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1.It provide the readers with a brief description of the over all research.

2. The required font number in writing your research paper.

3. This is the part where you display the identities or names of all writers or owners of ideas that
you incorporated in your research.
4. This section includes copies of the material like questionnaire, letters that you used in your
research paper.
5. It is the use of observation and background to reach a logical conclusion.
II. Write T if is true and F if is false.
6. A research paper presents the result of your investigation on your selected topic.
7. A recommendation should include discussion of the benefits to the organization.
8. The recommendation should not include specific statement on what should be done.
9. The conclusion should summarize your thoughts and convey the importance of the study.
10. The conclusion is a discussion of yoir ideas in your topic.
11. The findings should be textual generalization.
12. The highlights of the data should never be included in the summary.
13. New data should be introduced in the summary.
14. Conclusion should answer the question raised at the beginning of the investigation.
15. Conclusion should not point out what are factually learned from the inquiry.
III. Enumeration
16-17 Strategies on how to infer data
18-20 Techniques used in qualitative data collection

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