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Week of: June 4, 2018

Child’s Name: Sara

Goal: Sara will crawl across the living room without stopping at least once during an intervention
Sara will babble the sounds of ba or ga at least 2 times during an intervention session.
Title of Strategies and IELG Developmental Materials/Visuals
Activity Objectives of Domain

Beginning Strategy: Place an Gross Motor Reflection: This week was much
to Crawl object away from Development better than last week. Sara
Sara and help her (Look at what my
body can do)
seemed more willing to participate
learn the in the activities we had planned to
necessary body do with her. I think this in part is
movements to
because we typically do our home
crawl towards the
objet. visits right after she wakes up
from her nap. This time however,
we did our home visit a few hours
after her nap and she was much
happier. She is definitely
becoming more comfortable with
being in the crawling position and
moved her hands while I held her
legs to crawl towards her
mom. She's already made
progress and so I'm excited to see
her progress towards crawling in
the next few weeks.

Level at: Place Sara on the

ground on her stomach. Place
her Tigger toy (or another toy she
chooses) about a foot and a half
away from her. Scoot her legs
close to her rear so that they are
in a position to crawl. As she
moves her arms to get to Tigger,
move her legs in a crawling
motion so that her legs and arms
move together. While doing this,
explain the motions of what you
are doing to mom. Then have
mom do the activity once.
Lower level: If the activity appears
to be too advanced, simply work
on the arm movements with Sara
that are necessary to crawl. Put
Tigger about a foot and a half
away from Sara and hold onto her
legs while she moves forward on
her hands. This position is
sometimes called a wheelbarrow
where the feet are being held but
not high enough that her back is
arched downwards. While doing
this, tell mom what you are doing
and then have mom do this
activity with Sara.

Higher level: If this activity is too

easy for Sara, place Tigger a foot
and a half away and place Sara
on her stomach. Then have her
move towards the Tigger toy.
Mom mentioned that Sara loves
verbal praise so make sure to
verbally praise Sara throughout
this activity. Have mom place the
toy somewhere and repeat the

Activity if disinterested:
In order to increase Sara’s arm
strength, do a few baby sit ups
with her. Explain to mom how to
do them and then have mom
practice. In order to work on leg
strength with Sara, have mom
help Sara move her legs as if she
were pedaling a bike. While doing
this, have mom sing a short song
to Sara, such as “Twinkle Twinkle
Little Star”.

Materials: Tigger toy or another

toy Sara likes, book
IELG: D1 G5 Birth
through 8 months
CI 2: Wiggles
rolls, or crawls to
get to a desired
visible object.

Sensory In order to incorporate sensory into the gross motor activity,

we could vary the texture of the objects that Sara crawls
towards and grabs. For example, try using a hard ball for
Sara to practice crawling towards. Or, try having her crawl
towards and grab a soft toy.

Creative Sara will demonstrate her creative expression as she selects

Expression which toy she would like to crawl towards.

1. Gross motor: Samantha can work on helping Sara crawl during playtime. She can place toys
that Sara likes in different areas of the room and have Sara go get them. She can help Sara
move her legs as Sara moves to grab for the toy.

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