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Academic Behavior 4.0 = Advanced 3.0 = Proficient 2.0 = Partially Proficient 1.

0 = Unsatisfactory
Student is an active Student actively and Student sometimes Student rarely
participant in all class appropriately participates participates in class. participates in class.
activities and always in class. Student Student statements and Student statements and
ready to learn. Student statements and actions actions are sometimes actions are rarely true,
actions have a positive are true, necessary, and true, necessary, and kind necessary, and kind.
POSITIVE impact on their learning kind (TNK). (TNK). Their actions Their actions are
as well as others. Student sometimes prevent preventing the other
statements and actions others from learning, students from learning.
are always true,
necessary, and kind

Student takes an active Student encourages a Student sometimes Student rarely shows
role in encouraging a positive learning shows respect for others respect for others and
positive learning environment. Student and the materials in the the materials in the
environment. Student shows respect for others class. class.
shows respect for others and the materials in the
and the materials in the class.

Student contributes fully Student contributes fully Student sometimes Student rarely
to the group. Student to the group. Student contributes to the contributes fully to the
does own share of work does own share of work group. Student usually group. Student does not
and takes an active role and helps ensure the does own share of work do their own share of the
in ensuring the groups groups learning target is but at times distracts the work and distracts from
INTEGRITY learning target is met. met. group from meeting their the groups ability to
learning target. meet their learning

Student completes tasks Student completes tasks Student sometimes Student rarely completes
and assignments on time. and assignments on time. completes tasks and tasks and assignments
Student shows leadership Student works well with assignments on time. on time. Student does
when working with others. Student is self- Student sometimes not work well with others
others. Student is self- directed, uses class time works well with others and doesn't contribute
DETERMINATION directed, uses class time wisely, and stays on task. but at times needs re- their share. Student
wisely, and stays on task. direction. frequently needs re-
direction from the

Working Draft
Student has all required Student has all required Student sometimes has Student rarely does their
materials for class. materials for class. all their materials for personal best and often
Student does their Student does their class. Student does not forgets their materials
personal best on personal best on all always demonstrate their for class. Work is often
EXCELLENCE assignments and assignments and personal best and rushed and/or
assessments and assessments. seldom encourages incomplete.
encourages others to do others. Work is
the same. sometimes rushed
and/or incomplete.

Working Draft

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