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Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 331 (2014) 6–9

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Recent progress of HIMAC for sophisticated heavy-ion cancer

K. Noda a,⇑, T. Furukawa a, T. Fujimoto b, Y. Hara a, T. Inaniwa a, Y. Iwata a, K. Katagiri a, N. Kanematsu a,
K. Mizushima a, T. Miyoshi b, S. Mori a, T. Murakami a, Y. Sano b, S. Sato a, T. Shirai a, E. Takada a, Y. Takei a,
S. Yonai a
National Institute of Radiological Sciences, Chiba 263-8555, Japan
Accelerator Engineering Cooperation, Chiba 263-8555, Japan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The NIRS has carried out carbon-ion radiotherapy (RT) with HIMAC since 1994. On the basis of their ten-
Received 28 September 2013 year HIMAC experience, NIRS has developed a standard-type CIRT facility in order to boost availability of
Received in revised form 20 December 2013 carbon-ion RT in Japan. Work has been carried out at its pilot facility at Gunma University since 2010. The
Accepted 22 December 2013
current projects of the pilot facility include Saga-HIMAT and i-ROCK, promoted by the Kanagawa prefec-
Available online 3 February 2014
tural cancer center. Toward the further sophisticated conformal carbon-ion RT with HIMAC, the NIRS has
since 2006 been developing new treatment technologies, such as a fast 3D rescanning with a pencil beam
and a compact rotating gantry.
Heavy-ion therapy
Beam scanning
Ó 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Heavy-ion synchrotron

1. Introduction in clinical studies, a new treatment research facility was

constructed and has been operating successfully since 2011. At
Heavy-ion beams are very suitable for deeply seated cancer present, two rooms with fixed beam-delivery systems are open
treatment, not only because of their high-dose localization around for static-tumor treatments, and the respiratory-gated 3D rescan-
the Bragg peak, but also because of the high biological effect in this ning system for moving-tumor treatment is scheduled to open in
region. Based on this knowledge, the NIRS constructed the Heavy- 2014. To complete this system, a compact heavy-ion rotating
Ion Medical Accelerator in Chiba (HIMAC) [1], the world’s first hea- gantry has been developed with superconducting technology in
vy-ion accelerator facility dedicated to medical use, and initiated order to realize the intensity modulated carbon-ion RT (IMCT)
HIMAC treatment in 1994. In 2003, HIMAC carbon-ion RT was combined with pencil-beam 3D scanning for more accurate and
approved as a highly advanced medical technology in Japan. As a shorter-course treatment.
result, during the years 2004 and 2005, NIRS carried out design
and R&D work for a standard-type carbon-ion RT facility in Japan
2. Standard carbon-ion radiotherapy facility
[2] in order to boost availability of carbon-ion RT treatment by
reducing construction costs. A pilot facility was constructed and
The specifications for the standard carbon-ion RT facility in
has been successfully operated by GHMC (Gunma University
Japan were determined based on clinical statistics accumulated
Heavy-Ion Medical Center) since 2010.
for more than ten years at the HIMAC; these are summarized in
In addition, since 2006, NIRS has been engaged in a ‘‘New Treat-
Table 1.
ment Research Project’’ [2] to explore sophisticated RT such as
Following the pilot facility at GHMC, two more CIRT facilities
‘‘adaptive cancer radiotherapy’’, which can accurately treat tumors
were constructed in Japan: the Saga-HIMAT (Saga Heavy Ion Med-
even as they change size and shape during treatment. For r adap-
ical Accelerator in Tosu) and the Kanagawa Prefectural project. The
tive cancer RT against both static and moving tumors, the NIRS
Saga-HIMAT facility [3] was based on the design of the pilot facil-
has developed a fast 3D rescanning technique with respiratory-
ity. The facility has three treatment rooms. The first treatment
gated irradiation. In order to apply the new technologies developed
room employs both horizontal and vertical beam-delivery systems
with the beam-wobbling method, has been in operation since
⇑ Corresponding author. Address: National Institute of Radiological Sciences, 4-9- August 2013. The second treatment room employs both horizontal
1 Anagawa, Chiba 263-8555, Japan. Tel.: +81 43 251 2111; fax: +81 43 251 1840. and 45° beam-delivery systems, and is in the pre-clinical commis-
E-mail address: (K. Noda). sioning stage. It is expected to be open for operation in April 2014.

0168-583X/$ - see front matter Ó 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
K. Noda et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 331 (2014) 6–9 7

Table 1 raster scanning; (b) extended flattop (FT) operation of the

Specifications of standard C-ion RT facility. synchrotron; and (c) a high-speed scanning magnet.
Ion species Carbon
Beam delivery Beam wobbling with ridge filter (passive method) New treatment planning [9]. The raster-scanning method is
Energy 400–140 MeV/n employed instead of spot scanning in order to save beam-on/off
Range/SOBP/lateral-size 250/40–150/220 mm
Max. dose rate 5 GyE/min
time when moving spot-position. In raster-scanning, on the other
Beam intensity 1.2109 pps hand, the dose delivered during moving spot-position should be
Treatment room 3: H&V, H, V* taken into account in treatment planning. It should be noted that
Irradiation method Gating/layer stacking this dose is proportional to the delivered intensity. Owing to the
H: horizontal beam-delivery system, V: vertical one. high reproducibility and uniformities in the time structure of the
extracted beam through the spill control system, we can predict
the dose delivered during spot-position movement and incorpo-
While the third room is currently empty, it will be designed to
rate its contribution into treatment planning. Consequently, we
employ the fast 3D rescanning method developed by NIRS. An
can increase beam intensity, which results in shorter irradiation
aerial view of the facility is shown in Fig. 1.
The Kanagawa Prefectural Government constructed a carbon-
ion RT facility called the i-ROCK (Ion-beam Radiation Oncology Extended FT operation. Owing to a high beam-utilization
Center in Kanagawa) in the Kanagawa Prefectural Cancer Center.
efficiency of around 100% in the scanning method, as well as an
Although the accelerator system is based on the pilot-facility de-
intensity upgrade to 2  1010 carbon-ions, we can complete the
sign, the beam-delivery system employs the NIRS scanning design
single-fractional irradiation of almost all treatment procedures in
described in the next section. Treatment at the facility is scheduled
a single-cycle operation of the synchrotron. This operation scheme,
in 2015.
which can be realized using a clock-stop technique in the FT
period, can increase treatment efficiency, especially for respira-
3. New treatment research project tory-gated irradiation. This extended FT operation can shorten
irradiation time by a factor of two. On the basis of this operation
3.1. Development of new beam-delivery method scheme, a multiple-energy operation in single-cycle has been
developed, and this 11-step energy operation is routinely used
In order to achieve adaptive cancer radiotherapy, a new beam- for the hybrid energy scan [13].
delivery method based on a pencil-beam 3D scanning method is vi-
tal for both static and moving tumor treatments. The NIRS first High-speed scanning magnet. Scanning speed is designed to
developed the phase-controlled rescanning (PCR) method with a be 100 mm/ms and 50 mm/ms in the horizontal and vertical direc-
pencil-beam [4]. In the PCR method, rescanning completes irradia- tions, respectively; this is around one order of magnitude faster
tion on one slice during one gated period. Since the movement of than conventional scans. In order to increase scanning speed, we
the target is close to ‘‘zero’’ on average, we can obtain a uniform designed a scanning magnet with slits in both ends of the magnetic
dose distribution even when irradiating a moving target. The PCR poles that, according to thermal analysis, included an eddy-current
method requires two main technologies: (1) an intensity-modula- loss and a hysteresis loss. The power supply of the scanning mag-
tion technique capable of ensuring constant irradiation time on net was designed for fast scanning and consisted of a two-stage
each slice with a different cross section; and (2) fast pencil-beam circuit: the first stage for voltage forcing by IGBT switching
3D scanning to complete iterative rescanning within a reasonable elements, and the second stage for FT-current control by FET
time period. switching ones.

3.1.1. Intensity modulation 3.2. Experimental study

We have developed a spill control system [5] to deliver the
beam with intensity modulation, based on the improvement of A test irradiation port was designed and constructed for the fast
the RF-KO slow extraction method [6–8]. raster-scanning experiment in order to verify the design goal. It
had the same configuration as the fixed beam-delivery system
adapted to the new treatment research facility, and described in
3.1.2. Fast 3D scanning the next section. Using this test port, we verified the physical dose
For the fast pencil-beam 3D scanning, the following three key distribution of the proposed technologies for both static and mov-
technologies were developed: (a) new treatment planning for ing targets [10,11] and the survival curve of the HSG cell line, as

3.3. New treatment research facility

It was important that the technologies developed by the new

treatment research project should be verified by clinical studies.
Therefore, the NIRS constructed the new treatment research facil-
ity, which is connected to the existing HIMAC accelerator. In the
treatment hall located beneath the facility, three treatment rooms
were prepared to treat more than 800 patients a year. Two of them
were equipped with fixed beam-delivery systems in both the hor-
izontal and vertical directions, while the other one was equipped
with a rotating gantry. Two treatment-simulation rooms were also
prepared to rehearse patient positioning, and to observe any
changes during treatment in target size and shape with X-ray CT.
Fig. 1. Aerial view of the Saga-HIMAT. Furthermore, six rooms were devoted to patient preparation before
8 K. Noda et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 331 (2014) 6–9

those with the energy-degrader method. In addition, since an auto-

matic patient positioning system was applied to practical
treatment in these clinical studies (consisting of entering time,
positioning time, irradiation time and exiting time), treatment
times were significantly reduced to less than 15 min, on average,
down from 25 min in the conventional HIMAC treatment.
As the third stage, the respiratory-gated irradiation using pen-
cil-beam 3D scanning is scheduled for moving-tumor treatments
in the winter of 2013.

4. Future plans

4.1. Energy scan by accelerator

The energy-degrader method for slice changes has some disad-

Fig. 2. Aerial view of the existing HIMAC and new treatment research facility.
vantages. These include (1) deterioration of the penumbra size due
to the increase in beam size caused by multiple scattering and frag-
irradiation. An aerial view of the new treatment facility with the mentation; and (2) production of secondary neutrons when the
HIMAC is shown in Fig. 2. beam passes though the energy degrader. In response, GSI devel-
In order to carry out the clinical study in a manner identical to oped a full energy scan by the synchrotron itself; this scan has been
the existing HIMAC treatment, it was necessary that the residual employed by the HIT facility [12]. With the full energy scan, how-
range be more than 25 cm. Thus, the maximum ion energy in the ever, it takes a long time to create the many operation patterns
fixed beam-delivery system was designed to be 430 MeV/n, corre- corresponding to each acceleration and extraction of the beam.
sponding to a residual range of 30 cm in the carbon-ion beam, and The NIRS developed the hybrid energy scan [13] in order to save
22 cm in the oxygen-ion beam. The maximum lateral-field and a significant amount of beam-commissioning time and to dramat-
SOBP sizes were 22 cm  22 cm and 15 cm, respectively, in order ically suppress the deterioration of the penumbra size compared
to cover all treatments with the HIMAC. The rotating gantry system with that of the energy-degrader method. In this scheme, eleven-
employed a maximum energy of 430 MeV/n, a maximum lateral- step energies can be changed with a one-cycle operation of the
field of more than 18 cm  18 cm, and a maximum SOBP size of synchrotron [14], with a smaller change of beam energy by thin
15 cm. energy degraders. Owing to the one-cycle operation of the syn-
chrotron, the hybrid energy scan developed by NIRS also reduces
irradiation time considerably. In order to obtain better dose distri-
3.4. Clinical study bution, the full energy scan with one-cycle operation of the
synchrotron was developed in the NIRS-HIMAC [14,15], and will
After a pre-clinical study using the beam-delivery system in the be applied to practical treatment in 2014 or 2015.
new treatment research facility, the clinical study was initiated in
May 2011, and has continued to the present. In the first year, one of 4.2. Rotating gantry
treatment rooms was opened for 11 patients. At this stage, the irra-
diation areas of all patients were verified by PET imaging using an As the third stage, a compact heavy-ion rotating gantry [16],
auto-activation method. Furthermore, the energy degrader method which will be installed in the third room, has been developed using
was employed for slice changes with the extended-FT operation of superconducting technology. The image view of the rotating gantry
the HIMAC synchrotron. After the second room had been prepared is shown in Fig. 3. It is expected to be completed within a period of
as the second stage, 121 patients were treated in half-day opera- two years. It is also expected to realize intensity-modulated car-
tions in two rooms from September 2012 to March 2013. In this bon-ion RT (IMCT) combined with pencil-beam 3D scanning for
stage, as the hybrid energy scan was applied for slice changes, more accurate and shorter-course treatments. A design key is the
the lateral dose distribution improved significantly compared to use of combined-function superconducting magnets, which allow
us to design the compact rotating gantry. Having optimized the
layout of the gantry, as well as of the beam optics, we determined
that the length and radius of the gantry should be approximately
13 and 5.5 m, respectively, comparable to those of proton gantries.
This rotating gantry will have ten superconducting magnets. In
2012, two of them were completed. Both the mechanical move-
ment and excitation-level change tests have already been carried
out. The experimental results are in good agreement with the ex-
pected ones. Field measurements are currently being carried out.
Within two years, this rotating gantry will be completed and initi-
ated into the clinical study, once the pre-clinical study is finished.

5. Summary

On the basis of the HIMAC treatment experience, NIRS devel-

oped a standard-type carbon-ion RT facility, which is a downsized
version of the HIMAC facility, in order to boost the availability of
carbon-ion RT in Japan. The pilot facility was constructed and the
Fig. 3. Image view of the rotating gantry. GHMC has been successfully conducting operations there since
K. Noda et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 331 (2014) 6–9 9

2010. The Saga-HIMAT project began offering cancer treatments in References

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