Project Management

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Project Management


Institutional Affiliation

The Triple Constraints and How They Relate To Each Other

The triple constraints concept is one of the fundamental theories in project management.

Many times, project managers develop strategies to make the project become relatively cheaply,

timely, and result-oriented. The primary elements of the triple constraint theory include the

scope, time, and costs (Kerzner & Kerzner, 2017).

The Scope

The scope is a primary triple constraint that entails the components of a particular project.

Essentially, a project manager should have a vast knowledge regarding the composition of a

specific project before taking further steps of its implementation. It is crucial to define a

particular document, blueprint, plan, or project to determine the finer details that can help in

improving efficiency. The project may fail to deliver its needs as a result of a poor scope which

can get attributed by not defining the project. The project managers and others should have a

vast knowledge regarding the project. The scope is dependent on time or cost. For instance, an

increase in the scope would compel the project manager to increase the value of the project or


The scope of the project usually encompasses determining the project goals, functions,

features, tasks, and deliverables (Svejvig & Andersen, 2015). The project manager should

become clear about product requirements. For instance, they should get familiar and ask

questions regarding the functions of the software, which path it uses during its development.

Another question that the project manager should ask themselves is the set of branding and

specification required for software development. The project scope also involves defining the

process requirements, which denotes the interaction of people with the products. The project

manager should describe how the data moves in and out of the system Kerzner & Kerzner,


Effective project scope is essential and involves adequate communication between the

project manager and other stakeholders to meet the intended purpose of the project. Most

notably, it helps to avoid immense challenges emanating from the preliminary stages of project

development. Additionally, the project scope describes the details, features, and deliverables that

are contained in the project which enables the project manager and the stakeholders to have a

vast knowledge regarding the project and make rational decisions at each stage of project

development and implementation (Todorović et al., 2015). For instance, it is vital for the project

manager in the engineering department and the relevant stakeholders including the government

and investors to have detailed knowledge regarding the specification and the features of the

proposed mega shopping mall before its construction begins. The project scope will enable the

respective stakeholders to make rational decisions regarding their contribution and support for

the project.

The Cost

The cost defines the budget of a particular project and is one of the triple constraints that

have a significant impact on the project. The estimation of the efforts and time of the needed to

complete a particular project is mainly dependent on the cost. The primary costs that should get

considered by when formulating the budget of a project include the resource costs, materials, and

equipment (Binder, 2016). For instance, the human resource is a typical cost that affects the

performance of the project. Hiring experienced, skilled, and competent staff would call for more

cost compared to semi-skilled or unskilled employees.


Furthermore, the incomplete employees are a cost in the long-term to an organization.

The materials are necessary for a project and may include, machinery, raw products from the

firm, as well as pieces of parts that need to get assembled. The organization usually spend some

cost on purchasing materials to help in completing the project. Notably, the project manager has

the responsibility of designing an appropriate cost of the project to avoid losses. Essentially, the

cost of the setup should not surpass the proceeds that the project can earn during a particular

period. The primary motive of most of the organizations is to make a profit, and the project

manager usually conducts an assessment and an estimation of the costs to advice on whether the

project is viable or not viable. The cost is typical before if the project manager wants to reduce

the cost, they would either increase the time or reduce its scope.

Cost is vital in any project and triggers the project manager to estimate the desirable budget that

can yield potential returns (Todorović et al., 2015. The cost is a key triple constraint that calls for

concerted efforts of the project manager during project implementation.


Time is equally essential during project development, and it is dependent on the cost and

the scope of the project. Therefore, time is money and should become one of the critical

considerations for the project manager (Todorović et al., 2015) The constraint in the time factor

is that the project will cost more money if it takes a shorter time. A relatively short scope will

also consume fewer funds meaning that the project manager will have to make rational decisions

regarding the time in project management.

Lewis Method of Managing Projects


Kurt Lewis model of managing projects is one of the theories that discuss the aspect of

change management and the strategies to get embraced when developing change (Odii, 2018).

Change management involves the process of continuously renewing the structure, direction, as

well as the capability of the organization to address the changing needs of both the internal and

external customers. Arguably, the world is dynamic and can change is inevitable. Organizations

need to become strategic and adapt to changes to enhance performance and improve the overall

return on investment (Njue & Ongoto, 2018). Transition involves an ever-present attribute in the

organizations and should be regarded as vital to enable efficiency. The technology has also

played a significant impact in change which triggers the project managers to become versed with

the modern skills and competencies of operation. Consequently, human resource management is

subject to change management as the various employees have diverse perceptions regarding the

proposed change.

Some of the workers may become adamant, which compels the project manager to devise

appropriate methods to ensure that change gets effected in the organization. A competent project

manager should determine the future needs of an organization and develop appropriate policies

that would yield potential returns (Odii, 2018). Lewis argued that project management is beyond

using tools and processes in an organization. In particular, it involves the control of the politics

and the organization and the culture. The workplace culture includes the various perceptions and

the attitude of the employees towards the management and the organization (Njue & Ongoto,

2018). Lewis emphasizes the quality of the project and notes that improving quality will reduce

the cost and improve the return on investment. Arguably, a significant number of the customers

require quality products which compel the product managers to acquire the redesign their

products to match the industry rates. Quality entails the conformation to the appropriate

specifications. Process improvement is another strategy proposed by Lewis in project

management. Typically, the activities of the organization have an impact on the overall

performance and need to get improved every periodically to match the industry standards. The

customer needs to keep changing, and the project managers should embrace continual

improvement to enhance productivity (Odii, 2018). The Lewis method of change management

stress on the following approaches


Project initiation describes the first step in project management and usually involves

defining the project scope. The stage also involves hiring the project team and setting up

premises that will be used for the proposed project (Njue & Ongoto, 2018).


Planning is essential and has significant importance in project management. Mainly, it

involves a series of steps like devising the specific goals, allocating funds, human resource, and

stating the procedure to get used during project implementation.


The implementation stages involve putting into practice the proposed plan to realize the

results. The execution stages should follow the laid guidelines to avoid derailing the primary

motive of the project


The closeout phase marks the last step of project management that involves reviewing the

results in determining whether the targets were met. Additionally, it consists of the generation of

reports regarding the performance of the project.

The importance of the Lewis theory to the project manager


Fundamentally, Lewis’s theory of project management describes the major constraints

which involve the scope, time, cost, and performance (Njue & Ongoto, 2018). The constraints

are essential for the project manager to determine the desirable features of a project. Defining the

scope and the cost of the project also makes the project manager minimize any impending losses

that may strike the project.

The aspect of quality also increases customer loyalty due to the satisfaction received from

quality products. Good quality is vital in promoting customer leads and improving the return on

investment. The project management process involves critical stages, which include the initiation

phase, project planning, execution, and closeout. The above methods enable the project manager

to note the challenges and take the necessary steps to remedy the situation. Moreover, they

enhance, effective communication, and coordination with other key stakeholders which enables

the project manager to become result oriented and successful (Njue & Ongoto, 2018).


Binder, J. (2016). Global project management: communication, collaboration and management

across borders. Routledge.

Kerzner, H., & Kerzner, H. R. (2017). Project management: a systems approach to planning,

scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons.

Njue, C. M., & Ongoto, H. K. (2018). Strategic management practices and change

implementation in selected public universities in Kenya. International Academic Journal of

Human Resource and Business Administration, 3(4), 124-149.

Odii, A. (2018). Social Media Culture: Change And Resistance, A Tool For Change

Management. The Creative Artist: A Journal of theatre and Media Studies, 11(3).

Svejvig, P., & Andersen, P. (2015). Rethinking project management: A structured literature

review with a critical look at the brave new world. International Journal of Project

Management, 33(2), 278-290.

Todorović, M. L., Petrović, D. Č., Mihić, M. M., Obradović, V. L., & Bushuyev, S. D. (2015).

Project success analysis framework: A knowledge-based approach in project

management. International Journal of Project Management, 33(4), 772-783.

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