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SESSION: 2019-2020

Index Topic
1. Introduction
2. Objective
3. Points of
4. Conclusion
5. Bibliography
Pollution in Delhi: A Chronic Problem
Pollution refers to the contamination
of the earth's environment with
materials that interfere with human
health, quality of life or the natural
functioning of the ecosystems. The
major forms of pollution include
water pollution, air pollution, noise
pollution and soil contamination.
Other less-recognised forms include
thermal pollution and radioactive
hazards. It is difficult to hold any
one particular form responsible for
maximum risk to health; however,
air and water pollution appear to be
responsible for a large proportion of
pollution related health problems. Of
late, the air pollution status in Delhi
has undergone many changes in
terms of the levels of pollutants and
the control measures taken to
reduce them.
The Indian national capital Delhi
has been witnessing a serious
pollution problems since many
years. This problem has been
incurable since many years. This
year too, a lot of smog which is
many times more than danger level,
is dissaminated all over Delhi .So, in
order to understand the actual
reasons and solutions of this
chronic problem, we have
elaborated the whole phenomenon
in detail. This paper provides an
evidence-based insight into the
status of air pollution in Delhi and its
effects on health and control
measures instituted. study the
effects of air pollution. (2) During
the study period, the average total
suspended particulate (TSP) level in
Delhi was approximately five-times
the World Health Organization's
annual average standard.
Furthermore, the total suspended
particulate levels in Delhi during this
time period exceeded the World
Health Organization's 24-h standard
on 97% of all days on which
readings were taken. The study
concluded that the impact of
particulate matter on total non-
trauma deaths in Delhi was smaller
than the effects found in the United
States of America, but found that a
death associated with air pollution in
Delhi caused more life-years to be
lost because these deaths were
occurring at a younger age.
Delhi (or the National Capital
Territory of Delhi), is an union
territory which is administrated
by the central and state
governments. According to
2011 census of India it
accommodates nearly 167.5
lakh people. The air pollution
has been a chronic problem of
Delhi.The condition has
deteriorated so badly that
Government decided to shut
down the schools because of
the fear of respiratory diseases.
The Delhi government has
announced a slew of measure
to cop up the crisis. The
immediate measures which
were taken by the government
includes the Ban on
construction activity and
closing of the Badarpur power
The main objective is to seek
into the growing problem of air
pollution in our national capital
Delhi and find suitable and
practical solutions to reduce
the identified problems caused
due to it until its beyond
human control.
It’s a well know fact that air
pollution is a great hazard for
health in the urban areas. The
air pollution in Delhi has
undergone through several
control measures .There have
been attempts to figure out the
level of pollutants and to
reduce them. This article
provides an evidence-based
study of the status of air
pollution in Delhi and its effects
on health and control measures
instituted by the government.
The world health organization
released the data about the
urban air in September 2011.
This revealed that Delhi had
crossed the maximum PM10
limit by almost 10-times at
198 μg/m3. Emission from
vehicle and industrial activities
were found to be linked with
outdoor as well as indoor air
pollution in Delhi. Studies on
air pollution and mortality show
that increased air pollution
enhanced natural mortality and
morbidity rate in Delhi. During
last 10 years several steps has
been taken by Delhi to reduce
the level of air pollution which
are discussed on the next
Points of
Air pollution in Delhi NCR
(National Capital Region) is
caused by various reasons. The
air pollution comprises of mix
of pollution which ranges from
human activities like vehicle
emissions, industry, and
residential fuel burning to
natural sources like sea salt
and dust. In winters cool air
triggers inversions which
stagnant the air and keep
pollution close to the ground.
This kind of meteorological
conditions affect the heavy
volume of particulate matter.
Delhi’s location falls in the way
of Air flow patterns from
Afghanistan and Pakistan which
carry emissions from both
urbanized and Rural areas of
Punjab and Hariyana. Dust
storms which are seen in pre-
monsoon period also cause air

Municipal solid waste

generated in The NCR is about
10,000 tons per day. And much
of this solid waste is eventually
burned which adds particulate
pollution to the air .The rapid
urbanization which is taking
place in NCR increases air
pollution through massive
constructions. A high numbers
of Vehicles play an important
role to cause air pollution in
Delhi. According to the
Department of Transport,
Government of National Capital
Territory of Delhi, there are
around 9 million registered
vehicles are in Delhi which is
set to increase more with the
time. This segment almost
contributes to two-thirds of the
air pollution, but there has
been a palpable decline
compared to the 1995-1996
PM 10 and PM 2.5

The PM10 parameter is

generally used to figure out the
quality of air. The PM10 includes
particles with a diameter of 10
μm or less (0.0004 inches).
These small particles are
harmful enough for health
because of their ability to
access the lower regions of the
respiratory organs. The Air
Quality Guideline issued by the
World Health Organization,
states that the annual average
concentration recommended for
PM10 is 20 μg/m3. The
concentration beyond this limit
is considered harmful for
cardiopulmonary health effects.
Major ailments caused to
human health from exposure to
PM10 entail effects on
respiratory and breathing
systems, cancer and premature
death and damage to lung
tissue. This particulate matter
is more lethal for children and
people with chronic lung
disease, influenza or asthma
and Elderly persons. World
Health Organization in
September 2011 released The
urban air database which
reported that Delhi has crossed
the maximum PM10 limit by
almost 10-times at 198 μg/m3,
trailing in the third position
after Ludhiana and Kanpur.
The data shows that PM 2.5
level in Delhi after this Diwali
was far more than danger
level. The PM 2.5 levels were
428µg/m⊃3;—nearly six times
the safe limit. The particulate
matter 2.5 (PM2.5), refers to
tiny particles in the air that are
two and one half microns or
less in width .A micron is a unit
of measurement for distance
and it is used to measure
particulate matters like PM2.5.
And an inch equals to 25,000
microns. The widths of the
larger particles in the PM2.5 size
range would be about thirty
times smaller than that of a
human hair. Particles in the
PM2.5 size range easily travel
deeply into the respiratory
tract, reaching the lungs.
Human’s exposure to fine
particles can induce short-term
health effects such as Nose,
eye, throat and lung irritation,
sneezing, coughing, shortness
of breath, runny nose and
shortness of breath. Exposure
to PM2.5 particles can also
worsen medical conditions such
as asthma and heart disease
and it can also affect lung
function of the body. Scientific
studies have shown that
increase in daily PM2.5 exposure
results in increased respiratory
and cardiovascular hospital
admissions, emergency
department visits and deaths.
Studies also show that long
term exposure to PM2.5 may
be associated with increased
mortality from lung cancer and
heart disease , increased rates
of chronic bronchitis, and
reduced lung function. PM 2.5
is particularly sensitive to
people with breathing and
heart problems, the elderly and
Control Measures Instituted
By Delhi Government
The Ministry of Environment
and Forests at the Centre and
the Department of Environment
of the Government of National
Capital Territory of Delhi are
set up for protecting the
environment in Delhi. The
Central Pollution Control Board
was set up in 1974 under the
Water Act. It is the main
watchdog for implementing the
functions stated in the
environmental acts, application
of National Air Quality
Monitoring Programme and
other related activities.

At state level, The Delhi

Pollution Control Board is the
body responsible for
environment protection. In
response to public litigations,
the judiciary has taken strong
steps against environmental
deterioration in Delhi. One of
the earliest stand taken by
judiciary was the verdict stated
by the Supreme Court of India
to deal with the chronic
problem of vehicular pollution
in Delhi in 1985. Subsequently,
the orders of shutting down of
harmful and noxious
industries, brick kilns and hot-
mix plants operating in Delhi.

Vehicular Policy
Delhi government has taken
several vehicle control
measures policies to curb air
pollution in Delhi which include
introduction of unleaded petrol
(1998), catalytic converter in
passenger cars (1995),
reduction of benzene content in
fuels (2000) and reduction of
sulfur content in diesel (2000)
.Others control measures are
construction of flyovers and
subways , Metro rail and CNG
for commercial transport
vehicles (buses, taxis, auto
rickshaws), wiping out of very
old commercial vehicles,
introduction of mandatory
“Pollution Under Control”
certificate with 3-month validity
and strong enforcement of
emission norms complying with
Bharat Stage II/Euro-II or
higher emission norms.

The Air Ambience Fund was

formed from diesel sales and
stringent emission norms were
set for industries and thermal
power stations. The campaigns
about Environmental
awareness are done at regular
intervals. The Delhi Pollution
Control Board does monthly
Ambient Air Quality Monitoring
at 40 different locations in
Delhi, and takes corrective
measures wherever necessary.

Industrial Policy
Delhi saw its first Industrial
Policy in 1982. The second
Industrial policy (2010–2021)
was passed by the Department
of Industries, Government of
Delhi. This policy envisions
higher industrial development
with clean and non-polluting
industries. In the policy
documents details of steps to
be undertaken in this direction
have been described. There are
many other organizations that
collaborate synergistically with
the government to reduce air
pollution in Delhi. These
organizations are The Energy
and Resources Institute, the
Centre for Science and
Environment and the Indian
Association for Air Pollution
Control. Some government
agencies like Factories
Inspectorate are also actively
involved in the control of
pollution. Research and
academic institutions include
National Environmental
Engineering Research Institute,
Council of Scientific and
Industrial Research institutions
, Indian Institute of
Technology, Indian Agricultural
Research Institute and various
other academic institutions are
also involved in the control of
pollution .

The Recent Measures Taken

By Central Government
The center has taken a move to
provide real time data on air in
India’s bigger cities. Prime
Minister Narendra Modi
launched The National Air
Quality Index which is under
work process. This will help
pollution control agencies to
take more corrective measures
to control the pollutants. The
WHO’s recommendation about
particulate matter is that an
average level of 10 micrograms
per cubic meter and an interim
target of 40 mcg/m can be
tolerable. But as its already
mentioned the PM level in Delhi
goes way beyond from the
WHO recommendation.
The global experience shows
that the escalation in pollutions
levels accompany boosted
economic activity but an
informed and insightful policy
response reduces the
progression of pollution. The
challenge in front of central
government is to come out with
such laws which would make
wealthy polluters pay and
spread green alternatives with
attractive incentives.

The Prime Minister of India has

advocated about change in life
style so that we can move in
the direction of clean India but
a supportive framework is very
essential for achieving it.

The National Green Tribunal

has ordered that diesel vehicles
over 10 years old not ply on
Delhi roads. This is a positive
measure, but those affected
should get a reasonable
opportunity to make alternative
arrangements. The government
has also failed to grasp the
potential of bicycles as a clean
mobility solution, and cities are
hostile to their users. Coal
burning for power generation
can be reduced if rooftop solar
power is promoted through a
national scheme. U.S. cities are
leasing out to homes solar
panels. It is such smart
solutions that can dramatically
improve the air in urban India,
without affecting the high
quality of life that citizens
aspire for
The Government of National
Capital Territory of Delhi has
taken several steps to reduce
the level of air pollution in the
region during the last 10 years.
But after Diwali , the dense
smog with high level of
particulate matter revealed the
loopholes in the efforts made
by the government. Still many
things are needed to be done
to curb the level of air
pollution. The already existing
measures are needed to be
strengthened and expanded to
a larger scale. The efforts made
by the government alone are
not enough. The active
participation of the community
is essential in order to make a
concrete effect in the reduction
of pollution. The use of public
transport is a must be
promoted. The maximum
utilization of Metro train should
be encouraged. The frequency
in checking of Pollution Under
Control Certificates needs to be
undertaken by the civic
authorities .People are
required to be educated to
switch-off their vehicles while
waiting at traffic intersections.
The ever-increasing influx of
migrants in Delhi can be
maintained by creating job
opportunities in the peripheral
and suburban areas. This will
help in causing population
congestion in Delhi. As it is an
obvious fact that health is an
all-pervasive subject ranging
from not only health
department but all those who
are involved in human
development. Even in the past
many great scholars from
Charaka to Hippocrates have
emphasized the importance of
environment in human health.
Therefore, everybody who
plays any role in affecting the
environment in any way needs
to sincerely contribute to
safeguard people's health by
controlling all those factors
which affect it.

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