Management Information Systems: 1 Semester 2018 - 2019 The Web Enabled System

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1ST Semester
2018 – 2019
The Web Enabled System

Submitted by:

Xenita Vera Pitos


MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS.....................................................................1

TABLE OF CONTENTS.....................................................................................................2

REFLECTION………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
Timely as it is, the development of internet has progressed throughout the years.

It is because of this that there is a widespread use of it may it be people of different

races, cultures, or of class. This is the reason why multinational corporations have been

targeting these audiences or people that are involved in one of the world’s greatest

invention – the internet. Since the target clients of these global corporations are very

vast and varied, they have come up with several strategies in doing so in order to avoid

and counter these roadblocks. One of which was the problem with non-English

speakers. Global companies worked on creating websites which were available in

various languages in order for easier access. This does not only give them easier

access but also a gateway to carefully be able for them to learn the English language.

Other than this, these companies had adjusted to the cultures of the countries all over

the world. They had considered local products into their stores and immersed their

products in order for it to be sold according to their liking and tastes.

The concept of the internet paved way to the strategic planning of how

businesses or companies should be handled and managed. Strategic, tactical,

operational levels of management decision making got them into indulging into

Management Information Systems. It enabled them to relay information to their users

and clients. Through MIS, companies have made use of Online Analytical Processing

(OLAP) which enabled managers and analyst to interactively examine and manipulate

huge amounts of detailed and consolidated data from many perspectives. They’ve

made absolute use of telecommunications in order to create channels of accessible and

instant services worldwide. Cellular phones, videoconferencing, peer – to – peer file

sharing, among many others are a few of the telecommunications that are of daily use
of companies today. The usage of Artificial Intelligence (AIs) have also been utilized to

minimize manpower and create automated applications.

The internet is a vast and complex thing that has a million of uses. Little do we

realize how pointless or useless it would be if we didn’t have the right tools to have

access to it. This is the exact reason why the concept of the hardware and software

must be learned and thoroughly understood. Those which conspire in order to execute

input, output, data processing, and storage are of hardware devices. Basically those

which fetch, decode, execute instructions, and store instructions like keyboards, mouse,

monitor, cameras, printers, hard drives, speakers, and the like are the hardware

devices. On the other hand, software is the set of instructions and documentation which

commands the computer what to do or how to perform a task. It can either be a system

software or an application software. The systems software has the operating system

which performs common computer hardware functions, that manages hardware and

software resources. Application software, are programs that help users with certain

tasks. If we put it into picture, it is indeed true that without hardware and software, the

internet is nothing but an unreachable concept.

Global companies also had to follow the mechanisms of payment for each

country and how much they would add or deduct on specific tariffs for their services.

And as conflicting as it may be, global companies had to follow the rules or laws on how

countries have regarding the usage of internet on each of their citizens and up to what

information they could give access to. Therefore, in managing global information

systems in these companies, each have to adjust on certain factors because it is indeed
true that “the customer is always right.” And what would these companies be without

their clients?

Companies are also obligated to keep track of the transactions which come

through daily. This greatly involve the use of Accounting Information Systems which

receive records of routine business transactions, accumulate data about costs, allocate

costs to specific work orders, helps in organizing quarterly and annual budgets for

departments, divisions, and entire corporations. There should be careful management

of cash through proper and systematic recording of transactions, and analysis of

investments and services. If these has been done, a supply chain must be keep tracked

as well. It includes: the procurement of raw materials, processing the materials into

intermediate and finished goods, and delivery off goods to customers.

We can then come to the realization of how important Management Information

Systems are in business today. It would support in planning, controlling, and making

decisions overall. Data from clients can be collected in large amounts. With this data

collected, processing of what they want can be done swiftly through a proper supply

chain and accounting information system. For without MIS especially during this time,

companies or organizations are considered as no good.

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