Three Little Pigs and Grandpa Willy Play

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Original character: Grandpa willy

4 fairytale characters: The three little pigs (browny,whitey,blacky) and Mr. wolf

Mr. Wolf and the three pigs

Scene 1

(Browny, whitey, and blacky are

walking through a forest in search
of new homes because they feel
that they are old enough to go
live on their own)

Hey guys we should find something to eat? I'm hungry.

Of course your hungry, you always are but you never get the food

Hey guys don’t argue we are family

(Browney tucks in his short always feeling like his brother picks
on him because he is not as smart as him)

Both of you come look at what I found!

Woah, that’s a lot of food this can last us for a long time

(Hanging from a tree was a bag full of

amazing and delicious foods, the bag was
so full that some of the food was just
barely hanging on the outside of the

Let’s make a ladder together, whitey you climb on top of my
shoulders and then blacky you climb on top of his shoulders and
grab the bag.

Great plan brother!

(There was something lurking in the

shadows in the forest watching the three
little pigs without their knowledge, all
of a sudden whitey hears a noise coming
from behind them)

Hey who’s there?

Grandpa Willy
Hello, I’ve seen you have found my secret stash of food, are you
three hungry?
Would you like something?

I’m very hungry, yes pls sir!

Wait hold on, how do you know he’s not gonna hurt us?

Yeah, you take a bite of the food first?

Grandpa willy
Of course, that just means less food for all of you.

(Grandpa Willy takes a bite of the food in his bag, proving it’s
ok and gives some to the three little pigs)

Grandpa Willy
If you three would like you can come to my house in the morning if
you would like more food and a place to sleep


Thank you for being so kind, that would be amazing.

Grandpa Willy
Ok, we can start our hike in the morning, in the daylight because
there is a big bad wolf that wonders this forest, so let’s camp
out here for the night, and I’ll start a fire
Scene 2

(The sun rises and birds begin to chirp,

waking up the three little pigs, and

Grandpa Willy
We better start going, my home is a good bit away from here.

(The three little pigs get up and gather

themselves, but they can feel that
something is not right, they feel like
there is still something lurking in the
forest. The three little pigs and Willy
still carry on with their hike and on
this hike the pigs explain to grandpa
willy that they left home because they
felt that they are old enough and wise
enough to go live on their own)

Grandpa Willy
At my home there's many things that you can use to build each of
your own houses and I would be happy to share them with you.

Wow that’s so nice of you, thank you for all your help again!

Yeah thank you!

Grandpa Willy
Yes I have plenty of straw and sticks to build big safe houses for
all of you, you can even build your houses close to mine so that
way we can always be close to each other and I can give you all
the food.

(Whitey thinks to himself that Willy is

being too kind and that he cannot be
trusted but he doesn’t want to say this
to his brothers because they are already
fond of Willy)

I'm going to go to the bathroom in the corner over there, you guys
carry on without me.
(The big bad wolf comes out to talk to


Shh! I’m here to talk to you.

No you just want to eat me, willy told me the stories about you.
Now get away from me.

I know he has told you his stories I have been following you four
since yesterday.
The stories are all lies, I have been following you to try and
keep you all safe but you keep surrounding Willy.

No your lying!

No I’m not, this is my only chance to save you and your brothers.
The same thing that is happening to you and your brothers right
now happened to me and my sisters.
We were roaming this forest trying to get away from our parents
because we thought that they were always so mean that they were
always wrong.

What happened to your sisters and your parents?

Well, just like you we wondered upon the hanging bag of food and
will appeared.
He promised to give us more food and things like straw and sticks
to build safe houses.
It was all a lie my sisters built their houses out of straw and
He fed them with an overwhelming amount of food and one day he
huffed and he puffed and he blew there houses down and ate them.
All along he was just feeding them to make them bigger for food
for himself.
How did you get out?

I built my house out of brick that I had found and he huffed and
he puffed and he couldn’t blow my house down.
I eventually escaped and now I try and protect everyone that he
goes after next.
Since that day I haven’t seen my parents or my sisters.

So how do I save myself and my brothers?

Go with him but don’t eat the food, he only eats you when you nice
and plump.
I will come and help you and you brothers in a few days.
Whatever you do don’t eat the food and build your houses out of
brick do not use anything he gives you.

(Whitey rejoins his brothers and will

and hike to his home and do the three
little pigs do exactly what the wolf
told whitey. They didn’t eat the food
that they were given and they all built
one home out of brick)

Scene 3

(A few days pass and grandpa Willy

begins to get frustrated that he doesn’t
see the pigs growing and that they built
their house out of brick instead of
straw and sticks)

Grandpa Willy

Come little ones I have prepared a special meal that we can eat

(The three little pigs know that they

shouldn’t go but they see Mr. wolf and
he waves to them to go.

So what will we be eating today?
Grandpa Willy
Oh I have not yet cooked the meal.
I will be cooking it in front of me right now and we can eat it in
the hot tub right here.

Oh that’s such a cool looking hot tub, it even has two big handles
on the sides to help you get in and out.

(Browny begins to walk towards the hot


No don’t do it browny!

Grandpa Willy
Why what’s wrong?

Uh, we have to wash our hands before we get in, we were playing in
the mud so we don’t want the hot tub to get dirty.

Grandpa Willy
Good thinking whitey.
Yes how about all three of you go wag up and we can all meet up
here again in a little while.


(The three little pigs go into their

house to wash up. Waiting for them
inside is Mr. wolf)

Mr. wolf

So here’s the plan, you boys pretend to get into the boiling pot
that he is calling the hot tub, and before he can do anything I
will grab and tie him up.
He will be locked in a cell where he can no longer harm anyone
You got it boys?

(The three little pigs follow Mr.wolf’s
instructions and execute the plan as

Mr. wolf
Now grandpa willy you will live the rest of your days thinking
about what you have done and all the damage you have to so many
families, I know I will never forget what you have done.
Now kids you should go back to your parents, you may feel like
your parents are always being mean, but they do what is best for
you and you all are not as mature as you belief.
So be a kid and don’t try to grow up so fast because you see the
trouble it can get you in.

Thank you Mr. wolf, we will always be grateful.

(The next day the three little pigs

reunite with their parents and promise
to not be in such a hurry to grow up
because they know that their parents
always do what is best for them)

The End
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