1997 FX150

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‘This manual should be considered a permanent part of the motoreyele and should remain with the motorcycle when. tes0ld oF otherwise transferred to a new owner or operator. ‘The manual contains important safety information and instruc: tions which should be read carefully before operating the motorcycle. IMPORTANT [BREAKIN (RUNNING) INFORMA. THON FOR YOUR MOTORCYCLE ‘The fst 1600 km (1000 mies) are The most imporsant inthe lof your "Mocreyele. Prope break: operation Gurl tie tne will Pep ensure mo mur bf ang perfoemance from your Row mmotoreycle. Sumit para” 39 ‘onutactured of high quay mater [Ter end machined parts ar fichos to clece tolrances, Proper bresksn Sporation allows the machined su face to bokeh each other and mate Motoreyele relepitty_and_perfor (mance pend on special are and festa exercised during the break In'perod. eis copecily important nat you avoid operating the engine ‘ha manner whieh cous axpose the Plgase reter to the BREAKIN TRUNNINGIND saction for specific breakin recommendations WARNING/CAUTION{NOTE Instructions careuly. To emphasize ‘pocial sormation the weds WARN. ING. CAUTION ana NOTE cerry spe Cal meanings and should beearetaly Pre ar ae ro Teoma cece Pet ceecta Es [ “Reavnion_— ea cae eae ole levies pwede a penton tbe (alone ave og. | NOTE: Ths provides special infor. | | FOREWORD Motorcycting is one ofthe most ox herating sports and to ensure your ticking eryment. You shou bocome ‘horeughly amir with te infor Yon peberted inhi Owner's Maal betore nding the mororyele ‘The proper care and malntonance thet your mooreyte requires s out fwd" th mancat By atowing shee trctone ey you lite for your motoreyee. Your gute, ‘aod Stull dealer hes experienced Your machine with the ext posable Service, with ‘the ght Tool and eauipant Al information, tstravons, photo ‘raphe and specitatene contained inthis manual are batod on te atest Product information avaiatie at the time of publication, Bus to improve ‘ents thor enonges the maybe tome discrepancies in thie manual Surukl recor the night to make chhangoe at any tne, Please note at tis mana applies tall specications forall respective ment. Therelore, yout model May ave ciferartstandord eae shown in ths manuel. ‘SUZUKI MOTOR CORPORATION © coPyGT suzuKI MOTOR TABLE OF CONTENTS consumeR INFORMATION LOCATION OF BARTS, CONTROLS ey feumou* srrc. IMsraumenT Pani irr nauoeens ‘HOKE Levek Alger manag Fue ‘Tame car FUEL vate y ex STanTEa sven, Seance eves ean aeake Pea Star Loew ano ME mowoens ‘3 san. [SUSPENSION ADJUSTMENT FUED AND ENGINE Dl RECOMMENDATION BREAKIN (KUNNINGIN} INSPECTION BEFORE HIDING RIDING Tis. STARTING WE Ein STARTING OFF swe Te TAs sion ‘MONG OW HU ‘STOPPING AND PARKING INSPECTION AND. MAINTENANCE, ‘MAMTENANCE SéMDUNE Tous ee Tae {ugacanon Poms earner i ean ‘Pane PLUS. et wos wwe oS: Enna ‘mes Hen i nertacetenr fuses TROUBLESHOOTING SPECIFICATIONS ‘CONSUMER INFORMATION ACCESSORY INSTALLATION AR PRECAUTION SAFETY TIPS Thece ate = rest variety of accessor es avalabiote Suzuk ownors. Suas (can mot have ect control ove he ualty or suitability of accessories Youmay wont purchase. ne ace ‘sto unsafe operating conatone Iie not porsibte for Suzukt to test Sach" accessory on tha market oF ‘Srcbinations ofa the vada sc cease; owever, Your dealor can Sos you m selecting cuality acces” fre Sd instting them conecty ‘ns netling th aecercorie for yout Strutt We have developed some swroral guideline which wi 3 you Sthen desing whether, and how #0 PONS Ine azasaves o odteatons| nn your moter wate sd on lend Wem scieat. Naver mot the motoreyle with in- eon o poe ictalledseessros Follow sinstactins inthis owna's manual ropering.sceesaries odifeadon Use gine SUZUI n- Your SUZUKT dealer if you have any tetions © Certain sccessoree sienlace te ride am fis or her nova ‘ising postion” Tis lie the fteadom of movement of the rir ana may lena his or her con tro ay © Asditional electrical accessories tmey overload tne existing lt Cal systam. Severe. ovaroase Or create a dangerous ston ‘hes to theloss of lecncal pow {F during the operation of tho \inen saryng a load on te mato yee, moun slow ou possible ard 35 cose ot poseibo tothe machine. ‘Animpropery mounted oad ea ce aaah contr ray wich = Eyck afew so handle, The sss of {he “iosd™ can sin fen the aor dynamic ad handing oft rake ye, Balance the lood between te Si and et side of he motorcyce

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