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A. Type of Business
1. Name
The product’s name is Potato Glazed Yema. We end up with that name because it is unique
and curiosity will lead them to try our product. And our company’s name is Yema Sweets.
2. Product
The product is a potato glazed yema,a product that will be introduced to the public for the
first time. A common yema is made of eggs, nuts and milk. In our product, we made a twist wherein
we replaced nuts with potato.
The capital of our business came from our savings. Developing a new product is difficult.
Before we started, we considered the things that the customers would like. Competing in the
market is hard, that is why we made sure that we improved the traditional yema.
B. Management, Marketing and Financial Highlights
Eleven young entrepreneurs are managing the business. Each will represent a role, which
is the managers; the general manager, the marketing manager, operations manager, and assistants,
finance manager and assistant, human resource manager and its assistant, production manager and
its assistant. Each of the managers will be handling their part accordingly. Every member should
participate and help each other, to ensure the efficiency of the business.
C. Socio-Economic Contributions
In terms of the business waste disposal, we will be segregating biodegradable from non-
biodegradable to ensure cleanliness and to help our mother earth. We, the proponents, will also
provide our own paper bag to ensure that it will be suitable for our product and to our customers.
We will also do our best to ensure the quality of our product and the safety of the customers and
our mother earth. In addition, about the kitchen scraps, these peels can be added to the compost
bin or used directly in the garden as a replacement for chemical fertilizers.

A. Market

JHS 342

SHS 3018

Total Population 3360

B. Target Market
Our main target would be the male and female Senior High School students of
PHINMA University of Pangasinan. This target market was chosen for we aim to sell a
product, which is not only delicious but also healthy for every student in the school. We
aimed to sell our product to these customers for we believed that most of these students
love sweets and our product is new to their taste since it has potatoes. We will also aim to
sell this product to some of Basic Education students and college students, who is into
something new. The product will be sold Php 3.00 each.

C. SWOT Analysis
 Prime location SP (Student’s Plaza), which is easy to access to
 Student friendly where students can afford it
 It is catchy and newly introduced
 High Quality product
 Uniqueness where it will only be purchased in our stall.

 Competitors who are famous in the campus
 Students who don’t like sweets

 School days
 Events in school

 Rising operation cost
 Competitors who are famous or well known

D. Competitor Description
Company Name Product Price

Kimmy Kim’s Yema Php 10.00

Sawrapped Sweets Mr Yema Php 12.00

Sw8soYummy Yeyemanin Php 15.00

E. Product Study
1. Product and product line
Our product is yema with a twist, wherein we replaced nuts with potatoes.
This product will be introduced to the public for the first time since it has a
unique twist. We make our yema into a whole new dessert to be enjoyed by
every customer, from kids to adults.
2. Brand name and brand mark

Our brand name is Potato Glazed Yema. We ended up with that name since
it is unique and it also lets customers be curious and lead them to try the product.
It’s signature line is “A treat for Sweets”
1. Wrapped in Colourful Cellophane
The product is wrapped in colourful cellophane to attract customers and to protect
it from exposure to foreign microorganisms that might spoil the product.
2. Potato Glazed Yema
The product potato glazed yema has now improved its filling that is newly
developed and newly introduced ever since made of potato.
3. Unique taste of Potato Glazed Yema
The product is newly introduced which has a unique taste that leaves a satisfaction
to you and its sweetness.

ADVANTAGE: We mixed the yema with potatoes since it contain antioxidants, may improve
blood sugar control, naturally gluten-free and extremely versatile.
1. Benefit
Potato Glazed Yema
1. Anti-oxidants properties
Potatoes are rich with mineral called selenium. It plays a role in liver enzyme function and helps
detoxify some cancer-causing compounds. Selenium also prevents inflammation and decreases

tumor growth rates. Moreover, it has vitamin D or where it plays important role in DNA synthesis
and repair thus prevents cancer cell formation.
2. Heart health
The fiber, potassium and vitamin C content in potato all contribute to cardiovascular health.
Potassium and sodium work together in body to help regulate blood pressure. Consuming potatoes,
which are high in potassium and low in sodium, helps to lower blood pressure and the risk of
cardiovascular diseases.
3. Weight management and satiety
Potato contains two types of dietary fiber in their cell walls, betaglucans and chitin. These
increase satiety and reduce appetite. By making you feel full longer, they reduce overall calorie
4. Boosts Immune System
An excellent source of vitamin C, eating potato can boost your immune system and protect
your body from a variety of illness and infections.
5. Protection of Eyes
Potato contains a good amount of nutrients lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamin C and vitamin E,
which can protect the eyes and help prevent such age-related macular degeneration.
6. Improves Digestion
The high water content of potato can also help improve digestion by reducing bloating and
easing digestion by reducing bloating and easing constipation. The fiber in this vegetable also
encourages regular bowel activity, which may help lower the risk of colon cancer.

1. Product package

2. Product design and style

F. Price study
1. Pricing strategy
Penetration pricing was used for we believe that it would be the best if we use a low
introductory price for our small business. The business is trying to survive the market to sustain
and keep business going. The pricing strategy was chosen to attract more customers for it is
affordable and worth it. It also determines the all cost associated with the products and adds up a
standard mark- up, which is 50% of the cost. The products may also involve systematic price
increase base on the materials used.
2. Price and Mark-up computation
Mark up percentage = Php 3.00 – Php 2.00 / Php 2.00 x 100 %
We achieved our desired mark-up percentage of 50% in which the unit cost is P2.00 has
1.00 to take from the sales price of P 3.00.
G. Place Study

We will put our booth at the Student Plaza, near the open field. We chose this place because it
is easily accessible by the population of the University. Many students pass by the place to buy
foods and to roam around. Student Plaza is a place where most students and teachers lounge and
eat their Lunch and on their recess or break time. It is to our advantage because the people who
are passing by the Plaza will be curious enough to see the available products.
H. Promotion Study

All customers have certain wants and desire when purchasing especially if it comes to food.
Some customers want products that are expensive, others are looking for items that are produced
sustainable, many will focus on quality of the product and ease of distribution and as well its
affordability. We, the Yema Sweets Company, emphasize that every aspect of our goods will based
on the likings of everyone. In order to find out what are these, we conducted a market research
survey to know what the students prefer.

While subjects will present specifically in this chapter, a marketing strategy is a living plan.
It needs a continual revision based on the new information or fad that we will learn on the process
of market research survey.
In the help of this, the gathered data could improve the product itself and the way it will be
advertise. The process of promoting also affects the sales of a business. It is how the entrepreneurs
introduce their product to the crowd and convince them to buy it especially if the product is new
to the crowd.
One of the ideal ways of promoting a study is having the product/s be on the logo of the
company. It helps reminds the market what you are selling and the product name also attracts them.
Another way is advertising it whether through word of mouth, flyers and social media.
In addition, we will be giving promos through discount coupons monthly for every purchase
of our product with a total of P80.00 and above. Moreover, for our special occasions promo, we
will make our products buy one take 1, in which the original price will reduce into half. We ensure
that even it is still affordable and the quality will be retained being on its high class.

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