ch 14 & 15
Changing the Lecture
VI 10 Practice 7/21/19 0
 EBP Poster Formative

Read Ch
Disseminating 19&20
11 Results of the
EBP Project
VII  SLH Log for Summative evaluation 7/28/18 C/I
Revise EBP poster
Read Ch 12
Sustaining the 17, & 18
12 EBP Change 8/2/19 30
 EBP Poster Summative
 Faculty and Course Evaluations

Please note: The information in this syllabus is subject to change, as needed, by the instructor. You will be notified of
any changes via an announcement on the course site or through an e-mail sent through canvas or to your USF health
account. It is your responsibility to keep up with any changes.

Last updated on 6/13/2019 This syllabus may be altered and updated at any time. For the most updated and
accurate assignments please check the modules each week on Canvas.
* Section may be changed to accommodate specific course needs/practices/language
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