The Ordeal of Civility - John Cuddihy (1974)

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THE ORDEAL OF CIVILITY Freud, Marx, Lévi-Strauss, and the Jewish Struggle with Modernity JOHN MURRAY CUDDIHY _ Basic Books, Inc., Publishers xew vorx xeerpts from the Collected Papers of Sigmund Freud, edited by Exnest Jones, MD. iblished by Basic Books, Ine. by arrangement with The Hogarth Press Ltd, and The ttitute of Peyche-Analysis, Lond Excerpts from Ernest Jones, The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud (New York: asic Books, 1953, 1955. 1957) reprinted by permission of Basic Books, Inc., Mrs. atherine Jones, and The Hogarth Press, Ltd “John Murray Cuddihy, “Jews, Blacks, and the Cold War at the Top,” Worldview "no. 2 (February 1972): 30-40. Reprinted by permission of Worldview: ‘gxcurpt from Walter Lippmann, “Publle Opinion and the American Jew.” The merican Hebrew #10, no. 22 (April 14, 1922): 575. Reprinted by permission of The ewish Week. ‘Excerpt from Howard Moss, “The Gift To Be Simple,” Selected Poems (New York theneum, 1972), © 1955 by Howard Moss. This poem originally appeared in The few Yorke. 956.93 C964 Copyright © 1974 by John Murray Cuddihy Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 73-90134 SBN: 465-05293-2 Printed in the United States of America 7475767778 10987654921 ‘70 my grandfathers, Thomas E. Murray, an in- ventor, and Robert J. Cuddihy, a publisher, who ‘were my first heroes, in gratitude for making the money which provided the leisure, allowing me the time (o think about what was important to ‘me (the money has now about run out) ro my late father, H. Lester Cuddihy (1896- 1953), and my mother, Julia Murray Cuddihy, in gratitude for their bringing me into the world and for their having brought me up a Catholic (although T am no longer a Catholic); 10 my wife, Heidi DeHaven, for marrying me, and for her love and constancy, and for constitu- tive help with this book; and ‘ro my three irrepressible children, Heidi, Johnny, and Julia, who have surrounded their father's life with life. PREFACE ‘This study may be considered to be a long meditation on its own epigraphs. It unpacks them. It is thelr hermeneutic. It recurs to them throughout. It isa midrash,

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