Dynamic Programming For Interviews

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Build will be sent on every Friday

Sprint Start Working Days End Arch Designer Java/ Web Developers iphone/ipad Android QA Status Release Date Mobile App Goal Web App/ CRM Goal Increment
1 7 1 1 Completed Finalize designs approval from client 1
2 Completed 28-09-2018 Designs apis/Backend setup
1.Project setup, 2. Login Functionality, 3. Sign Up
Functionality 4. Facebook Integration 5. G+ Integration ,
6. Linkden Integration, 7. OTP Verify Functionality 8 .
SMS gateway integration Categoty/Vendor
9. Welcome notifications and alerts 10 Forgot password, creation/Vendors list/filter
3 7 1 2 2 2 Completed 05-10-2018 change password apis 2
1. Home Screen Design 2. Side panel Designs 3. Coupons
Location Integration 4. Filter Functionality 5. Dispaly the creation/Coupons,hospital
4 7 1 2 2 2 Completed 12-10-2018 Offers in Home page with pagination. 6. App Localization. lits apis 3
1. Coupon list page 2. Banners of hospitals in coupons list
3. Coupon based hospitals 4 . Name based hospital Subscritoons,Cards view,
search, 5. Hospital details Booking appoitment
5 7 1 2 2 2 Completed 18-10-2018 history/required apis 4
1. User subscription 2. Direct payment with payment
gateway 3. My Subscription
4. Book appointment, Change /Apply coupon 5 . Api Support/SMS/Mail
6 7 1 2 2 2 Completed 26-10-2018 Notifications and alerts 6. Show appointment details alerts 5
Payment gateway
1. My Profile, 2. Edit profile 3. Wish list 4. Settings 5. integration / Dashboard
7 7 1 2 2 2 Completed 02-11-2018 PaymentGateway integration view/ 6
8 7 1 2 2 2 to be scheduled to be scheduled Internal testing, optimizations, bug fixing Bug fixes/overall testing 7
Internal testing/Code
9 7 1 2 2 2 to be scheduled May10-2019 Submit for UAT review 8
Submit for UAT 9

Project Start Date End Date Status
Under Final Review and Delay in iOS App
Mariya Medical 05-10-2018 May10-2019 store DUNS number
Foragen Apr 01-2019 Live
Medinops 23-01-2019 May 08-2019 Under Final Review

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