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019 (6-21-55) e ¢ THE PRESS — —— Sossy Newcomer ineredlowsy: "Some people think ity : iambic [The latest phenomenon fn US. ropa. "New Project. Brguire could have sae puttbeg fb Psben, an veied gee il how competion for ony hs Fete vesonf the sesciralt Bigures $y: Team the age orp ehageoe ee Ese veet, ct yet thr pear ff butter nse te wort for ibe mins ae \ aloe cigs eek ane sity ne re the pace ie Wa promeon Sef monty thee tp ustip ES Aepert ate eget ns ofthe ater fre Cae feoo) croton wig Hina Bt be ut we Bae Pista cs sto spamet's ier ee svuld a0 tt te Seoateeee ter fr Seino, ea Prd (whey ies Manhunt eign to eg Fi it sara tr to lean apaon) Nae, Seer Nort Se ane on fet Reet ot Sitcom lao aloft borowed Ree Erore tae pid cae tine bellanenes Pvbon | camplnent by ted seme ote Thun ee ited Non A.C ‘Sey wopeeabliys Wer Bsgnte sli fang the edge of Bsgrze's Sepietsber port. Fao af Beherg wth fox ahs on Postal Troubles. Pizvboy bas a profe- siooal een ant 9 formule pitched at ale adnescets ofall ages notably hose Gn colege earpines, where 1502 of ie Copies are sold Thore are heey short ‘tones rial cases eg, by Boceaceo, De’ Maupassant, stile an toes syle, handy esroone, ubstar jokes ard fim’ EERE afd 9 Reaping Roping af chteses | | ‘ike such ata fullcelar view ofs "Play state of the Mati (see Stuectones ‘Setines posed hr ih egg stflen gs Subserption Manager Eee] == OED : 191 Sep 24 356 She nlgadhe thee le Wieck By nt fag tom see Sint ac oe flags ks tie vik be de oe “Par US Po Gace he ok ta cot, Od th Nene eh federal Ghirkt GO Be Oe a Nove {noe sue, serra Magazine Ban Barred |" By Court Injunetion Issued In Port Huron Case Federal Judge “Wrank ‘A, [Picard Tuesday ordered St ‘Clair County Prosecutor. Wil | four V, Hamm to refrain. trom it the sale and) ‘AE the same time, a: spoke san for the Detroit unit of the| Nationa! Organization for Decent Literature dented that ‘Ris of ‘genvzation had any pret inthe Brosecutor’s” action at Port ‘Huron. ‘The Rev. Paul J. Hickey, ‘moderator of NODL, signed {the statement in which he eald the Dam was Hpoaed by’ the prosecutor at fine reniert of {je dation ot the aya rion he inten] city i atea se STE nea ya creates sh iby Harem. the pabibing fim eget nate act Bre tone ie epee HAMM, THE compiaiat stated, ordered the Kramer News |co, ef Port Huron to discontinue, iaisetbtion of Playboy. j A similar sult against Haram, brought by Ovo. Ne Bo OCi gu 1956 | young. people will continue. ‘Th ‘The poblienes Junction and ‘ecare th ing 245 books ‘Tre’ organization’ is» private Eathorie group, established "to fereen books thd olner publica oun for thelr morally. WHE NODE siatement said {praybey's aistrbutor maintained Ie’ needea the ban as defense against the publisher, i ‘The NODL. denies shit se persuaded ar nang, wy rally oF inrpctly exereant pressure on tbe prosecutor to Eiope the NODE hat he Statament sal, “The indecent magazines viere ne moving in Port Huron and the request for te promeutors fetter Sppears’ to be steely. fmounettap. tancaver von th pot of the peddiers, protucers End printers of the magazine, Falner lckey’sstatoent sae “he confusion _renuting from the tanta charges of He Iogal ana ‘coereive use ofthe ODL Hat prompts ua to ane ‘ounce that in the fear, the Detroit nit of NODL wil not sake Utne avaliable Yor the ihe of aay cvfe or religous ‘roupa” : © Tt conetuded: “ihe gat to protect our) emhere never has been and] there never" will-be thrents of llega) "pressure or” of ‘boyeatt We do, however, intend to exer | ‘othe fullest the Delleges! jor our citizenship’ to Duatest fal this elty Is rd of ind and, lascivious publications. jos Lusowy i 4 Mchiea Editor-The Worker { } Tee Daly Werker { } Narodna oly ( ) Rossancl American ( ) Pittsburgh Courier } t Chronicle Upbnret Free Press, {Detroit News { ) Detcot Ties ( ) Wietigan Daly ( ) Wayne Coltegian a) pe es oateL 266 tsiven HA Pege_—- 2 cournn 2 ORDED 19] oct 25 955 O,RAN ON 'PLAYBOY' OVERRULED “Thru the Mails to the Males Government lawyers planned to confer today to decide what, if anything, can be done to keep Brigitie Bardot from spin- ning” out of & towel Into homes of subscribers "ayboy Magazine whether to appeal to he Sa Premte Couet froma ruling {int the Boat Gitice Depart ie “lit for at sending the Hoverber Issue hn the mail The ban was applied by the department alter a ‘complaint. that the magazine wae obscene. ‘The ruling was handed soln neve vestersay by Fed Bana A Pine, When" te Government appested, Je pguine U. Bout of Ap, peal Donld B, MacGuineas, Gov" ernment attorney. who har Sled” the Case. said that 3 re eral Pine. wae’ promptly ‘apheld : Ree now the question of the No. ember” igsue was “pretty Aaidemle.” since ail copies fot alteady inthe mall now Probably” will” be Sent “ott Shove. NO EFFECT Herbert B. Warburton, ger spartmont agreed that any ‘Supreme Court action Would have tittle er no effect fon the November issue, But hie sala before iis conference ih Mr. MacGuineas that be winted "a. detetmination By 5) the High Court for use in fa five cases. le said the basic Issue was wheter the Post Office ean Stoph roalling rst_and then bold @ hearing on whether 4 publication Is ‘obseene-—or ‘must bald a hearing. before | they can halt the mailing, Copies of the Noverbor Playboy, billed as “entertara- rent fot men,” sonkained an iiicle on Mise Bardot shove tage le acio a » fra {Rion play Seppe 9 Shee tore moray from the curvaceous Fren MODEL AND ARM Te fae alo. carved 9 aye page center colar pote of a shapely “blond inodel Shiclaing her madesty "only Witham asm and. a Toote. feat notebook. Tn “addition | ere were a number of 1967 cattoone and ‘Storie ADL this, moved the Post I office on Wonnessay to order | fates cat Patboy witht counse! WwarmurtORe "Ef the Spinion thet the. November Sgue «is nommailabie and ee pas instructed the postmas | WARE junsel for the Post OF | I Daily Worker ‘Totson —__ Michels Boardman Belmont Moke ane — 2 right to Impose the ban un: iL Ht decided whether the magazine was obscene. Yer at Chieego 10 withhold ny aagtional copies offered for mabing.” Atiorneyt_ for, Play boy asked fora temporary injone Bon on'ne ground that the Govefrmpent oad to hold esting before coun ban & agate for obscenity. "the ernment eonened it Rad_ tt 5 Judge Pine Issved a tem porary restraining onder bar Fing enforcement of Mr. War- actor's tasiructions for tive days, At the end of thas time the Government could ask 0 have the restaint. lifted Wash, Post ond | Times esi Hach. 1 NEWS page K— Wash, Stor NAY, Herald ‘Tribune N.Y. Journal American N.Y. Mizor N. Y. Daily News: N.Y. Times The Worker Naw fandas

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