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Name: Rossie Kadiyska Date: 14 June 2018

School: The Business School

Describe in one or two paragraphs your leadership/scholarship initiative.

The fashion industry is an industry formed at the intersection of culture, economy, environment, society
and human interaction. In such way, the fashion industry becomes an industry that operates in a constantly
changing, dynamic landscape and is continuously exposed to the forces in those areas of society and life.

Currently, one of the trends that has been shaping the industry is the drive towards environmental
protection, renewal and sustainability. As part of its mission and strategic plan, Humber College strives to
be always at the forefront of education and to be the leader and the provider of the answers to the
current societal and economic trends.

This requires that Humber college acknowledges this persistent trend for sustainability and launches an
academic response to it.

Therefore, as the Program Coordinator for Fashion Management and Promotions program at Humber, I
would like my Leadership Initiative Project to be the development of such sustainable fashion profile at
Humber in correspondence with the need of industry, society, economy and environment.

This Leadership/Scholarship Initiative has been reviewed and approved by:

________________________________________ ________________
Dean/Associate Dean Date

________________________________________ ________________
Director, Professional Development Date
After one year of work, the Fashion Innovation and Sustainability (FIS) Profile is on its way for a launch in
the Fall 2019.

During the past year the following was accomplished:

1) A research report was conducted on the environment: internal and external to identify strategies
for success;
2) A mission, vision and value system was created for the profile;
3) Following that, the FIS profile was created with four new courses and the four course descriptions
4) Attended a Ministry run workshop on Program Learning Outcomes and established connection
with the Ministry person.
5) Program outcomes were adjusted to reflect the new courses and were tabled for feedback to the
Fashion Management program advisory committee (PAC)
6) Input was gathered from the PAC, suggestion incorporated and submitted to the Ministry of
Education for final approval
7) Currently, we are in the second iteration of feedback with the Ministry
8) While waiting for that final approval, Humber Fashion Management PG website has been
updated to reflect the new FIS profile
9) Since January, research has been conducted to identify relevant content for the four new courses
and construct skeleton of four course outlines
10) Talks have started with 2 course developers to work on the new courses.

Future work will consist of coordination between the course content developers and the program
coordinator (myself) for building a strong course framework as per program learning outcomes
and course learning outcomes.

Lessons learnt:
1. I have got familiarized with the process of new profile planning and development
2. Such work has proven to be an intricate collaboration between different departments in Humber
with many players and interests involved.
3. Collaboration and team work is the key to the successful delivery of the project.
4. Even though we do not need a formal Ministry approval, it has been a critical point in the process.
Establishing my direct connection with the Ministry person and attending the Ministry workshop
has been very important and instrumental for successful written deliverables.

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