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Behavioural Brain Research 275 (2014) 114–119

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Short Communication

Place conditioning to apomorphine in rat models of Parkinson’s

disease: Differences by dose and side-effect expression
Joannalee C. Campbell a , Shiveindra B. Jeyamohan b , Priscilla De La Cruz b , Nita Chen b ,
Damian Shin a , Julie G. Pilitsis a,b,∗
Center for Neuropharmacology and Neuroscience, Albany Medical College, 47 New Scotland Avenue, Albany, NY 12208, USA
Department of Neurosurgery, Albany Medical College, 47 New Scotland Avenue, Albany, NY 12208, USA

h i g h l i g h t s

• Rats underwent a dopaminergic unilateral lesion or sham surgery.

• All rats underwent place conditioning to either a low or high dose of apomorphine.
• Lesioned rats preferred low dose apomorphine while shams did not.
• Lesioned rats were divided on preferring high dose apomorphine; shams preferred it.
• Increased apomorphine side-effects negatively correlated with place conditioning.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: One potential complication of treating Parkinson’s Disease (PD) with dopaminergic drugs is dopamine
Received 21 May 2014 dysregulation syndrome, an addiction-like response to the drug therapy. Here, we assessed whether rats
Received in revised form 11 July 2014 given parkinsonian-like symptoms with a unilateral injection of 6-hydroxydopamine into the medial
Accepted 1 September 2014
forebrain bundle (6-OHDA-MFB), exhibit similar behavior. To examine this, we injected these rats or
Available online 6 September 2014
sham-lesioned rats subcutaneously (sc) with apomorphine (APO) at low (0.05 mg/kg) and high (1 mg/kg)
dosage and monitored their conditioned place preference Saline was administered on alternating days.
After 4 and 8 conditioned pairings, both rat groups underwent post-conditioning tests in a drug-free
Dopamine dysregulation syndrome
Dopamine agonist
state 6-OHDA rats exhibited positive place conditioning to the low dose of APO after 4 and 8 pairings
6-hydroxydopamine whereas sham-lesioned rats did not (p < 0.01). At the high APO dose, sham-lesioned rats showed con-
Hemiparkinsonian sistent positive place conditioning, but preferences in 6-OHDA rats were more variable although they
all exhibited rotation behavior. Upon further inspection, we noted that contraversive rotation increased
over time and this negatively correlated with place conditioning scores. While the absolute number of
rotations did not negatively affect preference for the APO-paired chamber, an increase in rotation num-
bers between pairings did (r = −0.634, p = 0.027). Taken together, 6-OHDA rats were more sensitive to the
rewarding aspects of APO, but the adverse consequence of rotation diminished this response This model
may be ideal to study addiction-like responses in PD.
© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disease result- (levodopa) or dopamine agonists (e.g. pramipexole, ropinirole, apo-
ing from the death of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra morphine). Patients treated with these drugs have been noted to
pars compacta (SNc). Currently, there are no treatments that will develop impulsive/compulsive behaviors including dopamine dys-
cure PD; however drug therapies are used to treat motor symp- regulation syndrome (DDS), which includes compulsive overuse of
toms Generally, once patients become bothered by their PD motor medication, cyclic mood disorders dependent upon medication sta-
symptoms, they initiate treatment either with dopaminergic drugs tus, and refusal to discontinue high doses of medication despite
severe social and physical consequences [1]. The current reported
incidence of DDS is 3–4% of the PD population [2], but this preva-
∗ Corresponding author at: Department of Neurosurgery, MC 10 47 New Scotland lence may be an underestimate since DDS, similar to any addiction,
Avenue Albany, NY 12208 Tel.: +1 518 262 5314; fax: +1 5182620902. is likely underreported by the patients due to the patients’ desire
E-mail address: (J.G. Pilitsis). outweighing the self-destructive outcomes.
0166-4328/© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J.C. Campbell et al. / Behavioural Brain Research 275 (2014) 114–119 115

There have been a few assessments of drug reward in rodent underwent CPP testing This resulted in n = 11 sham and n = 19
models of dopamine loss. Using the conditioned place preference 6-OHDA rats meeting the criteria to advance to CPP testing
(CPP) paradigm, groups have found increased place preference to (Fig. 1A).
pramipexole in a bilateral 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) striatal For CPP, the conditioning apparatus (70 × 25 × 50 cm)
lesion rodent model of PD [3], and increased place preference to consisted of three chambers, with the two larger end cham-
levodopa alongside a decrease in preference for a natural reward bers (30 × 25 × 50 cm each) used for conditioning sessions. The
in an ␣-synuclein rat model of PD [4]. Others used CPP to probe the chambers were distinguished by tactile and odor cues; one of
rewarding properties of D1, D2, and D3 receptor agonists in rats the two end chambers had bar flooring and an almond scent,
injected with 6-OHDA bilaterally in the medial forebrain bundle the other had grid flooring and a rose scent, and the unpaired
(MFB). It was noted that D2 and D3 receptor agonists produced small center chamber had solid flooring and no odor pairing.
rewarding effects [5]. Finally, others evaluated various dopamine Pretests showed that rats did not prefer one end chamber and its
receptor agonists in CPP using a less traditional bilateral 6-OHDA cues over the other. Further testing with naïve rats (n = 7) with
posterior ventral tegmental area lesion rodent model, and found saline paired with both sides showed that there was no significant
that only drugs with D2 or D3 receptor activity produced a place change in the percentage of time spent on either end chambers
preference [6]. in a post-test after 4 saline conditioning sessions (40.2% vs 351%)
While the literature has so far determined that some rodent or 8 conditioning sessions (371% vs 399%). During conditioning
models of PD show increased place preference to certain dopamine sessions (30 min, once daily) rats were confined to the assigned end
agonists, this was not examined in rats injected unilaterally with chamber immediately post-injection (sc APO at 0.05 or 1 mg/kg, or
6-OHDA in the MFB; notably, this is a commonly used animal equivalent volume of saline). However, during test days rats could
model of PD which better mirrors the severe motor deficits seen freely traverse the 3 distinct chambers. There were 8 conditioning
in later stages of PD than rats with bilateral striatal lesions, there sessions for saline and APO. Rats were videotaped during pretest
are well-established behavioral tests to gauge dopamine loss, and and two post-conditioning test sessions (10 min duration each,
this rat model of PD does not produce the mortality seen with one after the 4th pairing and one after the 8th pairing), and the
bilateral 6-OHDA MFB or SNc injection [7]. Mortality rates due to amount of time spent in each chamber was noted. The raw amount
adipsia and aphagia for bilateral 6-OHDA MFB/SNc models have of time spent on each side was used to determine the conditioning
improved over the decades, but even substantial post-operative score (post-test minus the pre-test time spent on the same side; all
interventions cannot prevent premature death in a percentage of times in seconds). The number of clockwise and counter-clockwise
rats (e.g. [16,17]). Further, the unilateral 6-OHDA MFB lesion rat rotations was counted during the 30 min sessions.
can be used to model global changes such as depression [18], and After experiments were completed, dopaminergic cell body and
will rotate in the direction of the impaired forelimb when given axon degeneration were confirmed by tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)
levodopa or dopamine agonists and this rotation behavior sensi- immuno-staining. Rats were anesthetized with an intraperitoneal
tizes over time [8,9]. This results in very high levels of involuntary injection of urethane and transcardially perfused with 150 ml of
activity for the rat. Thus, this rat model of PD provides the oppor- cold 0.9% saline with 2 units/ml heparin, followed by 150 ml of a
tunity to probe the balance between drug reward and aversive 4% paraformaldehyde solution. After removal, brains were post-
motor side-effects, and how that balance changes over dose and fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde for 24 h before being stored in a 30%
time. With these considerations in mind, we assessed CPP to the sucrose solution A cryostat (Microm HM500M) was used to acquire
D1/D2 receptor agonist apomorphine (APO) in rats with unilat- coronal brain sections at 60 ␮m, with free floating sections from
eral 6-OHDA MFB injections at low (0.05 mg/kg) and high (1 mg/kg) the striatum and SNc/VTA collected for TH immunohistochemistry,
dosage after either 4 or 8 pairings of the novel environment with similar to described in [10]. Briefly, sections were quenched in
the drug. 3% H2 O2 for 10 min, placed overnight at 4 ◦ C into blocking solu-
Male Sprague-Dawley rats arrived at >200 g bodyweight tion (10% normal goat serum [NGS, Jackson ImmunoResearch, West
(Taconic, Germantown, NY) and were placed in a climate con- Grove, PA] and 0.2% Triton-X [Sigma, St Louis, MO] in 0.1 M PBS),
trolled vivarium maintained on a 12 h light/dark cycle (lights on transferred to 10% NGS in PBS with a 1:1000 concentration of anti-
7:00 am) with ad libitum access to food and water One week TH antibody (rabbit polyclonal; Santa Cruz Biotech, Dallas, TX) for
later, rats were injected with 6-OHDA (n = 30) or saline (sham- the next 2 days at 4 ◦ C, placed in 10% NGS in PBS with a 1:500
lesioned, n = 12) unilaterally in the MFB. Procedures were similar concentration of peroxidase-conjugated goat anti-rabbit (Jackson
to those discussed in [10], including the use of desipramine HCl ImmunoResearch, West Grove, PA) for 1 h, and finally developed
(25 mg/kg; Sigma, St Louis, MO) and pargyline HCl (50 mg/kg; in 3,3 -Diaminobenzidine (DAB) solution (Vector labs, Burlingame,
Sigma, St Louis, MO) prior to surgical site preparation, craniotomy CA) before mounting onto slides Images were taken under 10x
and a burr hole above the MFB: 44 mm posterior to bregma, 21 mm magnification on a Zeiss Axio Imager M.2 microscope fitted with
lateral from midline, 8 mm ventral Rats received 12 ␮g of 6-OHDA a Hamamatsu ORCA-Flash40 camera using Neurolucida 1101 soft-
(Sigma, St Louis, MO; dissolved in saline containing 0.01% ascor- ware (MBF Bioscience, Williston, VT) and montaged to create one
bic acid) at a rate of 0.5 ␮l/min Penicillin (22000 IU/kg; King image per section Comparison of TH immuno-reactive area in the
Pharmaceuticals, Inc, Bristol, TN) and buprenoprhine (0.1 mg/kg; right vs left striatum and SNC was done using ImageJ (NIH free-
Reckitt Benskiser Pharmaceuticals, Inc, Richmond, VA) were post- ware, VER 148). Sham-lesioned rats did not exhibit differences
operatively injected sc, and buprenophine administration was in TH immuno-reactivity between hemispheres, whereas 6-OHDA
continued every 12 h for 2 additional days for analgesia. rats had marked reduction in TH expression in the striatum and
Two weeks later, rats underwent the limb-use asymmetry SNc/VTA on the6-OHDA injected side compared to the un-injected
test Rats were placed into a clear plexiglass cylinder and filmed side (118% ± 253% of striatal TH, 398% ± 797% of VTA, 65% ± 289%
for 5 min, and the number of wall touches with each forepaw of SNc TH content in injected side when compared to un-injected
was recorded A bias towards using the paw ipsilateral to the 6- side; Fig. 1B).
OHDA lesion indicates that the lesion has been effective, with The place conditioning scores were analyzed by repeated meas-
>80% of the touches coming from that paw highly correlating ures ANOVA. The relationship between rotation behavior and APO
with a >80% reduction in the dopamine content of the lesioned conditioning score was examined using the Pearson correlation
side of the brain [10,11]. Only rats showing a >80% ispilateral coefficient. All data are expressed as mean ± standard error of
paw touch bias (“6-OHDA”) and sham rats without any bias means (SEM).
116 J.C. Campbell et al. / Behavioural Brain Research 275 (2014) 114–119

Fig. 1. Confirmation of 6-OHDA phenotype.

A. The results of the limb-use asymmetry test Rats with parkinsonian-like symptoms will preferentially use the forepaw ipsilateral to the lesion site to explore their
environment (> 80% ipsilateral use).
B. An example of TH immuno-staining in the striatum and SNc. The hemisphere injected with 6-OHDA is indicated by the arrows, where marked loss of dopamine terminals
(striatum) and cell bodies (SNc) are apparent.

If rats showed no preference above their individual base- respectively. On the 0.05 mg/kg dose of APO, 6-OHDA rats (n = 7)
line times to a chamber the preference score would equal had a conditioning score of 8980 ± 3138 on the post-test after 4th
0. Rats with decreased or increased time on the APO-paired pairings, and a conditioning score of 120.22 ± 3310 on the post-
side would have a negative and positive conditioning score, test after 8th pairings In contrast, sham rats injected with this dose
J.C. Campbell et al. / Behavioural Brain Research 275 (2014) 114–119 117

Fig. 3. Rotation behavior versus APO conditioning score.

A. The change in rotations towards the lesioned forelimb between the 4th and 8th
pairing versus the change in the conditioning score during the same time Negative
correlation is present B. A photograph of a 6-OHDA rat exhibiting rotation behavior
with 1 mg/kg APO conditioning in CPP apparatus.

Fig. 2. Conditioning scores of 6-OHDA rats and sham-lesioned rats to low and high
doses of APO.
A. The conditioning scores of 6-OHDA and sham-lesioned rats to 0.05 mg/kg APO. the two time-points (Fig. 2B). Comparing these groups to the
Significant difference is present between the groups across both time-points; 6-
expected mean of 0, the 6-OHDA group was not significantly dif-
OHDA rats show a positive conditioning score to APO while shams do not. B. The
conditioning scores of 6-OHDA rats and sham-lesioned rats to 1 mg/kg APO. Aster- ferent from 0 while the sham group was (t11 = 769, p < 0.05). While
isks indicate significance at p < 0.01 positive conditioning scores remained stable in sham animals,
there were diverse responses in 6-OHDA rats. When we further ana-
lyzed the APO conditioning scores in 6-OHDA rats, we found that 3
(n = 5) had a conditioning score of −8259 ± 2401 and −8640 ± 3177 animals exhibited a positive conditioning score to the APO-paired
on the 4th and 8th pairings post-test, respectively. Therefore, a sig- side after the 4th (16141 ± 7612) and 8th pairings (160.58 ± 3957).
nificant difference between 6-OHDA and sham-lesioned rats was Four 6-OHDA rats changed from a positive conditioning score at
present in APO conditioning score since the former showed a higher the 4th pairing (13246 ± 3601) to a negative one at the 8th pair-
positive place conditioning score than the latter (F1,10 = 22632, ing (−10668 ± 6186). Five 6-OHDA rats had a negative conditioning
p < 0.01); however, no difference was seen with time (Fig. 2A). Com- score after both pairings (−16153 ± 3757; −20195 ± 4413).
paring these groups to the expected mean of 0 (no change in side Lastly, we examined whether an interaction between rotation
preference), both the 6-OHDA group (t13 = 471, p < 0.05) and the behavior and conditioning scores could explain the marked vari-
sham group (t9 = −450, p < 0.05) are significantly different from a ability in conditioning scores in 6-OHDA rats Sham-lesioned rats
condition of no change. With saline conditioning scores, we also and 6-OHDA rats on saline conditioning sessions had few rota-
noted a significant difference between 6-OHDA and sham-lesioned tions (<15 per session) in either direction In contrast, 6-OHDA
rats (F1,10 = 16570, p < 0.01). rats given 1 mg/kg APO turned 460.42 ± 6576 (∼15 RPM) at the
On the 1 mg/kg dose of APO, 6-OHDA rats (n = 12) had a condi- 4th pairing and 62833 ± 100.60 (∼21 RPM) at the 8th pairing
tioning score of 1720 ± 5177 on the post-test after the 4th pairing, towards the lesioned side as shown in Fig. 3B. There was no cor-
and a conditioning score of −7956 ± 5113 on the post-test after relation between rotations and APO conditioning score on the
the 8th pairing Sham-lesioned rats given the same dose (n = 6) had 4th pairing post-test, and no correlation between rotations and
a conditioning score of 9531 ± 1363 and 9845 ± 2264 on the post- APO conditioning score on the 8th paring post-test. However,
test after the 4th and 8th pairing, respectively. A two-way repeated we found a significant correlation between the change in rota-
measures ANOVA on APO conditioning scores did not reveal any sig- tions versus the change in preference scores from the 4th to the
nificant differences between 6-OHDA and sham groups or between 8th pairing (r = −0.634, p = 0.027; Fig. 3A). We also examined the
118 J.C. Campbell et al. / Behavioural Brain Research 275 (2014) 114–119

correlation between our TH measures (striatam, VTA, Snc), scores, This suggests that the unilateral 6-OHDA MFB rat model of PD can
and rotations, but only found a significant correlation between be useful for measuring changes in drug reward in a parkinson-like
VTA TH and 4th pairing rotations (r = 0.768, p < 0.01). In sum- system.
mary, we found that 6-OHDA rats with a unilateral lesion have
a different place conditioning profile to APO compared to sham-
lesioned animals. The former will positively place condition more Acknowledgments
than the latter at the lower APO dose. When exposed to high
dose APO, some 6-OHDA rats preferred the APO-paired side at Financial support for this research was provided by an Albany
both pairing post-tests, others avoided that side during the entire Medical College start-up grant to JGP.
experiment, and some switched from a preference to an aver-
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