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SubTask Task Name Item of Work Unit Of Measure

Adhoc Adhoc Adhoc Adhoc

400 kV Communication Monitoring of Work PLCC for 400 KV Line NOS
Contingencies @ 3% Monitoring of Work Contingency INR
Dindi 400/220 kV SS Monitoring of Work 400/220 KVSS with 2X315 MVA PERCENTAGE
Dindi SS - Kondamall Monitoring of Work 220 KV DC Line KM
Dindi SS - Nagarkurn Monitoring of Work 220 KV DC Line KM
Estt. & Other Charge Monitoring of Work Establishment and other INR
Interest During Cons Monitoring of Work Interest During Construction INR
Nagarjunasagar-Gooty Monitoring of Work 400 KV LILO Line KM
Nagarkurnool SS 2x10 Monitoring of Work 220/132 KVSS with 2X100 MVA PERCENTAGE
Special T&P @ 1% Monitoring of Work Special T & P INR
Ssrisailam - Mamidip Monitoring of Work 400 KV DC Line KM
Quantity Unit Rate Scheme Cost Loan Amount Sanctioned Upto Date As Per Previous Claim
1 -1 -1 -0.9000000658 9.36 9.36
88971000 1 88971000 80073905.8543807 29999989.39 29999989.39
71456000 1 71456000 64310404.7018762 0 0
1050023000 1 1050023000 945020769.092563 727633329.3 727633329.33
270935000 1 270935000 243841517.827793 0 0
332863000 1 332863000 299576721.902718 184666653.2 184666653.16
256052000 1 256052000 230446816.848477 0 0
330095000 1 330095000 297085521.720581 0 0
176000000 1 176000000 158400011.580976 0 0
175504000 1 175504000 157953611.548338 0 0
23583000 1 23583000 21224701.5517849 0 0
264000000 1 264000000 237600017.371464 77999962.88 77999962.88

Quantity Due Current Unit Rate Amount Due Cumulative Expenditure
-1 0 0
1 0 29999989.39
1 0 0
1 0 727633329.33
1 0 0
1 0 184666653.16
1 0 0
1 0 0
1 0 0
1 0 0
1 0 0
1 0 77999962.88

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