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The Greedy Goat

A very good morning to the honourable judges,

timekeeper, teachers and all fellow contestants. The title of
my story is “The Greedy Goat.”
In the far end of a village, there was a black goat
named Janggut. It was known as a very greedy goat.
Janggut had tricked many other animals.
Janggut thought he was very strong and powerful. No
animals would dare to challenge him. But what he did not
know was, all the other animals hated him so much.
Janggut had no friends. As always, he will graze in a
nearby field all by himself. Alone and lonely. Suddenly, a
herd of cows came with their shepherd.
The shepherd left his cows to graze in the field with the
goat. This made Janggut very angry. He tried to chase the
cows away. “Shoooo! Shoooo! Go away! Do not eat the
grass here! They are all mine!” How dare you come and
eat the grass without my permission! shouted Janggut to
the cows. But the cow ignored him and went on grazing.
“Nyum….. Nyummm…. Nyumm…. Ignore the greedy
goat.” Said one of the cow to his friends.
The goat became very angry and went to the
shepherd. “Pak Mail, there were some cows grazing in my
field! Help me to chase them away! said Janggut.
Hmmmm….what will I get if help you chased them away?
said Pak Mail. I will do anything for you Pak Mail. Anything
you want… Said Janggut. Ok then. I will chased the cows
away but remember your promise.”
Pak Mail chased the cows to graze in another field.
Janggut felt very happy. Hahaha.. now the field is mine. I
don’t have to share it with other animals. Hahahha..
Janggut laugh and continued grazing happily.
That evening, Janggut followed Pak Mail home. What
he did not know it was his last meal. Janggut was tied up
and slaughtered by Pak Mail for his daughter’s wedding. It
was a sad ending for Janggut. Dear fellow friend, the moral
of the story is we must not be greedy. The gift from God
should be shared with others. The end.

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