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How fake news is creating profit: “However, during the campaign a wave of non-legitimate,
unverified articles poured into social media, mainly through Facebook and gained a vast amount
of attention and readers. According to the Pew Research Center, 44% of Americans get their
news from Facebook, which is a huge number considering how Facebook has minimal
regulation on what can be posted as ‘news’.”
“Articles about the Pope endorsing Trump, Ireland accepting Trump refugees and Hillary
Clinton arming ISIS, all received over 700,000 engagements at crucial times during
campaigning. These headlines are all entirely false, but the ease in which individuals can build a
website portraying a broadcasting group, create a headline full of flaws, then manipulate
Facebook’s algorithm is shocking. The consequences are these stories featuring on the
‘Trending’ section of millions of feeds”
On may 16 2018 Christopher Wylie testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Among other things, Wylie noted that Cambridge Analytica, under the direction of Steve
Bannon, sought to "exploit certain vulnerabilities in certain segments to send them
information that will remove them from the public forum, and feed them conspiracies and
they'll never see mainstream media." Wylie also noted that the company targeted people
with "characteristics that would lead them to vote for the Democratic party, particularly
African American voters." (Facebook data privacy scandal: A cheat Sheet)
Facebook should be accountable for the spread of fake news because Facebook doesn’t
protect the datas of its users allowing third party firms to utilize the information in order to
produce fake news

I. First Evidence
To give my first Evidence, I have gathered my first evidence from the article called
“Facebook data privacy scandal: A cheat sheet” The Facebook data privacy scandal
centers around the collection of personally identifiable information of "up to 87 million
people" by the political consulting and strategic communication firm Cambridge
Analytica. That company—and others—were able to gain access to personal data of
Facebook users due to the confluence of a variety of factors, broadly including
inadequate safeguards against companies engaging in data harvesting, little to no
oversight of developers by Facebook, developer abuse of the Facebook API, and users
agreeing to overly broad terms and conditions.
A. Cambridge Analytica took advantage of the information they got from Facebook
in which they used FACEBOOK as the platform to manipulate people’s idea for
the 2016 election. ‘They posted fake news that are never shown in mainstream
media that influenced people into choosing which candidate to vote. Moreover,
with Facebook being negligent in keeping its users’ data private during the 2016
campaign, it influenced other groups to create fake news which contributed in
spreading more fake news.

FAKE NEWS (MAINSTREAM MEDIA)* - Ariel will clarify the fake news that were never
shown in mainstream media.
II. Second Evidence:
B. To give an additional support my reason, I have gathered my 2nd Evidence from
the Article in cnbc website called “Here’s everything you need to know about the
Cambridge Analytica Scandal”. But before I state the quoted part, take note that this
specific act has exemplified the notion of the Standing Reserve. According to
“[Christopher] Wylie [A Former employee of Cambridge Analytica], the data sold to
Cambridge Analytica was then used to develop "psychographic" profiles of people and
deliver pro-Trump material to them online.”
C. He further stated that “the company "absolutely" planted fake news.”

1. As the Facebook users scroll down on their newsfeeds, they get exposed
to some fake and biased articles pertaining to the goals and
characteristics of the candidates of 2016 election. The users; however,
are unaware if this information is accurate since Facebook allows its
users to post and share information regardless whether if it is fake or not.
However, since some of the information came from Cambridge Analytica,
it is inevitable to be accessed with a biased and fake information,
especially when the account has been interfered with multiple third
parties. We can all agree that with this evidence, Facebook showed
lacked in responsibility in keeping its users’ information exclusive to other
third parties, and they failed in providing pure facts on the newsfeeds of
its users which has resulted in an increasing number of fake news.

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