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Choose the letter of the best answer in each questions.

351. “At any point along a streamline in an ideal fluid in steady flow, the sum of the
pressure, the potential energy per unit volume and the kinetic energy per unit volume
have the same value.” The concept is known as

A. Bernoulli’s Energy Principles

B. Fluid theorem
C. Pascal’s theorem
D. Hydraulic theorem

352. The work done by all forces except the gravitational force is always equal to the
one of the system.

A. Total mechanical energy

B. Total potential energy
C. Total kinetic energy
D. Total momentum

353. When the two waves of the same frequency, speed and amplitude traveling in
opposite directions are superimposed,

A. the phase difference is always zero

B. distractive waves are produced
C. standing waves are produced
D. constructive interference always results to zero

354. According to this law, “The force between two charges varies directly as the
magnitude of each charge and inversely as the square of the distance between them.”

A. Law of Universal Gravitation

B. Newton’s Law
C. Inverse Square Law
D. Coulomb’s Law

355. It describes the luminous flux incidence per unit area and is expressed in lumens
per square meter.

A. Illuminance
B. Luminance
C. Luminous Intensity
D. Radiance

356. The fluid pressure is the same in all directions. This is known as

A. Pascal’s Principle
B. Bernoulli’s Theorem
C. Ideal Fluid Principle
D. Archimedes Principle

357. The amount of heat needed to change solid to liquid is

A. condensation
B. cold fusion
C. latent heat of fusion
D. solid fusion

358. At the boiling point of liquid, the vapor pressure

A. is equal to external pressure on the surface of the liquid

B. is greater than the atmospheric pressure
C. is less than the atmospheric pressure
D. can have any value

359. Which of the following thermometers is best suited for measuring a temperature
of nearly 1500oC?

A. Gas thermometer
B. Platinum resistance thermometer
C. Thermo couple thermometer
D. Mercury thermometer

360. The energy stored in a starched elastic material such as spring is

A. Mechanical energy
B. Elastic potential energy
C. Internal energy
D. Kinetic energy

361. In physics, if LF and LV are the latent heat of fusion and vaporization, respectively,
which of the following equations apply in determining the amount of energy needed
to freeze a liquid?

A. Q = -mif
B. Q = -miv
C. Q = mif
D. Q = miv

362. Which of the following is true? The density of water

A. Is maximum at 4oC
B. Decreases as the temperature is increased
C. Is minimum at 4oC
D. Increases with temperature

363. When the pitch of a note is raised then, its

A. frequency decreases
B. wavelength is increased
C. frequency increases
D. None of the above is true

364. Cohesion is the attraction between like

A. atom
B. element
C. compound
D. molecule

365. The quality known as specific heat is based on:

A. the increase in temperature due to induction

B. the heat needed for one pound of water to boil
C. the heat needed to increase the temperature to one gram of a substance one
degree Celsius
D. the amount of heat required to melt one kg of lead

366. On decreasing the pressure, the boiling point of water will

A. increase
B. remain unaffected
C. decrease
D. may increase/decrease depending on the pressure

367. When sugar is added to water, its boiling point

A. increases
B. remains unaffected
C. decreases
D. Any of the above is possible

368. Which one of the following processes of heat transfer requires the presence of a

A. conduction
B. convection
C. radiation
D. none of the above

369. When salt is added to water, its boiling point

A. increases
B. decreases
C. remains unaffected
D. may increase/decrease depending on the pressure

370. Which one of the following propagates with the same speed as speed of light?

A. The sound waves

B. The heat waves
C. The shock waves
D. The Beta rays

371. Which of the following is not true about sound waves?

A. They transmit the energy
B. They are propagated as a series of compressions and the rare fractions
C. They travel faster in air than in solids
D. They produce interference

372. Sound waves in air are

A. longitudinal
B. neither longitudinal nor transverse
C. transverse
D. stationary

373. Normal range of the frequency of sound, which the human beings can hear, is

A. Less than 20 Hz
B. More than 25,000 Hz
C. 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz
D. All of these

374. The loudness of sound depends upon its

A. Wavelength
B. Frequency
C. Amplitude
D. All of the above

375. Sound above the frequency of 20,000 Hz is called

A. Supersonic sound
B. Intrasonic sound
C. Hypersonic sound
D. Ultrasonic sound

376. The surface of the thermos flask is silvered for minimizing heat transfer by what

A. conduction
B. radiation
C. convection
D. vaporization

377. Water starts boiling when

A. Its temperature reaches 100oC

B. Its vapor pressure equals 76cm of mercury
C. Its saturated vapor pressure equals the external pressure on its surface
D. Its saturated vapor pressure is less than the atmospheric pressure

378. 500 gm of water at 4oC occupies a certain volume V. Which of the following
statements is correct?

A. It will weigh less than one pound of water at 0oC

B. It will weigh more than 500 gm of water at 0oC
C. Its volume will decrease when its temperature is lowered
D. Its volume will increase when its temperature is lowered or raised

379. Heat will flow from one body to another in thermal contact with it, when they
differ in

A. mass
B. specific mass
C. density
D. temperature

380. The amount of heat which is absorbed during the change of state of a substance
without rise in its temperature is called its

A. Specific heat
B. Latent heat
C. Thermal conductivity
D. Water equivalent

381. The scientist who systematically demonstrated the equivalence of mechanical

energy and heat was
A. Joule
B. Boltzmann
C. Faraday
D. Kelvin

382. On a sunny day at the beach, the sand gets so hot and the water stays relatively
cool is due to the difference in of water and sand.

A. density
B. specific heat
C. depth
D. thermal conductivity

383. The instrument, which measures temperature by radiation, is called

A. thermopile
B. thermometer
C. pyrometer
D. hydrometer

384. When the temperature of an ideal gas is increased at constant pressure,

A. the potential energy of molecules increases

B. the potential energy of molecules decreases
C. the kinetic energy of molecules increases
D. the kinetic energy of molecules decreases

385. The root mean square speed of the molecules of a gas is

A. independent of its pressure P

B. directly proportional to square root of P
C. directly proportional to the square of its temperature T
D. proportional to T

386. At what temperature do both the centigrade and Fahrenheit thermometers show
the same reading?

A. -38oC
B. -40oC
C. -42oC
D. -50oC

387. A mercury thermometer is constructed at

A. room temperature
B. a temperature higher than the maximum range of the thermometer
C. a temperature lower than the minimum range of the thermometer
D. atmospheric pressure

388. The boiling point of water on plains is 100oC. At hills it will be

A. 100oC
B. Less than 100oC
C. More than 100oC
D. May be any of the above

389. It is hotter over the top of a fire than at the same distance on the sides because

A. convection of heat
B. conduction of heat
C. radiation of heat
D. convection, conduction and radiation of heat

390. The density of water is

A. same at all temperature

B. maximum at 4oC
C. minimum at 4oC
D. maximum at 0oC

391. When a substance is heated, its

A. molecules move more slowly

B. molecules move more rapidly
C. there is no change in the speed of its molecules
D. its temperature always increases

392. When common salt is sprinkled on ice the temperature of ice

A. increases
B. decreases
C. remains unchanged
D. none of these

393. The minimum temperature which can be measured with a mercury thermometer

A. 0oC
B. -273oC
C. -39oC
D. -143oC

394. A wave in which the particles of the material move up and down as the waves
goes from left is called a

A. Longitudinal wave
B. Transverse wave
C. Standing wave
D. None of these

395. When waves go from one place to another they transport

A. Energy and matter

B. Wavelength and matter
C. Frequency only
D. Energy only

396. The phenomenon of damping results in decrease in

A. frequency
B. velocity
C. wavelength
D. amplitude
397. Echo is formed as a result of

A. refraction of sound
B. diffraction of sound
C. interference of sound
D. reflection of sound

398. The characteristic of sound which enables us to distinguish two musical notes
having the same frequency and loudness is called

A. pitch
B. intensity
C. timber
D. decibel

399. Which of the following could be a longitudinal wave?

A. electromagnetic waves
B. a sound wave in air
C. a water wave
D. waves on vibrating string

400. A Decibel is a

A. musical instrument
B. highest frequency emitted by a tuning fork
C. a measure of intensity level
D. a measure of clarity of sound

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Series of MCQs in General Engineering and Applied Science

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