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Pick a Niche - Go Through the 8 Step Process For Finding A

Super Niche Worksheet (Module 1: Choosing Your Niche)
2. Select a physical Products To Send Traffic To Test if you
should wholesale this product. Follow the physical product
3. Sign up for and start reaching out to manufactures
for quotes on samples of the products you're testing. This way
when you've identified a product winner you'll already have a
jump on sourcing. (Module 2 Testing your product, Module 5
week 1 live training)
4. Sign up for Aweber and create your list. Write at least the first 4
emails for this mailing list.
5. Register your domain name.
6. Install the opt-in page templates on your website and customize
them for your product and your list.
7. Install WordPress blog on your domain and add a few pages of
content on the page so that when you submit your application
to Amazon Associates you'll be accepted.
8. Sign up for the Amazon Affiliate Program & Create An Amazon
Seller Central Account.
9. Create your bonus information report as an incentive to
encourage people to act now and buy your physical product.
10. Create a Facebook fan page so you can run page post
engagement ads
11. Launch your first Facebook ad. You should be sending traffic to
your squeeze page. Allocate about $20 to test whether your
physical product generates enough sales to cover your lead
generation costs (if it were your product i.e not commissions
Amazon pays you).
12. If you've made enough sales of the physical product, order a
sample from the manufactures you've been in touch with. If not,
choose another product and repeat.
13. While you're waiting for your product to arrive from China create
a list of products to promote to your email list. This list may
contain information products or physical products. Your
products or affiliates. While having your own information
product is the best way to maximize revenue, the most
important thing is just getting started so if that means using
affiliate products until your information products are created,
that's ok.
14. Create your trip wire and continuity program if you're going this
15. Write the rest of your email follow up sequence. See the full 41
day email calendar in Module 9 and email templates.
Remember that emails are something that should go out
several days a week. These are really important to build trust,
add value and generate revenue for your business. Emails are
not optional in this system.
16. Check your Facebook report to see if you can refine targeting to
improve your results.

This sums up creating the infrastructure for the 6 figure lifestyle

business. Remember that when you've gone through these steps
you'll have built a REAL business. Yes, it may seem overwhelming at
times but you need to focus on the big picture and know that when all
of the steps are done the boring part is over. You now have a
business that will grow with you overtime and can generate passive
income for you.

Can you expand past low 6 figures? Of course, I'd suggest you think
about other products you want to create or source - information
products or physicals. You can continue to add layers to this
business. Add more emails to your email follow up sequence either
promoting your new products or continue to promote affiliate

While the goal is passive income there are some things you should
continue to check in on your business to ensure you're getting the
best ROI possible.

Remember there is no such thing as 100% success or 100% failure

so don't forget to break down your funnel and look at key leverage
points to see where you can improve results. Here's a look at a few
places that you can improve conversions and ROI on your funnel.

Increase CTR and Decrease CPC

Increase email optin rate
increase click through rate on thank you page
increase physical product conversion rate
increase email open rate
increase email click through rate
increase sales page conversion rate
increase affiliate conversion rate.

Last piece of advice - When you join the program or start the program
look at all the steps and pull up a calendar and assign yourself
deadlines for each step. You don't need to do this all in one day.
Maybe each step can be a different day for you to focus on. Don't let
yourself get overwhelmed because the work is worth it. Don't let you
get distracted by other systems or business models that promise you
no work and all reward. I truly believe I've simplified the process of
building a real business as much as possible and the truth is that if
you really want to build a 6 or 7 figure 'passive' business you're going
to need to do some version of these steps any way you look at it.

If there are certain things that you really can't stand doing consider
partnering with someone or outsourcing aspects of the creation of this
business. Hate creating information products? Use the outsource
template in the members area. Hate writing email or sales copy? Hire
a copywriter. Right now my brother and extremely talented copywriter
Conor Lynch has a special rate for copywriting projects ($250 for ten
emails, usually $350 for the next week) for students in 6 figure
lifestyle business. Conor has written copy for myself as well as
Russell Brunson, Tim Castelman, Alex Jeffries and many other top
Internet Marketers. You can reach him at .

If you have any questions at all or need help please reach out to !

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