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5/24/2018 Spanish Vocabulary: Meeting People - Family and Friends Vocabulary List | Coursera

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The following is a list of vocabulary words that we'll be using throughout this module.
This is here for your review. The activities in this module will refer often to these words
and allow you to practice using them. They are organized into nouns, verbs, and
adjectives. The lists also indicate whether the word is masculine (m) or feminine (f).

1. Año: year

2. Hombre (m): man

3. Mujer (f): woman

4. Casa (f): house

5. Hijo/a: son/daughter

6. Padre (m): father

7. Madre (f): mother

8. Hermano/a: brother/sister

9. Abuelo/a: Grandfather/grandmother

10. Nombre (m): name

11. Edad (f): age

12. Familia (f): family

13. Relación (f): relation

14. Amigo/a: friend

15. Educación (f): education

1. Ser: to be

2. Tener: to have

3. Pasar: to pass

4. Hablar: to talk

5. Llamar: to call

6. Nacer: to be born 1/2
5/24/2018 Spanish Vocabulary: Meeting People - Family and Friends Vocabulary List | Coursera

7. Preguntar (por): to ask (about)

8. Estudiar: to study

9. Vivir: to live

10. Existir: to exist

ADJETIVOS (adjectives)
1. Grande: big, large

2. Pequeño/a: small, little

3. Mayor: older

4. Menor: younger

5. Especial: special

6. Único/a: unique

7. Mismo/a: same

8. Nuestro/a: ours

9. Vivo ≠ muerto: alive ≠ dead

10. Trabajador/a: hardworker

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