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MATH-SCI-COM 2018 Activities

WAVEFRONT: Accentuating Potentials, Activating Technological
 On the Spot Poster Making Contest
 Science Fair Exhibit 2018 (@SHS activity center, time and date ?)
 Math-Sci-Com Program (@ UB gym Sept 28, 2018 8 – 11am)
National Anthem
Welcome address/opening remarks
Math Sci Com Wiz 2018 (Top 12)
Trashionista 2018
Intermission num
Spoken Word poetry (Top 3)
Intermission num
Rubiks cube challenge (top5)
Closing remarks
Afternoon Activities (1 - 5pm)
Academic Race (@UB Quad)
Specimen viewing (Fund raising activity @ UB gym)
On the spot invention (Topic:Electromagnetism) - @ UB gym
Dota competition -venue?

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