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Number list: 5

1. What do you need to balance a tree?

a) To balance a tree you need the value to be -1.0 or 1

b) To balance a tree you need the value to be -1.0 or 2

c) To balance a tree, the value must be -1.0 or 3

d) None of the above

2. How many possible situations are there to make an insert in a tree?

a) To make a possible insertion there are 4 situations

b) To make a possible insertion there are 1 situations

c) To make a possible insertion there are 2 situations

d) None of the above

3. How many rotations are there to rebalance an AVL tree?

a) LL Rotation, RR Rotation, LR Rotation, RL Rotation

b) QL Rotation, RR Rotation, LR Rotation, RL Rotation

c) WL Rotation, RR Rotation, LR Rotation, RL Rotation

d) None of the above

4. How are RR and LL rotations considered?

a) RR and LL rotation are considered unique rotations

b) The rotation RL and RL are considered unique rotations

c) Rotation RRR and LLL are considered unique rotations

d) None of the above

5. What are the types of AVL trees?

a) AVL tree types are search trees with additional equilibrium properties.

b) The ABL tree types are search trees with additional equilibrium properties.

c) CVL tree types are search trees with additional equilibrium properties.

d) None of the above

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