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Isu- producing electrical energy

By: Christopher Beltrano

Title: Drill powered house

Theory behind the project:you know that if you spin a magnet it creates an alternating
current because of the reversing poles which generates an electric charge. That charge
powers the lightbulb. That is how you convert kinetic to magnetic to electric by spinning a
motor by a drill.

How it works, description: This device works because it converts kinetic energy given from
the drill into the motor and turns it into electrical energy to power the light bulb inside of the
house. This device consists of three main parts which are the drill, dc motor, and a lightbulb.
Kinetic energy is originally produced from the drill spinning the motor and then converted into
electrical energy which powers the lightbulb.

List of materials: copper wire, motor, cardboard, drill, glue gun, lightbulb

Sketch of device:
Schematic diagram:

Image of device working:

Making connections between science, technology, society and the environment.

The impact of science has a huge part of everything listed above because energy powers
everything that we use daily. If we did not use energy then we would be nowhere near where
we are today. We are using energy from the simplest of things to the most complicated of
things. Energy has allowed us to be more advanced and thus has allowed us to further as a
civilization and further our life span. Things like electrical energy power our homes in the
winter which keep us warm from the extreme cold. Different sources of energy do so many
things for us that may go unnoticed, but without the different sources of energy we would not
be where we are today.

Proposing courses of practical action to deal with problems relating to science, technology,
society, and the environment.

Simple generators that produce a type of energy like the device we created which lights a
light bulb can be used to help people in need or developing countries. People in need or
developing countries can use simple generators to power things for them because
developing countries like Africa have no access to energy, so simple generators and devices
can provide energy for them at a very minimal cost. All you have to do is take your time in
creating them.

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