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Check Pointing (2)

ƒ Make sure that sufficient disk space is available.

• Check-pointing code calls the same file I/O routines used by the GUI or TUI and will
produce the same error messages if disk space is insufficient
• In such case, Fluent will not return to the iteration loop
ƒ The touch command will produce file of zero length and is also available in Windows
ƒ For Windows, the check point files need to be created at:
ƒ If the machine has several Fluent sessions running, named check pointing can be used
to selectively stop a specific Fluent process
ƒ A specific check point name can be added to the first line of the batch journal file, as
shown below:
(set! checkpoint/exit-filename "/tmp/exit-fluent-job-1")
file/read-case-data sample.cas
solve/iterate 1000
file/write-case-data final.cas
ƒ To stop this particular job, use the following command inside the /tmp directory:
unix> touch exit-fluent-job-1

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