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Muhammad usman [BSPHYE-18-53]

Mubeen ali [BSPHYE-18-39]

Aniq akram [BSPHYE-18-47]

Azhar ali [BSPHYE-18-19]

Asad ali [BSPHYE-18-51]

The determination of Stefan- Boltzmann constant σ.

1.Stefan’s Law

This law state that the total radiant heat energy emitted from a surface is proportional the fourth
power of it’s absolute temperature.[only for black body].


R=Energy flux

Ϭ=Stefan’s constant

T=temperature in kelvin

2.Stefan constant

The Stefan’s constant defines the power per area emitted by a black body as a function of its
thermodynamic temperature.


Stantard value=5.67x10‐8 wm⁻2k‐4[1]


Stefan’s constant can be used to mearsure the amount of heat that is emitted by a black body.
Itsabsorbs all radiant energy in the from of light that hit it and will emit all the radiant energy.[3]

Heater, temperature-indicators, box containing metallic hemisphere with provision for water-flow
through its annulus, a suitable black body which can be connected at the bottom of this metallic


A black body is an ideal body which absorbs or emits all types of electromagnetic radiation. The term
‘black body’ was first coined by the German physicist Kirchhoff during 1860’s. Black body radiation is
the type of electromagnetic radiation emitted by a black body at constant temperature. The spectrum
of this radiation is specific and its intensity depends only on the temperature of the black body. It was
the study of this phenomenon which led to a new branch of physics called Quantum mechanics.

According to Stefan’s Boltzmann law (formulated by the Austrian physicists, Stefan and Boltzmann),
energy radiated per unit area per unit time by a body is given by,

Where R = energy radiated per area per time, ε = emissivity of the material of the body, ϭ = Stefan’s
constant = 5.67x10-8 Wm-2K-4, and T is the temperature in Kelvin scale.
Choose desirable values of water temperature, surrounding temperature, mass and radius of the disc
using the sliders.Click the "Power ON" button and wait till T1, T2 ,T3 reach steady state. Note down its
values.Putting T4 button, click "Fit the disc'' option.Note down T4 at different intervals of time till it

reaches steady state.Plot. Temperature-Time graph and determine its slope .Determine Stefan's

constant ' ϭ ' using the given formula.[3]

1. Determination of temperature of Sun from its energy flux density.
2. Temperature of stars other than Sun, and also their radius relative to the Sun, can be
approximated by similar means.
3. We can find the temperature of Earth, by equating the energy received from the Sun and the
energy transmitted by the Earth under black body.[4]


Mass of the copper disc = ...... kg

Specific heat of copper = ...... Jkg-1

Radius of the disc = ..... m

Area of the disc = ......m2

Slope of the graph = ……Ks-1

Substituting the values in the given expression,

= …………………………… Wm-2K-4


Stefan-Boltzmann’s constant σ =……………. Wm-2K-4


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