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Jocelyn Medina

ESOL 0326
Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media
Do you use social media?. Almost all people have more than one social network. This has many
advantages but also disadvantages.
The social media has a lot of advantages. For example, people around the world can
communicate faster. They can make calls, video calls, send photos and feel a little closer to
their family. The second advantage is that we have a lot of information. For example, now is not
necessary to read the newspaper or listen to the radio to de informed of the news. Now we can
be reviewing our Facebook and find out about a new event that is happening in the city or
inform us of the weather in other countries.
However, use a social media has some disadvantages. Most people who have a social network
spend too much time in them. The new generations prefer to spend their free time reviewing
Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram instead of doing something productive or simply having a chat
with their parents. Another disadvantage is that it is easier to kidnap people. Almost all people
when they have a social network publish where they are and what people are with them. As I
have said is not difficult to locate a person to kidnap.
In conclusion, using social networks has benefits but you must have the maturity to use them

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