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HLTWHS002 – Follow safe work practices

for direct client care

Final Assessment Tasks
Part A – Questions
Question 1 – Briefly explain why the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Cth) is important. Does this legislation apply to
all states/territories? Explain why or why not.
The Work Health and Safety Act 2011 came in to protect workers’ health safety and their welfare of all
individuals at their workplace, it also protects all other people who may be affected by the work. It is important
since it protects workers where there are issues, injuries at work, there are procedures to follow to ensure that
that person is looked after. Each state or territory has their own laws. In 2011, Worksafe Australia implemented
Question 2 – Briefly explain what WHS regulations are why they are important.
Work health and safety is a safeguard that employees have to enforce onto employees and the workplace to
work for employees. Work health and safety monitors workers and conditions at the workplace and is also
there to prevent illness or injury. They protect our wellbeing.
Question 3 – Briefly explain what WHS codes of practice are and why they are important.
A code of practice s an easy to understand but practical guide developed by safe work Australia, informed by
the public and approved by workplace minister. There are 24 codes and they are there to protect everyone in
the workplace especially the clients. Codes of practice are important safeguard that protects workers and
participants. If some or one standard isn’t properly enforced and someone gets hurt that means that code
wasn’t fully implemented, so someone gets hurt, and Worksafe steps in or supports you.
Question 4 – Explain what industry standards are and why they are important.
Industry standards are Australian Standards which are particular standards that explain safety requirements for
people that work in certain areas, which require different equipment. So, these standards are added to
legislation for them to be legally binding. Standards are important because they provide people and businesses
with a mutual understanding. These tools help with communication and manufacturing standards.
Question 5 – What are the rights and responsibilities of employers and workers in a community services environment
as a result of Australian health and safety legislation?
It’s an employer’s job to make sure their workplace is free from hazards. Also to maintain the health and safety
of themselves, their employees and all the other people involved in that workplace. Employers who do not
follow the proper safety procedures under that particular act may face certain penalties and fines.
Question 6 – In Australian safety legislation, what is meant by a duty of care? How is this relevant to those who work in
the community services sector?
Duty of care – that employees must anticipate risks for the clients and take care to prevent them coming to
harm. WHS tries to make sure that employers uphold their duty of care to their employees so in turn
employees make safe choices in the workplace. So the duty of care are embedded in many laws and
regulations which aim to protect and maintain the health, wellbeing and safety of others.
Question 7 – how does Australian safety regulation impact on the way hazardous manual tasks are carried out?
Australian safety regulation dictates that hazardous manual tasks (when an employee is required to push, pull,
lift carry or otherwise move a heavy or bulky item) must be done in a way that does not hurt the employee or
cause strains on them. This could include safe manual handling like lifting with your knees instead of your back.
Question 8 – How does Australian safety regulation impact on the way that infection control professes are carried out?
By having standard precautions are the work practices required to achieve a basic level of infection prevention.
Workplace legislations places a duty to ensure health and safety. Its WSH job to implement infection control.
WHS are like a watchdog that makes sure all policies and procedures are followed properly. All the correct
professes concerning infection control are followed.

Leanne Scaffidi – Aged Care/HACC – 9/04/2019

Question 9 – What is a hazard? Give an example of a hazard you may find in a workplace.
Anything that can cause spills like buckets full of water, cords running across the floor, working on a ladder. A
hazard is a danger of risk, flammable liquid (not stored properly) carpet or rug with a corner bent up or tripping
Question 10 – Where is the most suitable place to install a smoke alarm in (a) a home and (b) a workplace?
(a) It is always important to have an electrician install a smoke alarm. You should check smoke alarms are in
every bedroom, hallway where all bedroom s are connected and on each level of residence including the
(b) Smoke alarms should be in every room in a workplace, especially where food is prepared or electrical
equipment is used.
Question 11 – What are the recommended maintenance requirements for a smoke alarm?
It is required that every smoke alarm’s batteries are changed every year by a professional electrician with
proper accreditation. Replace the entire smoke alarm every ten years. Also smoke alarms are to be installed
properly in corridors and sleeping quarters, kitchens and a certain amount per level.
Question 12 – What is the purpose of safety signs and symbols in the community services environment?
The purpose of having signage in the workplace is to identify and warn workers who may be exposed to
hazards in the workplace. Safety signs can assist in the communication of important instructions, reinforce
safety messages, and provide instruction for emergency situations.
Question 13 – Describe the appearance and use of poison safety signs and symbols in the community services
Safety signs and symbols have a dangerous looking sign like the human skull and two bones crossed together is
a warning that it is poisonous and poisonous substances are present.
Question 14 – Describe the appearance and use of emergency equipment safety signs and symbols in the community
services environment.
The look of emergency equipment is a white background with blue writing or symbols stating what is in a bucket
or container. It could even be a sign telling the worker to warn them of a hazard or danger. When dealing with
equipment that has signs that show danger we must use PPE to handle, like googles to protect the eyes and
face masks.
Question 15 – Describe the appearance and use of personal protective equipment safety signs and symbols in the
community services environment.
The appearance of these signs will be white background on a blue circular background and will include the
following protective wear, use of goggles, protective eyewear, and use of facemasks or shield, use of gloves.
Question 16 – Describe the appearance and use of specific safety signs and symbols for specific hazards (such as
sharps and radiation) in the community services environment.
It is to prevent injury, a hazard sign should be black on yellow. Sharps container is a yellow container labelled
‘Danger, contaminated sharps’ and marked black biohazard symbol also with the word ‘poison’.
Question 17 – Give an example of a control measure for minimising manual handling risk.
These hazards can be identified in different ways. Walk through a workplace and look for potential hazards –
talk over risk factors with workers, check through injury records to help pinpoint recurring problems, regularly
monitor and update risk identification.
Question 18 – Give an example of a situation where additional infection controls are required.
Additional infection controls wold be necessary if there was an outbreak of gastroenteritis. Staff would need
gowns, gloves and masks to protect themselves from spreading the infection. Ward would go into lockdown as
a precaution.
Question 19 – Imagine you are a worker providing care to a person with pulmonary tuberculosis. In this situation
standard precautions alone may not be sufficient to prevent transmission of infections. Give two examples of
additional precautions that you could apply to minimise risk of transmission.
In this situation no immune-compromised person would be allowed to enter the room. The patient must be
quarantined to a solitary room, equipment used on the patient must only be used on this patient, and the

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patient must not leave his/her room. They should also use their own toilet and gown and gloves must be
provided when dealing directly with this patient.
Question 20 – Outline why workers must identify risks of infection and report them according to workplace procedures.
Also provide two examples of common sources of infection and two examples of common causes of disease
Successful infection control is critical to maintaining a safe work environment. Identifying hazards and reporting
them help to control and or prevent risks of infection outbreak so it is imperative to be extremely attentive
when signs start or before exposure and the likelihood of transmission.
Two examples of common sources of infection include strep throat, urinary tract infections and the common
Two examples of common causes of disease transmission include direct contact, droplets, or a mosquito can
carry the infection and then bite us, or carried on food, or airborne.

Part B – Case study questions

CS Question 1 – What common workplace hazards should Abdul be aware of when completing his safety inspection?
Different types of hazards, smoke detectors, make sufficient gloves, proper PPE, fire extinguishers, machinery.
CS Question 2 – What are some common infectious disease hazards risks that Tahlia and Abdul should be aware of?
Gastro, flue, staph, shingles, MRSA, HIV, Hepatitis C.
CS Question 3 – What types of common personal safety hazards might Abdul screen for during his inspection?
Are staff properly trained? Are you provided with distress alarms? Walking to your car. Do you feel safe in your
workplace? Adequate lighting, tolerance to bullying.
CS Question 4 – What are some hazard identification methods that may be recommended in Abdul’s hazard
identification procedure?
Policies and procedures, safety signs and fire/evacuation plan, repair and replace equipment.
CS Question 5 – What are some common strategies for minimising workplace risk that might be in use in Abdul’s
Routine inspection
Maintenance check reducing risk of hazards, management of risks.
CS Question 6 – Outline how Nerelee and the client’s rights and responsibilities are upheld with regard to ensuring
safety in a home-based environment?
- Caseworker does hazard report (duty of care)
- Individualised plan, keep in contact with supervisor updated regularly to maintain client’s risks and
needs safely.
CS Question 7 – What important information on basic fire safety should Nerelee consider before providing services in a
home-based environment?
Smoke detectors exist to make sure, evacuation plan, risky behaviour, overloaded power points, and draperies
close to heaters.
CS Question 8 – Give two examples of client groups that may be at higher risk of behaviours or actions that can result
in danger from fire.
Smokers, alcohol drinkers, people with mental health issues, people with dementia, people with disabilities,
people that fall asleep with cigarette in hand.
CS Question 9 – Give two examples of client behaviours that contribute to fire injury and fatalities, and outline who you
should report to.
A person that is on medication that sedates overtaking car control. Someone drunk and falling asleep in bed,
forget to turn gas off and leaves food unattended. Write everything down and report it to supervisor.
CS Question 10 – What important information regarding behaviours of concern should Nerelee be aware of in order to
minimise risk to her personal safety?
Know her client
Assess situation before you even get in the house
Know their triggers
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Know when you are in risk of danger.
CS Question 11 – What are two common sources of infection in the home-based environment that Nerelee needs to be
aware of in order to minimise infection control risk?
Dirty dishes, toilet seat
Bins, carry.
Fridge, sinks, dirty clothes
Pets carry contaminants.
CS Question 12 – What is the musculoskeletal system and which tasks place Nerelee at risk of harm to her
musculoskeletal system?
Skeleton, muscles tendons.
Don’t lift things the wrong way
Don’t lift heavy things
CS Question 13 – Give two examples of safe work practices that Nerelee could use to minimise the risk of
musculoskeletal injury to herself and the clients.
Have a specific risk management strategy for home based community service.
Never attempt to lift or carry loads if you think they are too heavy. If you have to bend to pick up something you
need to use your legs to lift, use mechanical aids to help you carry a heavy load wherever possible.
CS Question 14 – What important manual handling information should Phillip find in his workplace WHS policies and
Handling equipment, prepare a manual handling plan for assisting each person, make sure you are trained to
use all equipment and know how to safely assist when transferring people or objects. Plan ahead and fin the
best route for transferring that person.
CS Question 15 – What are some common manual handling procedures and work instructions that Phillip may be
required to follow in order to minimise manual handling risk?
Wear appropriate footwear and uniform. Get equipment in good condition. Follow instructions in care plan.
When assisting a person get them to participate as much as they can. Use clear communication and explain
your role and movement cues. Make sure all equipment works and is safely restrained and secured.
CS Question 16 – What are some ways that Zoe may identify hazardous manual tasks in the workplace?
Walk around and do a visual, incident forms, identify a hazard – maintenance reports, routine inspections, and
CS Question 17 – Why is it important that the workplace emergency procedures in Janice’s workplace are current?
It is important workplace procedures are current because someone like Janice must ensure an emergency plan
is prepared for the workplace. Effective communication between the people authorised to coordinate the
emergency response and all people at the workplace testing of the emergency procedures including the
frequency of testing.
CS Question 18 – Janie reviews the workplace system documents relating to current housekeeping practices. Briefly
explain how Janice could ensure current housekeeping practices are kept up-to-date.
Refer to Worksafe Australia 2011. Update policies and procedures, tell everyone of the change. Make sure
everything is current and all up to standard.
CS Question 19 – Janice reviews the documents relating to personal protective equipment. Briefly explain how Janice
could ensure current practices relating to personal protective equipment are kept up to date.
Making staff aware of any changes.
Keep stocktake order and keep a record. Keep a record of what policies and procedures are in line what
CS Question 20 – How could Janice determine if the organization’s routine work practices are up to date with current
best practice standards?
Aged care standards, check work health and safety department safety. Ring up company to find out work
practices are up to date with current best practice and standards.

Leanne Scaffidi – Aged Care/HACC – 9/04/2019

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