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These rules are meant to augment the superhero rules available in the Genesys Core Rulebook. It
assumes that the No Mere Mortal and Super-Characteristics rules are being used. No Mere Mortal:
Puny Minions remains optional.

Superpowers Super-Characteristics
This document contains superpower trees that Super-characteristics represent your characters
are meant to augment the Genesys talents having attributes that are more than human.
system. They work essentially like the Force Even superheroes who are nominally "normal"
Power trees in SWRPG. Each tree starts with a people tend to display superior Cunning,
“basic power” which unlocks adjacent Intellect, or other characteristics in a
advancements on the tree. It is recommended superhero-themed game, so this applies to any
that PCs be given 50-100 points of experience superhero.
on top of their starting XP (and on top of the
During character creation, your players should
extra 50 given by the No Mere Mortal rule) to
select two of their character’s six
allow them to purchase a few special abilities
characteristics. These are their character’s
and make their hero character unique.
super-characteristics—super strength, super
No Mere Mortal speed or agility, or super intelligence, for
example. You should also do this whenever
Superhero-themed games assume that the PCs
you create a nemesis NPC that you intend to be
are stronger, faster, and better than average a supervillain.
people right from character creation. To
represent this, during character creation, When a character makes a check based on one
increase each PC’s starting XP by 50 (this can of their super-characteristics, if the check
be spent on characteristics) and allow them to generates a , immediately roll an additional
increase skills to rank 3. ⬢ into the pool. If that ⬢ generates another ,
In addition, since superheroes traditionally then roll an additional ⬢ into the pool again.
fight with their fists, PCs and supervillains The player still gets to resolve all of the as
deal base damage equal to their Brawn +3 usual.
when making unarmed attacks. Players may
This can lead to some impressive results with
flavor this damage bonus as martial arts
lots of , which you should interpret as
training, superhuman strength, flaming fists,
appropriately "super." Brawl checks punch
or whatever else fits their character.
opponents into the stratosphere, Coordination
Puny Minions: If you want your PCs to feel a checks catch civilians falling hundreds of feet,
cut above regular mortals, you can take the No and Perception checks hear what’s going on
Mere Mortal rule one step further. When a miles away.
minion or minion group attacks a PC or
supervillain, their attack can inflict a maximum
of 1 wound or strain after damage reduction.
New Special Qualities: possessed by a vampire. 20-point limitations
are extremely rare, and usually apply a very
Knockback: When Knockback is triggered, one
severe catch to a power. A Telepathy power
target hit by the attack is knocked one range that works only on a certain class of animals:
band away from the attacker. If the target is “sea creatures,” “squirrels,” or “ants,” for
knocked into a solid barrier, they take 1 point example, would have a 20-point discount.
of damage for each range band they would
have moved if they had not been stopped by The final costs of limitations are ultimately up
the barrier. If multiple targets suffer hits from a to the GM’s discretion. On the next page, you
weapon with Knockdown, the quality may be will find some example costs for some
triggered multiple times, affecting a different common (and a couple obscure) limitations.
target each time. Unless specified otherwise, These costs can be tweaked depending on the
Knockback requires to trigger, plus one situation; for example, the 15-point limitation
additional per silhouette of the target that ties a power to concentration on a spell
beyond 1. All weapons and abilities with the might only be worth 10 points if paired with
Blast quality also have the Knockback quality. Super-Speed, because the free movement
maneuver from that tree significantly reduces
Limitations: the inconvenience posed by having to spend a
Powers often come with a catch: usually a maneuver every turn to concentrate on a spell.
means of deactivating them or a limitation to a Playing around with limitations can give
specific target. Limitations can be taken on any players a significant degree of customization.
power for an XP discount. This discount is For example, a character who uses a high-tech
applied the first time you take a given power, armored suit could use limitations to create
but it cannot reduce the price of any ability multiple mutually-exclusive power-sets (say, a
below 5 XP. If you take a severe limitation that freeze-ray suit, a strength suit, a flight suit, and
would reduce the cost of the basic power so-on).
below 5 XP, you can apply the remainder of
the discount to another ability on the tree.

Most limitations are worth a discount of 5 or 10

points. Generally, 5- and 10-point limitations
represent minor obstacles, things which your
enemies would have to know about and plan
around in order to take advantage of them. An
example of a 10-point limitation would be one
that limits a Telekinesis power to only work on
metal: most of the time, the obstacle presented
is minor, since metal objects are ubiquitous.
However, enemies who know about this
limitation could take advantage of it by
equipping their minions with carbon fiber
weapons and armor. A 15-point limitation is
one that severely limits the scope of an ability
or can be used against a hero with minimal
planning, such as the suite of weaknesses

-5 XP: You have a weakness, a Rarity 10

Since superheroes come from almost all conceivable
substance such as irradiated rocks from your backgrounds, pretty much any archetype is
home planet. When engaged with that potentially appropriate for play, except perhaps those
weakness, you do not have access to this from Chapter 1: Fantasy. Note that some archetypes
power. have abilities similar to those available in the
-10 XP: This power is externalized in some superpower trees. When an archetype ability is
way, tied to a high-tech suit of armor or identical to a superpower ability, the character may
magic device. If you are caught separated skip that part of the tree, meaning that they pay no XP
from the source of this power, you do not and act as though they had unlocked that part of the
have access to it. A skill check that generates
tree, qualifying for any adjacent powers.
or an enemy attack that generates
can damage the item and deactivate this
power until it is repaired.
-10 XP: This power is particularly dangerous
to use. When a check related to this power
generates , immediately roll an additional
⬢ into the pool. If that ⬢ generates another
, then roll an additional ⬢ into the pool again.
All of the are still resolved as usual.
-15 XP: You have access to this power only
when concentrating on a spell, most
commonly one of the Augment type.
-15 XP: Using this power is extremely taxing
on your body. Whenever activating an ability
in this power tree would normally cost strain,
you must pay the cost in wounds instead.
-15 XP: If you have the Mongrel archetype
(Genesys CRB p. 152), this power only works
when The Beast Within is activated.
-15 XP: If you enter a state of ritual impurity
(see Leviticus chapters 11-15), you lose access
to this power until you immerse yourself in a
mikveh or natural body of water.
Anatomy of a Power Tree

Basic Power: The Basic Power for each tree is the first ability
you may buy. It represents the most basic form of a power
and is the prerequisite for all other abilities on the tree.

XP Cost: this is the

amount of XP you must
You own a lavish home with all the amenities spend in order to gain
necessary for you and ten other people to live
this ability.

SANCTUM Prerequisites: abilities

Part of your home is your Sanctum, a hidden grant access to the other
space which can serve as a hideout and which abilities connected to
can store any vehicles you own of silhouette 2 or them by these lines.
smaller. You must purchase
a prerequisite ability
before you can
purchase an ability
Decrease the Decrease the
further away on the
difficulty of difficulty of
Knowledge checks Mechanics checks tree.
in your Sanctum. in your Sanctum.
10 10

Design Notes
These rules have been written with a few goals high Brawn score would not fit the character,
in mind. First, superpowers by and large do but the Strength and Durability superpowers
not affect Characteristics. A character can have would. Another example: a robot built for
super-strength without necessarily having a combat likely has little capacity for creative
high Brawn or having Brawn as their super- thinking, mechanical skill, or other
characteristic, and a character can have super- competencies associated with the Intellect
intelligence without necessarily having a high characteristic. The robot may even have an
Intellect or having Intellect as their super- Intellect of 1. However, that same robot might
characteristic. This may seem counterintuitive, still possess a database of basic knowledge and
but it serves to distinguish characters whose perhaps also a universal translator. The
competencies are broad or narrow. Intelligence superpower and the Polyglot and
Omniglot upgrades would suit such a
For example, Marvel’s Loki is a Frost Giant,
character in spite of its lack of overall Intellect.
and as such possesses strength and durability
beyond that of a normal human. However, the Effort has been made to give powers the
character very rarely gets involved in physical proper “feel” without completely destroying
labor or hand-to-hand combat, opting instead game balance. A few compromises are made
for stealth, magic, and trickery. A particularly between verisimilitude and balance; for
example, you’ll notice that super-strength some of the abilities (especially from the
gives Pierce and Breach instead of extra Wealth and Intelligence trees) could be
damage; this allows strong characters to punch justified as being the result of natural talent
out tough adversaries without becoming rather than actual superpowers.
overwhelming threats to characters without
If you want to incorporate some or all of the
Super-Durability. Their bonus damage has a
ideas here into your own settings or custom
rules, you have my permission and
Powers are designed to promote highly mobile enthusiastic endorsement, as long as I am
combat; characters are encouraged to interact credited somewhere (preferably with a link to
with their environments and gain advantages one of the places this supplement has been
by moving around. GMs should encourage this published). For ease of conversion, this
with the adversaries and environments they supplement includes an appendix with most of
use as well as with their adjudication of the the abilities from the power trees reworked as
dice results. standard Genesys talents, starting on page 33.
Some of the abilities assume a modern setting
GMs and players are heartily encouraged to
(fantasy characters won’t get much use out of
reskin abilities to suit their needs. A character
Wealth: Garage, and sci-fi characters won’t
(let’s call him “The Roach Fiend”) who
benefit much from Intelligence: Inventor), but
psychically controls a swarm of roaches could
those should be easy enough to replace or
take abilities from the Energy Projection tree.
The “fire” option from the Elemental Attack
upgrade, which gives the attack Burn 2, could Power Levels
represent the character commanding some of
Instead of the standard rules, your group may
his roaches to attack an enemy, continuing to
be interested in trying one of the following
crawl all over and bite them for two rounds.
Telekinesis could represent the roaches coming
together to lift an object or person at the Roach- Street-Level: For a street-level game where
Fiend’s command. marginally-super individuals go up against
mostly mundane criminal adversaries, it is
A luck-manipulator could take Durability
recommended that players start with 50-75 XP
powers to represent how attacks always
to buy powers. To keep the power-level from
happen to land in nonvital places; instead of
running out of control, abilities from power-
being “bulletproof,” projectiles that fail to
pierce Armor 2 might just miss their mark. For trees may only be acquired at character
such a character, the Careful Planning ability creation. After that point, experience may only
be spent on skills and talents, as in a standard
from the Intelligence tree might be used to
Genesys game. For extra grit, you can do away
represent dumb luck instead of preparedness.
with the No Mere Mortal and Super-
A character with superhuman perception like
Characteristics rules.
Daredevil might replicate some abilities from
the Telepathy tree, getting emotional cues by
listening to heartbeats.

A character with access to superpowers isn’t

necessarily superhuman. Limitations allow
superpowers to be externalized to gear, and
Anime Bullshit: If you want to emulate media Special: you may take a 5-point Limitation on any
like Dragon Ball Z, start your players with 100- powers you have to make it so that you only have
150 xp and use the Puny Minions optional rule. access to that power when in your alternate form.
In addition, all players are assumed to have a
Methodical Investigator
base level of extreme superhuman capability.
Tier: 1
Player characters move, deal damage, and take
Activation: Passive
damage on a planetary scale. Powers which Ranked: No
provide Pierce and Soak provide Breach and When an ability from the Intelligence or
Armor, and powers which provide Breach and Wealth power trees tells you to make a
Armor provide ten times that amount. Even Perception or Streetwise check, you may use
the weakest player-character will be able to Intellect instead of Cunning as the
take down non-superhumans with ease, and characteristic for the skill check.
most player-characters will be able to take on
military vehicles as well. They will be matched One Size Fits Most
only by similarly superpowered adversaries. Tier: 4
Activation: Active
New Talents: Ranked: No
If you have superpowers which are derived
the same power tree once; each additional rank from a piece of special gear, you may lend
extends its effects to another power tree. those powers to others. When you do so, you
lose access to those powers and one other
Fastball Special character gains access to them. While they use
Tier: 2 your piece of special gear, the other character
Activation: Active (Action) does not benefit from any of their own
Ranked: No superpowers except those granted by the
When an ally uses the Hurl ability (from the Intelligence and Wealth power trees.
Strength and Telekinesis trees) to launch you at
an adversary, you take no damage from the Pressure Point
impact with that adversary. In addition, the Tier: 1
first melee attack that you make on your next Activation: Passive
turn deals additional damage equal to the Ranked: No
number of range bands you were hurled. You may use the Martial Arts skill to perform
the Curse magic action. You may only use
Henshin Hero Curse on an Engaged target, but you may use
Tier: 1 both the Despair and Doom upgrades.
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Ranked: No Signature Power
You have a costume or alternate form (which Tier: 4
can include armor) connected to an item in Activation: Passive
your possession (by default, an encumbrance 0 Ranked: Yes
device or totem). As a maneuver, you can Choose one of your power trees. Each turn, the
activate that item to instantly exchange first time you spend strain to activate abilities
whatever clothing you are wearing for that on that tree, reduce the strain cost by 1 to a
costume. minimum of 0. This talent may only apply to
SOCIAL SKILLS  Science (Intellect) – You know what
science is.
 Charm (Presence)  Underworld (Intellect) – Knowledge of
 Coercion (Willpower) the criminal world as well as of
 Deception (Cunning) classified information.
 Leadership (Presence)
 Negotiation (Presence) COMBAT SKILLS
GENERAL SKILLS  Brawl (Brawn)
 Melee (Brawn)
 Athletics (Brawn)  Ranged (Agility)
 Computers (Intellect)
 Cool (Presence) MAGIC SKILLS
 Coordination (Agility)
 Discipline (Willpower) You may only take ranks in a magic skill if that
 Driving (Agility) skill is a class skill for you. Arcane, Divine, and
 Mechanics (Intellect) Primal magic are explained in the magic rules
 Medicine (Intellect) in the core rulebook, starting on page 211. In
 Perception (Cunning) addition, magic-users have access to the Illude
 Piloting (Agility) spell type.
 Resilience (Brawn)  Arcane (Intellect)
 Skullduggery (Cunning)  Divine (Willpower)
 Stealth (Agility)  Martial Arts (Brawn, Cunning, or
 Streetwise (Cunning) Willpower) - This magic skill gives you
 Survival (Cunning)
the Augment and Barrier spells, but you
 Vigilance (Willpower)
may only use them to target yourself.
KNOWLEDGE SKILLS This skill allows you to perform actions
using that spell for one strain instead of
The “Knowledge” skill is split into the the usual two. In addition, your ranks in
following four skills: this skill count as ranks in "Knowledge"
for the purpose of spell effects.
 Education (Intellect) – knowledge of
 Primal (Cunning)
the world: history, famous people,
 Superpower (Any) - Choose one spell
anything relating to the “liberal arts.”
type. This skill allows you to perform
 Mystic (Intellect) – knowledge of magic
actions using that spell for one strain
and magical creatures. When magic
instead of the usual two. In addition,
skills have effects based on your ranks
your ranks in this skill count as ranks in
in “Knowledge,” they use your ranks in
"Knowledge" for the purpose of spell
this skill.

Increase your Soak by 3. This does not stack with any soak increases from armor.



You are immune Remove Whenever you heal wounds due to natural rest,
to poison and do imposed by you heal 1 additional wound. You can regrow
not need to eat, adverse lost limbs, which takes roughly a month before
sleep, or breathe environments the limb is usable.
10 10 15


Never take or
Increase your Soak As an action, spend 2 strain to make an Easy ( )
damage from
by 1. Resilience check. Heal wounds equal to .
20 10 10


You have Armor 2 When incapacitated, spend a story point to

Increase your Soak
against physical make a Hard ( ) Resilience check. Heal
by 1.
projectiles. wounds equal to .

25 20 10


Spend 3 strain as an action to make a Hard If you have died, you may spend two story
( ) Resilience check to gain an Armor rating points to make a Daunting ( ) Resilience
until the end of your next turn. check to return to life.

25 25

Superpower: Durability powers, but not energy weapons such as

The Durability power allows heroes to resist from the Energy Projection tree.
and even heal damage. Resistance: You may remove imposed by
Durability Basic Power: You increase your adverse environmental conditions.
Soak by 3. This does not stack with any
increases gained from armor.  Immunity: You never take or damage
Inhuman Body: You do not need to eat, sleep, from environmental effects. You never
or breathe, and are unaffected by toxins and take damage from falling in normal
poisons. Some archetypes give this ability gravity or from any extreme heat or cold
automatically (usually called “Artificial”). short of that from a flamethrower or the
Energy Projection power.
 Bulletproof: You have Armor 2 against
physical projectiles. This includes Take the Hit: You brace yourself, becoming
bullets, arrows, and most objects hurled nearly indestructible. Spend 3 strain as an
with the Strength and Telekinesis action to make a Hard ( ) Resilience check.
If the check succeeds, gain an Armor rating of
1 until the end of your next turn. Each  Resurrect: Your powers of regeneration
additional generated increases that rating work even after death. If you have died,
by 1. You may spend to increase the you may spend two story points to
duration of this effect by one round. make a Daunting ( ) Resilience
Regeneration: Whenever you heal wounds check. If the check is successful, you are
due to natural rest, you heal 1 additional restored to life, suffering wounds equal
wound. You do not recover 1 additional to your wound threshold.
wound when receiving first aid or medical
treatment. You can regrow lost limbs, which
takes roughly a month before the limb is
usable. Some archetypes give this ability
 Regeneration: As an action, spend 2
strain to make an Easy ( ) Resilience
check. Heal wounds equal to . You
may attempt to heal one critical injury
you are suffering from by increasing the
difficulty of the check to Hard ( ).
 Revive: When incapacitated, spend a
story point to make a Hard ( )
Endurance check. You regain
consciousness, healing wounds equal to


-10 XP: Your durability has a weakness, a

relatively common damage type such as fire
or acid. When hit by such an attack, your
durability ceases to function for the rest of the
-15 XP: Your durability has a series of
weaknesses to common items and
environmental conditions. For example, a
vampire character’s durability might be
deactivated when Engaged with a holy
symbol, when sprinkled with holy water,
when Engaged with garlic, and when in
direct sunlight.

You have a Ranged energy attack, which deals 7 damage, has a Range of Medium, and has a crit
rating of 3.


Your energy Choose one of the following elements:

attack’s range Your energy attack Fire: Your energy attack gains Burn 2
increases by one gains Vicious 3. Lightning: Your energy attack gains Stun 4
step. Ice: Your energy attack gains Ensnare 2
5 10 10


Spend 2 strain to
Your energy You may manipulate your chosen element for a
give your energy
attack’s crit rating variety of effects.
attack Blast. is now 2.
10 10 10


Your energy Your energy

attack’s range The Burn, Stun, or Ensnare rating of your
attack’s base
increases by one elemental attack increases by 2.
damage is now 10
10 10 20


Spend 2 strain to Your energy attack You are immune Gain an aura that
have Blast apply gains the Auto- to damage of your deals 2 wounds to
to all within short Fire quality. energy attack’s all Engaged
range. type. creatures.
15 15 15 20

Superpower: Energy Projection strain to have it affect all characters within

The Energy Projection power gives you a Short range, rather than all Engaged
powerful ranged attack which can be characters.
customized for greater power, speed,
Elemental Attack: Your energy attack is
precision, or any combination of the three.
elemental in nature, and gains one of the
Energy Projection Basic Power: You have eye-
following special abilities:
beams, fire breath, a cold ray, or some other
energy-based weapon. This is a Ranged energy
attack dealing 7 damage with a Range of  Fire: Your energy attack gains Burn 2
Medium and a Crit Rating of 3.  Lightning: Your energy attack gains
Blast: You may spend 2 strain to give your Stun 2
energy attack the Blast quality, with a damage  Ice: Your energy attack gains Ensnare 2
rating equal to its base damage, for one round. Elemental Manipulation: You learn to
Super-Blast: When giving your energy attack manipulate your element. Depending on the
the Blast quality, you may spend 2 additional
element you chose for your Elemental Attack,
you gain one of the following abilities:

 Fire: You can control flames and set

flammable objects on fire within short
range. You can cause flames to recede,
creating a path for others, or cause them
to flare up, accelerating a blaze or
blocking an exit. You can light any
flammable object or extinguish any
flame within range (particularly violent
blazes may require a Discipline check to
completely extinguish, at the GM’s
 Lightning: You can disrupt unprotected
electronic devices within range by
making an Average ( ) Mechanics
check. -5 XP: Your ability doesn’t work in a certain
 Ice: You can create simple objects out of environment. Your lightning ability, for
ice of a size up to silhouette 1 as an example, might dissipate when you are wet,
action. These objects cannot have or your cold ability might become unreliable
moving parts. This power can be used to in temperatures exceeding 100° F.
replicate any simple melee weapon such
as a dagger, axe, or shield. -15 XP: Keeping your ability under control
requires a piece of gear, such as a special suit,
Wreath: You are surrounded by an aura your a mystical amulet, or a visor. If this piece of
elemental energy. A creature that ends its turn gear is lost or damaged, you could lose
Engaged with you takes 2 wounds, ignoring control of your ability, harming yourself,
Soak. You can activate and deactivate this your allies, or innocents.
ability as a maneuver.

You can glide, meaning you can move horizontally or downward in the air. You cannot gain
altitude using this ability, and you cannot stop in midair without falling.


You can gain altitude while flying.



Allies heal 1 strain Carry one

per rank of Inspire silhouette 1 You can stop in midair without falling.
Hope when they creature or object
see you fly. while you fly.
10 5 10


Allies heal 1 strain Spend from a Gain to melee Gain +1 melee

per rank of Inspire melee attack to combat checks defense against
Hope when they carry target into against non-flying non-flying
see you fly. air with you. opponents. opponents.
10 20 10 10


Allies add to Never worry Gain +1 melee Gain to melee

checks when you about the defense against combat checks
use Inspire Hope. structural integrity non-flying against non-flying
of things you lift. opponents. opponents.
10 10 15 15

Superpower: Flight
The Flight power lets you fly.
Flight Basic Power: You can glide, meaning
you can move horizontally or downward in the
air. You cannot gain altitude using this ability,
and you have to maintain at least some speed
to stay aloft. While flying, you must spend one
maneuver every turn to move (you can
actually change position, or just circle or wheel
in place and effectively remain where you are).
Flight: You can gain altitude while flying.
with you. The target stays engaged with
you while you fly unless you choose to
drop them or they succeed at an
Inspire Hope: You fly overhead, cape opposed Athletics check against you.
billowing in the wind (or not), and fill your  Stability: While you fly, you can carry
allies with confidence. The first time they see any object or creature whose silhouette
you fly each scene, allies heal 1 strain per rank you could lift off the ground. You never
of Inspire Hope. have to worry about the structural
integrity of objects you lift. You can
 Inspiring: The first time they see you fly
catch a falling plane without it breaking
each scene, your allies add to all
apart, or stop an incoming meteor
checks made on their next turn.
without pieces breaking off and falling
Stability: Your flight is stable enough to to earth.
support more weight. You can carry one
Hover: You can stop in midair without falling.
creature or object of silhouette 1 or smaller
You do not have to spend a maneuver to move
while you fly.
to maintain flight.
 Stability: Spend from a melee
attack to carry the target into the air

Spend a number of strain equal to the check’s difficulty to automatically succeed at an Easy ( ) or
Average ( ) Knowledge check without rolling dice.


Use Mechanics to Analyze someone Use the basic Spend a Story

buy items instead with a Perception power on more Point to declare
of Streetwise or check. difficult checks. that you are fluent
Negotiation. in a language.
10 10 10 10


You may use Downgrade the

Gadgeteer to buy Once per session, may introduce a "fact" into the difficulty of
items from other narrative as if a Story Point had been spent. certain Computers
settings. checks.
15 20 10


Gain an absolutely Spend a Story Use the basic

loyal robot minion You are fluent in
Point to reveal an power on more
with 2 in all all languages.
escape route. difficult checks.
10 15 10 10


Your robot pal After introducing a Analyze an

Use the basic
becomes a Rival “fact,” trigger an opponent’s
power on more
and increases their effect as though difficult checks. fighting style to
abilities. had been rolled. counter it.
20 25 15 25

Superpower: Intelligence  Inventor: You can create new items.

The Intelligence power lets you go beyond the When using Gadgeteer, you may
mundane limits of human intellect. purchase any non-magical items from
Intelligence Basic Power: You just know the Steampunk, Weird War, Science-
things. Spend a number of strain equal to the Fiction, and Space Opera settings in the
check’s difficulty to automatically succeed at core rulebook.
an Easy ( ) or Average ( ) Knowledge check Special: If your character has a mystical
(as if the check had generated one ) without background, you may choose to have
rolling dice. this power instead allow you to
Gadgeteer: Instead of tracking down an item, purchase magical items from the
you can build it yourself. You can substitute Fantasy and Weird War settings, as well
Mechanics for the Streetwise or Negotiation as the Realms of Terrinoth setting book, if
check you make before purchasing an item. available.
 Robot Pal: You build a robotic assistant
for yourself, a Minion with 2 in all
characteristics. This assistant is Polyglot: Spend a Story Point to declare that
absolutely loyal to you. you are fluent in a language.
 Upgraded Pal: Your robotic assistant
Codebreaker: Your knack for languages gives
becomes a Rival, increasing three of
you an edge when dealing with secret codes
their characteristics to 3 and gaining two
and unfamiliar devices. When interpreting
ranks each in three skills of your choice.
encoded messages or using Computers to
Investigator: As an action, you may make a break into a system, decrease the difficulty of
Perception check opposed by an adversary’s the check by 1.
Deception. If the check is successful, you learn
Omniglot: You are fluent in every known
the target’s true occupation and the state or
language. When you encounter a language for
country in which they spent the majority of
the first time (such as when making contact
their childhood. Additional , , and can with aliens or deciphering an unfamiliar code),
be used to reveal superpowers and Limitations you become fluent in that language after a
possessed by the target, as well as other minute of interaction.
information at the GM’s discretion.
Body Language: Your superhuman pattern
Genius: Each rank of Genius increases the recognition extends to the physical movements
maximum difficulty of Knowledge checks of adversaries. Spend 1 strain as a maneuver to
which you can use the Intelligence basic power analyze an adversary’s fighting style. Upgrade
on by one. the difficulty of combat checks against you by
Careful Planning: Once per session, you may that adversary twice for the remainder of the
introduce a "fact" into the narrative as if a Story scene.
Point had been spent.

 Escape Route: You had a contingency

plan. Spend a Story Point to reveal an
escape route which your character
prepared for just this eventuality. For
example, when surrounded by enemies
and overwhelmed, you could be picked
up just in the nick of time by a
helicopter piloted by a friendly NPC.
Whatever form this escape route takes,
it can bring you and any allies of yours
within short range to safety, although
depending on the situation that safety
might only be temporary.
 Crazy Prepared: Once per session, after
you introduce a “fact” with a Story
Point or Careful Planning, you may
trigger an effect as though a had been
rolled on a check.

Spend 1 strain to make a Discipline vs. Discipline check against an Engaged target to force the target to
adopt an emotional state or believe something untrue.


Spend 1 strain to Spend 1 strain to

Spend 1 strain to Spend 1 strain to
increase the increase the
increase range by increase range by
number of targets 1 range band. number of targets
1 range band.
affected by 1. affected by 1.
5 10 10 5


Add to checks to force one emotional state of Spend 2 strain to replace a social check with a
your choice, such as calm, hate, fear, or love. Discipline check.

10 20


Spend 1 strain to After using

Spend 1 strain to Influence, trigger an
increase the
increase range by
number of targets effect as though
1 range band.
affected by 1. had been rolled.
10 10 20


Spend 3 strain to force your chosen emotion on Once per session, mind-control one Rival or
all minions within range. Minion Group.

25 25

Superpower: Mind Control

The Mind Control tree lets you influence and Magnitude: You may spend 1 strain to increase
eventually control the thoughts, emotions, and the number of targets affected by one. You may
actions of others. only spend this once per magnitude upgrade
Mind Control Basic Power: Spend 1 strain to purchased.
make a Discipline vs. Discipline check against
an Engaged target to force the target to adopt Emotion: You become particularly adept at
an emotional state or believe something forcing targets to adopt a particular emotional
untrue. state, such as calm, hate, fear, or love. When
Range: You may spend 1 strain to increase the forcing your chosen emotional state with the
power’s range by one range band. You may Influence ability, add to the dice pool.
only spend this once per range upgrade
 Emotion-Monger: You have mastered
your chosen emotion. Spend 3 strain to
make a check to force your preferred
emotion onto all minions within range. session, after using Influence, you may
You must make the check against the trigger an effect as though had been
minion group within range with the rolled.
highest Discipline.
 True Mind Control: Once per session,
Influence: Spend 2 strain to make a Discipline make a Discipline vs. Discipline against
vs. Discipline check in place of any other social one Rival or Minion Group within
check. If the social check would affect more range. If this check succeeds, that NPC
than one individual, you must apply the follows your orders for the rest of the
requisite Magnitude upgrades. scene, although they will not risk their
 Influence: Those you influence are life unless the check generates .
willing to go beyond what they would
normally be willing to do. Once per

Take an action to spend 1 strain and shrink Take an action and spend 1 strain to grow to
yourself to about 12 inches tall. silhouette 2.
15 20


Decrease the While grown, your

difficulty of You may use this power on yourself as a unarmed attacks
Perception checks maneuver. have the Blast
once while shrunk. quality.
10 20 10


While shrunk, you You may use Size Spend 1 strain to Spend 1 additional
may move at your Manipulation on use this power on strain to grow to
normal full-size others at short an engaged target. silhouette 3.
speed. range.
10 5 15 15


Spend 1 additional Spend 1 strain to Grab an enemy in

strain to shrink Swallow an enemy
deal full damage your big meaty
down to the size of whole.
while shrunk. hands.
a small insect.
15 25 15 15


Shrink smaller While shrunk,

than can be seen your unarmed Spend 1 additional strain to grow to silhouette
with the naked strikes gain Pierce 4.
eye. 3.
25 10 20

Superpower: Size Manipulation against a target of silhouette 1 or greater, you

The Size Manipulation power lets you alter decrease the difficulty of the check by one.
your volume and mass. Unlike other powers, When a character of silhouette 1 or greater
the Size Manipulation tree has two Basic makes an attack against you, they increase the
Powers: Shrink, and Grow. Some people can difficulty of the check by one. Finally, in this
shrink, some people can grow, and some can form you are not able to apply as much force:
do both. your attacks can never deal more than 1
Shrink Basic Power: You can shrink down to wound or strain after damage reduction. If you
about twelve inches tall for the rest of the scene take damage from a normal-sized attack, you
as an action that costs 1 strain. While you are immediately revert to your full size.
this size, the difficulty of all Perception checks Little Eyes: Your little eyes can pick out details
to detect your presence is increased by one. more easily. While shrunk, you decrease the
Everything is bigger for you: it takes two difficulty of Perception checks by one.
maneuvers to travel one range band. In Swift: You can move at your normal speed
addition, you are treated as if you had a when shrunk; it no longer takes two
silhouette of -1: when you make an attack maneuvers to traverse one range band.
Smaller: When you shrink, you can spend 1 difficulty of their attacks twice and cannot take
additional strain to shrink to the size of a small maneuvers to move. In addition, once per turn
insect. The benefits of Shrink are doubled: the you may spend a maneuver to squeeze the
difficulties of Perception checks to detect you target, dealing damage equal to twice your
and attacks against you are increased twice, Brawn, reduced by the target’s Soak as normal.
and the difficulties of your attack checks The target can attempt to escape your grasp by
against normal-sized targets are reduced twice making an opposed Athletics check as an
(as if your silhouette were -3). action on its turn.
Microscopic: You can spend 1 additional strain Swallow: When you have an adversary in your
to shrink smaller than the naked eye. In this grasp, you may make a Swallow attack. Make
form, you cannot be detected without an opposed Athletics vs. Athletics check
specialized equipment or superpowers. against the grasped target. If the check is
Ant Strength: You may spend 1 strain as an successful, the target is swallowed. While
incidental to activate Ant Strength for one swallowed, the target cannot take any actions
round: when Ant Strength is active, you deal requiring the use of its physical body, and
damage as if you were normal-sized. In takes damage equal to twice your Brawn at the
addition, you do not revert to your full size beginning of each of its turns. The target may
when you take damage from a normal-sized attempt to force you to regurgitate them by
attack. making an Athletics check opposed by your
Target Others: You may spend 1 strain to use Resilience as an action.
Size Manipulation on an engaged target other Growth: When you activate the Grow Basic
than yourself. If the target is unwilling, you Power, you may spend 1 additional strain (for
must make an opposed Coordination vs. a total of 3 strain) to grow to silhouette 4. In
Coordination check to affect them. addition to the benefits of growing to
Grow Basic Power: As an action, you may Silhouette 3, your Soak increases by 1, your
spend 1 strain to grow to silhouette 2. While damage bonus increases by 2, and the
you are this size, your soak increases by one, silhouette you can lift increases by 1.
your unarmed attacks deal +2 damage, and
you may lift any object of silhouette 1 or
smaller without making an Athletics check. If
you have powers from the Strength tree, the
silhouette you can lift increases by 1.
Maintaining this giant size is taxing, and you
must spend 1 strain at the beginning of each of
your turns or revert to your small size.
Grow: When you activate the Grow Basic
Power, you may spend 1 additional strain to
grow to silhouette 3. In addition to the benefits
of the Basic power, your Soak increases by 1,
your damage bonus increases by 2, and the
silhouette you can lift increases by 1.
Grasp: Spend 1 strain to make a Grasp attack.
Make an opposed Athletics vs. Athletics check
against a target at least two steps smaller than
you. If the check is successful, the target is
grasped. A grasped target increases the

You gain an extra free maneuver each round, which can only be spent on movement. You can still
spend 2 strain to gain an additional maneuver.


Your unarmed Spend 1 strain to Add to

strikes have the move an Skullduggery Add to all
Disorient 2 additional range checks to steal initiative checks.
quality. band. items.
5 10 10 10


Pierce 2 per range If you are hidden, you may spend a maneuver Gain +1 Ranged
band moved on to move to any other unseen location within and Melee
your first attack short range without being noticed. Defense.
each round.
15 10 20


Your unarmed Spend 1 strain to Act as if Engaged When making an

attacks gain the move an with any or all aim maneuver,
Linked 1 quality. additional range creatures in short make a second as
band. range. an incidental.
15 15 10 10


Your unarmed Spend 1 strain to Steal items from Gain +1 Ranged

attacks gain the move an target with and Melee
Autofire quality. additional range Skullduggery vs. Defense.
band. Perception check.
25 20 25 15

Superpower: Speed Speed: Spend one strain to move an additional

The Speed power lets you move faster, range band as part of your extra free
eventually faster than the naked eye. This maneuver. You may spend this a number of
power applies to all forms of movement you times equal to Speed upgrades purchased.
possess: any other power (such as Flight) that
lets you use a type of movement as a maneuver Fast Hands: Add to Skullduggery checks to
can be used in conjunction with Speed. remove items from someone’s person.
Hard to Track: Your fast movements are
 Blur: If you are hidden, you may spend
difficult to follow, giving your unarmed strikes
a maneuver to move to any other
the Disorient 2 quality.
unseen location within short range
 Momentum: Your first unarmed attack without being noticed. You may also
each round gains Pierce equal to twice spend a maneuver to grab any
the number of range bands you have unattended item within short range
moved that round. without being noticed.
 Be Everywhere: You may act as though
you were engaged with any or all creatures SPEED POTENTIAL LIMITATIONS
within short range. For example, you can
make melee combat checks and -5 XP: Your speed comes with a super-fast
Skullduggery checks against creatures metabolism. After any scene in which you use
within short range as well as Engaged. your speed, you must consume 2,000 calories
worth of food.
 Fast Hands: You may make a
Skullduggery check against the target’s
Perception to steal a number of items
(including worn items) from the target
equal to the number of generated.

Think Fast: Add to all Cool and Vigilance

checks to determine initiative.

 Quick Aim: When you take a maneuver

to aim, you may treat yourself as having
made 2 aim maneuvers, adding an extra
to the check.

You may lift and carry any object up to silhouette 1 without making an Athletics check. Your
melee attacks gain the Knockback quality.


Your unarmed Spend 1 strain to Your unarmed Take a Leap action

attacks gain Pierce increase the attacks gain the to jump
3. silhouette you can Sunder quality. horizontally
lift by 1. within short range
10 10 10 5


You may activate You may hurl objects to damage targets within When performing
the Knockback short range, by making an Athletics-based a Leap, you may
quality multiple ranged combat check, dealing damage equal to
jump vertically.
times per target. 10 times the object’s silhouette.
10 10 5


Spend 1 strain to Spend 1 strain one Spend 1 strain to Spend 2 strain to

increase the Pierce time to increase increase the leap an additional
on your unarmed the range of Hurl silhouette you can range band.
strikes by 2. by 1 range band. lift by 1.
10 5 15 10


Spend 2 strain to Spend 1 strain to Spend 1 strain to

give your increase the range increase the You may leap as a
unarmed attacks of Hurl by 1 range silhouette you can maneuver.
Breach 1. band. lift by 1.
25 10 20 10

Superpower: Strength
The Strength power is pretty straightforward one round. This strain may only be
and I’m not going to insult your intelligence by spent once.
describing it.
Strength: Spend 1 strain to increase the
Strength Basic Power: You may lift and carry
silhouette you can lift without a check by 1.
any object up to silhouette 1 without making
You may only spend this once per strength
an Athletics check. Lifting larger objects
upgrade purchased.
requires an Athletics check as normal. Your
Hurl: You can hurl objects as weapons. The
melee attacks gain the Knockback quality.
impacts deal damage both to the targets and
Knockback: You may activate the Knockback
the object being hurled. Make an Athletics
quality multiple times, knocking the target an
check with a difficulty equal to the silhouette
additional range band for each activation.
of the object being thrown. The damage is
 Tear Steel: Spend 2 strain to give your resolved following all the rules for ranged
unarmed attacks the Breach 1 quality for attacks. Silhouette 0 objects deal 5 damage,
while other objects deal damage equal to 10
times their silhouette. The number of targets Leap: Your powerful legs can propel you over
affected by a single object is up to the GM, but distances. Take a Leap action to jump
in general, a single object should only affect a horizontally to any location within short range.
single target (unless it's particularly large). This
 Leap: When performing a Leap, you
attack follows all the rules for ranged attacks,
may jump vertically as well as
such as ranged defense and aiming.
 Range: You may spend 1 strain to  Leap: Spend 2 strain to leap an
increase the range of your Hurl attack additional range band. You may spend
by one range band. You may only spend this multiple times.
this once.  Leap: You may leap as a maneuver.
 Range: You may spend 1 strain to
increase the range of your Hurl attack
by one range band. You may spend this
multiple times.

You may do anything you could normally do with your hands at Short range. Your melee attacks
have a range of Short and the Defensive 1 quality.


Spend 1 strain to You may turn one You may fit through any opening through
increase your of your limbs into which you can fit your head.
reach by 1 range a weapon as a
band. maneuver.
10 10 10


Your unarmed You may form

attacks gain the your limbs into You may fit through any opening larger than 1
Ensnare quality. keys and tools. inch.

10 10 5


Spend 1 strain to You may use Your body can become liquid, able to fit through
increase your Hardened Limbs any opening or mesh that isn’t watertight. In
reach by 1 range as an incidental. addition, you can reattach lost limbs by
band. reabsorbing them into your body.
15 10 10


Spend 1 strain to Spend 3 strain as an action to become gaseous. You take no damage except
increase your from weapons with the Blast quality, and you may fit through any opening
reach by 1 range that isn’t airtight. You cannot take actions in your gaseous form. When in
band. your gaseous form, creatures within short range begin to suffocate.
20 25

Superpower: Stretching
The Stretching power tree gives you the ability Ensnared indefinitely until you let them
to change their body’s composition, hardening go or they make a Hard ( ) Athletics
and softening and eventually altering your check.
state of matter.
Reach: You may spend 1 strain to increase the Hardened Limbs: As a maneuver, you may
power’s range by one range band. You may turn one of your limbs into a weapon, giving
only spend this once per range upgrade your unarmed strikes certain special qualities.
purchased. You may choose from the following:

 Ensnare: Your unarmed attacks gain the o Blade: Crit 2, Vicious 3, Pierce 1
Ensnare quality. When you ensnare a o Bludgeon: Crit 3, Disorient 4, +1
target, you lose the use of whichever Damage
limb you used to tangle them up, and o Shield: Crit 6, Defensive 2,
must stay within range of your target or Deflection 2
let them go. The target remains
You may not inflict strain damage with a limb can reattach lost limbs by reabsorbing
that has been turned into a weapon in this them into your body.
way.  Gaseous Form: Your kindergarten
teachers laughed when you said you
 Hardened Limbs: You may use
wanted to be a cloud when you grew
Hardened Limbs to turn your limbs into
up, but look at you now! Spend 3 strain
any tool less complex than a handheld
as an action to become gaseous (either a
power drill. Because you can form
true gas or a cloud of aerated particles,
precisely the right tool for your task,
such as sand). You take no damage
you gain to Mechanics checks using
except from weapons with the Blast
them. You may also use this ability to
quality, and you may fit through any
open any mechanical lock that requires
opening that isn’t airtight. You cannot
a key.
take actions in your gaseous form, and
Smoosh: You may fit through any opening each round you must spend 1 strain or
through which you can fit your head. return to your solid form. When in your
gaseous form, breathing creatures
 Squish: You may fit through any within short range begin to suffocate,
opening larger than 1 inch. taking 3 strain per round, and, once
 Melt: Your body can become liquid, incapacitated, suffering one Critical
able to fit through any opening or mesh Injury per round until they die.
that isn’t watertight. In addition, you

Spend 1 strain to move one object of silhouette 0 that is within short range up to your maximum
range. The default maximum range is short range.


Spend 1 strain to Spend 1 strain to Spend 1 strain one Spend 1 strain one
increase the increase the time to increase time to increase
number of targets silhouette you can the power’s range the power’s range
affected by one. target by 1. by 1 range band. by 1 range band.
5 10 5 5


Spend 1 strain to Spend 1 strain to You may hurl objects to damage targets within
increase the increase the short range, by making a Discipline-based
number of targets silhouette you can ranged combat check, dealing damage equal to
affected by one. target by 1. 10 times the object’s silhouette.
5 10 10


Spend 1 strain to Spend 1 strain to You can pull Spend 1 strain one
increase the increase the objects out of time to increase
number of targets silhouette you can secure mountings the power’s range
affected by one. target by 1. or another’s grasp. by 1 range band.
5 15 5 15


Spend 1 strain to Spend 1 strain to You can perform fine manipulation of items,
increase the increase the allowing you to do whatever you would
number of targets silhouette you can normally with your hands via this power at this
affected by one. target by 1. power’s range.
5 20 10

Superpower: Telekinesis
The Telekinesis power lets you move objects Hurl: You can hurl objects as weapons. The
from far away. impacts deal damage both to the targets and
Magnitude: Spend 1 strain to increase the the object being hurled. Make a Discipline
number of targets affected by one. You may check with a difficulty equal to the silhouette
only spend this once per magnitude upgrade of the object being thrown. The damage is
purchased. resolved following all the rules for ranged
Strength: Spend 1 strain to increase the attacks. Silhouette 0 objects deal 5 damage,
silhouette you can target by 1. You may only while other objects deal damage equal to 10
spend this once per strength upgrade times their silhouette. The number of targets
purchased. affected by a single object is up to the GM, but
Range: You may spend 1 strain to increase the in general, a single object should only affect a
power’s range by one range band. You may single target (unless it's particularly large).
only spend this once per range upgrade (Also note, if you want to use Move to throw
purchased. multiple objects at multiple targets, you may
do so using all the rules for hitting multiple
targets with the Auto-fire quality). This attack
follows all the rules for ranged attacks, such as
ranged defense and aiming. -10 XP: Your telekinesis is magnetic in nature,
Control: You can pull objects out of secure and can only affect objects made wholly or
mountings or out of an opponent’s grasp. partially of ferrous metal.
Control: You gain the ability to perform fine
manipulation of items, allowing you to do
whatever you could normally do with your
hands to a held item (if manipulating
something such as a control board, the controls
count as a silhouette 0 item).


Spend 2 strain as an action to appear at a point within short range, ignoring all physical obstacles,
including solid walls.


Spend 1 strain to Spend 1 additional
increase the strain to bring an You can use Teleport as a maneuver.
power’s range by 1 Engaged target
range band. with you. 15
10 15


You may spend 1 strain to increase the power’s

When you teleport behind an adversary before
range by one range band. You may only spend
making a melee attack, add to the check.
this once per range upgrade purchased.
15 15


You may spend 1 strain to increase the power’s If an attack against you generates , you may
range by one range band. You may only spend immediately teleport to a point within short
this once per range upgrade purchased. range, without spending strain.
20 10


Spend 5 strain as an action to teleport anywhere within 100 miles. You will appear at a safe spot (if any
exists) within a 1 mile radius of your destination. You may spend an additional 2 strain to increase the
distance to anywhere within 1000 miles, or 4 additional strain to teleport anywhere on the planet.

Superpower: Teleportation
Teleportation Basic Power: Spend 2 strain as within Extreme range of your chosen
an action to appear at a point within short destination. You may spend an
range, ignoring all physical obstacles, additional 2 strain to increase the
including solid walls. distance to anywhere within 1000 miles,
or 4 additional strain to teleport
Range: You may spend 1 strain to increase the
anywhere on the planet. You may
power’s range by one range band. You may
narrow the radius within which you
only spend this once per range upgrade
will appear with a Survival or
Knowledge: Education check, with a
 Range: Spend 5 strain as an action to difficulty equal to the number of range
teleport anywhere within 100 miles. You bands by which you reduce the radius.
will appear at a safe spot (if any exists)
Teleport Other: Spend 1 additional strain to TELEPORTATION POTENTIAL LIMITATIONS

bring an Engaged target with you. You must

succeed at an opposed Discipline vs. Resilience -5 XP: Your teleportation makes a loud noise
or a bright flash when activated, which any
check if that target is unwilling. You may bring
un-impaired adversary within medium range
additional Engaged targets by spending 1 can detect without making a Perception
additional strain per additional target, but may check.
only ever bring one unwilling target.
-5 XP: When you teleport, you open a portal
Teleportation: You can use Teleport as a through which those present can see the place
maneuver. to which you are teleporting.

Nothing Personnel: When you teleport to

Engaged with an adversary before making a
melee attack, add to the check.
Reactive Teleport: If an attack against you
generates , you may immediately teleport
to a point within short range, without
spending strain.

You own a lavish home with all the amenities necessary for you and ten other people to live
comfortably. Your wealth gives you on social checks when interacting with certain people.


Reduce the Gain an absolutely Part of your home is your Sanctum, a hidden
effective rarity of loyal minion with space which can serve as a hideout and which
all items by 2. 2 in all can store any vehicles you own of silhouette 2 or
characteristics. smaller.
10 10 10


You can get into Your assistant Decrease the Decrease the
buildings and grants to all difficulty of difficulty of
arrange meetings non-combat skill Knowledge checks Mechanics checks
with most people. checks. in your Sanctum. in your Sanctum.
10 15 10 10


Once per session, Your assistant Your Sanctum has a crime lab which can be
gain a safehouse becomes a Rival used to analyze bodies, weapons, and other
nearby. and increases their pieces of evidence.
10 20 20


Once per session, you may make a Negotiation Grant two career Your sanctum can
vs. Discipline check to gain control of one rival skills to all hold bigger
or minion group. members of your vehicles. You may
group. acquire vehicles.
15 15 25

Superpower: Wealth government officials, legitimate

businesspeople, and their employees, when
Some superheroes are incredibly wealthy. As those people know about your wealth.
in real life, being incredibly wealthy has its Tycoon: Reduce the effective rarity of all items
benefits. by 2. This affects talents relying on item rarity
Wealth Basic Power: You own a lavish home, such as Utility Belt. Any item whose rarity is
which could be a mansion, a castle, or a reduced to 0 may be acquired for free and with
penthouse, with all the amenities necessary for minimal hassle.
you and ten other people to live very  Playboy: You and anyone with you can
comfortably, potentially including maids, a always get into any exclusive club,
cook, and a bar that’s always fully stocked, if office or nonmilitary government
you so desire. Your wealth gives you to building. You can arrange meetings
social skill checks when interacting with
with any government official or  Library: Your sanctum has extensive
legitimate businessperson. research materials. Decrease the
 Mogul: You have real estate holdings difficulty of all Knowledge checks
everywhere. Once per session, you may performed there by 1.
declare that you own property near  Workshop: Your sanctum has state-of-
your current location. You or your allies the-art tools. Decrease the difficulty of
can stay there without being discovered all Mechanics checks performed there
for at least 24 hours. by 1.
 Bribery: Everyone has a price. Once per  Crime Lab: Your sanctum has a state-of-
session, you may make a Negotiation vs. the-art crime lab, better than that found
Discipline check against one Rival or in any police department. If you analyze
Minion group as an action. If this check a body, you can determine its cause of
succeeds, that NPC follows your orders death with an Average ( ) Medicine
for the rest of the scene, although they check. If you analyze a weapon, you can
will not risk their life unless the check determine the person who last used it
generates . Bonuses (such as for an with a Hard ( ) Streetwise check.
adversary who has been recently The lab can be used to determine other
mistreated by their employer) or information as appropriate, at the GM’s
penalties (such as for an adversary who discretion.
holds a grudge against you personally)  Training Facilities: Choose two skills.
apply at the GM’s discretion. All members of your group gain these
skills as career skills. In addition, when
Butler: You have an assistant, a Minion with 2
providing assistance with those skills,
in all characteristics. This assistant is absolutely
all members of your group upgrade the
loyal to you.
pool once in addition to the usual effects
 Helpful Butler: When your assistant is of providing assistance.
present, you gain to all non-combat  Garage: Your sanctum can hold vehicles
skill checks. of Silhouette 3, and you may acquire
 Better Butler: It is possible to get good any vehicle by shopping around
help these days. Your assistant becomes discretely for a number of days equal to
a Rival, increasing three of their its rarity.
characteristics to 3 and gaining two
ranks each in three skills of your choice.

Sanctum: Part of your lavish home is your

Sanctum, a hidden space which can serve as a
hideout and safehouse, and has sufficient
space to store any vehicles you own of
Silhouette 2 or smaller. No one can find this
Sanctum if they do not know it exists, and even
if they do, it can only be found by making a
Formidable ( ) Streetwise check after a
week’s worth of investigation.
The previous section detailed powers whose powers, but they should give lower XP
applications are multifaceted and require discounts. What would warrant a 10-or-15-
complex trees to represent satisfactorily. The point discount for a major power may only
following powers represent more niche warrant a 5-point discount for a minor power.
abilities. Limitations can still be taken on minor
Amphibious Camouflage


You have gills, granting you the ability to You can change your body to match your
breathe underwater, and fins, granting you the surroundings for the rest of the scene as an
ability to move as easily in water as you do on action by spending 2 strain.
` 10

Camouflage Spend 1 strain to

BURROWER makes you stop Camouflage
invisible. from being
You may burrow, digging through the ground deactivated.
up to short range as an action. You may dig 25 15
through anything softer than solid iron.
Camouflage Basic Power: You can change
` ` your body to match your surroundings for the
BURROWER rest of the scene as an action by spending 2
strain. While camouflaged, the difficulty of all
You may burrow as a maneuver. Perception and Vigilance checks to detect your
presence is increased by one. If you take
10 damage or make an attack, your camouflage is
Invisibility: When you activate Camouflage,
you become completely invisible. Camouflage
now increases the difficulty to detect you by 2.
In addition, it adds to your melee attack rolls
and increases your melee and ranged defense
by 1.
Persistent Camouflage: When your
camouflage would be deactivated by making
an attack or taking damage, you may spend 1
strain to keep it activated.
Natural Weapon Perception


You have claws, a whipping tail, or a bite attack You perceive things as if they were one range
which gives your unarmed attacks +2 damage category closer than they actually are, allowing
and a crit rating of 2. If your archetype gives you to hear a discreet whisper at Short range or
you Claws, this power costs only 5 xp. a shout for help at Extreme range.
10 20
` `

You gain `+1 to your melee and ranged defense.

Your natural weapon gains Vicious 4. `

10 15


When deprived of your senses, ignore that



Perception Basic Power: You perceive things

as if they were one range category closer than
they actually are, allowing you to hear a
discreet whisper at Short range or a shout for
help at Extreme range.

Instinct: Your augmented perception gives you

the uncanny ability to escape harm. You gain
+1 to your melee and ranged defense.

Uncanny Senses: When deprived of your

senses, you may act as though that were not
the case: you can see in total darkness or when
blindfolded, your hearing is never obscured by
loud noise. Either your senses are just that
good, or you’ve mastered letting your other
senses compensate. Adversaries do not benefit
from using the Camouflage power against you.
Phasing Stench
You possess a pungent stench, which imposes
Spend 2 strain as an action to make your on all checks by breathing creatures engaged
movement ignore all physical obstacles, with you. Thankfully, this “ability” may be
including solid walls, until the end of your turn. activated and deactivated as a maneuver.


You may activate

` Phasing as an incidental.

` 15


Gain +1 Ranged Spend 1 additional

and Melee strain to bring an
Defense. Engaged target
with you.
15 15


You can partially phase adversaries into walls

or the floor in combat. Your unarmed attacks
gain Ensnare 2.


Phasing Basic Power: Spend 2 strain as an

action to make your movement ignore all
physical obstacles, including solid walls, until
the end of your turn.

Phasing: You may activate Phasing as an


Phase Other: Spend 1 additional strain to bring

an Engaged target with you. You must
succeed at an opposed Discipline vs. Resilience
check if that target is unwilling. You may bring
additional Engaged targets by spending 1
additional strain per additional target, but may
only ever bring one unwilling target.
Telepathy current thoughts of your target as well as their
emotional state.
Range: You may spend 1 strain to increase the
Spend 1 strain to sense all living things within
short range. Perception vs. Discipline check to
power’s range by one range band. You may
sense the emotional state of one Engaged target. only spend this once per range upgrade
10 purchased.
Magnitude: You may spend 1 strain to increase
Spend 1 strain when making your Perception vs.
the number of targets affected by one. You may
Discipline check to sense the current thoughts of
your target as well as their emotional state. only spend this once per magnitude upgrade

Spend 1 strain to VENOM BASIC POWER
Spend 1 strain to
increase the
increase range by Your unarmed attacks gain a poison that deals
1 range band. number of targets
affected by 1. additional wounds based on your ranks in
5 5 Resilience.


Spend 1 strain to SPIT VENOM

Spend 1 strain to
increase the
increase range by You can propel your venom with force, giving
1 range band. number of targets
affected by 1. you a ranged attack with base damage equal to
10 10 your Brawn +3, a range of short, a crit rating of 4,
and the Venom ability.

Spend 1 strain to Venom Basic Power: Your unarmed attacks

Spend 1 strain to
increase the gain a potent poison. If an unarmed attack
increase range by
number of targets
1 range band.
affected by 1.
deals damage, the target must immediately
10 10 make a Hard ( ) Resilience check or suffer
wounds equal to your ranks in Resilience, and
Telepathy Basic Power: Spend 1 strain to sense strain equal to your ranks in Resilience. This
all living things within short range (including counts as a poison.
sentient and non-sentient beings). Make a
Perception vs. Discipline check as an action to Spit Venom: You can propel your venom with
sense the current emotional state of one living force, giving you a ranged attack with base
target with whom you are engaged. damage equal to your Brawn +3, a range of
short, a crit rating of 4, and the Venom ability.
Telepathy: Spend 1 strain when making your
Perception vs. Discipline check to sense the
Wall-Crawler Web-Slinger


You never have to make a check to climb any You have a web attack which can Ensnare
surface capable of holding your weight. targets at medium range.

` 10 ` `

You never have to make a check to keep your Move through the Spend strain to
grip on any object, so long as it doesn’t apply air by swinging give your web
enough force to rip your arms off. You can still from tall objects. Blast, Auto-Fire, or
keep your grip if it does, but you shouldn’t. Concussive.
5 10 20

Web-Slinger: You have a web attack. This

attack deals no damage, but a target hit by it is
Ensnared (as if by the Ensnare weapon quality)
for a number of rounds equal to generated.
You may spend to move the target one range
band towards you. If the attack is made against
a helpless adversary or generates against a
non-helpless adversary, you may make the
Ensnare quality indefinite, so that the effect
will not end until the target (or an someone
helping the target) succeeds at a Hard ( )
Athletics check.

Web-Slinger: You may move through the air

as long as there is an object sturdy enough to
support your weight within medium range.
Web-Slinger: You may spend 1 strain to give
your web attack the Blast or Auto-Fire quality.
You may spend 3 strain to give it the
Concussive 1 quality.
The superpowers system in this supplement is might be useful if a player wants to play a rich
separate from the talents system in the Genesys character but the GM doesn’t want to deal with
core rulebook. There are two reasons that this the headache of the PCs having on-demand
is done. The first is that having discrete power access to millions of gold pieces / credits /
trees was the easiest way to implement the dollars.
Limitations system. The second is that many of
these abilities have complex, interlocking If the prerequisite for a talent is listed in a
prerequisites, which are much easier to make different tier, that talent’s tier will be listed (in
sense of in tree form than in the format in parentheses). If no tier is named in
which talents are written. parentheses, then the prerequisite talent is in
the same tier.
The third is that in most superhero settings,
characters who aren’t particularly experienced Tier 1
nevertheless have multiple abilities which Mind Control: Magnitude
would correspond to tier 3, 4, and 5 talents. In Tier: 1
core Genesys, when buying a talent, a Activation: Active
character must have at least one more talent in Ranked: Yes
the next lowest tier (see page 72 of the core Your character must have purchased the Mind
rulebook). This means that in order for a Control Basic Power talent (Tier 2) to benefit from
character to have access to a very common this talent. You may spend 1 strain to increase
ability like the Durability Basic Power, which the number of targets affected by one. You may
costs 20 xp and would therefore be equivalent only spend this once per magnitude upgrade
to a tier 4 talent, that character would then purchased.
need to have at least two tier 3 talents, three
tier 2 talents, and four tier 1 talents. This leads Mind Control: Range
to an extreme level of granular calculation in Tier: 1
character creation and leads to common Activation: Active
character concepts requiring hundreds of xp Ranked: Yes
and an unwieldy number of lower-tier talents Your character must have purchased the Mind
in order to be realized.1 Control Basic Power talent (Tier 2) to benefit from
this talent. You may spend 1 strain to increase
Nevertheless, GMs may wish to opt out of the the power’s range by one range band. You may
superpowers subsystem presented here and only spend this once per range upgrade
instead use the abilities with the talent system. purchased.
This may especially be the case if one wishes to
use the abilities in this supplement in a Size Manipulation: Target Others (Range)
different setting or genre where characters still Tier: 1
have access to abilities beyond normal human Activation: Passive
limitations, but those abilities aren’t the core Ranked: No
focus of the game. Abilities from the Strength Your character must have purchased the Size
tree might round out a fantasy barbarian-type Manipulation: Target Others talent (Tier 3) to
character, or abilities from the Wealth tree

An option I’ve considered for solving this issue is might have a couple tier 4 or 5 talents to start out and
granting players a certain number of “super-talent- feel suitably “super” without having to complicate the
points” which may be spent on talents without following character creation process by having to select a dozen
the normal talent-pyramid rule; a starting character others.
benefit from this talent. You may use Size Telekinesis: Magnitude
Manipulation on others at short range. Tier: 1
Activation: Active
Speed: Hard to Track Ranked: Yes
Tier: 1 You must have purchased the Telekinesis Basic
Activation: Active Power talent (Tier 2) in order to benefit from this
Ranked: No talent. Spend 1 strain to increase the number of
Your character must have purchased the Speed targets affected by one. You may only spend
Basic Power talent (tier 3) to benefit from this this once per rank of this talent purchased.
talent. Your fast movements are difficult to
follow, giving your unarmed strikes the Telekinesis: Range
Disorient 2 quality. Tier: 1
Activation: Active
Stability Ranked: Yes
Tier: 1 You must have purchased the Telekinesis Basic
Activation: Passive Power talent (Tier 2) in order to benefit from this
Ranked: No talent. You may spend 1 strain to increase the
Your character must have purchased the Flight power’s range by one range band. You may
(Improved) talent to benefit from this talent. Your only spend this once per rank of this talent
flight is stable enough to support more weight. purchased.
You can carry one creature or object of
silhouette 1 or smaller while you fly. Telepathy: Magnitude
Tier: 1
Strength: Hurl (Range) Activation: Active
Tier: 1 Ranked: Yes
Activation: Active You must have purchased the Telepathy Basic
Ranked: Yes Power talent in order to benefit from this talent.
Your character must have purchased the Strength: You may spend 1 strain to increase the number
Hurl talent in order to benefit from this talent. You of targets affected by one. You may only spend
may spend 1 strain to increase the range of this once per magnitude upgrade purchased.
your Hurl attack by one range band. You may
spend this once for each rank of this talent you Telepathy: Range
possess. Tier: 1
Activation: Active
Telekinesis: Control Ranked: Yes
Tier: 1 You must have purchased the Telepathy Basic
Activation: Active Power talent in order to benefit from this talent.
Ranked: No You may spend 1 strain to increase the power’s
You must have purchased the Telekinesis (Hurl) range by one range band. You may only spend
talent (Tier 2) in order to benefit from this talent. this once per range upgrade purchased.
You can pull objects out of secure mountings
or out of an opponent’s grasp. Wall-Crawler (Improved)
Tier: 1
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
You must have purchased the Wall-Crawler talent
(Tier 2) in order to benefit from this talent. You
never have to make a check to keep your grip
on any object, so long as it doesn’t apply You must have purchased the Burrower talent in
enough force to rip your arms off. You can still order to benefit from this talent. You may burrow
keep your grip if it does, but you probably as a maneuver.
don’t want to.
Tier: 2
Tier 2 Activation: Passive
Ant Strength: Condensed Force Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Ant Your character must have purchased the Polyglot
Strength talent (Tier 5) in order to benefit from this talent in order to benefit from this talent. Your
talent. While shrunk, your unarmed strikes knack for languages gives you an edge when
gain Pierce 3. dealing with secret codes and unfamiliar
devices. When interpreting encoded messages
Amphibious or using Computers to break into a system,
Tier: 2 decrease the difficulty of the check by 1.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Elemental Attack
You have gills, granting you the ability to Tier: 2
breathe underwater, and fins, granting you the Activation: Passive
ability to move as easily in water as you do on Ranked: No
land. Your character must have purchased the Energy
Projection Basic Power talent in order to benefit
Animal Aspect Basic Power from this talent. Your energy attack is elemental
Tier: 2 in nature, and gains one of the following
Activation: Passive special abilities:
Ranked: No
You have the heightened senses of an animal,  Fire: Your energy attack gains Burn 2
adding to all Perception and Vigilance  Lightning: Your energy attack gains
checks. How this special sense manifests is up Stun 2
to you: it could be the keen nose of a canine,  Ice: Your energy attack gains Ensnare 2
the eyes of an eagle, the electroreception of a
shark, or the special danger-sense that comic Elemental Manipulation
book writers seem to think that spiders Tier: 2
possess. Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Burrower Your character must have purchased the Elemental
Tier: 2 Attack talent in order to benefit from this talent.
Activation: Active You learn to manipulate your element.
Ranked: No Depending on the element you chose for your
Like the noble groundhog, you can move Elemental Attack, you gain one of the
through the ground. Moving up to short range following abilities:
is an action, and you can dig through anything
softer than iron.  Fire: You can control flames and set
flammable objects on fire within short
Burrower (Improved) range. You can cause flames to recede,
Tier: 2 creating a path for others, or cause them
Activation: Passive to flare up, accelerating a blaze or
Ranked: No blocking an exit. You can light any
flammable object or extinguish any Fishy Odor
flame within range (particularly violent Tier: 2
blazes may require a Discipline check to Activation: Active
completely extinguish, at the GM’s Ranked: No
discretion). You have a fishy stench, which imposes on
 Lightning: You can disrupt unprotected all breathing creatures engaged with you.
electronic devices within range by Thankfully, this “ability” may be activated and
making an Average ( ) Mechanics deactivated as a maneuver.
Flight Basic Power
 Ice: You can create simple objects out of
Tier: 2
ice of a size up to silhouette 1 as an
Activation: Passive
action. These objects cannot have
Ranked: No
moving parts. This power can be used to
You can glide, meaning you can move
replicate any simple melee weapon such
horizontally or downward in the air. You
as a dagger, axe, or shield.
cannot gain altitude using this ability, and you
have to maintain at least some speed to stay
Energy Blast aloft. While flying, you must spend one
Tier: 2 maneuver every turn to move (you can
Activation: Active actually change position, or just circle or wheel
Ranked: No in place and effectively remain where you are).
Your character must have purchased the Energy
Projection Basic Power talent in order to benefit Flight (Supreme)
from this talent. You may spend 2 strain to give Tier: 2
your energy attack the Blast quality, with a Activation: Passive
damage rating equal to its base damage, for Ranked: No
one round. Your character must have purchased the Flight
(Improved) talent (tier 4) to benefit from this talent.
Energy Projection Basic Power You can stop in midair without falling. You do
Tier: 2 not have to spend a maneuver to move to
Activation: Active maintain flight.
Ranked: No
You have eye-beams, fire breath, a cold ray, or Gadgeteer
some other energy-based weapon. This is a Tier: 2
Ranged energy attack dealing 7 damage with a Activation: Passive
Range of Medium and a Crit Rating of 3. Ranked: No
Instead of tracking down an item, you can
Energy Projection (Improved) build it yourself. You can substitute Mechanics
Tier: 2 for the Streetwise or Negotiation check you
Activation: Active make before purchasing an item.
Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Energy Inhuman Body
Projection Basic Power talent in order to benefit Tier: 2
from this talent. Your energy attack’s base Activation: Passive
damage is now 10. Ranked: No
You do not need to eat, sleep, or breathe, and
are unaffected by toxins and poisons. Some
archetypes give this ability automatically
(usually called “Artificial”). Little Eyes
Tier: 2
Inspire Hope Activation: Passive
Tier: 2 Ranked: No
Activation: Passive Your character must have purchased the Shrink
Ranked: Yes Basic Power talent (tier 3) to benefit from this
Your character must have purchased the Flight talent. Your little eyes can pick out details more
(Improved) talent to benefit from this talent. You easily. While shrunk, you decrease the
fly overhead, cape billowing in the wind (or difficulty of Perception checks by one.
not), and fill your allies with confidence. The
first time they see you fly each scene, allies heal Mind Control Basic Power
1 strain per rank of Inspire Hope. Tier: 2
Activation: Active
Inspire Hope (Improved) Ranked: No
Tier: 2 Spend 1 strain as an action to make a
Activation: Passive Discipline vs. Discipline check against an
Ranked: No Engaged target to force the target to adopt an
Your character must have purchased at least one emotional state or believe something untrue.
rank of the Inspire Hope talent to benefit from this
talent. The first time they see you fly each Mind Control: Emotion
scene, your allies add to all checks made on Tier: 2
their next turn. Activation: Active
Ranked: No
Intelligence Basic Power Your character must have purchased the Mind
Tier: 2 Control Basic Power talent (Tier 2) to benefit from
Activation: Active this talent. You become particularly adept at
Ranked: Yes forcing targets to adopt a particular emotional
You just know things. Spend a number of state, such as calm, hate, fear, or love. When
strain equal to the check’s difficulty to forcing your chosen emotional state with the
automatically succeed at an Easy ( ) or Influence ability, add to the dice pool.
Average ( ) Knowledge check without
rolling dice. Each rank of this talent increases Natural Weapon
the difficulty of checks you may apply this Tier: 2
talent to by one. Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Investigator You have claws, a whipping tail, or a bite
Tier: 2 attack which gives your unarmed attacks +2
Activation: Active damage and a crit rating of 2. If your archetype
Ranked: no gives you Claws, this power is tier 1.
As an action, you may make a Perception
check opposed by an adversary’s Deception. If Natural Weapon (Improved)
the check is successful, you learn the target’s Tier: 2
true occupation and the state or country in Activation: Passive
which they spent the majority of their Ranked: No
childhood. Additional , , and can be Your character must have purchased the Natural
used to reveal other information at the GM’s Weapon talent to benefit from this talent. Your
natural weapon is particularly potent and
gains a Vicious rating of 4. Resistance
Tier: 2
Polyglot Activation: Passive
Tier: 2 Ranked: No
Activation: Active You may remove imposed by adverse
Ranked: No environmental conditions.
Spend a Story Point to declare that you are
fluent in a language. Resistance (Improved)
Tier: 2
Polyglot (Improved) Activation: Passive
Tier: 2 Ranked: No
Activation: Passive You never take or damage from
Ranked: No environmental effects. You never take damage
Your character must have purchased the Polyglot from falling in normal gravity or from any
talent in order to benefit from this talent. You are extreme heat or cold short of that from a
fluent in every known language. When you flamethrower or the Energy Projection power.
encounter a language for the first time (such as
when making contact with aliens or Robot Pal
deciphering an unfamiliar code), you become Tier: 2
fluent in that language after a minute of Activation: Passive
interaction. Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Gadgeteer
Regeneration (Improved) (Improved) talent (Tier 3) in order to benefit from
Tier: 2 this talent. You build a robotic assistant for
Activation: Active yourself, a Minion with 2 in all characteristics.
Ranked: No This assistant is absolutely loyal to you.
Your character must have purchased the
Regeneration talent (tier 3; your character can also Speed: Blur
gain the ability through an archetype) to benefit Tier: 2
from this talent. As an action, spend 2 strain to Activation: Active
make an Easy ( ) Resilience check. Heal Ranked: No
wounds equal to . You may attempt to heal Your character must have purchased the Speed
one critical injury you are suffering from by Basic Power talent (tier 3) to benefit from this
increasing the difficulty of the check to talent. If you are hidden, you may spend a
maneuver to move to any other unseen location
Hard ( ). within short range without being noticed. You may
also spend a maneuver to grab any unattended
Regeneration (Supreme) item within short range without being noticed.
Tier: 2
Activation: Active Speed: Blur (Improved)
Ranked: No Tier: 2
Your character must have purchased the Activation: Active
Regeneration (Improved) talent to benefit from this Ranked: No
talent. When incapacitated, spend a story point Your character must have purchased the Speed:
to make a Hard ( ) Endurance check. You Blur talent to benefit from this talent. You may act
regain consciousness, healing wounds equal to as though you were engaged with any or all
generated. creatures within short range. For example, you
can make melee combat checks and Stomp
Skullduggery checks against creatures within Tier: 2
short range as well as Engaged. Activation: Active
Ranked: No
Speed: Improved Your character must have purchased at least one
Tier: 2 rank of the Grow Basic Power talent (Tier 4) in
Activation: Active order to benefit from this talent. While the Grow
Ranked: Yes power is active, your unarmed strikes have the
Your character must have purchased the Speed Blast quality.
Basic Power talent (tier 3) to benefit from this
talent. Spend one strain to move an additional Strength Basic Power
range band as part of your extra free Tier: 2
maneuver. You may spend this a number of Activation: Passive
times equal to your ranks in this talent. Ranked: No
You may lift and carry any object up to
Speed: Fast Hands silhouette 1 without making an Athletics
Tier: 2 check. Lifting larger objects requires an
Activation: Passive Athletics check as normal. Your melee attacks
Ranked: No gain the Knockback quality.
Your character must have purchased the Speed
Basic Power talent (tier 3) to benefit from this Strength (Improved)
Tier: 2
talent. Add to Skullduggery checks to
Activation: Active
remove items from someone’s person.
Ranked: Yes
Your character must have purchased the Strength
Speed: Think Fast
Basic Power talent in order to benefit from this
Tier: 2
talent. Spend 1 strain to increase the silhouette
Activation: Passive
you can lift without a check by 1. You may
Ranked: No
spend this once for every rank you have in this
Add to all Cool and Vigilance checks to
determine initiative.
Strength: Hurl
Stability (Supreme)
Tier: 2
Tier: 2
Activation: Active
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Strength
Your character must have purchased the Stability
Basic Power talent in order to benefit from this
(Improved) talent (Tier 4) in order to benefit from
talent. You can hurl objects as weapons. The
this talent. While you fly, you can carry any
impacts deal damage both to the targets and
object or creature whose silhouette you could
the object being hurled. Make an Athletics
lift off the ground. You never have to worry
check with a difficulty equal to the silhouette
about the structural integrity of objects you lift.
of the object being thrown. The damage is
You can catch a falling plane without it
resolved following all the rules for ranged
breaking apart, or stop an incoming meteor
attacks. Silhouette 0 objects deal 5 damage,
without pieces breaking off and falling to
while other objects deal damage equal to 10
times their silhouette. The number of targets
affected by a single object is up to the GM, but
in general, a single object should only affect a
single target (unless it's particularly large). This Strength: Unarmed Strikes
attack follows all the rules for ranged attacks, Tier: 2
such as ranged defense and aiming. Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Strength: Knockback Your character must have purchased the Strength
Tier: 2 Basic Power talent in order to benefit from this
Activation: Passive talent. Your unarmed attacks gain Pierce 3.
Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Strength Strength: Unarmed Strikes (Improved)
Basic Power talent in order to benefit from this Tier: 2
talent. You may activate the Knockback quality Activation: Active
multiple times, knocking the target an Ranked: No
additional range band for each activation. Your character must have purchased the Strength:
Unarmed Strikes talent in order to benefit from this
Strength: Leap talent. Spend 1 strain to increase the Pierce on
Tier: 2 your unarmed strikes by 2.
Activation: Active
Ranked: No Stretching: Ensnare
Your character must have purchased the Strength Tier: 2
Basic Power talent in order to benefit from this Activation: Active
talent. Your powerful legs can propel you over Ranked: No
distances. Take a Leap action to jump to any Your character must have purchased the Stretching
location within short range. Basic Power talent (Tier 3) in order to benefit from
this talent. Your unarmed attacks gain the
Strength: Leap (Improved) Ensnare quality. When you ensnare a target,
Tier: 2 you lose the use of whichever limb you used to
Activation: Active tangle them up, and must stay within range of
Ranked: No your target or let them go. The target remains
Your character must have purchased the Strength: Ensnared indefinitely until you let them go or
Leap talent in order to benefit from this talent. they make a Hard ( ) Athletics check.
Spend 2 strain to leap an additional range
band. You may spend this multiple times. Stretching: Hardened Limbs
Tier: 2
Strength: Leap (Supreme) Activation: Active
Tier: 2 Ranked: No
Activation: Active Your character must have purchased the Stretching
Ranked: No Basic Power talent (Tier 3) in order to benefit from
Your character must have purchased the Strength: this talent. As a maneuver, you may turn one of
Leap (Improved) talent in order to benefit from this your limbs into a weapon, giving your
talent. If you leap two range bands or fewer, unarmed strikes certain special qualities. You
you may execute that leap as a maneuver. may choose from the following:
o Blade: Crit 2, Vicious 3, Pierce 1
o Bludgeon: Crit 3, Disorient 4, +1
o Shield: Crit 6, Defensive 2,
Deflection 2
You may not inflict strain damage with a limb Telekinesis Basic Power
that has been turned into a weapon in this Tier: 2
way. Activation: Active
Ranked: No
Stretching: Hardened Limbs (Improved) Spend 1 strain to move one object of silhouette
Tier: 2 0 that is within short range up to your
Activation: Active maximum range. The default maximum range
Ranked: No is short range.
Your character must have purchased the Stretching:
Hardened Limbs talent in order to benefit from this
talent. You may use Hardened Limbs to turn Telekinesis: Fine Manipulation
your limbs into any tool less complex than a Tier: 2
handheld power drill. Because you can form Activation: Active
precisely the right tool for your task, you gain Ranked: No
to Mechanics checks using them. You may You must have purchased the Telekinesis (Hurl)
also use this ability to open any mechanical talent in order to benefit from this talent. You gain
lock that requires a key. the ability to perform fine manipulation of
items, allowing you to do whatever you could
Stretching: Hardened Limbs (Supreme) normally do with your hands to a held item (if
Tier: 2 manipulating something such as a control
Activation: Active board, the controls count as a silhouette 0
Ranked: No item).
Your character must have purchased the Stretching:
Hardened Limbs (Improved) talent in order to Telekinesis: Hurl
benefit from this talent. You may use Hardened Tier: 2
Limbs as an incidental. Activation: Active
Ranked: No
Stretching: Melt You must have purchased the Telekinesis Basic
Tier: 2 Power talent in order to benefit from this talent.
Activation: Active You can hurl objects as weapons. The impacts
Ranked: No deal damage both to the targets and the object
Your character must have purchased the Stretching: being hurled. Make a Discipline check with a
Squish talent (Tier 3) in order to benefit from this difficulty equal to the silhouette of the object
talent. Your body can become liquid, able to fit being thrown. The damage is resolved
through any opening or mesh that isn’t following all the rules for ranged attacks.
watertight. In addition, you can reattach lost Silhouette 0 objects deal 5 damage, while other
limbs by reabsorbing them into your body. objects deal damage equal to 10 times their
silhouette. The number of targets affected by a
Stretching: Range single object is up to the GM, but in general, a
Tier: 2 single object should only affect a single target
Activation: Active (unless it's particularly large). (Also note, if
Ranked: Yes you want to use Move to throw multiple
Your character must have purchased the Stretching objects at multiple targets, you may do so
Basic Power talent (Tier 3) in order to benefit from using all the rules for hitting multiple targets
this talent. You may spend 1 strain to increase with the Auto-fire quality). This attack follows
the power’s range by one range band. You may all the rules for ranged attacks, such as ranged
only spend this once per rank of this talent defense and aiming.
Telekinesis: Strength
Tier: 2 Venom (Improved)
Activation: Active Tier: 2
Ranked: Yes Activation: Active
You must have purchased the Telekinesis Basic Ranked: No
Power talent in order to benefit from this talent. You must have purchased the Venom talent in
Spend 1 strain to increase the silhouette you order to benefit from this talent. You can propel
can target by 1. You may only spend this once your venom with force, giving you a ranged
per rank of this talent purchased. attack with base damage equal to twice your
Brawn, a range of short, a crit rating of 4, and
Telepathy Basic Power the Burn 2 quality.
Tier: 2
Activation: Active Wall Crawler
Ranked: No Tier: 2
Spend 1 strain to sense all living things within Activation: Passive
short range (including sentient and non- Ranked: No
sentient beings). Make a Perception vs. Like most terrestrial insects, arachnids, and
Discipline check as an action to sense the squirrels, you never have to make a check to
current emotional state of one living target climb any surface.
with whom you are engaged.
Wealth Basic Power
Telepathy: Read Thoughts Tier: 2
Tier: 2 Activation: Passive
Activation: Active Ranked: No
Ranked: No You own a lavish home, which could be a
You must have purchased the Telepathy Basic mansion, a castle, or a penthouse, with all the
Power talent in order to benefit from this talent. amenities necessary for you and ten other
Spend 1 strain when making your Perception people to live very comfortably, potentially
vs. Discipline check to sense the current including maids, a cook, and a bar that’s
thoughts of your target as well as their always fully stocked, if you so desire. Your
emotional state. wealth gives you to social skill checks when
interacting with government officials,
Tiny but Swift legitimate businesspeople, and their
Tier: 2 employees, when those people know about
Activation: Passive your wealth.
Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Shrink Wealth: Butler
Basic Power talent (tier 3) to benefit from this Tier: 2
talent. You can move at your normal speed Activation: Passive
when shrunk; it no longer takes two Ranked: No
maneuvers to traverse one range band. Your character must have purchased the Wealth
Basic Power talent in order to benefit from this
Venom talent. You have an assistant, a Minion with 2
Tier: 2 in all characteristics. This assistant is absolutely
Activation: Passive loyal to you.
Ranked: No
You have a potent venom, which gives your
unarmed attacks Burn 2.
Wealth: Playboy Decrease the difficulty of all Knowledge checks
Tier: 2 performed there by 1.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Wealth: Sanctum (Workshop)
Your character must have purchased the Wealth Tier: 2
Basic Power talent in order to benefit from this Activation: Passive
talent. You and anyone with you can always Ranked: No
get into any exclusive club, office or Your character must have purchased the Wealth:
nonmilitary government building. You can Sanctum talent in order to benefit from this talent.
arrange meetings with any government official Your sanctum has state-of-the-art tools.
or legitimate businessperson. Decrease the difficulty of all Mechanics checks
performed there by 1.
Wealth: Mogul
Tier: 2 Wealth: Tycoon
Activation: Passive Tier: 2
Ranked: No Activation: Passive
Your character must have purchased the Wealth Ranked: No
Basic Power talent in order to benefit from this Your character must have purchased the Wealth
talent. You have real estate holdings Basic Power talent in order to benefit from this
everywhere. Once per session, you may talent. Reduce the effective rarity of all items by
declare that you own property near your 2. This affects talents relying on item rarity
current location. You or your allies can stay such as Utility Belt. Any item whose rarity is
there without being discovered for at least 24 reduced to 0 may be acquired for free and with
hours. minimal hassle.

Wealth: Sanctum Tier 3

Tier: 2 Elemental Immunity
Activation: Passive Tier: 3
Ranked: No Activation: Passive
Your character must have purchased the Wealth Ranked: No
Basic Power talent in order to benefit from this Your character must have purchased the Elemental
talent. Part of your lavish home is your Attack talent (Tier 2) in order to benefit from this
Sanctum, a hidden space which can serve as a talent. You are immune to damage of your
hideout and safehouse, and has sufficient energy attack’s type.
space to store any vehicles you own of
Silhouette 2 or smaller. No one can find this Energy Blast (Improved)
Sanctum if they do not know it exists, and even Tier: 3
if they do, it can only be found by making a Activation: Active
Formidable ( ) Streetwise check after a Ranked: No
week’s worth of investigation. Your character must have purchased the Energy
Blast talent (Tier 2) in order to benefit from this
Wealth: Sanctum (Library) talent. When giving your energy attack the
Tier: 2 Blast quality, you may spend 2 additional
Activation: Passive strain to have it affect all characters within
Ranked: No Short range, rather than all Engaged
Your character must have purchased the Wealth: characters.
Sanctum talent in order to benefit from this talent.
Your sanctum has extensive research materials.
Escape Route opposed Athletics check as an action on its
Tier: 3 turn.
Activation: Active
Ranked: No Grow (Improved)
Your character must have purchased the Careful Tier: 3
Planning talent (Tier 4) in order to benefit from this Activation: Active
talent. You had a contingency plan. Spend a Ranked: Yes
Story Point to reveal an escape route which Your character must have purchased the Grow
your character prepared for just this Basic Power talent (Tier 4) in order to benefit from
eventuality. For example, when surrounded by this talent. When you activate the Grow Basic
enemies and overwhelmed, you could be Power, you may spend 1 additional strain to
picked up just in the nick of time by a increase your silhouette by 1. In addition to the
helicopter piloted by a friendly NPC. Whatever benefits of the Basic power, your Soak
form this escape route takes, it can bring you increases by 1, your damage bonus increases
and any allies of yours within short range to by 2, and the silhouette you can lift increases
safety, although depending on the situation by 1. You may activate this talent a number of
that safety might only be temporary. times equal to your ranks in this talent.

Gadgeteer (Improved) Regeneration

Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Gadgeteer Whenever you heal wounds due to natural
talent (Tier 2) in order to benefit from this talent. rest, you heal 1 additional wound. You do not
You can create new items. When using recover 1 additional wound when receiving
Gadgeteer, you may purchase any non-magical first aid or medical treatment. You can regrow
items from the Steampunk, Weird War, lost limbs, which takes roughly a month before
Science-Fiction, and Space Opera settings in the limb is usable.
the core rulebook.
Shrink Basic Power
Grasp Tier: 3
Tier: 3 Activation: Active
Activation: Active Ranked: No
Ranked: No You can shrink down to about twelve inches
Your character must have purchased at least one tall for the rest of the scene as an action that
rank of the Grow (Improved) talent in order to costs 1 strain. While you are this size, the
benefit from this talent. Spend 1 strain to make a difficulty of all Perception checks to detect
Grasp attack. Make an opposed Athletics vs. your presence is increased by one. Everything
Athletics check against a target at least two is bigger for you: it takes two maneuvers to
steps smaller than you. If the check is travel one range band. In addition, you are
successful, the target is grasped. A grasped treated as if you had a silhouette of -1: when
target increases the difficulty of their attacks you make an attack against a target of
twice and cannot take maneuvers to move. In silhouette 1 or greater, you decrease the
addition, once per turn you may spend a difficulty of the check by one. When a
maneuver to squeeze the target, dealing character of silhouette 1 or greater makes an
damage equal to twice your Brawn, reduced by attack against you, they increase the difficulty
the target’s Soak as normal. The target can of the check by one. Finally, in this form you
attempt to escape your grasp by making an are not able to apply as much force: your
attacks can never deal more than 1 wound or talent. Your first unarmed attack each round
strain after damage reduction. If you take deals additional damage equal to twice the
damage from a normal-sized attack, you number of range bands you have moved that
immediately revert to your full size. round.

Shrink (Improved) Stretching Basic Power

Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Activation: Active Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Shrink You may do anything you could normally do
Basic Power talent to benefit from this talent. with your hands at Short range. Your melee
When you shrink, you can spend 1 additional attacks have a range of Short and the Defensive
strain to shrink to the size of a small insect. The 1 quality.
benefits of Shrink are doubled: the difficulties
of Perception checks to detect you and attacks Stretching: Squish
against you are increased twice, and the Tier: 3
difficulties of your attack checks against Activation: Passive
normal-sized targets are reduced twice (as if Ranked: No
your silhouette were -3). Your character must have purchased the Stretching
Basic Power talent in order to benefit from this
Size Manipulation: Target Others talent. You may fit through any opening larger
Tier: 3 than 1 inch.
Activation: Active
Ranked: No Swallow
Your character must have purchased one or both of Tier: 3
the Shrink Basic Power talent or the Grow Basic Activation: Active
Power talent (Tier 4) in order to benefit from this Ranked: No
talent. You may spend 1 strain to use Size Your character must have purchased at least one
Manipulation on an engaged target other than rank of the Grasp talent in order to benefit from this
yourself. If the target is unwilling, you must talent. When you have an adversary in your
make an opposed Coordination vs. grasp (per the Grasp talent), you may make a
Coordination check to affect them. Swallow attack. Make an opposed Athletics vs.
Athletics check against the grasped target. If
Speed Basic Power the check is successful, the target is swallowed.
Tier: 3 While swallowed, the target cannot take any
Activation: Active actions requiring the use of its physical body,
Ranked: No and takes damage equal to twice your Brawn
You gain an extra free maneuver each round, at the beginning of each of its turns. The target
which can only be spent on movement. You may attempt to force you to regurgitate them
can still spend 2 strain to gain an additional by making an Athletics check opposed by your
maneuver. Resilience as an action.

Speed: Momentum Uncanny Senses

Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Activation: Active Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Speed You must have purchased the Animal Aspect Basic
Basic Power talent (tier 3) to benefit from this Power talent in order to benefit from this talent.
When deprived of your senses, you may act as Tier 4
though that were not the case: you can see in Careful Planning
total darkness, your hearing is never obscured Tier: 4
by loud noise. Either your senses are just that Activation: Active
good, or you’ve mastered letting your other Ranked: No
senses compensate. Once per session, you may introduce a "fact"
into the narrative as if a Story Point had been
Wealth: Butler (Improved) spent.
Tier: 3 (source: SWRPG: Age of Rebellion)
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Durability Basic Power
Your character must have purchased the Wealth: Tier: 4
Butler talent (tier 2) in order to benefit from this Activation: Passive
talent. When your assistant is present, you gain Ranked: No
to all non-combat skill checks. You increase your Soak by 3. This does not
stack with any increases gained from armor.
Wealth: Sanctum (Training Facilities)
Tier: 3 Elemental Attack (Improved)
Activation: Passive Tier: 4
Ranked: No Activation: Passive
Your character must have purchased the Wealth: Ranked: No
Sanctum talent (Tier 2) in order to benefit from this Your character must have purchased the Elemental
talent. Choose two skills. All members of your Attack talent (Tier 2) in order to benefit from this
group gain these skills as career skills. In talent. The Burn, Stun, or Ensnare rating of
addition, when providing assistance with those your elemental attack increases to 4.
skills, all members of your group upgrade the
pool once in addition to the usual effects of Elemental Wreath
providing assistance. Tier: 4
Activation: Active
Web-Swinger Ranked: No
Tier: 3 Your character must have purchased the Elemental
Activation: Active Attack talent (Tier 2) in order to benefit from this
Ranked: No talent. You are surrounded by an aura your
You must have purchased the Web-Slinger talent elemental energy. A creature that ends its turn
(Tier 4) in order to benefit from this talent. You Engaged with you takes 2 wounds, ignoring
may move through the air as long as there is an Soak. You can activate and deactivate this
object able to hold your weight within medium ability as a maneuver.
range above you. Precise or complicated
maneuvers (such as swinging above whatever Flight (Improved)
object you are tethered to) may require a Tier: 4
Coordination check at the GM’s discretion. Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Flight
Basic Power talent (Tier 2) in order to benefit from
this talent. You can gain altitude while flying.
Growth Basic Power you may trigger an effect as though had
Tier: 4 been rolled.
Activation: Active
Ranked: No Robot Pal (Improved)
As an action, you may spend 1 strain to grow Tier: 4
to silhouette 2. While you are this size, your Activation: Passive
soak increases by one, your unarmed attacks Ranked: No
deal +2 damage, and you may lift any object of Your character must have purchased the Robot Pal
silhouette 1 or smaller without making an talent (Tier 2) in order to benefit from this talent.
Athletics check. If you have powers from the Your robotic assistant becomes a Rival,
Strength tree, the silhouette you can lift increasing three of their characteristics to 3 and
increases by 1. Maintaining this giant size is gaining two ranks each in three skills of your
taxing, and you must spend 1 strain at the choice.
beginning of each of your turns or revert to
your small size. Speed: Unarmed Strikes
Tier: 4
Quick Change Activation: Passive
Tier: 4 Ranked: No
Activation: Passive Your character must have purchased the Speed
Ranked: No Basic Power talent (tier 3) to benefit from this
Your character must have purchased one or both of talent. Your unarmed attacks gain the Linked 1
the Shrink Basic Power talent (Tier 3) or the Grow quality.
Basic Power talent in order to benefit from this
talent. You may use the Shrink and Grow Stability (Improved)
powers on yourself as a maneuver. Tier: 4
Activation: Active
Mind Control: Influence Ranked: No
Tier: 4 Your character must have purchased the Stability
Activation: Active talent (Tier 1) in order to benefit from this talent.
Ranked: No Spend from a melee attack to carry the
Your character must have purchased the Mind target into the air with you. The target stays
Control Basic Power talent (Tier 2) to benefit from engaged with you while you fly unless you
this talent. Spend 2 strain to make a Discipline choose to drop them or they succeed at an
vs. Discipline check in place of any other social opposed Athletics check against you.
check. If the social check would affect more
than one individual, you must apply the Wealth: Bribery
requisite Magnitude upgrades. Tier: 4
Activation: Active
Mind Control: Influence (Improved) Ranked: No
Tier: 4 Your character must have purchased the Wealth
Activation: Active Basic Power talent in order to benefit from this
Ranked: No talent. Everyone has a price. Once per session,
Your character must have purchased the Mind you may make a Negotiation vs. Discipline
Control: Influence talent (Tier 4) to benefit from check against one Rival or Minion group as an
this talent. Those you influence are willing to go action. If this check succeeds, that NPC follows
beyond what they would normally be willing your orders for the rest of the scene, although
to do. Once per session, after using Influence, they will not risk their life unless the check
generates . Bonuses (such as for an adversary
who has been recently mistreated by their Web-Slinger (Improved)
employer) or penalties (such as for an Tier: 4
adversary who holds a grudge against you Activation: Active
personally) apply at the GM’s discretion. Ranked: No
You must have purchased the Web-Slinger talent in
Wealth: Butler (Supreme) order to benefit from this talent. You may spend 1
Tier: 4 strain to give your web attack the Blast or
Activation: Passive Auto-Fire quality. You may spend 3 strain to
Ranked: No give it the Concussive 1 quality.
Your character must have purchased the Wealth:
Butler (Improved) talent (tier 3) in order to benefit
from this talent. It is possible to get good help Tier 5
these days. Your assistant becomes a Rival, Ant Strength
increasing three of their characteristics to 3 and Tier: 5
gaining two ranks each in three skills of your Activation: Active
choice. Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Shrink
Wealth: Sanctum (Crime Lab) Basic Power talent (tier 3) to benefit from this
Tier: 4 talent. You may spend 1 strain as an incidental
Activation: Passive to activate Ant Strength for one round: when
Ranked: No Ant Strength is active, you deal damage as if
Your character must have purchased the Wealth: you were normal-sized. In addition, you do not
Sanctum talent (Tier 2) in order to benefit from this revert to your full size when you take damage
talent. Your sanctum has a state-of-the-art from a normal-sized attack.
crime lab, better than that found in any police
department. If you analyze a body, you can Body Language
determine its cause of death with an Average Tier: 5
( ) Medicine check. If you analyze a weapon, Activation: Active
you can determine the person who last used it Ranked: No
with a Hard ( ) Streetwise check. The lab Your character must have purchased the Polyglot
(Improved) talent (Tier 2) in order to benefit from
can be used to determine other information as
this talent. Your superhuman pattern
appropriate, at the GM’s discretion.
recognition extends to the physical movements
Web-Slinger of adversaries. Spend 1 strain as a maneuver to
Tier: 4 analyze an adversary’s fighting style. Upgrade
Activation: Active the difficulty of combat checks against you by
Ranked: No that adversary twice for the remainder of the
You have a web attack. This attack deals no scene.
damage, but a target hit by it is Ensnared (as if
by the Ensnare weapon quality) for a number
Tier: 5
of rounds equal to generated. You may
Activation: Passive
spend to move the target one range band
Ranked: No
towards you. If the attack generates , you You must have purchased the Durability Basic
may make the Ensnare quality indefinite, so Power in order to benefit from this ability. You
that the effect will not end unless the target have Armor 2 against physical projectiles. This
succeeds at a Hard ( ) Athletics check. includes bullets, arrows, and most objects
hurled with the Strength and Telekinesis
powers, but not energy weapons such as from shrink smaller than the naked eye. In this form,
the Energy Projection group of talents. you cannot be detected without specialized
equipment or superpowers.
Crazy Prepared
Tier: 5 Speed: Blur (Supreme)
Activation: Active Tier: 5
Ranked: No Activation: Active
You must have purchased the Careful Planning Ranked: No
talent (tier 4) in order to benefit from this ability. Your character must have purchased the Speed:
Once per session, after you introduce a “fact” Blur (Improved) talent to benefit from this talent.
with a Story Point or Careful Planning, you You may make a Skullduggery check against
may trigger an effect as though a had been the target’s Perception to steal a number of
rolled on a check. items (including worn items) from the target
equal to the number of generated.
Mind Control: True Mind Control
Tier: 5 Speed: Unarmed Strikes (Improved)
Activation: Active Tier: 5
Ranked: No Activation: Passive
Your character must have purchased the Mind Ranked: No
Control: Influence talent (Tier 4) to benefit from Your character must have purchased the Speed:
this talent. Once per session, make a Discipline Unarmed Strikes talent (tier 4) to benefit from this
vs. Discipline against one Rival or Minion talent. Your unarmed attacks gain the Autofire
Group within range. If this check succeeds, quality.
that NPC follows your orders for the rest of the
scene, although they will not take action more Strength: Unarmed Strikes (Supreme)
likely than not to lead to their death (such as Tier: 5
shooting themselves in the head or attacking Activation: Active
alone a threat known to be beyond their ability Ranked: No
to handle) unless the check generates . Your character must have purchased the Strength:
Unarmed Strikes (Improved) talent in order to
Robot Pal (Improved) benefit from this talent. Spend 2 strain to give
Tier: 4 your unarmed attacks the Breach 1 quality for
Activation: Passive one round. This strain may only be spent once.
Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Robot Pal Durability: Take the Hit
talent (Tier 2) in order to benefit from this talent. Tier: 5
Your robotic assistant becomes a Rival, Activation: Active
increasing three of their characteristics to 3 and Ranked: No
gaining two ranks each in three skills of your Your character must have purchased the Durability
choice. Basic Power talent (tier 4) in order to benefit from
this talent. You brace yourself, becoming nearly
Shrink (Supreme) indestructible. Spend 3 strain as an action to
Tier: 5 make a Hard ( ) Resilience check. If the
Activation: Active check succeeds, gain an Armor rating of 1 until
Ranked: No the end of your next turn. Each additional
Your character must have purchased the Shrink generated increases that rating by 1. You may
Basic Power talent (tier 3) to benefit from this spend to increase the duration of this effect
talent. You can spend 1 additional strain to by one round.
Mind Control: Emotion-Monger Wealth: Sanctum (Garage)
Tier: 5 Tier: 5
Activation: Active Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Mind Your character must have purchased the Wealth:
Control: Emotion talent (Tier 2) to benefit from this Sanctum talent (Tier 2) in order to benefit from this
talent. You have mastered your chosen talent. Your sanctum can hold vehicles of
emotion. Spend 3 strain to make a check to Silhouette 3, and you may acquire any non-
force your preferred emotion onto all minions Restricted vehicle by shopping around
within range. You must make the check against discretely for a number of days equal to its
the minion group within range with the rarity.
highest Discipline.

Tier: 5
Activation: Active
Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the
Regeneration (Supreme) talent to benefit from this
talent. Your powers of regeneration work even
after death. If you have died, you may spend
two story points to make a Daunting ( )
Resilience check. If the check is successful, you
are restored to life, suffering wounds equal to
your wound threshold.

Stretching: Gaseous Form

Tier: 5
Activation: Active
Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Stretching:
Melt talent (tier 2) in order to benefit from this
talent. Your kindergarten teachers laughed
when you said you wanted to be a cloud when
you grew up, but look at you now! Spend 3
strain as an action to become gaseous (either a
true gas or a cloud of aerated particles, such as
sand). You take no damage except from
weapons with the Blast quality, and you may
fit through any opening that isn’t airtight. You
cannot take actions in your gaseous form, and
each round you must spend 1 strain or return
to your solid form. When in your gaseous
form, breathing creatures within short range
begin to suffocate, taking 3 strain per round,
and, once incapacitated, suffering one Critical
Injury per round until they die.

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