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Classification of

Combustible Dust and Hazardous Areas

• Division 2 - Moderate risk of hazardous condition

• An explosive atmosphere occurs under abnormal conditions.

• Conveyor tunnels, cleaning annex,

• The layer of dust in an area is enough that the colour of the base is not discernable and
less than 1/8” thick.

• Dust Ignition Proof motors approved for CLASS 2 (dust) locations where DIVISION 1 explosive
atmosphere normally occurs.

• “XP” motor design focuses on strength and a path to release and cool explosive gasses.

• “Dust Ignition Proof” have no path for air/dust to get into the motor and the design focuses on
cool operation.

• Division 1 - High risk of explosive conditions

• Area of dust layer thickness

• Thickness of 1/8” or more that would affect a motor or other device ability to dissipate heat.

• Area where dust accumulation would be at risk for secondary explosion.

• Unclassified Areas

• No risk of explosive atmosphere occurring.

• Outdoors, open truck pit with dust collection system, operator shelter, electrical rooms

• Dust layers are visible but base colour is discernable

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