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How to register finger in device?

Press the menu buttonà enroll or userà finger print it will display ID number 00000001 press ok then
put 3 time same finger in device.

How to import same data in software?

Connect machine with PC go to utility import dev employee after importing the data from device you
have to modify all the employee name in employee master according to thumb registration ID given in
For example while you punching your thumb in device and it will display id number 00000001 then you
have to type your name in employee master in 1 number.

How to upload name in device?

Connect machine with pc go to device settingà device admin select and connect the device click on
upload name select all the user and click on upload.

How to add shift?

Go to shift settingà click on new type shift name & sort name fill start time and give the shift hour then
save it after saving this go to shift settingà shift group modify the shift group and select shift then save

How to add company?

Go to masterà company modify or add company

How to add department & designation?

From master you can add both

How to change branch name?

Go to master branch modify and type the location name

How to add holiday?

Go to leave & holidayà holiday add all the holidays then again go to leave & holiday holiday group
create a holiday group and select all the holiday then save it.

How to add leave?

Go to leave & holidayà leave groupà Modify leave group select period from to to (JAN TO DEC OR
APRIL TO MARCH) and select yearly leave balance. After that go to leave & holiday leave approval add a
leave approval like HR, MANAGER

How to check report

Click on download punchà select device select from and to date then click on download after that save
it. After saving go to att. Process with salary select the month click on calculate attendance after that go
to report daily report
Then click on generate

How to take finger enroll database backup?

Go to device settingà backup & utility select the device click on backup

How to restore 1 deice finger to another?

Go to device settingà restore & utility click on load select backup device select all the employee select
the restore device and click on process

How to add manual punch?

Click on employee wise manual punch select from and to date select employee click on add modify
punch select entry mode raw punchà then right click add punch modify the time accordingly then save

How to deduct break time from software if employee punching 4 times his thumb in device?

Go to masterà employee group modify the group and check mark on rule number 7

How to deduct shift break time from working hours?

Go to masterà employee group modify group and check mark on rule number 20 then save it

How to provide on duty entry?

Go to transaction à on duty entry select employee click on new select duration enter the time then save

How to set late coming rule in software?

Go to masterà employee group modify it check mark on rule number 12

How to set half day or absent if employee coming late according to grace time?

Go to masterà employee groupà check mark on rule number 15

How to set half day absent if employee late in a month more than days?
Go to master employee group check mark on rule number 10, 11

How to allow OT if employee coming on WO or HOLIDAY?

Go to masterà employee group check mark on rule number 27

How to do absent holiday or weekly off if employee absent after and before?

Go to masterà employee group check mark on rule number 3 or 21

How to enable eligible for weekly off present days in a week?

Go to masterà employee group check mark on rule number 14

How to add weekly off?

Go to masterà employee group select weekly of 1ST or 2nd

How to use auto download feature?

Enable auto downloader option from software after that enter your pc IP address in device manager PC
IP address and manager port select 5005 and event sent type or event out mode TCP/IP after doing all
this setting open the auto
Downloader exe from your pc then punch the thumb in device (you have to enable all the setting from

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