2004 UGM Tips Tricks 6

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Miscellaneous on Batch Processing (1)

ƒ Commands to run in batch mode:

fluent 3d -g < batch.jou >& out.trn & for C-shell
fluent 3d -g < batch.jou > out.trn 2>&1 & for Bourne/Korne-shell
fluent 3d -g -i batch.jou –hidden for windows
For Windows, without –hidden, the GUI will still be started but iconified
ƒ For Windows, there is no option for getting an output file
A transcript file should be started and then stopped before exiting the FLUENT session
ƒ To receive mail notification upon the completion of a batch job, add the following line at the
end of the batch journal:
!mail email-address < message.txt
where message.txt is a text file located inside the working directory and contains the message
to be sent
ƒ To enter a comment inside a journal file:
; This line is commented
ƒ To execute a shell command inside a journal file:
! Shell-command-to-be-executed
ƒ To generate animation files during a batch processing, add the following option to the start up
command of the batch job:
-driver null

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