Unit 13 Statement of Aims - Nathan Bartley

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UAL Level 3 Extended Diploma

Unit 13: Unit 13: Extended project in creative media production

The Final Major Project (Year Two)


FMP unit is the summative unit in the final year of the two-year qualification. It
will provide students with a measure of self-directed learning through the
completion of a substantial creative media production and technology project.

The unit requires students to apply the skills, knowledge and understanding
developed over the entire course, to complete a creative media production project. It
will provide students with a measure of self-directed learning, and an opportunity to
further clarify their longer-term goals through their choice of an activity to explore in
greater depth

Name Nathan Bartley

Disciplines Video and Sound

(e.g. video,
animation, sound,
photography, 3D,
Project (e.g. short
film, music video,
animated Documentary about Liverpool Football Club.
documentary, advert,
branding, etc.)
Section 1: Rationale (Approx 100 words)

Before my Final Major Project we were given two projects to complete. This would
help me develop and learn lots of different aspects of Media and Design. The first
project we were given was about Idents. This helped me learn about cinema 4D
which is a software I had not learnt about before, I feel like I learnt how to use the
software well. I also used After Effects even though it didn’t make it to my finished
project I was able to use it and understand the software more than beforehand.

Doing the Documentary for my second project has influenced my choice for my
final Major Project as I feel like I will be able to create something I will enjoy
making ad that I am passionate about.

Section 2: Project Concept (Approx 200 words)

One thing I am very passionate about is football and especially Liverpool Football
Club. Football is watched world-wide by millions and even billions and is seen as
one of the (if not) biggest sports in the world. There is so much more about
Liverpool that people do not know and in this documentary, I would like to bring
light to that and currently Liverpool are in a race to win the Premier League. The
history of Liverpool is something I love and want to show to people so they could
even fall in love with the club like I have.

In order for me to create this documentary and make it as good as I can I will be
doing lots of research into Liverpool to make sure I get all my facts correct. I will be
mostly relying on resources like online data/statistics, articles and previously made
content for ideas and inspiration. Adobe Premier will be vital for me as that is the
main software I will be using to edit my documentary. I already have past
experience with the software and believe that it is what I am best with. Also if I
chose to include interviews of fans I will need things such as a camera and

Section 3: Evaluation – How you plan to record your progress (Approx 100 words)

When it comes to recording my work throughout this project I will be doing it on

weebly. I have four pages for Research, Design, Build and Evaluate. This is where
most of my recorded progress will go. Even if I make the smallest of changes while
making my documentary I will recorded it on the needed page so you are able to
see that I have made an adjustment. The idea of recording everything I do is so
that you are able to see the process of how I got my finished product. I will use the
statement of aims to reflect on the change so it is not just a list of changes, this will
mean all changes will have context with them.
Proposed Research Sources

One show that has influenced me to do a documentary is the show done by Netflix
called ‘Sunderland Till I Die’ it is a short documentary looking into the behind the
scenes of a club and that really interested me to do a documentary about
Liverpool. I will be getting recourses mostly from YouTube. But also ill be using a
lot of websites so I get my facts correct.

Equipment Required

Possibly a Camera and Microphone

Resources Required


Skills to develop/learn

Overall look at premier just to make sure I am up to date with everything.

Personnel and responsibilities

Will be working alone.

Intended audience and context

My final product will be uploaded to YouTube so that anyone interested in

Liverpool will be able to watch and learn a bit about them. My intended audience is
Liverpool fans but also just football fans. That allows my video to have a chance to
be seen by a wider audience.

How to survive a final major project

1. Do something you enjoy – look back on projects this year and think about
what skills you’ve learnt and which you have really enjoyed. What job would
you like to do in the future? How can you apply it to your project?

2. Do lots and lots of research – primary and secondary are both essential.
Use a wide range of methods and resources (as covered in unit 2).

3. Manage your time – 11 weeks is not long. Just think how fast this year has
gone so far. Plan ahead and don’t fall behind. MAKE USE OF

4. You must document everything what happens as you go along. Your entire
journey from start to finish should be fully recorded. Describe and analyse as
you go along. Every aspect of your project should be fully considered. Your
Project Action Plan and Timetable will be vital to the success of your FMP

5. Research, design, experiment, build, evaluate. Your project should evolve

over the allotted time. Be flexible and adaptable if your FMP decides to go in
a different direction than first intended

6. Critically analyse and evaluate – this will refer to the research you undertake,
the pre-production, production and post-production. Don’t just describe but
analyse, interpret, research and evaluate.

7. Listen to advice from your lecturers in formative assessment

sessions throughout the project. You might just find that as we are used to
marking work we know what the requirements are to make good/exceptional
projects. Remember, your work will be graded at Pass, Merit or Distinction,
so aim for the best grade you can and take advice on board when given

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