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Lesson Objective:

- Explain the terms: bay, desert, mountain range, ocean, peak, peninsula, plateau, sea
- Analyse and interpret a choropleth map showing relief and main physical features
- Say at least roughly, where these physical features are in Asia:
o The Himalayas, o The Gobi and Thar deserts
o The Mekong, Indus, and Ganges river o The Bay of Bengal
o The Plateau of Tibet
Physical feature are natural features found on the Earth’s surface.

Physical features:

1. Mountains 5. Lakes
2. Rivers 6. Peninsulas
3. Seas 7. Plateaus
4. Deserts 8. Bays


In small groups, research on each physical feature and create slides to present them to your class

You slide must include:

- The definition of the physical feature (what is a plateau)

- A few examples of the physical feature (images help!)
- Choose one of the examples and state a few facts about it.
o Interesting facts about this physical feature in Asia

Lesson Objective:

- Explain the terms: bay, desert, mountain range, ocean, peak, peninsula, plateau, sea
- Analyse and interpret a choropleth map showing relief and main physical features
- Say at least roughly, where these physical features are in Asia:
o The Himalayas, o The Gobi and Thar deserts
o The Mekong, Indus, and Ganges river o The Bay of Bengal
o The Plateau of Tibet
Physical feature are natural features found on the Earth’s surface.

Physical features:

9. Mountains 13. Lakes

10. Rivers 14. Peninsulas
11. Seas 15. Plateaus
12. Deserts 16. Bays


In small groups, research on each physical feature and create slides to present them to your class

You slide must include:

- The definition of the physical feature (what is a plateau)

- A few examples of the physical feature (images help!)
- Choose one of the examples and state a few facts about it.
o Interesting facts about this physical feature in Asia
Mountain ranges

- What are mountains?

- There are many mountain ranges in Asia (darkest brown on the map). Name
o 2 that are fully in China (hint: their names have the Chinese word, mountain in it)
o 2 that lie in Iran (ZE are the initials for the two mountain ranges)
o 1 mountain range that is shared by four countries (list the 4 countries too!)
- Asia has the world’s highest mountain range, what is it called? (images help!)
o Which countries share it?
o Its highest peak is the world’s tallest mountain. What is it called?
o It also has another tall peak, in Pakistan, on which many climbers have died. Name this mountain.
o What is the name of the landform that is just north of this mountain range?


- What are deserts?

- There are two types of desert, what are they?
- Name a hot desert and a cold desert in Asia.
- For each of the deserts stated earlier, explain
o What makes it so hot/cold?
o Which countries share it?
o Do any river passes it?
o Are there any mountain ranges nearby?


- What is a peninsula?
- Asia’s biggest peninsula is shaped like a wellington. It is mostly hot desert. Name it
o State three countries in it.
- Which peninsula on the map has Malaysia as its tip?
- What are some interesting facts about the peninsula that were mentioned?

Inland Sea/Lakes & Oceans

- What are lakes?

- Name the largest inland sea/lake in Asia (hint: starts with C)
o Which countries border this sea?
o What is the name of the largest river that feeds it.
- What are oceans? What is the difference between an ocean and a sea?
- Which oceans border Asia?
- Name the sea that lies:
o Off the north east coast of Russia
o Between Vietnam and the Philippines?
o Off the south coast of Pakistan.

- What is a plateau?
- Where is the largest and highest plateau in the world?
o Give us a few interesting facts about this plateau.
- Which country does it lie in?
- What are some other plateaus in Asia? Where are they located?
- The Plateau is the source for a few big rivers in Asia


- What are rivers?

- What is the start of the river called?
- Several big rivers in Asia started in a plateau, what is the name of the plateau?
o List the rivers that started in a plateau
o Name the sea/bay it flows into. (example: Indus river flows into the Arabian Sea)
- Choose one that matches this description: (These can be your interesting facts about rivers in Asia slide)
o It is the third longest river in the world, and it flows through only one country.
o To Hindus, it’s a sacred river. It has many mouths.
o Many people in Pakistan depends on this river, for water.
o This river flows through six countries, Cambodia is one.


- What is a bay? How is it different from a sea?

- What is the largest bay (area) in the world?
o Name the three countries which border it?
o What are the rivers that flow into this bay?
- What are some interesting facts about this bay in Asia?

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