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" Academy of Management Beview

1998, Vol. 23, No. 1, 133-153.


Arizona State University

Building on agency and prospect theory views, we construct, in this article, a behav-
ioral agency model of executive risk taking. In the model we combine elements of
internal corporate governance with problem iraming to explain executive risk-taking
behavior. The model suggests that executive risk taking varies across and within
different forms oi monitoring and that agents may exhibit risk-seeking as well as
risk-averse behaviors. We develop specific propositions that combine monitoring with
performance and the framing of strategic problems to explain executive choices of
strategic risk. The resulting propositions enhance and extend the agency-based cor-
porate governance literature on executive risk taking.

"Agency theory ... [is characterized] by its em- tive and naive. This narrow view of risk has
phasis on the risk attitudes of principals and prevented a fuller understanding of managerial
agents" (Barney & Hesterly, 1996: 124). Specifi- decision making under conditions of dissimilar
cally, principals are considered risk neutral in risk bearing and risk preferences between
their preferences for individual firm actions, agents and principals. In this article we attempt
since they can diversify their shareholdings to enhance agency theory's treatment of risk by
across multiple firms. Conversely, since agent addressing these limitations.
employment security and income are inextrica- We can challenge agency-based views of risk
bly tied to one firm, agents are assumed to ex- on several counts. First, risk remains an under-
hibit risk aversion in decisions regarding the developed concept within agency theory. In gen-
firm in order to lower risk to personal wealth eral, agency-based corporate governance mod-
(Donaldson, 1961; Williamson, 1963). However, els restrict risk-taking behavior of agents either
agent risk aversion creates opportunity costs for
risk-neutral principals who prefer that agents to risk aversion (preferring lower risk options at
maximize firm returns (Baysinger, Kosnik, & the expense of returns) or neutrality (seeking
Turk, 1991; Garen, 1994; Hill & Hansen, 1989; Hill, options where risk is compensated), thus tend-
Hitt, & Hoskisson, 1988; Hoskisson, Hitt, & Hill, ing to neglect the possibility of risk-seeking (cf.,
1992; Morck, Schleifer, & Vishny, 1988). This "risk Fiegenbaum, 1990; Jegers, 1991; Machina, 1983;
differential" (Beatty & Zajac, 1994; Coffee, 1988) Markowitz, 1952; Piron & Smith, 1995; Wiseman &
between agents and principals creates a "moral Bromiley, 1996) or risk-"loving" behavior (accept-
hazard" problem in the principal-agent relation- ing options where risk is not fully compensated;
ship. The challenge of corporate governance is e.g., Asch & Quandt, 1990; Bulmash & Maherz,
to set up supervisory and incentive alignment 1985; Coffee, 1988; Piron & Smith, 1995). In gen-
mechanisms that alter the risk orientation of eral, agency scholars consider non-risk-averse
agents to align them with the interests of prin- preferences outside those induced by the com-
cipals (Tosi & Gomez-Mejia, 1989). Despite the pensation contract as either special cases
fundamental role risk plays in the calculus of (Jensen & Meckling, 1976: 338-340) or "uninter-
agency theory, it is our contention that agency esting" (Arrow, 1971) and, therefore, generally
theory's formulation of risk has been too restric- ignore them altogether. In contrast, a large body
of knowledge on risk-taking behavior (Bowman,
1980; Bromiley, 1991; Fiegenbaum, 1990; Jegers,
We thank the following individuals for their very helpful
1991; MacCrimmon & Wehrung, 1986; March &
comments on earlier drafts of this paper: Philip Bromiley, Shapira, 1987; Sinha, 1994; Tversky & Kahneman,
Dave Balkin, Jeffrey Coles, William Glick, Richard Gooding, 1981) has grown independently from the agency
Kent Miller, Amy Pablo, and Harry Sapienza. literature, challenging the restrictive risk as-
134 Academy of Management Review January

sumptions often included in agency-based mod- Finally, despite a growing body of research on
els. By incorporating this literature into agency- multiperiod contracts (Elitzur & Yaari, 1995;
based models of corporate governance, we can Holmstrom & Milgrom, 1987; Lambert, 1983),
relax these assumptions and possibly improve scholars' treatments of agent risk and perfor-
the explanatory power of agency models of cor- mance in the corporate governance literature
porate governance. often are linear and recursive. That is, their
Second, both normative and positivist agency models of agent behavior tend to predict perfor-
scholars typically assume stable risk prefer- mance outcomes based on the agent's risk pref-
ences (often characterized as a second-order erences (McGuire, 1988; Rees, 1985), current
utility curve; e.g., Lambert, 1986; Shavell, 1979) in wealth (Elitzur & Yaari, 1995), and the risk and
models explaining changes in organization performance characteristics of available op-
wealth (e.g., Holmstrom, 1979). This premise con- tions (Hoskisson et al., 1992; Kerr & Kren, 1992).'
tradicts behavioral decision theory (Bazerman, Evidence from outside of the agency stream,
1994; Kahneman & Tversky, 1979; March & however, demonstrates a more complex relation
Shapira, 1992) and research (Bromiley, 1991; between performance and executive choices of
Fiegenbaum, 1990; Jegers, 1991; Kahneman & risk (cf., Wiseman & Bromiley, 1996). For exam-
Lovallo, 1993; Lant, 1992; Wiseman & Catanach, ple, an executive's current wealth may provide
1997) and ultimately limits agency theory's con- only a point of reference for assessing prospects
tribution to explaining how managerial risk tak- as opposed to directly influencing the prefer-
ing affects firm performance. In this article we ence for risk (cf., Kahneman & Tversky, 1979), as
relax the assumption that agents hold consis- some agency models contend (Holmstrom &
tent risk preferences (e.g., increasing or decreas- Milgrom, 1987). Further, executives' choices of
ing risk aversion) and utilize a contingency- risk also may be influenced by their prior suc-
based view from behavioral research on risk cess at selecting risky alternatives (March &
taking to allow for the possibility of varied risk Shapira, 1987; Webber & Milliman, 1997). Taking
preferences by the agent in a corporate gover- a more longitudinal and dynamic view of risk
nance context. and performance may enhance our explanation
of agent risk taking and may improve explana-
Third, despite considerable theoretical (e.g., tions of firm performance resulting from mana-
Baysinger & Hoskisson, 1990; Coffee, 1988), ana- gerial choices.
lytical (e.g., Holmstrom, 1979; Shavell, 1979), and
empirical (e.g., Hoskisson et al., 1992) support for In sum, agency theory's contribution to corpo-
a link between governance structure and agent rate governance has been limited by its simplis-
risk choices, the precise relationship remains in tic assumptions of consistent risk aversion
question. This suggests that models relying on among agents, its modeling of a recursive influ-
governance structure alone may be inadequate ence from risk choice on performance, and its
and that additional factors may influence man- inability to provide unambiguous predictions of
agerial risk taking. For example, scholars exam- corporate governance's influence on executive
ining managerial risk taking have found that behavior. These limitations provide both a chal-
governance factors alone provide insufficient lenge and an opportunity for us to improve
explanations of managerial risk preferences agency-based models of managerial risk taking.
(Catanach & Brody, 1993; Golbe & Shull, 1991). It is our contention that the recent emergence of
Further, some preliminary evidence suggests behavioral decision models of risk can contrib-
that aspects of the decision situation, as cap- ute directly to redressing these limitations. Al-
tured in "problem framing" and as suggested by though the potential contribution of behavioral
prospect theory (Kahneman & Tversky, 1979), decision theory to agency theory has been ac-
add to corporate governance models of manage- knowledged (Coffee, 1988; Gomez-Mejia, 1994;
rial choice behavior (Palmer, 1995; Wiseman & Gomez-Mejia & Wiseman, 1997), scholars have
Catanach, 1997). We propose here a more com- not yet formally linked or integrated it with the
prehensive view of managerial risk taking, for-
mally integrating both the risk and performance
attributes of the choice situation as well as the ' Multiperiod contract models utilizing utility theory, how-
ever, have recognized a role for agent wealth and have
internal governance structure into a synthetic argued that, assuming agents are risk averse, preferences
view of managerial risk. for risk aversion may decrease as agent wealth increases.
1998 Wiseman and Gomez-Mejia 135

parallel agency-based literature on the same 1992). Those creating behavioral models of deci-
subject. In this article we integrate behavioral sions find that risk preferences of decision mak-
decision theory views on risk with agency rela- ers and, thus, their risk-taking behavior change
tions in a corporate governance context in order with the framing of problems (Kahneman &
to develop a synthetic model of managerial risk Tversky, 1979; Lant, 1992; Sitkin & Weingart,
taking. 1995). Agency theorists, in contrast, assume con-
sistent choice behavior across differently
framed problems based on normative views of
A BEHAVIORAL AGENCY MODEL OF choice behavior (e.g., rational expectations and
MANAGERIAL RISK TAKING utility theory) and, therefore, do not consider the
The behavioral agency model (BAM) we de- importance of problem framing. In behavioral
velop here takes a meso-theoretic perspective of decision models scholars frame problems by
corporate governance by integrating comple- comparing anticipated outcomes from available
mentary views of risk within an agency context. options against a reference point. Positively
In particular, we argue that prospect and framed problems occur when available options
agency theories are complementary so that com- of varying risk and return generally promise
bining them may improve the predictive and acceptable expected values. Negatively framed
explanatory value of agency-based models of problems occur when available options gener-
executive risk-taking behavior. Since much of ally promise unacceptable expected values.
the argument underlying BAM builds from Thus, problems can be framed as a choice
agency views of the principal-agent relation- among potential gains or a choice among poten-
ship, the model developed here is restricted to tial losses. Using current wealth or executive
settings where the interests of agents and prin- aspirations (cf., March & Shapira, 1992) as the
cipals differ and, therefore, is primarily con- reference points for framing problems as gain or
cerned with the efficacy of corporate gover- loss, behavioral models predict that decision
nance mechanisms designed to improve the makers exhibit risk-averse preferences when se-
principal's control over the agent. Further, since lecting among positively framed prospects and
corporate governance encompasses a broad exhibit risk-seeking preferences when selecting
realm of factors, we constrain the model to ex- among identical but negatively framed pros-
amine key elements of incentive alignment and pects (Kahneman & Tversky, 1979).
monitoring control and how the decision and Underlying this shift in risk preferences be-
risk-bearing attributes associated with these el- tween positively (gain) and negatively (loss)
ements influence executive choices of firm strat- framed problems is the concept of "loss aver-
egy involving risk. This restriction assumes that sion." Loss aversion (see Table 1 for a list of
an agent's (specifically, a senior executive's) terms and definitions) concerns the avoidance of
risk preferences are displayed through his or loss, even if this means accepting higher risk
her choice behavior on behalf of the firm (i.e., (Tversky & Kahneman, 1986). Hence, loss aver-
strategic choices) and that these choices hold sion is not to be confused with the assumption of
implications for the firm's performance and the risk aversion found in most agency formula-
agent's employment and compensation risk (cf., tions. In particular, loss-averse decision makers
Amihud, Kamin, & Ronen, 1983; Amihud & Lev, are more sensitive to losing wealth than to in-
1979). Since this scenario still represents a large creasing wealth (Tversky & Kahneman, 1986,
proportion of public corporations, we feel the 1991). Hence, loss aversion explains a prefer-
resulting model is sufficiently generalizable to ence for riskier actions to avoid an anticipated
warrant attention by corporate governance loss altogether over less risky options to merely
scholars. minimize the loss (Thaler & Johnson, 1990),
which suggests that risk preferences of loss-
averse decision makers will vary with the fram-
Problem Framing and Risk ing of problems in order to prevent or reverse
Much of scholars' conceptual and empirical losses and thus preserve their utility (Coffee,
examination of risk outside the agency litera- 1988). The assumption of risk aversion underly-
ture is based on behavioral decision theory and, ing agency theory, however, suggests that
in particular, prospect theory (Sitkin & Pablo, agents will prefer options with the highest ex-
136 Academy of Management Review January

TABLE 1 ^'
Definitions of Key Terms Used
Term Definition

Aspirations Performance or wealth goals used in judging the acceptability of alternatives

Behavioral evaluation criteria Means-based evaluation criteria focusing on decisions and other behaviors
Compensation mix Proportion of variable pay in the compensation scheme
Down-side risk Probability that a loss will result from a given option
Employment risk Threat of termination
Gain context Anticipating a return in excess of one's reference (e.g., aspirations) for gauging
Instant endowment Immediately including either just-received or fully anticipated wealth into one's
calculations of personal wealth
Layering Adding variable pay to a compensation scheme without changing the amount of base
Loss aversion Preferring options that avoid losses altogether over options that limit the size of the
Loss context Anticipating a return below one's reference (e.g., aspirations) for gauging acceptability
Problem framing Framing a choice situation as a potential loss or a potential gain relative to some
reference point, such as current wealth or aspirations for wealth
Restructuring Converting some portion of base pay into an equivalent amount (in expected value
terms) of contingent pay
Risk aversion Preferring lower risk options at the expense of returns
Risk bearing Perceived risk to agent wealth that can result from employment risk or other threats to
agent wealth
Risk neutral Preferring options with the highest expected value and in which the risk is fully
Risk seeking (loving) Accepting options in which the risk is not fully compensated in hopes of realizing the
up-side potential of the option
Risk taking Choice of investment risk from among the firm's investment opportunities
Target difficulty Probability of not achieving a performance goal

pected value subject to some limit on risk, ment risk from among the firm's investment
which, in the case of losses, would mean ac- opportunities.^
cepting smaller losses with minimal uncer- While accepting that agents may become
tainty. more risk averse in response to increased risk
Risk bearing. Risk bearing plays an important bearing, BAM proposes that risk bearing par-
role in agency models of executive behavior tially mediates the influence of problem framing
(Beatty & Zajac, 1994; Coffee, 1988). Specifically, on risk taking. This view extends Sitkin and
normative agency scholars have argued that Pablo's (1992) argument that "perceived risk"
risk bearing increases risk aversion by aggra- may mediate the influence of problem framing
vating the overinvestment problem faced by on risk taking. Their reasoning is that, under
managers (Amihud & Lev, 1981; Holmstrom, 1979; conditions of gain (positively framed problems).
Holmstrom & Milgrom, 1987; Shavell, 1979). Risk
bearing generally occurs by design, through
governance mechanisms devised to transfer risk ^ Our view oi risk bearing differs from standard utility
(i.e., risk sharing) from the principal to the agent maximization views of risk "shifting," which seek to identify
an optimal allocation of risk between the principal and
(thus, placing more of the agent's income at agent and assume that the contract transfers risk from the
risk), or is inherent in the role of the agent owing principal to the agent. Further, not all the value an agent
to the employment risk that cannot be diversi- receives because of his or her position is included in the
fied away. Building on this view, we use "risk contract. For example, membership on the local arts boards
bearing" to represent perceived risk to agent (e.g., museum trustee) may be tied to the agent's position
wealth that can result from employment risk or (e.g., CEO). Hence, threats to a variety of intangible items,
including one's image, also may be included in risk bearing,
other threats to agent wealth. "Risk taking," but, for purposes of simplicity, we will continue to talk about
however, represents the agent's choice of invest- threats to wealth.
1998 Wiseman and Gomez-Mejia 137

decision makers perceive more risk to wealth and incentive alignment affect managerial de-
since they now have something to lose— cisions under particular decision contexts.^
namely, the anticipated gains to wealth. Con- These arguments lead to our first proposition:
versely, when facing a loss condition, decision
makers perceive less risk to wealth, since the Proposifion 1: To the degree that exec-
wealth is effectively already lost. This argument utive wealth is tied to firm perfor-
presents a cognitive explanation for why deci- mance, risk bearing partially medi-
sion makers act conservatively when facing ates the influence of problem framing
gains (the award of anticipated wealth is still at on risk-taking behavior so that posi-
risk) but take greater risks when facing a loss tively framed problems increase risk
(there is nothing to lose here but the loss itself). bearing, and risk bearing, in turn,
Their definition of perceived risk as threats to exhibits a negative influence on risk
wealth (cf., Sitkin & Pablo, 1992: 14) conforms taking.
nicely with the notion of risk bearing we use Performance history. Operating from an as-
here. Thus, adapting their argument to reflect a sumption that sunk costs (and gains) are irrele-
principal-agent setting, we assume that pros- vant to choices of future investment options, cre-
pects for future firm performance impact the ators of agency-based models generally have
wealth of executives. That is, when forecasts of assumed a recursive relation in which risk
firm performance are satisfactory (a gain situa- choice influences performance. When these
tion), executives anticipate positive gains to per- scholars have considered the influence of per-
sonal wealth (e.g., bonuses, normal raises, and formance on risk preferences (e.g., multiperiod
so forth) and act conservatively. Conversely, models), they have generally looked at how the
when forecasted performance is unsatisfactory, agent's current wealth may influence agent
executives may anticipate losses to wealth (e.g., preferences for risk as modeled along a quad-
raises may be withheld, the value of stock op- ratic utility function for the agent (often speci-
tions may fall, and so forth) and therefore enter- fied as decreasing risk aversion; e.g., Lambert,
tain greater strategic risks on behalf of the firm. 1986).
Thus, to the extent that executive wealth is im-
pacted by firm performance, executives are Prospect theorists and the related work of oth-
likely to perceive more risic to personal wealth ers on the behavioral theory of the firm (e.g.,
(i.e., risk bearing) under conditions of gain but Cyert & March, 1992; March & Shapira, 1987,
less risk to that wealth under conditions of loss. 1992) challenge this view by suggesting that the
This counterintuitive argument provides a cog- results of previous strategic choices (past and
nitive explanation for why the framing of prob- current performance) also may influence risk
lems as losses or gains may influence a deci- bearing and, ultimately, risk taking through its
sion maker's risk preferences. effect on the reference point used in framing
problems (e.g., Bromiley, 1991). Thaler (1980)
Based on this argument, we predict that risk makes the point explicitly by arguing that sunk
bearing partially mediates the link between costs (and, presumably, sunk gains) matter in
problem framing and risk taking.^ Recognizing a choice behavior. Indeed, it is the influence of
mediating role for risk bearing between prob- prior performance on choice behavior that
lem framing and risk taking represents a criti- clearly distinguishes behavioral models from
cal, though missing, link in agency-based for- rational expectation views of decision, such as
mulations as well as behavioral models of those captured in traditional agency models
executive risk, because it allows us to make (Tversky & Kahneman, 1986). This perspective,
differential predictions as to how monitoring graphically shown in Figure 1 and captured in
our second proposition, argues for a dynamic

' Although Sitkin and Pablo (1992) propose a fully medi-

ating role for perceived risk, preliminary empirical evidence •* It is also possible that risk bearing moderates the rela-
supports only a partially mediating influence (Sitkin & tion between problem framing and risk taking so that
Weingart, 1995). Further, both the behavioral theory of the greater risk bearing increases risk aversion in gain situa-
firm and prospect theory predict a direct effect from problem tions. However, it is not clear how risk bearing would mod-
framing on risk taking. A partially mediating role best ac- erate the relation in loss situations. (We thank an anony-
commodates these arguments. mous reviewer for this suggestion.)
138 Academy of Management Review January

A Behavioral Agency Model of Managerial Risk Taking

Internal/external Compensation Stock Behavioral

performance mix options evaluation
indicators design criteria


7a, 7b

Performance 2 Problem p Risk

history ^ ^ framing taking

P 6a, 6b

Direct P8a,8b>, Target

supervision difficulity

relation between risk and prior performance so mance targets for the awarding of variable pay,
that rising performance should raise the refer- and (4) the selection of measures used in evalu-
ence point used in framing a problem as gain or ating performance (Gomez-Mejia & Balkin, 1992).
loss and, consequently, decrease the probability In this section we examine the effects of each of
of a gain context. these elements separately in order to under-
stand each element's influence independent of
Proposition 2: Rising firm performance assumed interrelations. This approach relaxes
over time elevates agent aspirations assumptions of correspondence and internal
for future firm performance and thus
consistency among these elements and, we be-
decreases the probability of a gain
context. lieve, enhances the generalizability of our
model to a broader set of compensation arrange-
ments, and it allows us to explore factors not
Incentive Alignment and Risk generally present in such contracts as direct
In agency-based models incentive alignment supervision and the use of behavioral criteria.
as a control mechanism is achieved by making Compensation mix. One major issue in the
some portion of agent compensation contingent design of compensation schemes concerns the
upon satisfying performance targets specified allocation of pay between variable and base
in the contract (Welbourne, Balkin, & Gomez- forms (Harris & Raviv, 1979). This issue relates to
Mejia, 1995). As such, incentive alignment gen- the debate in the corporate governance litera-
erally involves four issues: (1) the allocation of ture over the ultimate influence of incentive
compensation between base (i.e., any contractu- alignment schemes on agent risk taking
ally guaranteed pay, such as salary) and vari- (Gomez-Mejia, 1994). At the heart of this debate
able (i.e., any nonrecurrent and/or contingent is a controversy over the relative importance of
pay, such as a performance bonus) forms, (2) the the incentive and risk-bearing properties of
design of variable pay forms of compensation variable pay (Beatty & Zajac, 1994). In one argu-
(e.g., stock options), (3) the setting of perfor- ment performance-based pay schemes that link
1998 Wiseman and Gomez-Mejia 139

a portion of compensation to firm performance and that pursuit of these targets jeopardizes fu-
"reduce a risk-averse manager's natural ten- ture base pay (e.g., augments the chances of
dency to reject variance increasing projects" executive dismissal), agents essentially are
(Larcker, 1983: 10). According to this view, agents faced with a choice between safeguarding fu-
are motivated to improve personal wealth, and ture base pay (i.e., reducing employment risk),
when that wealth is strongly linked to the with conservative firm strategies that smooth
wealth of firm owners, executives will exhibit income streams, create firm growth at the ex-
risk preferences similar to those of principals by pense of profitability, hoard cash, and so forth
selecting riskier strategic options (Coffee, 1988; (Baumol, 1959; Marris, 1964; Williamson, 1963), or
Mehran, 1995). Conversely, when executive com- pursuing contingent pay with riskier firm strat-
pensation is insulated from firm performance, egies that promise better firm performance (and,
no incentive exists to accept risk, and executives therefore, contingent pay awards) but that also
should exhibit risk aversion when selecting raise the probability that the target will not be
among strategic options (Bulmash & Maherz, met and thereby increase employment insecu-
1985; Hill et al., 1988; Hill & Snell, 1989). Under rity for the executive (Donaldson, 1984; Hoskis-
this argument pay incentives in the form of con- son et al., 1991, 1992). As we noted earlier, this
tingent pay contractually promote agent self- argument assumes that the pursuit of riskier
regulation (in lieu of direct supervision), to the strategies designed to achieve performance tar-
benefit of the principal (Welbourne et al., 1995). gets linked to the award of contingent pay also
Findings by Larcker (1983) and others (Hill & places future employment at risk should those
Hansen, 1989; Hoskisson et al., 1992) suggest that strategies fail (Walsh & Seward, 1990). However,
managers receiving contingent pay do increase we argue that if executives count future base
capital investment and R&D spending, which pay in perceived wealth, then loss-averse
presumably implies that higher variance (i.e., agents may seek to protect future base pay by
riskier; cf., Mansfield, 1969) projects are now be- opting for lower strategic risk on behalf of the
ing pursued. firm, which, in turn, constrains firm perfor-
In contrast, a normative agency argument rec- mance. Recasting the problem of compensation
ognizes that when managers bear too much risk, design in this way allows us to develop a model
they become increasingly risk averse (Holm- of agent risk preferences under differing com-
strom, 1979; Holmstrom & Milgrom, 1987; Shavell, pensation designs using prospect theory predic-
1979). This view argues that owing to noise in tions of choice behavior under uncertainty.
the relation between agent actions and firm per- BAM asserts that executives make a distinc-
formance, managers seek to reduce uncertainty tion between base pay and ex ante contingent
in firm performance when their compensation is forms of variable compensation. Consider a ba-
closely linked to that performance (Amihud & sic compensation scheme that includes ex ante
Lev, 1981; Coffee, 1988; Kroll, Simmons, & Wright, contingent pay,^ which is tied to the achieve-
1990; Lewellen, Loderer, & Marktin, 1987; Sloan, ment of specified performance targets, and base
1993; Walsh & Seward, 1990). Cannella and Gray pay and adjustments (i.e., salary and normal
(1992) indirectly support this argument by noting market adjustments) that are fixed over the life
that in high-risk situations, firm performance is of the compensation agreement. Consistent with
unrelated to executive pay, indicating that risk normative agency views, contingent pay is dis-
is compensated, whereas under conditions of tinguished from base pay by the degree of un-
low risk, firm performance is closely related to certainty associated with each so that increases
pay (cf., Garen, 1994). in the proportion of contingent pay increases
One resolution to this debate recasts the prob-
lem of compensation design as a situation in
which agents must choose between different ' Ex ante contingency compensation differs from ex post
forms of pay (base and variable) having differ- variable compensation in that the targets and rewards for
ent risk and payoff characteristics. Specifically, achieving those targets are specified in the contract prior to
executive action, whereas ex post variable compensation
BAM suggests that when a compensation (discussed later, under "Monitoring and Risk") represents a
scheme includes both base pay and ex ante "settling up" process whereby boards determine bonus
contingent pay (variable pay that is contractu- awards and other pay following executive actions (Finkel-
ally linked to risky firm performance targets) stein & Hambrick, 1996; Gomez-Mejia. 1994).
140 Academy of Management Review January

"compensation risk" (Holmstrom, 1979; Holm- Shefrin & Thaler, 1988; Thaler, 1985, 1990). Ex-
strom & Milgrom, 1987; Shavell, 1979). In our ex- panding on this theme, Strahilevitz (1992) argues
ample executives know with certainty the that regular pay may be used primarily for re-
amount of salary they will receive in each year current consumption expenses (e.g., rent, food,
of their contract since it is specified, but they utilities, and so forth), whereas uncertain pay
cannot predict the amount of contingent pay (e.g., unanticipated bonuses) is more likely to be
they may receive in each year, since the amount used for nonessential expenses and savings
depends on a variety of unpredictable market (see also research by Arkes, Joyner, & Stone,
and economic factors. Thus, contingent pay con- 1994; Henderson & Peterson, 1992; Rucker, 1984).
tains greater uncertainty for the agent than base These findings indicate that employees tend to
pay since the latter is fixed over the period of the spend assured income on practical necessities
contract, whereas the awarding of contingent linked to their standard of living (houses, cars,
pay is not. and so forth) but prefer nonessential items (va-
The distinction we make above suggests that cations or luxuries) when spending unexpected
executives may view future base pay much like or highly uncertain income. Essentially, base
a renewable annuity and therefore include it in pay is tied directly to an executive's customary
calculations of perceived current wealth. This standard of living, whereas variable pay is less
assumption builds on the concept of instant en- so since it is an unreliable source of income.
dowment (Thaler, 1980), which recognizes that Indeed, Balkin and Banister (1993) have noted
decision makers immediately include into cal- that most executives attach little security to
culations of personal wealth money just re- variable forms of compensation, suggesting that
ceived (Franciosi, Kujal, Michelitsch, Smith, & its loss represents less risk to wealth. Hence,
Deng, 1996; Thaler & Johnson, 1990). This argu- threats to future base pay and its value (e.g.,
ment is reasonable if we recognize that pur- losing cost-of-living or market adjustments)
chases involving multiyear loans (e.g., homes would seem more salient than threats to vari-
and cars) are made on the premise, by both the able pay, since losses associated with future
buyer and lender, that the buyer's current base base pay pose a significant threat to an execu-
pay will continue indefinitely into the future. tive's perceived wealth, future earnings poten-
Hence, future base pay is instantly endowed tial, and, ultimately, to his or her standard of
into calculations of perceived current wealth.^ living. Loss of true variable pay (i.e., nonrecur-
However, true ex ante contingency pay is not as rent contingent compensation) poses a less se-
likely to be included in this calculation since it vere loss because it is normally used for discre-
is far less certain. Executives may receive large tionary consumption expenses and savings that
amounts in some years (Compflash, 1995; Rainie, can be deferred more easily into the future or,
Loftus, & Madden, 1996) and none in other years perhaps, foregone altogether (Arkes et al., 1994;
owing to changing firm fortunes and economic Strahilevitz, 1992).
conditions. Thus, an executive's reference point If we count base pay in perceived current
for gauging compensation prospects depends wealth—and do not count ex ante contingent
largely on anticipated base pay, since this pay pay—we reduce the prospects facing the agent
is counted in calculations of perceived current to protecting perceived current wealth (i.e., re-
wealth. ducing employment risk, protecting normal ad-
A variety of empirical evidence provides indi- justments to base pay, and ensuring future earn-
rect support for this argument. For example, sev- ings potential) or to risking that wealth in
eral scholars have noted that people treat regu- pursuit of variable pay. By assuming that they
lar income differently from how they treat are loss averse and not risk averse, BAM holds
unexpected windfalls (O'Curry & Lovallo, 1992; that agents are indifferent toward uncertainty
(Shapira, 1995) but hold clear preferences re-
garding loss (Tversky & Kahneman, 1991). In
^ It is also possible that agents may include future market other words, agents are more concerned with
adjustments to base pay (e.g.. normal raises) and future avoiding loss to perceived wealth than to at-
earnings potential in calculations of perceived wealth. If tracting additional wealth (loss avoiders rather
this is true, threats to these forms of wealth occur as relative than wealth maximizers). Hence, compensation
deprivation (lagging the market) and declines in the execu-
tive's market value (Fama, 1980). risk bearing results primarily from threats to
1998 Wiseman and Gomez-Me;'ia 141

wealth in the form of base pay. As a corollary, and offered back as a gamble. These arguments
we observe that if future base pay is insulated underlie the following two BAM propositions:
from threats arising from pursuit of variable
pay, then risk bearing is reduced, allowing vari- Proposifion 4a: Increasing the amount
able pay to provide incentives for agents to se- of contingent pay in total compensa-
lect riskier strategic options. tion through layering has no effect on
risk bearing.
Proposifion 3a: Risk bearing results Proposition 4b: Restructuring base pay
from threats to future base pay and into contingent pay creates a per-
anticipated adjustments to that pay. ceived loss for the agent.
Proposition 3b: To the extent that fu- Stock options design. BAM also differs from typ-
ture base pay is insulated from the ical agency views in predicting how a popular
threat of loss, agent risk bearing is form of variable pay—stock options—may influ-
reduced and agents may therefore be ence executive risk taking. Again, building on the
more willing to pursue contingent pay concept of insfanf endowment (Thaler, 1980; Thaler
through riskier strategic choices. & Johnson, 1990), we suggest that stock option
schemes may increase risk bearing of the execu-
Clearly, BAM's perspective of risk bearing dif- tive (and, thus, increase risk aversion) rather than
fers from traditional agency views. Building on decrease risk aversion, as suggested by those ar-
utility theory arguments regarding risk (cf., guing incentive alignment (cf., Pavlik & Belkaoui,
Markowitz, 1952), developers of traditional 1991). Our view argues that if, like base pay, pre-
agency models view compensation risk as the viously awarded (though not exercised) options
proportion of compensation that is variable, and become part of perceived current wealth (i.e., are
they see this measure as a proxy for risk bearing instantly endowed), then, consistent with the no-
(cf., Beatty & Zajac, 1994; Gray & Cannella, in tion of loss aversion, choices between preserving
press). This has led agency scholars to view this wealth and earning new options should result
risk and, indeed, risk bearing in terms of un- in a conservative risk-averse posture. Hence, op-
certainty. It follows from this view that if tions awarded annually in a multiyear contract
agents are risk averse, they are averse to un- may serve to increase risk aversion over time.
certainty and thus prefer higher proportions of Specifically, positively valued stock options cre-
certain compensation over uncertain (vari- ate risk bearing when executives anticipate the
able) compensation. returns from exercising those options in the future.
Loss-averse managers respond to this risk by pre-
In contrast, as discussed earlier, we assume
ferring actions that preserve this anticipated
agents are loss averse—not risk averse. Hence, value over actions that enhance the value. Corre-
we argue that the amount of contingent pay in spondingly undiversified equity holdings in the
the compensation package design has little ef- employing firm (from employee stock option
fect on agent risk bearing when simply added to plans, exercised options, and so forth) would act in
a compensation scheme (i.e., "layering"), since a manner similar to options having a positive
its loss is not likely to pose a threat to perceived down-side risk. However, if the down-side risk of
wealth. That is, adding more contingent pay to a options is set to zero (i.e., the stock option value is
given compensation design has no effect on insulated from any adverse consequences of risk
agent risk bearing since risk bearing results taking), then option awards may not result in risk
from the threat to base pay engendered from aversion.^ The resulting BAM propositions are as
pursuit of contingent pay. Alternatively, "re- follows:
structuring" compensation schemes, whereby
some portion of base pay is converted into vari-
able pay, creates a loss condition for the agent. ' An important limitation to these arguments concerns the
This conversion of "certain" pay into "uncertain" horizon of investment payoffs relative to the realization of
pay induces this loss condition for the agent stock awards. If, for example, stock holdings or options can
be converted to cash at market value in the near future,
since the future pay that was counted in per- executives may select investment options designed to raise
ceived wealth (and possibly allocated to paying the near-term market value of the company at the expense of
for a long-lived asset) has now been taken away the long-term value (Bizjak, Brickley, & Coles, 1993).
142 Academy of Management Review January

Proposifion 5a: Unexercised, posi- a corollary, targets must continually adjust

tively valued stock options create risk with performance trends (within the con-
bearing for the agent, which ulti- straints of industry norms for executive con-
mately increases executive risk aver- tracts) if a loss context is to be maintained and
sion. risk aversion discouraged. This leads to the
Proposition 5b: Stock options do not next BAM propositions:
create risk bearing for the agent when
the down-side risk of stock options is Proposifion 6a: A high, variable-pay
set fo zero. target increases the probability that
executives will face a loss decision
Target setting. A third issue in the design of context and ultimately leads to an in-
an incentive alignment control system concerns crease in executive risk taking.
the attainability of performance targets used in
awarding variable pay. Target attainability, as Proposition 6b: Variable-pay targets
well as the specific targets employed, varies must adjust with performance to en-
considerably across compensation agreements sure that executives face loss decision
(Gomez-Mejia & Balkin, 1992). The question of contexts.
target attainability ultimately concerns the ef-
fect of high or low targets on risk-taking behav- Performance measures. The fourth issue in the
ior. Agency-based corporate governance models design of incentive alignment mechanisms con-
are relatively silent on this issue, even though it cerns the choice of outcome measures used in
appears to be a crucial element in governance evaluating executive performance. Corporate
design. governance scholars long have argued the rel-
Several behavioral views (e.g., Kahneman & ative merits of accounting (or internal) versus
Tversky, 1979; March, 1988; March & Shapira, market-based (or external) measures for evalu-
1987) provide guidance by suggesting that, ating agent performance (e.g., see reviews by
holding other factors constant, higher (more Gomez-Mejia, 1994; Gomez-Mejia & Balkin, 1992;
difficult) performance targets ultimately in- Lambert & Larcker, 1985a,b; Sloan, 1993). How-
crease risk taking, whereas lower (easier) per- ever, their discussion has failed to provide un-
formance targets reduce risk taking. Follow- ambiguous guidance in the selection of outcome
ing arguments by Payne, Laughhunn, and criteria. The argument centers on the informa-
Crum (1980), we argue that the performance tional properties of the two measures, as well as
targets (used in awarding variable pay) influ- their effects on incentive alignment. As Sloan
ence the location of the reference point to the notes: "[T]he optimal contract involves a trade-
extent that executive aspirations are influ-
off between incentive alignment and risk shar-
enced by the performance targets specified in
ing" (1993: 61), and "the relative weights place[d]
their compensation agreement. Although other
on the two performance measures [earnings and
factors also may influence executive aspira-
stock price]... are chosen to minimize the
tions for firm performance and thus the loca-
amount of noise to which the CEO is exposed"
tion of this reference (including performance
history, peer performance, market conditions, (1993: 62-63). Thus, one agency argument con-
and so on), it seems clear that the explicit centrates on the effects of a measure's "noise"
performance targets in the compensation on agent risk bearing and suggests that market-
agreement must play a significant role in set- based measures may increase the risk borne by
ting this reference point, which suggests that executives (requiring that a risk premium be
executives frame strategic problems as poten- paid to the agent), since they measure perfor-
tial gains or losses by comparing forecasts of mance largely outside the manager's control
firm performance against the performance tar- (Lambert, 1993). A counterargument focuses on
gets specified in their compensation agree- the link between principal and agent interests
ment. Thus, high, variable-pay performance and proposes that awarding incentives through
targets relative to performance forecasts cor- the use of market-based criteria increases the
respond to loss contexts (ultimately increasing likelihood that executives will exhibit behavior
agent risk-iaking behavior), and vice versa. As consistent with the interests of principals (i.e..
1998 Wiseman and Gomez-Mejia 143

risk-neutral behavior; Finkelstein & Hambrick, and other exogenous factors (e.g., peer perfor-
1989; Jensen & Murphy, 1990a; Rappaport, 1986). mance). This leads us to predict that the use of
This latter argument focuses more on the moti- (internal) accounting measures leads to higher
vational than the informational properties of the forecasted performance relative to performance
two performance measures. Neither argument, aspirations, thereby increasing the probability
however, recognizes behavioral processes that of a gain context and thus risk aversion,
might drive executive behavior, but each rests whereas the use of (external) market-based
instead on an assumption of agent risk aversion, measures lowers performance expectations rel-
which, as we argued previously, can result in ative to aspirations, thus increasing the proba-
contradictory predictions of executive behavior. bility of a loss context and risk taking.^
In contrast, prospect theory provides a behav- We observe that considerable empirical evi-
ioral foundation for guiding this debate and for dence supports BAM's prediction. For example,
instructing future research on this question by R&D spending is lower among firms using ac-
replacing the assumption of agent risk aversion counting measures than among firms using
with an assumption of loss aversion. market-based measures (Coughlan & Schmidt,
The executive compensation literature indi- 1985; Jensen & Murphy, 1990b). Meanwhile, oth-
cates that agents exhibit a preference for account- ers suggest that market-based measures corre-
ing-based performance measures, whereas prin- spond to higher levels of risk taking (Paul, 1992;
cipals prefer market-based measures (see Rappaport, 1986). Thus, BAM's prediction corre-
Gomez-Mejia & Balkin, 1992: 204-205, and Go- sponds to standard agency expectations regard-
mez-Mejia, Tosi, & Hinkin, 1987, for discussions). ing the influence of measurement criteria on
Managers find internal or accounting-based agent risk taking. However, BAM differs in its
measures easier to control than external or mar- explanation by suggesting that the influence of
ket-based measures, because they can alter ex- measurement criteria on risk taking occurs indi-
penses, reallocate capital or cash flow, change rectly—through its effect on the executive's
accounting procedures, and so forth (Dyl, 1989; framing of problems. Thus, to the extent that
Hunt, 1985; Varrecchia, 1986); market value, how- performance targets are independent of perfor-
ever, is more subject to exogenous economic mance measures, we expect the selection of per-
factors (Elitzur & Yaari, 1995). Thus, managers formance measures to influence the probability
may feel more secure in achieving targets based of each decision context. These arguments lead
on accounting measures. But principals clearly to the next BAM propositions:
prefer market-based measures because they are
less susceptible to manipulation and are more Proposifion 7a: Reliance on market-
closely aligned with their personal wealth based (external) outcome performance
(Jensen & Murphy, 1990a). Given this distinction criteria increases the probability of a
between accounting- (internal) and market- (ex- loss context.
ternal) based outcome measures, it seems rea- Proposition 7b: Reliance on account-
sonable to argue that the use of accounting- ing-based (internal) outcome perfor-
based measures should increase the perceived mance criteria increases the probabil-
probability of achieving target performance ity of a gain context.
over that of using market-based measures.
Thus, executives should expect higher perfor-
mance relative to aspirations when accounting- Monitoring and Risk
based measures are used but will forecast lower Monitoring generally provides an alternative
performance relative to aspirations when mar- mechanism to incentive alignment for control-
ket-based measures are used. This prediction ling agent activities (Beatty & Zajac, 1994; Eisen-
assumes that the selection of performance mea-
sures influences expectations for performance
but not aspirations, since performance forecasts * If aspirations adjust with the selection of performance
(i.e., expectations) are controlled by the execu- measures, then the predicted influence may be nullified.
tive, whereas aspirations are largely influenced Hence, this prediction is dependent upon the independence
by the design of the corporate governance (e.g., of the selection of the performance measure and the deter-
mination of target difficulty or performance aspirations. (We
performance targets specified in the contract) thank an anonymous reviewer for this point.)
144 Academy of Management Review January

hardt, 1989; Gomez-Mejia & Balkin, 1992; Tosi & sion, standards (such as performance targets)
Gomez-Mejia, 1989). Whereas incentive align- should be lower, reflecting the agent's desire to
ment contractually links performance outcomes establish accessible goals that reduce employ-
to agent compensation through ex ante contin- ment risk and ensure contingent pay. The vigi-
gent pay (Finkelstein & Hambrick, 1996; Gomez- lance of monitoring, therefore, should relate to
Mejia, 1994), monitoring concerns an ex post "set- the difficulty of performance targets and, thus,
tling up" process whereby monitors directly to the executive's reference point for success.
observe and evaluate either the agent's behav- Formally stated:
iors, outcomes, or both and then determine
compensation awards. Monitoring, therefore, Proposition 8a: Strong supervision of
involves the use of behavioral criteria and direct an executive by the board corresponds
supervision. Unlike some agency theorists' exam- to more difficult performance targets.
inations of monitoring, we examine the mecha- Proposition 8b: Weak supervision of
nism of supervision separately from the behav-
ioral evaluation criteria normally employed. an executive by the board corresponds
to easier performance targets.
Direct supervision. Although some have criti-
cized agency-based models of corporate gover- Behavioral evaluation criteria. Monitoring
nance for generally ignoring direct supervision control with behavioral criteria also may influ-
(Hirsch, Friedman, & Koza, 1990; Perrow, 1986), ence risk bearing and, subsequently, risk tak-
there are models that have included it (e.g., ing. Some agency arguments suggest that focus-
Beatty & Zajac, 1994; Hoskisson & Turk, 1990). ing on executive behavior may decrease
One criticism of these models is that they have executive risk aversion by allowing owners to
confounded the mechanism of control (in this punish observed instances of risk aversion di-
case, supervision) with the criteria of evaluation rectly, while rewarding risk-neutral behaviors.
(agent behavior vis-a-vis outcomes; see Ouchi & Baysinger and Hoskisson (1990) provide a ratio-
Maguire, 1975; cf., Eisenhardt, 1985). That is, nale for this relation by arguing that replacing
when supervision is considered in agency for- incentive alignment (compensation linked to
mulations, it is generally thought of as focusing performance criteria) with direct supervision
on agent behavior, since outcomes are more ef- translates into replacing financial controls
ficiently captured in contractually based incen- (outcome performance) with strategic controls
tive alignment mechanisms. This suggests that (agent behavior; cf., Ouchi & Maguire, 1975).
agency views of supervision within the gover- Their argument goes on to suggest that the use
nance literature may be underdeveloped re- of strategic controls lowers risk sharing by man-
garding its ultimate influence on agent behav- agers, since it relieves managers of achieving
ior (Westphal & Zajac, 1995). outcomes they can only partly influence, and
At a minimum, direct supervision would seem instead focuses evaluation on means, which are
to involve setting and communicating perfor- assumed to be objectively and accurately as-
mance standards to the agent (Mitnick, 1994). It sessed. Though compelling, Baysinger and
also seems reasonable for us to assume that, Hoskisson's argument assumes that monitors
within the constraints set by industry practice utilize accurate and unbiased information about
and the market for executives, these standards strategic behavior in evaluating executive ac-
are strongly related to the principals' (and, tions. This implies that strategic behaviors can
hence, monitors') preferences. In a BAM perspec- be assessed relatively unambiguously by inside
tive board supervision then establishes the directors intimately familiar with the business.
standards for executive success. Unambiguous In contrast, we argue that because of the inher-
communication of these standards results in ent ambiguity of the appraisal criteria used in
clear performance targets for the executive, the evaluation of senior executives (Ferris &
which, as argued previously, should influence King, 1992; Kanter, 1977), and because of the ne-
an agent's aspirations or reference point for suc- cessity of reaching consensus over those criteria
cess. If principals are vigilant in their role, we among a diverse and varying set of monitors,
would expect that the standards they set should the use of behavioral criteria is likely to in-
be higher than the standards set by the agent. crease agent risk bearing, resulting in greater
Conversely, in the absence of vigilant supervi- preferences for lower risk strategic options.
1998 Wiseman and Gomez-Mejia 145

Prospect theory proponents (Tversky & Kahne- formation upon which to make more "rational"
man, 1981, 1986) and others, going back to Simon judgments. This occurs because it is difficult for
(1947; March & Simon, 1958) and, more recently, principals to disentangle the role of potential
within the governance literature itself (Walsh & agent incompetence from unfortunate circum-
Seward, 1990), have challenged assumptions of stances. Therefore, if agents, in good faith, took
rational decision making requiring accurate risks desired by principals, they could increase
and unbiased information. These challengers the probability of an unfavorable evaluation, to
point out that behavior is, in itself, equivocal the extent that the outcomes from those risks
and subject to unique interpretation that is ex- were not acceptable to the monitors.
perience dependent (Weick, 1970). Performance Finally, it is important to recognize that eval-
appraisal, in particular, has been shown to be uation of executive behavior is done collectively
heavily influenced by the evaluator (Becker & by a group of monitors (i.e., the board of direc-
Cardy, 1986). Thus, monitors with diverse back- tors) having different backgrounds, experience,
grounds may individually frame responses dif- and frames of reference, but who must reach
ferently, according to idiosyncratic schematic consensus over the executive's performance.
processing and prioritization (Waller, Huber, & Changes in group membership may affect the
Glick, 1995), which can result in unique percep- group's power structure and, thus, the selection
tions, interpretations, and prioritizations of and prioritization of the evaluation criteria em-
agent behaviors by monitors (Fiske & Taylor, ployed. This further raises ambiguity in the
1984). Further, a host of biases can influence
evaluation process, since it creates uncertainty
performance evaluation significantly (Bernadin
& Beatty, 1984; Bernardin & Buckley, 1981; Cardy about what criteria this group may deem rele-
& Dobbins, 1994; Murphy & Cleveland, 1991). vant. Unlike financial controls, where agents
These biases are compounded by the fact that may estimate the probability of achieving a
relevant aspects of performance often are am- specified performance target in advance of per-
biguous and are left to be determined by indi- formance, behavioral control prevents this esti-
vidual evaluators (Murphy & Cleveland, 1991). mation, since the target is unknown until after
Without a common frame of reference, some performance. The uncertainty surrounding the
monitors may be severe and others lenient in selection of specific criteria adds to the ambigu-
their evaluations of a given behavior. All this ity agents face when monitors employ behav-
suggests that even insiders may not agree on ioral criteria.
the appropriateness of a given strategy. In sum, if an agent has reason to suspect that
Exaggerating monitor biases in performance taking risks may lead to negative evaluations
appraisal is the ex post specification of behav- because the appraisal criteria and performance
ioral criteria. Unlike financial outcome criteria, targets are ill defined until after the actions are
which generally are specified in advance, be- taken—and are thus subject to a wide range of
havioral criteria are not fully specified in hindsight interpretation—then the agent subject
advance but are determined at the time of eval- to behavioral criteria should frame the situation
uation, following the observation of agent be- as riskier and should reduce risk taking. There-
havior. This clearly creates the potential for un- fore, we predict that executives subject to be-
certainty in how monitors will perceive and havioral criteria by the board of directors are
interpret a given behavior. For example, nega- less able to discern how monitors will evaluate
tive information has been shown to carry more their performance than when assessment is
weight than positive information (Edder & Fer- based on more objectively and unambiguously
ris, 1989); therefore, the interpretation of behav- defined (financial) criteria. This leads to the last
ior using post hoc criteria is subject to the fram- BAM proposition:
ing of information received (Kameda & Davis,
1990), so monitors view a given behavior more Proposifion 9; The use of behavioral
favorably when outcomes are acceptable than criteria by the board creates uncer-
when outcomes are unacceptable (Becker & tainty for the executive over how per-
Cardy, 1986). As Walsh and Seward (1990) point formance will be evaluated, increases
out, boards make performance attributions to agent risk bearing, and ultimately re-
managers largely because they lack better in- duces agent risk taking.
146 Academy of Management Review January

IMPLICATIONS AND EXTENSIONS centives for the agent that are tied to firm per-
formance, without the threat of loss that pursu-
In order to focus attention on how behavioral
ing higher return projects could entail (cf..
theory may inform agency models of corporate Arrow, 1996).
governance, our development of BAM has been
centered on selected elements of internal corpo-
rate governance design. We have chosen these Compensation Design
elements to highlight and then examine key bi- Within the context of incentive alignment, we
ases regarding risk within agency theory that might also consider implications from recogniz-
have limited its contribution to models of corpo- ing the opportunity costs and sanctions in com-
rate governance. In this section we extend BAM pensation design. Opportunity costs penalize
by exploring additional issues that may help premature turnover by delaying the realization
distinguish BAM's contribution to corporate gov- of some portion of compensation into the future
ernance. Implications from this discussion may (stock options awarded that cannot be exercised
provide the basis for future conceptual develop- for several years). The effect of this scheme on
ment and offer guidance for empirical research. agent risk-taking behavior seems to depend on
One major contribution of BAM is the replace- whether the value of that compensation is tied
ment of an assumption of risk aversion with an to the outcome of current strategic choices, as
assumption of loss aversion in models of corpo- well as to the extent that this delayed compen-
rate governance. By assuming loss aversion, we sation will be awarded if the executive was ter-
portray agent self-interest in a manner that dif- minated prematurely. We suggest that "golden
fers from the "wealth maximizing" view gener- handcuffs" and other forms of opportunity costs
ally implied in agency formulations. Drawing may create risk-averse behavior in the same
from behavioral decision theory (Tversky & manner as base pay. This view assumes that
Kahneman, 1986), we argue that self-interested delayed compensation is subject to instant en-
individuals are less concerned with maximizing dowment effects and thus becomes part of per-
future wealth than minimizing losses to present ceived personal wealth. Actions that threaten
wealth. Reframing the problem of corporate gov- this wealth (i.e., pursuing risky options) would
ernance in this way has implications for a vari- then be eschewed in favor of risk-averse
ety of issues, including explanations for R&D choices.
investments (e.g.. Hill & Snell, 1989), for diversi- Sanctions represent another extension of
fication decisions (e.g., Amihud & Lev, 1981; Kroll BAM. Agency-based corporate governance mod-
et al., 1990; Kroll, Wright, Toombs, & Leavell, els tend to focus on rewarding behavior rather
1997), for the use of "poison pills" (e.g., Kosnick, than on imposing sanctions, yet loss of antici-
1987), and for investments in capital intensity pated gains (i.e., lack of cost-of-living adjust-
(e.g.. Hill & Snell, 1989). For instance, it seems ments or market adjustment raises) is an impor-
that loss minimization provides a more parsimo- tant part of compensation. One avenue for
nious and accurate explanation for executive investigating the effects of sanctions emerges
preferences for poison pills, "golden para- from Thaler's (1985) examination of coding
chutes," and diversification than does wealth mixed gains and losses. His work suggests that
maximization, since these decisions generally individuals prefer to integrate mixed gains and
seek to limit losses to wealth while incurring losses when the net outcome is a gain but prefer
opportunity costs (i.e., sacrificing some portion to segregate gains from losses when the net
of uncertain wealth prospects). Indeed, if agents outcome is a loss. The precise role of these pro-
are more concerned about protecting current cesses in compensation design raises questions
wealth than attracting additional wealth (or about how and whether variable pay can sub-
even minimizing uncertainty), then compensa- stitute for apparent sanctions to base pay result-
tion designs that simultaneously protect the ing from a lack of increases in base pay. Further,
present and future base pay of agents (through Thaler's argument has implications for how dis-
poison pills, golden parachutes, and so forth) tinct compensation decisions (e.g., for different
and that provide agents with strong variable- forms of raises and bonuses) be communicated
pay incentives may be in the principals' best and paid to executives (cf., Lippert & Moore,
interests, since these designs will provide in- 1994). Are choices that threaten losses viewed in
1998 Wiseman and Gomez-Mejia 147

isolation, or are they pooled with choices that achievement corresponding to the difficulty of
promise gains in strategic choice opportunities? the targets. Recognizing multiple targets of
Although financial theorists (Cardoza & Smith, graduated difficulty greatly complicates the re-
1983; Sharpe, 1964) suggest a portfolio view, lationship among performance target difficulty,
whereby choices are pooled so that independent executive aspirations, and behavior. Multiple
risks are balanced against one another to mini- performance targets potentially provide execu-
mize the overall risk of the portfolio, behavior de- tives with multiple reference points for success.
cision theorists suggest a sequential approach in How executives select from among those targets
which down-side risk may be minimized for each may depend on the range of difficulty the tar-
individual choice (Kahneman & Lovalo, 1993). This gets represent and the independence of the tar-
view has special application to multiyear con- gets. For example, if independent targets vary in
tracts, where choices of risk may be pooled or difficulty, executives may endow into calcula-
viewed sequentially across the years of the con- tions of personal wealth bonuses associated
tract. How sanctions are treated when mixed with with easy targets: this would affect the incentive
gains represents an important avenue for future value of more difficult performance targets, es-
research that could have major implications for pecially if progressively higher targets required
compensation design. progressively riskier investments containing po-
tential losses large enough to eliminate the
gains from prior target achievement.
Performance Measures and Targets
Consistent with traditional agency views, the
BAM predicts that the performance target previous argument clearly suggests that as
used in compensation design to award variable target difficulty increases, the variable-pay
pay will positively influence the aspirations awards attached to the target must increase pro-
used by executives to frame problems as posi- portionately. However, rather than basing the
tive (gain) or negative (loss). This view can be size of the award on the uncertainty of target
extended in two ways: (1) by asking if limits achievement, we believe that the award must
exist to this monotonic relation and (2) by recog- compensate for the potential loss of variable
nizing multiple performance targets in contract pay already "earned" (from reaching the easier
design. Evidence from goal-setting theory (e.g., targets) but not yet awarded. That is, executives
Bandura, 1986; Locke & Latham, 1990) suggests a may evaluate the rewards of pursuing the next
nonlinear relationship between goal difficulty more difficult target relative to the loss of both
and effort. That is, as targets become more dif- base and anticipated bonus pay. Even if the
ficult, their influence on behavior lessens, since probabilities of reaching each target are identi-
the targets become increasingly perceived as cal but their outcomes are interdependent (loss-
impossible. This argues for a limit to the influ- es in one negatively affect gains in another),
ence of performance targets where this influ- awards must become progressively larger to at-
ence on executive aspirations may be margin- tract agent interest in their pursuit, since each
ally decreasing with the difficulty of the target. variable-pay award must compensate for the
Correspondingly, goal time horizons also may more heavily valued loss of anticipated vari-
influence perceptions of goal achievability able-pay awards as well as future base pay.
(Bandura, 1986). It seems likely that the further Estimating the weighting of losses relative to
targets extend into the future, the less likely gains and how executives calculate current
they will influence executive aspirations. The wealth represents two important research is-
precise relationship between specified perfor- sues for guiding compensation design.
mance targets and a decision maker's reference Related to performance target difficulty is the
point remains an avenue for future exploration. question of measurement. A considerable num-
Further, formally incorporating goal-setting the- ber of studies on performance measures have
ory into agency models of compensation design focused on capturing and compensating for the
may provide new ways of viewing the criteria noise within various performance measures.
used in awarding variable pay. This research has sought to find performance
Contracts generally contain multiple perfor- measures, individual or in combination (e.g.,
mance targets with graduated variable-pay Sloan, 1993), that provide unambiguous signals
awards that have different probabilities of of agent effort and risk preferences. Despite con-
148 Academy of Management Review January

siderable empirical and analytical attention, distinguishing between the mechanism and cri-
this research has yet to provide clear direction teria for monitoring. For example, although ex-
(Lambert, 1993; Moody, 1992). Taking a different plicit risk sharing is not evident in supervision
view, BAM acknowledges that different perfor- (compensation may not be tied to uncontrollable
mance measures contain different forms of performance factors), situational risk may ex-
noise and examines the effects of these different ceed that of an incentive alignment mechanism.
forms on problem framing. Noise created by fac- Clearly, investigations of differences in per-
tors outside the executive's control creates the ceived risk under these two systems seem
potential for loss contexts, whereas noise engi- warranted.
neered by executives to obscure effort levels We have omitted from BAM any recognition
creates gain contexts. Looking at noise in this that executives may engage in upward influ-
way helps us avoid some of the measurement ence. However, Westphal and Zajac (1995; Zajac
problems of extant research (Lambert, 1993). Fur- & Westphal, 1995) provide evidence that execu-
ther, it suggests new research into the effects of tives may manage board control through ingra-
ambiguity on aspirations independent of perfor- tiation and other tactics designed to induce
mance effects. That is, executive aspirations board member acquiescence to executive pro-
traditionally have been modeled on relatively posals. Extending the model to recognize exec-
unambiguous signals of performance (e.g., his- utive upward influence tactics would add mod-
torical and peer performance; Lant, 1992). This erating influences on two relationships. First,
leaves open the question of how ambiguity in upward influence may act as a deterrent to
performance signals may moderate their influ- board vigilance; second, it may decrease the
ence on executive aspirations. ambiguity and, thus, risk bearing associated
with behavioral criteria. For example, a primary
motivation for executive upward influence
Monitoring would be limiting negative performance ap-
Our view of monitoring draws a strong dis- praisals and ensuring executive discretion,
tinction between the mechanisms of control (di- which may be accomplished by gaining prelim-
rect supervision) and the criteria of control (be- inary acceptance (i.e., "buy-in") from board
havior). We believe that failure to recognize this members for strategic choices, thereby increas-
distinction has confounded prior examination of ing board member reluctance to criticize those
monitoring. In particular, we argue that the use choices later. This action ultimately reduces the
of behavioral evaluation criteria ultimately in- ambiguity associated with the use of behavioral
creases agent risk aversion by increasing agent evaluation criteria, since boards would have ex-
risk bearing. Increased risk bearing occurs be- pressed commitment to specific behaviors in ad-
cause behavioral evaluation criteria are more vance. Hence, we could extend BAM by introduc-
subjective and subject to ad hoc interpretation, ing executive upward influence as a moderator
which can create ambiguity about what criteria of the relation between behavioral evaluation
may be utilized and, ultimately, uncertainty criteria and risk bearing. Executive upward in-
over the eventual outcome of the evaluation. fluence also may moderate the influence of su-
Further, the use of direct supervision in an pervision on target difficulty. This would occur if
agency context is subject to the same behavioral executives reduce board member anxiety over
issues attending other elements of interpersonal executive decisions though tactics designed to
relations, such as perceptual bias (Cardy & Dob- create trust, strengthen the monitor's confidence
bins, 1994; Weick, 1970) and trust (Mitnick, 1994). in the executive, and enhance monitor percep-
These factors seem to increase agent risk bear- tions of executive stature and competence
ing by tying future compensation, and even em- (Westphal & Zajac, 1995; Zajac & Westphal, 1995).
ployment, to ex post evaluation of performance.
Yet modeling these factors in agent settings has
been obscured by a focus on information avail- Market Factors
ability (Eisenhardt, 1985). BAM underscores the Finally, BAM can be extended by looking out-
importance of this line of research by providing side the framework of internal corporate gover-
a mechanism for understanding the general re- nance factors and recognizing a role for market
lations among these factors and by analytically factors in the model of executive risk choice. In
1998 Wiseman and Gomez-Mejia 149

particular, rising peer compensation relative to internal corporate governance on executive risk
the executive's compensation may influence the bearing and risk taking. By necessity, our explo-
framing of the compensation problem facing the ration narrowly frames the setting and issues
executive and, therefore, his or her risk choices. that we consider and leads us to overlook some
This argument builds on equity theory, which, potentially important and relevant relations and
when applied to executives, suggests that exec- issues. For instance, we explicitly focus on only
utive perceptions of compensation given a level two theoretical perspectives and thus ignore
of effort are tied to perceptions of peer wealth/ other theories that may also contribute useful
effort ratios (Wallace & Fay, 1992). Within BAM, explanatory power to a model of executive be-
peer salary levels would influence executive as- havior. By focusing on internal corporate gover-
pirations for compensation (i.e., a compensation nance, we ignore the potential role that external
reference point, which should be distinguished market factors may play in limiting our argu-
from the reference used in evaluating strategic ments. Conversely, it is possible that our argu-
choices) so that rising peer salaries (and, pre- ments extend beyond the corporate governance
sumably, wealth/effort ratios) should positively setting examined here. For example, our argu-
influence executive aspirations for compensa- ment concerning the influence of internal and
tion. Rising aspirations relative to current external performance measures on risk bearing
compensation therefore would result in a loss could be extended to consider the locus of con-
context (i.e., relative deprivation), which could trol influences on reward designs in general.
trigger changes in executive risk preferences Finally, we place certain restrictive assump-
and behavior. Although these behaviors might tions on the model that should be given explicit
include pursuing firm strategies for raising firm attention in the future. In particular, we assume
performance (and, presumably, compensation that executives use and therefore perceive base
levels), they may also include entering the ex- pay differently from variable pay. We can easily
ecutive employment market. envision compensation designs where this dis-
Fama (1980) has suggested a market disciplin- tinction may be lost because of a heavy reliance
ary role that also could be included in BAM. He on variable pay in the form of commissions. We
argues for the existence of a market for execu- also assume shareholders are consistently risk
tives that disciplines executives into behaving neutral, even though we relax assumptions of
consistently with the preferences of principals. consistent risk preferences by agents. Accom-
Specifically, Fama's argument suggests that if modating variable risk preferences on the part
executives fail to perform adequately for their of diverse principals represents a further ave-
firms, or worse (e.g., they are associated with nue for extending BAM. Ultimately, these limits
performance declines), their future market value to the model present opportunities for further
suffers, thus lowering their future earning po- extensions and refinements, which we hope pro-
tential and even limiting their ability to find vide a stimulus for extending corporate gover-
future employment (Agrawal & Walking, 1994). nance research and more broadly agency-based
This argument raises another threat to execu- views of governance.
tive wealth—the threat to future earning poten-
tial—that also may result from selecting risky
firm strategies that the market may judge faulty
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Robert M. Wiseman is an assistant professor of strategic management in the Depart-

ment of Management at Arizona State University. He received his Ph.D. in strategic
management from the University of Minnesota. His current research interests include
modeling decision behavior under uncertainty and the role of risk in corporate gov-
ernance and decision making.
Luis R. Gomez-Mejia is the Dean's Council of 100 Distinguished Scholar and Professor
at the Arizona State University College of Business. He received his Ph.D. from the
University of Minnesota. His research interests are macro compensation issues, in-
cluding executive compensation and compensation strategy.

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