S QTZ, S:!:qtzlbleach:!:bi, - Sulfate-Sulfide and - Calcite Veins

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Quartz Much Greater Than Sulfide With K-Spar::!::Biotite Halo (qtz>>s/ksP::!

Vein Code 10
These have a dominantly irregular, discontinuous morphology but may be planar,
continuous and often occur as a network of veinlets. The vein infill may be from 0.1 to 4
mm wide and the vein envelope may be absent or up to 1 mm wide. Vein infill margins
are distinct and the vein envelope margins are generally indistinct. The infill is
dominantly fine granular quartz. Subordinate 'disseminated' chalcopyrite, bornite and
molybdenite mayor may not be present. If present sulfides are generally in proportions
similar to background disseminated sulfides in the wall rock. K-feldspar halos may be
absent or very thin and inconspicuous and there mayor may not be an outer shreddy
biotite halo. These veins have been observed to cut monzonite porphyry 81 and are cut
- s>>qtz,
- s:!:qtzlbleach:!:bi,
- sulfate-sulfide and
- calcite veins.
ATA 089 - 369.00 m. Wavy to irregular, discontinuous vein of granular quartz and minor
'disseminated' bornite with a thin, indistinct, k-feldspar vein envelope (qtz»s/ksp:tbi
vein) cutting monzonite porphyry 81 with strong biotite alteration.
ATA 057 - 281.65 m. Irregular, discontinuous network of fine granular quartz veinlets
with k-feldspar vein envelopes (qtz»s/ksp:tbi veins) cutting monzonite porphyry 81.
Sulfide-Quartz-Breccia (s-qtz-bx) - Vein Code 13
These are planar and continuous with sharp, distinct vein margins and are generally 10 to
40 mm wide. Internally they have a complex texture with clasts of wall rock and sulfides?
The infill assemblage is quartz, bornite and chalcopyrite with clasts of wall rock and
sulfides. Molybdenite, sphalerite, calcite and k-feldspar mayor not be present. The wall
rock is invariably k-feldspar altered so it is not clear on the scale of the drill core if these
veins have k-feldspar envelopes or if they cut k-feldspar alteration. These high-grade
veins have been observed in monzonite porphyry 81 and breccia 19. They cut qtz»s
veins and may be cut by s>>qtz veins.


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ATA 162 - 377.90 m. Planar continuous quartz, bornite, chalcopyrite, calcite, relict wall
rock infill with no vein envelope (s-qtz-bx vein) cutting monzonite porphyry 81.

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Sulfide Much Greater Than Quartz (s»qtz) - Vein Code 14
These veins are sometimes planar but are generally wavy to irregular, discontinuous to
continuous. They have distinct vein margins, are sometimes anastomosing and often
occur as networks. They may be 0.1 to 5 mm wide but are dominantly hairline fracture
fills. The infill assemblage is chalcopyrite and or bornite with or without minor
molybdenite, which if present often occurs on the margins ofthe veins. Minor quartz may
or may not be present. There is no vein envelope. These veins have been observed in
monzonite porphyry 81 and breccia 19. They cut biotite alteration and:
- qtz>>s,
- ksp/ksp,
- qtz>>s/ksp:!:biand
- s:!:qtz/ksp:!:biveins.
They are cut by:
- s-qtz,
- sulfate-sulfide,
- calcite and

- gypsum vems.
ATA 140 - 239.00 m. Irregular, continuous vein of chalcopyrite, molybdenite and minor
quartz (s-qtz vein) cutting biotite and k-feldspar altered monzonite porphyry 81.

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Ssulfide-Quartz (s-qtz) - Vein Code 15
These veins are planar, continuous with a distinct margin and are generally 0.5-10 mm
wide. The infill assemblage is anhedral quartz and sulfide with or without calcite and
chlorite. Sulfides are usually chalcopyrite, bornite or pyrite and at times molybdenite.
There is often a vein symmetry with sulfides in the center and quartz on the margins of
the vein. They do not have a vein envelopes. These veins have been observed in diorite,
biotite hornfels and breccia 18. They cut:
- qtz-ca-mt and
- s>>qtz veins
and are cut by:
- sulfate-sulfide and
- gypsum vems.

ATA 081 -? Planar, continuous, quartz, calcite and chalcopyrite (s-qtz) vein cutting qtz-
ca-mt vein in diorite.

ATA 031 - 396.30 m. Planar, continuous, quartz and chalcopyrite vein (s-qtz) with
chalcopyrite central and quartz on the margin. The host rock is diorite.

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ATA 111 - 183.50 m. Planar, continuous quartz and molybdenite vein (s-qtz vein)
cutting diorite.

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